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Artificial Intelligence
Basic Problem Solving in Machine Learning
Learning in Artificial Intelligence

 Learning is the ability of an intelligent agent, to improve

its behaviour, based on experience.
 This means:
 The range of behaviours / tasks is expanded (the agent can
do more).
 The accuracy of tasks is improved (the agent can do things
 The speed is improved (the agent can do things faster).

Source: What is Machine Learning?

Machine Learning

 Machine learning is the field of study, that gives

computers (machines) the capability to learn, without
being explicitly programmed.
 Machine learning algorithms build a mathematical model
based on sample data (known as training data).
 This mathematical model, enables the machine to
perform tasks (make predictions / decisions), without
explicitly programmed to do so.
Learning Tasks
Why Machine Needs to ‘Learn’?

 Human expertise does not exist.

 Example: navigating on Mars.
 Humans are unable to explain their expertise.
 Example: speech recognition.
 Solution changes in time.
 Example: routing on a computer network.
 Solution needs to be adapted to cases.
 Example: user biometrics.
Types of Machine Learning Algorithm

 Machine learning algorithms can be traditionally

categorized into three broad categories:

Supervised Unsupervised Reinforcement

Learning Learning Learning
Types of Machine Learning Algorithm
1. Supervised Learning

 Supervised learning algorithms build a mathematical

model of a set of training data.
 The training data contains both the inputs and the desired
 The goal is to learn a general rule that maps inputs to
 The training process continues until the model achieves
the desired level of accuracy on the training data.
Types of Machine Learning Algorithm
1. Supervised Learning
Types of Machine Learning Algorithm
1. Supervised Learning

 Most common algorithms:

Support Vector Logistic Naive Bayes

Linear Regression
Machine (SVM) Regression Classifier

Artificial Neural
Linear k-Nearest
Network (ANN) –
Discriminant Decision Trees Neighbours
Analysis (LDA) (k-NN)
Perceptron (MLP)
Types of Machine Learning Algorithm
1. Supervised Learning

 Example application for classification:

 Credit scoring
Types of Machine Learning Algorithm
1. Supervised Learning

 Example application for classification:

 Face recognition
Types of Machine Learning Algorithm
1. Supervised Learning

 Example application for classification:

 Character recognition – identify handwriting style
Types of Machine Learning Algorithm
1. Supervised Learning

 Example application for classification:

 Speech recognition

Sound Wave
Types of Machine Learning Algorithm
1. Supervised Learning

 Example application for classification:

 Gesture recognition
Types of Machine Learning Algorithm
1. Supervised Learning

 Example application for classification:

 Medical diagnosis
Types of Machine Learning Algorithm
1. Supervised Learning

 Example application for classification:

 Brainwaves interpretation
Types of Machine Learning Algorithm
1. Supervised Learning

 Example application for classification:

 Reading text
Types of Machine Learning Algorithm
1. Supervised Learning

 Example application for regression:

 Used-car price prediction
Types of Machine Learning Algorithm
1. Supervised Learning

 Example application for regression:

 Kinematics of a robotic arm
Types of Machine Learning Algorithm
2. Unsupervised Learning

 Unsupervised learning algorithms take a set of data that

contains only inputs, and find structure in the data, like
grouping / clustering of data points.
 The algorithms, therefore, learn from test data that has
not been labelled, classified / categorized.
Types of Machine Learning Algorithm
2. Unsupervised Learning
Types of Machine Learning Algorithm
2. Unsupervised Learning

 Most common algorithms:

Principal Singular Value Independent
Component Decomposition Component
Analysis (SVD) Analysis
Types of Machine Learning Algorithm
2. Unsupervised Learning

 Example application for clustering:

 Customer segmentation – company applies different
marketing strategy for different customer groups / clusters.

Customers who watched

this item (The Imitation
Game) also watched …
Types of Machine Learning Algorithm
2. Unsupervised Learning

 Example application for anomaly detection:

 Fraud detection – system is trained with a lot of normal
instances; so, when it sees an unusual instance, it can
detect whether it is an anomaly / not.
Types of Machine Learning Algorithm
3. Reinforcement Learning

 Reinforcement learning is a learning method that interacts

with its environment by producing actions and discovers
errors / rewards.
 Trial and error search, and delayed reward are the most
relevant characteristics of reinforcement learning.
Types of Machine Learning Algorithm
3. Reinforcement Learning
Types of Machine Learning Algorithm
3. Reinforcement Learning

 This method allows machines and software agents to

automatically determine the ideal behaviour within a
specific context to maximize its performance.
 Simple reward feedback is required for the agent to learn
which action is best; this is known as the reinforcement
Types of Machine Learning Algorithm
3. Reinforcement Learning

 Example application:
 Play games

Deep Blue AlphaGo

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