Midterm and Finals Sba

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1. A requirement is a statement that identifies a necessary attribute, capacity, characteristic or quality of a

system for it to have value utility to a user.
2. A workshop is one of the most powerful techniques in gaining consensus on requirements.
3. A workshop requires good facilitation skills.
4. A standard Business Analyst format prioritizing requirements is through the MoSCoW technique.
5. An effective analysis of your requirements will allow you to understand what you need and what you
want in order for your project to be success.
6. Before embarking on any project, you will need to understand the internal and external factors that
can affect your proposed strategy.
7. Getting to a version of the truth requires interaction with key stakeholders through a well-balanced mix
of elicitation techniques.
8. In document review, files can be difficult to interpret correctly without input from individuals.
9. In interviews, large amounts of qualitative data can be hard to analyze.
10. In lanes, processes and decisions are grouped visually by placing them in lanes.
11. In the 9 process mapping questions, number 1 pertain to key inputs.
12. In the 9 process mapping questions, number 2 concerns about the main outputs.
13. In the 9 process mapping questions, number 3 relates to where the output go.
14. In the 9 process mapping questions, number 4 relates to what generates the process.
15. In the 9 process mapping questions, number 5 concerns about what decisions are made in the process.
16. In the 9 process mapping questions, number 6 relates to who perform each activity.
17. In the 9 process mapping questions, number 7 relates to who are the suppliers of the process.
18. In the 9 process mapping questions, number 8 relates to who are the customers of the process.
19. The figure containing six trees that we have discussed carries with it the question “Why do we need
requirements specification?”
20. The real world is usually complex and messy.
21. The role of business analyst is a Consultancy role.
22. You need an approach to process design that first lets you clearly see what’s happening – and the helps
you think about how the situation could be improves.
23. Your project’s business needs, and the stakeholder mix will determine which elicitation methods you
should use.
24. Interviews allow in depth discussion to enable you to extract detailed information from individuals. This
can often lead to an accurate understanding of the process.
25. Swim-lanes allows you to quickly and easily plot and trace processes and, in particular, the
interconnections between processes, departments and teams.
26. Surveys are useful for quickly gathering data from a large group of participants, particularly when
stakeholders are geographically dispersed.
27. Business re-engineering builds the optimum process first and then design the organization around it.
28. Surveys can take a long time to develop, and response rates cannot be guaranteed.
29. Process Design combines the objectives of each department in the business to create a repeatable set of
instructions to make the business run efficiently.
30. PEST Analysis describes a framework of macro-environmental factors used in the environmental
scanning component of strategic management.
31. Requirement describes what is wanted and what it will do.
32. Document Review enables you to understand the process and not the biased opinion of individuals.
33. Rick Pictures help visualize business processes.
34. Business Analysis is a research discipline of identifying business needs and determining solutions to
business problems.
35. SWOTAnalysis is a strategic planning technique used to help a person or organization identify
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to business competition or project planning.
36. Strategy is the direction and scope of an organization over the long-term.
37. Processes is the first key elements of Rich Picture.
38. Inputs is the second key elements of Rich Picture.
39. Process Design is used to develop efficient business practices.
40. Direction is where the business trying to get to in the long-term?
41. MUST HAVE means a requirement is obligatory.
42. COULD HAVE means that a requirement can more easily be left out of the
increment under development.
43. MUST HAVE means that a requirement is fundamental and must be met by the solution.
44. SHOULD HAVE means that if a requirement was not directly met by the
solution, there is a workaround that is acceptable to the business.
45. Advantage means that the business perform better than the competition in those markets.
46. Business Improvement normally assumes some pre-defined constraints
especially regarding organizational structure.
47. Solutions often include a systems development component, but may also
consist of process improvement, organizational change or strategic planning
and policy development.
48. Swim-lanes often referred to as cross-functional flowcharts.
49. Consultancy role pertains to the responsibility for investigating business systems,
identifying options for improving business systems and bridging the needs of the
business with the use of IT.
50. 60% - 80% of project failure can be attributed directly to poor requirements
1. In a figure shown in page 108, acceptance criteria is under PLAN
2. In a figure shown in page 108, actual results is under EXECUTE
3. In a figure shown in page 108, analyzing issue is under REVIEW
4. In a figure shown in page 108, correction is under REVIEW
5. In a figure shown in page 108, evaluation is under EXECUTE
6. In a figure shown in page 108, issue logging is under EXECUTE
7. In a figure shown in page 108, prioritization is under REVIEW
8. In a figure shown in page 108, task execution is under EXECUTE
9. In a figure shown in page 108, test plans is under PLAN
10. In a figure shown in page 108, test scripts is under PLAN

1. A contingency plan is employed in case something goes wrong.
2. The decision to go-live or not should not be taken lightly; it is without doubt one of the
most important decisions in the project lifecycle and getting it wrong can jeopardize the
success of the entire project.
3. The title of Chapter 6 is Business Readiness
4. Stakeholders and users should be trained, and training and support material available.
5. CUTOVER PLAN is the step by step plan and resource pool to support the go-live
issues and change management process – to prioritize fixes and improvements.
6. New ways of working should be defined and organizational structure aligned.
7. Business Process should be documented and communicated with clear roles and
8. SYSTEM should be fully tested, infrastructure in place, user logons and access right set
9. Master data should be set up, data migration complete and KPIs defined and agreed.
10. COMMUNICATION PLAN should be tailored to the audience, encouraging two-way

1. Before embarking on any project, you will need to understand the internal and external
factors that can affect your proposed strategy.
2. How testing will be managed, tracked and reported is one of the 9 areas that good test
strategy should highlight.
3. The success criteria for testing to be classified ‘passed’ or ‘fit for purpose’ is one of the 9
areas that a good test strategy should highlight.
4. The responsibilities of those undertaking the testing is one of the 9 areas that a good test
strategy should highlight.
5. The environment requirements of testing is one of the 9 areas that a good test strategy
should highlight.
6. The teams/people responsible for undertaking testing is one of the 9 areas that a good
test strategy should highlight.
7. The approach the needs to be taken is one of the 9 areas that a good test strategy should
8. The test stages that will be passed through is one of the 9 areas that a good test strategy
should highlight.
9. The conditions under which testing will take place is one of the 9 areas that a good test
strategy should highlight.
10. The role of business analyst is a consultancy role.
11. The title of Chapter 5 is Testing New Ways of Working
12. PEST Analysis describes a framework of macro-environmental factors used in the
environmental scanning component of strategic management.
13. Business Analysis is a research discipline of identifying business needs and determining
solutions to business problems.
14. SWOT Analysis is a strategic planning technique used to help a person or organization
identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to business competition
or project planning.
15. Strategy is the direction and scope of an organization over the long-term.
16. Testing is the practice of making objective judgments regarding the extent to which a
new system meets, exceeds or fails to meet stated objectives.
17. Direction is where the business trying to get to in the long-term?
18. Advantage means that the business perform better than the competition in those markets.
19. Solution often include a system development component, but may also consist of process
improvement, organizational change or strategic planning and policy development.
20. Consultancy role pertains to the responsibility for investigating business systems,
identifying options for improving business systems and bridging the needs of the business
with the use of IT.

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