Final Inception Report_Road User Satisfaction Survey_20240630

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Government of Nepal

Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport

Department of Roads
Development Cooperation Implementation Division
Accelerating Transport and Trade Connectivity in Eastern South Asia
(ACCESS) – Nepal Phase 1 Project
Road User Satisfaction Survey and Preparation of Necessary Reports
(Contract No.: ACCESS-DOR-BGC-QCBS-37)

Survey Locations along Butwal-Gorusinghe-Chandrauta Road


Submitted By: Submitted To:
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport
Sukedhara, Kathmandu, Nepal
Department of Roads
Phone: 01-4374743, 01-4373625
Development Cooperation Implementation Division
Mobile: +977-9801882059
Babarmahal, Kathmandu
Email: Phone: 01-5903753
Website: Email:

MAY 2024
Name of the Project Accelerating Transport and Trade Connectivity in Eastern South
(Contract No.: ACCESS-DOR-BGC-QCBS-37)
Project Implementing Agency Government of Nepal
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport (MOPIT)
Department of Roads (DoR)
Development Cooperation Implementation Division (DCID)
Name of the Consultant SOILTEST-GEC JV
Project Commencement Date 14-Apr-2024

Name of the Report Final Inception Report on Road User Satisfaction Survey under
Accelerating Transport and Trade Connectivity in Eastern
South Asia (ACCESS)
No. of Volumes 1/1
Version No. 1
Date of submission 29-May-2024
No. of copies produced For Client: 6 (Six)

Submission Type Hard Copy

Accelerating Transport and Trade Connectivity in Eastern South Asia (ACCESS) – Nepal Phase 1 Project
[IDA Credit 7159-NP]
Road User Satisfaction Survey and Preparation of Necessary Reports [ACCESS-DOR-BGC-QCBS-37]

1. INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................................1

1.1. Background ..............................................................................................................................1

1.2. Project Parties and Contract ...................................................................................................1

2. OBJECTIVES AND SCOPE OF PROJECT ..................................................................................1

2.1. Scope of Works.........................................................................................................................1

3. OBJECTIVES OF THIS REPORT ................................................................................................2

4. PROJECT LOCATION ..................................................................................................................2

5. METHODOLOGY ..........................................................................................................................4

5.1. Desk Study................................................................................................................................6

RUSS Reports ....................................................................................................................6

Study of available AADT of roads under the project ...........................................................6

Study of relevant DoR publications, other national and international publications ............... 6

5.2. Selection of Proposed Survey Locations on the given Road Networks ...................................6

5.3. Survey Attributes .....................................................................................................................9

Road Condition ..................................................................................................................9

Traffic and Safety ...............................................................................................................9

Infrastructure and Facilities ................................................................................................9

Environmental and Aesthetic Aspects ............................................................................... 10

Accessibility and Connectivity.......................................................................................... 10

Emergency Services ......................................................................................................... 10

Green Resilient Corridor (GRID Approach) ...................................................................... 10

5.4. Sampling Design ..................................................................................................................... 10

Sampling Methods............................................................................................................ 10

Sample Size...................................................................................................................... 10

5.5. Target Groups ........................................................................................................................ 14

Motorized Transportation Users........................................................................................ 14

Non- Motorized Commuters ............................................................................................. 14

Relevant Government and Non-Governmental Organization/ Association ......................... 15

5.6. Methods for Data Collection .................................................................................................. 16

Accelerating Transport and Trade Connectivity in Eastern South Asia (ACCESS) – Nepal Phase 1 Project
[IDA Credit 7159-NP]
Road User Satisfaction Survey and Preparation of Necessary Reports [ACCESS-DOR-BGC-QCBS-37]
Questionnaires and Surveys .............................................................................................. 16

Interviews and Focus Group Discussion............................................................................ 17

Observational Studies ....................................................................................................... 17

Workshops and Public Meetings ....................................................................................... 17

Non-response Rate ........................................................................................................... 17

5.7. Computation of Satisfaction Level......................................................................................... 17

Likert Scale ...................................................................................................................... 17

Weightage/ Percentage factors for each attribute ............................................................... 17

Regression Model of Overall Satisfaction ......................................................................... 18

Data Validation ................................................................................................................ 18

Presentation of Results ..................................................................................................... 18

6. PILOT SURVEY ........................................................................................................................... 19

6.1. Selection of Survey Location for Pilot Survey ....................................................................... 19

Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT) ............................................................................ 21

Geographical Location of the road .................................................................................... 22

6.2. Sample Size for Pilot survey .................................................................................................. 23

6.3. Target groups for Pilot Survey .............................................................................................. 23

Motorized Transportation Users........................................................................................ 23

Non-Motorized Commuters .............................................................................................. 24

Governmental/Non-Relevant Organization/Associations ................................................... 24

6.4. Trainings to the Enumerators/ Surveyors ............................................................................. 24

6.5. Modification of survey methodology and questionnaires...................................................... 25

7. REPORTING METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................ 25

7.1. Final Inception Report ........................................................................................................... 25

7.2. Pilot Survey Report ................................................................................................................ 25

7.3. Draft Report on Road Base-line Survey ................................................................................ 26

7.4. Final Report on Road Base-line Survey................................................................................. 26

7.5. Draft Report on Road End-line Survey and Road User Satisfaction Report ....................... 26

7.6. Final Report on Road End-line Survey and Final Road User Satisfaction Report .............. 27

8. PRESENTATION METHODOLOGY ......................................................................................... 27

Accelerating Transport and Trade Connectivity in Eastern South Asia (ACCESS) – Nepal Phase 1 Project
[IDA Credit 7159-NP]
Road User Satisfaction Survey and Preparation of Necessary Reports [ACCESS-DOR-BGC-QCBS-37]
8.1. Final Inception Report ........................................................................................................... 27

8.2. Draft Report on Road Base-line Survey ................................................................................ 27

8.3. Final Report on Road Base-line Survey................................................................................. 27

8.4. Draft Report on Road End-line Survey and Road User Satisfaction Report ....................... 27

8.5. Final Report on Road End-line Survey and Final Road User Satisfaction Report .............. 28

9. TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY METHODOLOGY ................................................................ 28

9.1. Transfer of Knowledge........................................................................................................... 28

9.2. Methods .................................................................................................................................. 28

9.3. Areas ....................................................................................................................................... 28

10. WORK PLAN ............................................................................................................................ 29

10.1. Office Establishment .......................................................................................................... 29

10.2. Planning for Team Mobilization ........................................................................................ 30

10.3. Work Schedule ................................................................................................................... 30

Phase I: Road Base-line Survey ........................................................................................ 30

Phase II: Road End line Survey......................................................................................... 31

11. GREEN RESILIENT CORRIDOR (GRID APPROACH) ...................................................... 34

12. CONCLUSION .......................................................................................................................... 34

13. BIBLIOGRAPHY ...................................................................................................................... 35

Figure 4.1: Project Location Map showing affected districts and municipalities (Source: Department of
Survey, 2024) ............................................................................................................................................3
Figure 4.2: Google Earth image showing project location, Butwal-Gorusinghe-Chandrauta .......................4
Figure 5.1: Working Methodology of Road User Satisfaction Survey.........................................................5
Figure 5.2: Survey locations along Butwal-Gorusinghe-Chandrauta Road ..................................................8
Figure 5.3: Key survey attributes ...............................................................................................................9
Figure 5.4: Map showing wards and municipalities affected by Gorusinghe-Chandrauta section .............. 13
Figure 6.1: Map showing the alignment for Pilot Survey and its location from main survey route............. 20
Figure 6.2: Comparison of AADT of identified Pilot Survey locations and roads links under BGC road ... 22

Accelerating Transport and Trade Connectivity in Eastern South Asia (ACCESS) – Nepal Phase 1 Project
[IDA Credit 7159-NP]
Road User Satisfaction Survey and Preparation of Necessary Reports [ACCESS-DOR-BGC-QCBS-37]
Table 5.1: Distribution of Butwal-Gorusinghe-Chandrauta Road across the affected districts .....................7
Table 5.2: Selected survey locations along the Butwal-Gorusinghe-Chandrauta Road ................................7
Table 5.3: Estimation of sample size for Butwal-Gorusinghe section........................................................ 11
Table 5.4: Estimation of sample size for Gorusinghe-Chandrauta section ................................................. 11
Table 5.5: Affected municipalities and wards of Gorusinghe-Chandrauta section ..................................... 12
Table 5.6: Target Group for Survey ......................................................................................................... 15
Table 5.7: Colour-code used in questionnaires for each target group ........................................................ 16
Table 5.8 Rating of Users Responses ....................................................................................................... 17
Table 6.1: AADT of road links under Butwal-Gorusinghe-Chandrauta Road............................................ 21
Table 6.2: List of road links having AADT similar to Butwal-Gorusinghe-Chandrauta Road.................... 21
Table 6.3: Geographical location of various road links ............................................................................. 23
Table 9.1 Technology Transfer Approach ................................................................................................ 28
Table 10.1: Office Location ..................................................................................................................... 29
Table 10.2: Project Team ......................................................................................................................... 30
Table 10.3: Deliverables of Road Base-line Survey.................................................................................. 30
Table 10.4: Deliverables of Road End-line Survey ................................................................................... 31

APPENDIX A1: Format of Questionnaires to be used in the survey for Motorized Transportation Users

APPENDIX A2: Format of Questionnaires to be used in the survey for Non-Motorized Commuters

APPENDIX A3: Format of Questionnaires to be used in the survey for Relevant Government and Non-
Governmental Organization/ Association

Accelerating Transport and Trade Connectivity in Eastern South Asia (ACCESS) – Nepal Phase 1 Project
[IDA Credit 7159-NP]
Road User Satisfaction Survey and Preparation of Necessary Reports [ACCESS-DOR-BGC-QCBS-37]

AADT : Average Annual Daily Traffic

ACCESS : Accelerating Transport and Trade Connectivity in Eastern South Asia

B-G : Butwal-Gorusinghe

BGC : Butwal-Gorusinghe-Chandrauta

CBS : Central Bureau of Statistics

DCID : Development Cooperation Implementation Division

DoR : Department of Roads

G-C : Gorusinghe-Chandrauta

GoN : Government of Nepal

GRID : Green, Resilient, and Inclusive Development

IRC : Indian Road Congress

IRI : International Roughness Index

km : kilometers

MoPIT : Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport

NH : National Highway

NPHC : National Population and Housing Census

RUSI : Road User Satisfaction Index

RUSS : Road User Satisfaction Survey

SDI : Surface Distress Index

ToR : Terms of Reference

Accelerating Transport and Trade Connectivity in Eastern South Asia (ACCESS) – Nepal Phase 1 Project
[IDA Credit 7159-NP]
Road User Satisfaction Survey and Preparation of Necessary Reports [ACCESS-DOR-BGC-QCBS-37]

1.1. Background
Nepal, being a landlocked country, primarily relies on road connectivity for its economic and social
growth. The major concern of Government of Nepal (GoN) is to formulate the strategies to increase
competitiveness and growth through better road connectivity and trade facilitation. It is an important
aspect to collect the response and feedback from road users to monitor the awareness and satisfaction
towards the current road, which can be applied in future policy making and strategic road development.

Butwal-Gorusinghe-Chandrauta Road is a major part of East-West highway in Western Nepal. The

upgradation of this road section is expected to enhance the regional trade and sustainable economic

Development Cooperation Implementation Division (DCID), within Department of Roads (DoR),

intends to conduct Road User Satisfaction Survey along Butwal-Gorusinghe-Chandrauta Road section
to ensure that the concerns and interests of the road users are considered in the design, construction and
operation of this road.

1.2. Project Parties and Contract

The project is implemented by DCID, DoR through MoPIT and is funded by World Bank. DCID, DoR
has commissioned SOILTEST-GEC JV to undertake the Road User Satisfaction Survey of Butwal-
Gorusinghe-Chandrauta Road and prepare necessary reports.

The contract was signed on the 14th day of the month of April, 2024 between DCID, DoR and
SOILTEST-GEC JV to carry out Road User Satisfaction Survey and Preparation of Necessary
Reports with contract number of ACCESS-DOR-BGC-QCBS-37.


The major objective of this project is to conduct Road User Satisfaction Survey along the Butwal-
Gorusinghe-Chandrauta road to collect the perceptions of road users on existing road sections, their
expectations and the response of the road users after the completion of road construction, making it a
citizen engagement approach.

2.1. Scope of Works

The scope of works of this project is to undertake the Road User Satisfaction Survey along 69.9 km of
Butwal-Gorusinghe-Chandrauta (BGC) road. The survey will be undertaken in two different phases as

1. Prior to the commencement of construction of BGC road (Road Base-line Survey)

Accelerating Transport and Trade Connectivity in Eastern South Asia (ACCESS) – Nepal Phase 1 Project
[IDA Credit 7159-NP]
Road User Satisfaction Survey and Preparation of Necessary Reports [ACCESS-DOR-BGC-QCBS-37]
2. 6 months after the completion of construction of BGC road (Road End-line Survey)
In order to achieve the objectives of the project, SOILTEST-GEC JV will:

i. Prepare the survey methodology and plan, finalize it in consultation with DCID, DoR
and conduct the survey based on the approved survey methodology and plan
ii. Propose and finalize the survey attributes and questionnaires to be used during the
survey and finalize it to use in the survey
iii. Finalize the pilot survey location to undertake the Road User Satisfaction Survey at
approved location
iv. Undertake the Road User Satisfaction Survey at BGC road prior to the commencement
of construction incorporating findings from the Road User Satisfaction Survey at the
pilot location and 6 months after the completion of construction
v. Calculate the Road User Satisfaction levels with the finalized Calculation Methodology
vi. Prepare the reports of each survey and make presentation as required in ToR


This inception report presents the approach and methodologies of a consultant to undertake each of the
scope as given under the contract of this project.

This also includes the formats and questionnaires to be used during the survey and data processing
phase. These are very critical to be presented to the client during this stage for their perusal to give us
a go ahead to officially start the project. This report also includes the project schedule with the planned
delivery dates of the milestones as per ToR.

Additionally, any, if existing subject matter is deemed to be critical by the consultant to bring into the
attention of client has been discussed in this inception report, so that such issues can be jointly decided
for the most optimal outcome.

Last but not the least, this report includes the status of progress of project till the date of submission of
this inception report.

Butwal-Gorusinghe-Chandrauta (BGC) road is a section of East-West Highway (NH01). It starts from
at Butwal (Ch. 589+700 of East-West Highway), near Tinau Bridge, passes through Gorusinghe (Ch.
639+700) and ends at Chandrauta, making the project length of approximately 69.9 km. The project
area is located in Rupandehi and Kapilbastu district of Lumbini Province. The project corridor traverses
through the Butwal Sub-Metropolitan City, Sainamaina Municipality and Kanchan Rural Municipality
of Rupandehi district and Banganga, Budhabhumi and Shivaraj Municipalities of Kapilbastu district.
The location map of BGC road is presented in Figure 4.1 below.

Accelerating Transport and Trade Connectivity in Eastern South Asia (ACCESS) – Nepal Phase 1 Project
[IDA Credit 7159-NP]
Road User Satisfaction Survey and Preparation of Necessary Reports [ACCESS-DOR-BGC-QCBS-37]

Figure 4.1: Project Location Map showing affected districts and municipalities (Source: Department of Survey, 2024)

Accelerating Transport and Trade Connectivity in Eastern South Asia (ACCESS) – Nepal Phase 1 Project
[IDA Credit 7159-NP]
Road User Satisfaction Survey and Preparation of Necessary Reports [ACCESS-DOR-BGC-QCBS-37]

Figure 4.2: Google Earth image showing project location, Butwal-Gorusinghe-Chandrauta

(Source: Google Earth, 2024)

The methodology adopted for the Road User Satisfaction Survey involves desk study based on the
available information from various previous reports and Centre of Bureau of Statistics, Nepal. The
survey locations are identified to capture majority of stakeholders in the project area.

The survey attributes are finalized considering various aspects affecting the satisfaction of a road user.
The attributes considered for this study are mainly seven. They are Road Condition, Traffic and Safety,
Infrastructure and Facilities, Environmental and Aesthetic Aspects, Accessibility and Connectivity,
Emergency Services and Green Resilient Corridor (GRID Approach).

The sampling methods are then identified to determine the sample size and target groups following non
random sampling or purposive sampling. The non-random sampling follows a particular set of
conditions and is generally used in studies where the sample needs to be collected based on a specific
characteristic of the population. The responses from the target groups will be collected via
questionnaires, focus group discussion, observational studies and public meetings. The questionnaires
to collect the responses are prepared focusing on each target group i.e., motorized transportation users,
non-motorized commuters and relevant governmental and non-governmental organization/associations.
Likert scale is used to collect the responses of road users on each attribute. Satisfaction level on each
attribute of each road user will be calculated and overall satisfaction will be determined by allocating
weightage for each attribute based on the responses of selected samples, previous studies and expert’s
knowledge. An attempt shall be made to validate the results of the survey data.

The methodology of road user satisfaction survey can be illustrated as follows:

Accelerating Transport and Trade Connectivity in Eastern South Asia (ACCESS) – Nepal Phase 1 Project
[IDA Credit 7159-NP]
Road User Satisfaction Survey and Preparation of Necessary Reports [ACCESS-DOR-BGC-QCBS-37]

Figure 5.1: Working Methodology of Road User Satisfaction Survey

Accelerating Transport and Trade Connectivity in Eastern South Asia (ACCESS) – Nepal Phase 1 Project
[IDA Credit 7159-NP]
Road User Satisfaction Survey and Preparation of Necessary Reports [ACCESS-DOR-BGC-QCBS-37]
5.1. Desk Study
Desk study included the study of past years survey reports undertaken by Road Board Nepal, study of
traffic count data and relevant DoR publications. Following desk studies have been performed during
the preparation of this inception report.

RUSS Reports
• Road-User Satisfaction Survey-I, 2006; Road Board Nepal
• Road-User Satisfaction Survey-II, 2013; Road Board Nepal
• Road-User Satisfaction Survey-III, 2017; Road Board Nepal
• National Road User Satisfaction Survey, 2018-19, England
• Data Collection Survey on Traffic Improvement in Kathmandu Valley, 2012, JICA
• The 2021 Road User Satisfaction Survey Report, 2021, The Republic of Uganda

Study of available AADT of roads under the project

• AADT of various road links under the project have been studied to refine the project plan.
The target sample size of the survey at selected stations have been set based on the AADT
at nearby road links. Similarly, the pilot survey location has been selected based on the
AADT of road links under the project road. The website of SSRN, DoR
( was referred to obtain the traffic volume data and road network
distribution along the project road.

Study of relevant DoR publications, other national and international publications

All the relevant standards, guidelines and publication of DoR and other national and international
publications were reviewed to get valuable insights about the project. Some examples of such
publications are:
• Nepal Road Standard 2070.
• IRC: 9-1972, Traffic Census on Non-Urban Roads.
• IRC: SP:19-2001, Manual for Survey, Investigation and Preparation of Road Projects.
• The Analysis of National Road User Satisfaction in Urban Areas (Case Study of the PGC-
KRAMAT JATI-GRAHA CIJANTUNG Route, Jakarta), 2023, Indonesian Journal of
Multidisciplinary Science.
• World Bank's Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers, Fourth Edition-November
2020, The World Bank.
• Upgrading of Butwal-Gorusinghe Road Section of the East-West Highway, Resettlement
Action Plan. Accelerating Transport and Trade Connectivity in Eastern South Asia- Nepal
Phase I. September 2022.

5.2. Selection of Proposed Survey Locations on the given Road Networks

Butwal-Gorusinghe-Chandrauta (BGC) road is a section of East-West Highway (NH01). There are six
different road links of National Highway within Butwal-Gorusinghe-Chandrauta Road as per the
categorization by DoR. The distribution of these road links along the districts of the project area shows
that approximately 40% of road section is in Rupandehi district and approximately 60% in Kapilvastu

Accelerating Transport and Trade Connectivity in Eastern South Asia (ACCESS) – Nepal Phase 1 Project
[IDA Credit 7159-NP]
Road User Satisfaction Survey and Preparation of Necessary Reports [ACCESS-DOR-BGC-QCBS-37]
Table 5.1: Distribution of Butwal-Gorusinghe-Chandrauta Road across the affected districts

Districts along the Length of road Total road length Road length passing
Road links
project corridor (km) (km) through these districts (%)
NH01-047 9.55
Rupandehi 26.8 38.34%
NH01-048 17.24
NH01-049 4.92
NH01-050 14.6
Kapilvastu 43.1 61.66%
NH01-051 19.3
NH01-052 4.3
Total 69.9
The number of survey stations have been allocated as per the portion of the road length sections in each
of the district. Altogether 10 survey locations are selected on major intersections and city areas to
include maximum number of public responses in the survey. Road User Satisfaction Survey will be
conducted at the survey locations mentioned in Table 5.2.

Table 5.2: Selected survey locations along the Butwal-Gorusinghe-Chandrauta Road

Road Link Id
S.N. Latitude Longitude Description Remarks District
of BGC Road
1 27˚41'54.39" N 83˚27'55.24" E Mahendra Chowk NH01-047 Major City Area Rupandehi

2 27˚41'21.89" N 83˚26'39.41" E Jholunge Pul Bus Stop NH01-047 Major City Area Rupandehi

3 27˚41'14.81" N 83˚20'30.73" E At Murgiya Bazaar NH01-048 Major City Area Rupandehi

4 27˚42'09.84" N 83˚15'56.41" E At Saljhandi bazaar NH01-048 City Area Rupandehi

5 27˚41'12.08" N 83˚10'41.00" E At Charnumber Major City Area Kapilvastu
6 27˚40'38.64" N 83˚07'17.76" E Koile Bangain NH01-050 City Area Kapilvastu

7 27˚39'42.88" N 83˚02'28.70" E Gorusinge Bazaar NH01-051 Major City Area Kapilvastu

8 27˚39'36.21" N 82˚59'17.42" E At Imiliya NH01-051 Major City Area Kapilvastu

9 27˚38'36.00" N 82˚53'37.49" E At Khairenipur NH01-051 City Area Kapilvastu

10 27˚38'56.58" N 82˚51'52.13" E Chandrauta Chowk NH01-052 Major City Area Kapilvastu

These areas are located along the Butwal-Gorusinghe-Chandrauta Road alignment and presented below.

Accelerating Transport and Trade Connectivity in Eastern South Asia (ACCESS) – Nepal Phase 1 Project
[IDA Credit 7159-NP]
Road User Satisfaction Survey and Preparation of Necessary Reports [ACCESS-DOR-BGC-QCBS-37]

Figure 5.2: Survey locations along Butwal-Gorusinghe-Chandrauta Road

Accelerating Transport and Trade Connectivity in Eastern South Asia (ACCESS) – Nepal Phase 1 Project
[IDA Credit 7159-NP]
Road User Satisfaction Survey and Preparation of Necessary Reports [ACCESS-DOR-BGC-QCBS-37]
5.3. Survey Attributes
Conducting a Road User Satisfaction Survey for the Butwal-Gorusinghe-Chandrauta section of Mahendra
Highway, Nepal, requires a comprehensive set of attributes to capture the diverse aspects of user experiences.
The key survey attributes considered in the preparation of questionnaires are presented in Figure 5.3.

Road Traffic and

Condition Safety

Green Resilient
Corridor (GRID
Survey and Facilities

and Aesthetic


Figure 5.3: Key survey attributes

Road Condition
• Overall, Road Surface Quality (e.g., smoothness, presence of potholes)
• Road Markings and Signage (visibility and clarity)
• Lane Width and Shoulder Condition
• Pavement Condition during Different Weather Conditions

Traffic and Safety

• Traffic Congestion Levels (e.g., frequency and severity of traffic jams)
• Safety Measures and Features (e.g., guardrails, pedestrian crossings)
• Accident History or Perceived Risk (feeling of safety while traveling)
• Effectiveness of Traffic Management (e.g., traffic signals, roundabouts)
• Presence and Behavior of Traffic Police

Infrastructure and Facilities

• Availability and Condition of Rest Stops and Service Areas
• Availability of Public Transportation (buses, taxis)
• Condition and Availability of Footpaths and Cycle Lanes
• Lighting Conditions at Night

Accelerating Transport and Trade Connectivity in Eastern South Asia (ACCESS) – Nepal Phase 1 Project
[IDA Credit 7159-NP]
Road User Satisfaction Survey and Preparation of Necessary Reports [ACCESS-DOR-BGC-QCBS-37]
Environmental and Aesthetic Aspects
• Cleanliness and Maintenance of the Road and Surroundings
• Noise Levels (e.g., from traffic)
• Air Quality (perceived pollution levels)

Accessibility and Connectivity

• Ease of Access to Key Locations (e.g., towns, villages, landmarks)
• Connectivity with Other Major Roads and Highways
• Signage for Directions and Distance Indicators

Emergency Services
• Availability and Visibility of Emergency Services (e.g., ambulance, roadside assistance)
• Response Time and Effectiveness of Emergency Services

Green Resilient Corridor (GRID Approach)

• Wildlife accident issues,
• Road safety to reduce Human-Wildlife conflicts,
• Road disturbance by the disaster events like landslide, flood, extreme weather events, etc.
• Adequate signage for warning of wildlife crossing
• Addressing the wildlife conservation concerns by highway authority
• Wildlife crossing structure, underpass and over pass

5.4. Sampling Design

To design an effective Road User Satisfaction Survey (RUSS) for the Butwal-Gorusinghe-Chandrauta road
section of the Mahendra Highway before the commencement of upgrading work, we need to consider the
sampling methods applied to define our sample size that represents the characteristics reflects the target

Sampling Methods
Road User Satisfaction Survey is performed based on non-probability purposive sampling method in which
the respondents are purposively selected from the universe of BGC road users. The selection depends upon
availability, geographical proximity and expert’s knowledge on the survey of similar scope. Flexibility in
selection of respondents provides an opportunity to select the target groups that are more relevant to the
given road section. Hence, this method will be effective in collecting meaningful feedbacks from the road
users and determine their satisfaction ratio.

Sample Size
The universe for the survey needs to be large enough to ensure statistical reliability and validity of the results.
A target sample size shall be up to 5% of average traffic of 14777 vpd along the BGC road (SSRN 2022/23).

For the non-motorized target group, a sample size up to 5% of the total population directly affected by the
BGC road will be considered.

Accelerating Transport and Trade Connectivity in Eastern South Asia (ACCESS) – Nepal Phase 1 Project
[IDA Credit 7159-NP]
Road User Satisfaction Survey and Preparation of Necessary Reports [ACCESS-DOR-BGC-QCBS-37] Adopted methodology for estimating sample size for Butwal-Gorusinghe section
A total of 120 households (HHs) will be directly affected by the upgradation of 50 km Butwal-Gorusinghe
road (page 8, chapter 1 of RAP, BG road, September 2022). The average household size is 5.5 (page 17,
chapter 2 of RAP, BG road, September 2022). Hence, the total population of 660 nos. will serve as universe
for Butwal-Gorusinghe road section. The approximate sample size up to 5 % of affected population will be
taken during the road user satisfaction survey.

Table 5.3: Estimation of sample size for Butwal-Gorusinghe section

Affected HH Household size

Population affected by
(Page 8, chapter (Page 17, chapter
Road Total Butwal-Gorusinghe road Sample
Household 1 of RAP, BG 2 of RAP, BG
section population (Universe for Road User size
road, September road, September
Satisfaction Survey)
2022) 2022)
Up to
B-G 54600 219906 120 5.5 660 33 Adopted methodology for estimating sample size for Gorusinghe-Chandrauta section
The RAP of the Gorusinghe-Chandrauta section is not available to us (this study group) during the
preparation of this report. Hence, an approach of considering population within the Direct Impact Area or
taking certain percentage of the total population will be adopted to estimate the sample size.

The Direct Impact Area of the alignment will be taken as 25 m on either side from the centerline of the
alignment for Highways (National Road Standard, 2070). This will represent approximately 1.75 sq. km. of
area along the alignment. Similarly, the extraction of data from CBS can draw some estimated conclusion in
considering the population size of Gorusinghe-Chandrauta section of the alignment.

However, these approaches shall be validated after the RAP of Gorusinghe-Chandrauta section has been
concluded, given it occurs within the study period. Additionally, this shall be validated by DoR.

As in Butwal-Gorusinghe section, using the proportional translation into the Gorusinghe-Chandrauta section,
we have deduced the affected households and population size as below so that our survey will target up to
5% of affected population, depending upon the demographics.

Table 5.4: Estimation of sample size for Gorusinghe-Chandrauta section

Road section Household Total population Affected HH Affected Population Sample size

G-C 12468 61176 27 184 Up to 10

The wards and municipalities affected during the upgradation / construction of Gorusinghe-Chandrauta
section have been listed as per the website in Table 5.5 below.

Accelerating Transport and Trade Connectivity in Eastern South Asia (ACCESS) – Nepal Phase 1 Project
[IDA Credit 7159-NP]
Road User Satisfaction Survey and Preparation of Necessary Reports [ACCESS-DOR-BGC-QCBS-37]
Table 5.5: Affected municipalities and wards of Gorusinghe-Chandrauta section

Total Household, Total Population,

Affected Affected Affected NPHC 2021 NPHC 2021 Area
District Municipality Wards Source: Source: (ha.)
Buddhabhumi 9 2441 11037 10955.2
3 1914 9320 4781.7
4 1347 8141 1077.0
Shivaraj 5 3367 15566 847.8
6 1216 7400 1664.5
1 2183 9712 7971.2
Total 12468 61176 27297.4
The wards and municipalities affected by the Gorusinghe-Chandrauta section are shown in Figure 5.4.

Accelerating Transport and Trade Connectivity in Eastern South Asia (ACCESS) – Nepal Phase 1 Project
[IDA Credit 7159-NP]
Road User Satisfaction Survey and Preparation of Necessary Reports [ACCESS-DOR-BGC-QCBS-37]

Gorusinghe-Chanauta section Butwal-Gorusinghe section covered by RAP

Figure 5.4: Map showing wards and municipalities affected by Gorusinghe-Chandrauta section

Accelerating Transport and Trade Connectivity in Eastern South Asia (ACCESS) – Nepal Phase 1 Project
[IDA Credit 7159-NP]
Road User Satisfaction Survey and Preparation of Necessary Reports [ACCESS-DOR-BGC-QCBS-37]
5.5. Target Groups
The sample has been stratified to include representatives from each of the target groups and has been further
made gender inclusive. This stratification will help in understanding the different perspectives and
satisfaction levels of the various target groups confined within this study regarding the confined attributes
within the scope of study. The key target groups considered within the study are:

• Motorized Transportation Users

• Non- Motorized Commuters
• Relevant Government and Non-Governmental Organization/ Association

The detailed target groups represent a broad spectrum of road users for comprehensive and meaningful
feedback as per the scope of this study. The identified key target groups considered within the study are
discussed as below:

Motorized Transportation Users Drivers
i. Private Vehicle Driver: Individuals who own and drive their own cars, motorcycles, or other
personal vehicles.
ii. Public Vehicle Driver: Operators of public buses and microbuses who frequently use this
road section.
iii. Commercial Drivers: Those who drive trucks, taxis, and other commercial freight and
logistic vehicles.
iv. School/College Bus Drivers: Drivers carrying students from schools and colleges
v. Female Drivers: Female drivers on any type of vehicle.

Non- Motorized Commuters Passengers
i. Public Transport Passengers: Regular users of buses, minibuses, and other forms of public
transportation. Survey shall target both the female and male passengers. Pedestrians
• Individuals who walk along or across the road, including those using the road for short distances
within localities. Survey shall target both the female and male pedestrians. School/College Teacher and Students:

• School/college students/teachers are the regular and primary road users. Survey shall target both
the female and male school/college teacher and students.

Accelerating Transport and Trade Connectivity in Eastern South Asia (ACCESS) – Nepal Phase 1 Project
[IDA Credit 7159-NP]
Road User Satisfaction Survey and Preparation of Necessary Reports [ACCESS-DOR-BGC-QCBS-37] Cyclists
• People who use bicycles for commuting or other purposes. Survey shall target both the female
and male cyclists. Local Residents and Businesses

• Local Residents: People living in towns and villages along the road section who may use the
road daily for various purposes. Survey shall target both the female, male elderly residents.
• Business Owners: Owners of shops, restaurants, and other businesses located along the road,
who are affected by road conditions and traffic flow. Survey shall target both the female and
male business owners. Tourists and Occasional Users

• Tourists: Domestic and international travellers using the road to visit attractions in the region.
Survey shall target both the female and male tourists.
• Occasional Users: Individuals who use the road infrequently but may have specific insights or
concerns. Survey shall target both the female and male occasional users.

Relevant Government and Non-Governmental Organization/ Association Traffic Police

• Officials responsible for managing traffic and enforcing road regulations. Road Maintenance Workers

• Employees involved in the maintenance and upkeep of the road. Local Government Representatives

• Members of local municipalities or other governing bodies overseeing the region. Transportation Services and Associations

• Associations and services overseeing the bus/microbus/truck/logistic etc. services and their
The target groups as discussed above are presented in tabular format below:

Table 5.6: Target Group for Survey

Relevant Government and Non-

Motorized Transportation
Non-Motorized Commuters Governmental Organization/
i. Public Transport
i. Private Vehicle Driver i. Traffic Police
ii. Public Vehicle Driver ii. Pedestrians ii. Road Maintenance Workers
iii. School/College Teacher
iii. Commercial Drivers iii. Local Government Representatives
and Students

Accelerating Transport and Trade Connectivity in Eastern South Asia (ACCESS) – Nepal Phase 1 Project
[IDA Credit 7159-NP]
Road User Satisfaction Survey and Preparation of Necessary Reports [ACCESS-DOR-BGC-QCBS-37]
Relevant Government and Non-
Motorized Transportation
Non-Motorized Commuters Governmental Organization/
iv. School/College Bus iv. Transportation Services and
iv. Cyclists
Drivers Associations
v. Local Residents and
v. Female Drivers
vi. Tourists and Occasional

5.6. Methods for Data Collection

The questionnaires have been prepared with a goal to promote the inclusion of communities and other
stakeholders by collecting individual perspectives through simple, realistic and specific interrogations. There
are distinguished three types of questionnaires as per main three types of identified target groups. The
questionnaires are colour-coded for each target group to facilitate the survey works. The target groups,
namely, Motorized Transportation Users, Non-Motorized Commuters and Relevant Government and Non-
Governmental Organization/ Association are colour-coded as green, blue and orange as shown below:

Table 5.7: Colour-code used in questionnaires for each target group

Target group Colour-code

Motorized Transportation Users

Non-Motorized Commuters

Relevant Government and Non-Governmental Organization/ Association

The questionnaires capture the main seven survey attributes such as road condition, traffic and safety,
infrastructure & facilities, environment & aesthetic appeal, accessibility & connectivity, emergency services,
GRID approach that draws on the overall road user’s satisfaction level of the road.

The questionnaires prepared for the satisfaction survey of target groups is attached in the Appendix A1, A2,

Questionnaires and Surveys

• Structured questionnaires will be distributed to drivers, passengers, pedestrians, and local
• Likert scale questions will be used for collecting the respondent’s view.

Accelerating Transport and Trade Connectivity in Eastern South Asia (ACCESS) – Nepal Phase 1 Project
[IDA Credit 7159-NP]
Road User Satisfaction Survey and Preparation of Necessary Reports [ACCESS-DOR-BGC-QCBS-37]
Interviews and Focus Group Discussion
• Face-to-face or telephone interviews will be conducted with key stakeholders such as
commercial drivers, business owners, and local authorities.
• Focus group discussions will be organized with specific groups like public transport operators
and local residents.

Observational Studies
• On-site observations will be conducted to record traffic flow, road conditions, and usage

Workshops and Public Meetings

• Workshops or public meetings will be held to gather feedback from a larger group of participants
and encourage open discussions.

Non-response Rate

• Around 5% of non-response rate due to refusal to take part in the survey, incomplete responses,
etc. is anticipated.

5.7. Computation of Satisfaction Level

The questionnaire shall collect all the responses in terms of Likert Scale (0 – 5). This shall be analyzed using
statistical approach as discussed in this section

Likert Scale
Ratings for users’ response to each sub-indicator will be made on a point scale ranging from ‘1’ to ‘5’.
Additionally, to make it visually effective a colour chart shall be used as shown in table below for the quick
assessment of severity in scale.
Each response will be given respective rating as presented in Table 5.8.

Table 5.8 Rating of Users Responses

Satisfaction Rating Point
Highly Dissatisfactory 1
Dissatisfactory 2
Neutral (Neither Satisfactory nor Dissatisfactory) 3
Satisfactory 4
Highly Satisfactory 5

Weightage/ Percentage factors for each attribute

Each attribute shall have an aggregated rating. This shall be further calculated in terms of mean, maximum
and minimum. The statistical calculation shall run deviations between each attributes using the responses
from the questionnaires which further relies on the Likert scale. The weights or the factors for each of the
attributes are then tabulated and assigned as per the results from the sample size.

Accelerating Transport and Trade Connectivity in Eastern South Asia (ACCESS) – Nepal Phase 1 Project
[IDA Credit 7159-NP]
Road User Satisfaction Survey and Preparation of Necessary Reports [ACCESS-DOR-BGC-QCBS-37]
The weights for each of the attributes have not been mentioned in the ToR by the client. Hence, the weightage
for the attributes shall be selected based on the actual responses within the sample size, previous similar
studies and experiences and also from the expert’s knowledge on this research.

Regression Model of Overall Satisfaction

The summation of all the individual attributes forms the overall satisfaction and impact the overall
satisfaction at varying level of differences. This variation can be measured by the coefficient of the factors

This is proposed to be modelled by multiple linear regression.

Overall Satisfaction = Function {(a f(Attribute 1), b f(Attribute2), c f(Attribute 3 ), d f(sub-indicator4),

………………………………….} + error where, a, b,c,d … are the coefficients of each of the attributes.

This study shall even attempt to model the relationship between the satisfaction level and the identified target
groups. This falls under the process where the source and accuracy of the data validity are self-assessed by
the study group.

Data Validation
The achieved result will be validated after the analysis of responses are computed as above-mentioned
procedures. The assumption or the null hypothesis of each type of conclusion on this study will be validated
by statistical test.

This helps to find out the significant differences between the responses rating of within each attribute and
further validate the responses in relation to each target groups.

This will help us to assess how likely the respondents’ answers follows the null hypothesis or basically
checks if the expected outcome/ contribution of each attribute to the overall satisfaction is true.

The Weighted Average reflects the relative importance of different satisfaction dimensions, offering a more
accurate overall score.

Presentation of Results
The results shall be compared and analyzed using the below techniques:

• Graphs and charts to visualize satisfaction levels across different dimensions.

• Comparative analysis to identify key areas of dissatisfaction.
• Summary of qualitative insights highlighting specific user concerns and suggestions.

Accelerating Transport and Trade Connectivity in Eastern South Asia (ACCESS) – Nepal Phase 1 Project
[IDA Credit 7159-NP]
Road User Satisfaction Survey and Preparation of Necessary Reports [ACCESS-DOR-BGC-QCBS-37]
It is required to conduct pilot survey on a small sample of identified target groups before the commencement
of the main survey. Based on the pilot survey, any necessary changes to the tools, methodology and
questionnaires to be used during the main survey will be made, if required.

6.1. Selection of Survey Location for Pilot Survey

Pilot Survey is conducted on the road other than proposed Butwal-Gorusinghe-Chandrauta road. The pilot
survey is selected for the road section Tikauli – Lothar, a section of NH01 – 034 at Narayanghat East. It is
observed that Narayanghat East (Tikauli-Lothar) has similar AADT, geography, type of road and end users
as the Butwal-Gorusinghe-Chandrauta road. Hence, the 30 km stretch of NH01-034 from Tikauli to Lothar
is selected for pilot survey.

The Tikauli to Lothar Road section is located about 132 km east from the main survey location along East-
West Highway. The major cities identified along this road section are Ratnanagar, Khairahani and Bhandara.
The surveyors will be concentrated at these locations to collect the data from road users. The location for
Pilot Survey is shown in Figure 6.1 below.

Accelerating Transport and Trade Connectivity in Eastern South Asia (ACCESS) – Nepal Phase 1 Project
[IDA Credit 7159-NP]
Road User Satisfaction Survey and Preparation of Necessary Reports [ACCESS-DOR-BGC-QCBS-37]

Pilot Survey route along Tikauli-Lothar Road

Main Survey route along Butwal-Gorusinghe-Chandrauta road
Pilot survey route about 132 km east from main survey location along East-West Highway

Major cities along pilot survey route

Figure 6.1: Map showing the alignment for Pilot Survey and its location from main survey route
Accelerating Transport and Trade Connectivity in Eastern South Asia (ACCESS) – Nepal Phase 1 Project
[IDA Credit 7159-NP]
Road User Satisfaction Survey and Preparation of Necessary Reports [ACCESS-DOR-BGC-QCBS-37]
The process for for selecting Tikauli-Lothar Road section as pilot survey location is discussed below:

Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT)

It is observed that Narayanghat East (Tikauli-Lothar) has similar AADT as the Butwal-Gorusinghe-
Chandrauta road. A comparison of AADT between the road sections of Butwal-Gorusighe-Chadrauta road
and various road sections having similar AADT is undertaken in this section.

The AADT of road links under BGC road for the past 5 surveys is presented in Table 6.1 below:

Table 6.1: AADT of road links under Butwal-Gorusinghe-Chandrauta Road

Road link AADT in AADT in AADT in AADT in AADT in

Ids in BGC Road Link vpd vpd vpd vpd vpd Class
Road (2016/17) (2018/19) (2020/21) (2021/22) (2022/23)

Butwal High (>1500

NH01-047 Butwal - Bamaha Khola 13538 14882 24389 26723 30416
West (90) vpd)
No traffic count data available for this road link. Based on adjacent roads, this road may be classified as
high class
No traffic count data available for this road link. Based on adjacent roads, this road may be classified as
high class
Jitpur West High (>1500
NH01-050 Jitpur - Gorusinghe 6044 6917 12598 11931 10592
(92) vpd)
Gorusinghe High (>1500
NH01-051 Gorusinghe - Chandrauta 3595 8297 7467 7370 5962
West (94) vpd)
Chandrauta High (>1500
NH01-052 Chandrauta - Dhan Khola 3810 13601 4044 14803 12138
West (96) vpd)
High (>1500
Average AADT in vpd 14777

The road links with similar AADT as the BGC road has been identified and listed in Table 6.2 below.

Table 6.2: List of road links having AADT similar to Butwal-Gorusinghe-Chandrauta Road


Road link Station
Road Link vpd vpd vpd vpd vpd Class
Id Name
(2016/17) (2018/19) (2020/21) (2021/22) (2022/23)
Byasi Chowk Byasi (Bhaktapur) High (>1500
F09401 4901 5349 8892 8949 8173
North (159) -Changunarayan vpd)
Dhulikhel Chalnedhunga - High (>1500
NH34-010 4828 9619 10291 9813 7624
East (53) Khawa vpd)
Chovar - High (>1500
F02202 Taudaha (73) 6652 10923 10469 11150 11162
Dakchhinkali vpd)
Dhulikhel Barkhe Khola - High (>1500
NH13-006 4751 10088 10286 11158 9589
South (54) Dhulikhel vpd)
Sitapaila Kalimati - High (>1500
NH21-001 7192 45938 11097 11478 22267
South (156) Sitapaila vpd)
Banepa South Banepa - High (>1500
F02901 6231 12269 12021 11578 12745
(55) Punyamata Bridge vpd)
Nagdhunga Peepalmod - High (>1500
NH41-013 11872 12953 13929 13662 11490
(74) Nagdhunga vpd)
Balaju Bypass - High (>1500
NH18-001 Bypass North 7745 22302 17304 21112 19091
Nagarjun vpd)

Accelerating Transport and Trade Connectivity in Eastern South Asia (ACCESS) – Nepal Phase 1 Project
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Road User Satisfaction Survey and Preparation of Necessary Reports [ACCESS-DOR-BGC-QCBS-37]
Road link Station
Road Link vpd vpd vpd vpd vpd Class
Id Name
(2016/17) (2018/19) (2020/21) (2021/22) (2022/23)
Kharipati Bhaktapur - Army High (>1500
F02801 6306 10675 20223 21825 17851
(62) Camp vpd)
T.U. Gate High (>1500
F02201 Balkhu - Chovar 24595 25145 23803 23526 23192
(72) vpd)
Narayanghat High (>1500
NH01-034 Tikauli - Lothar 14859 9844 13274 22951 21339
East (48) vpd)

The AADT of above road links are compared with the road links under Butwal-Gorusinghe-Chandrauta
Road and presented in graph below.

Figure 6.2: Comparison of AADT of identified Pilot Survey locations and roads links under BGC

Hence, Tikauli-Lothar Road section at Narayanghat East has similar AADT as BGC road and selected as
pilot survey location.

NH01-034 Tikauli - Lothar High class (>1500 vpd)
East (48)

Geographical Location of the road

Geographically, the section lies in Terai region of Nepal and is a part of Mahendra Highway/ East-West
Highway. This road section also represents the road users travelling along East-West highway, which is same
as the road users of BGC road.

We considered random multiple locations for pilot survey locations. The considered alternatives were
studied during the desktop period and were constantly discussed with DCID. These are tabulated below.

Accelerating Transport and Trade Connectivity in Eastern South Asia (ACCESS) – Nepal Phase 1 Project
[IDA Credit 7159-NP]
Road User Satisfaction Survey and Preparation of Necessary Reports [ACCESS-DOR-BGC-QCBS-37]
From all the considered options, Tikauli - Lothar Road was selected.

Table 6.3: Geographical location of various road links

Road link Id Station Name Road Link Geographical Location

F09401 Byasi Chowk North (159) Byasi (Bhaktapur) -Changunarayan Hilly Region
NH34-010 Dhulikhel East (53) Chalnedhunga - Khawa Hilly Region
F02202 Taudaha (73) Chovar - Dakchhinkali Hilly Region
NH13-006 Dhulikhel South (54) Barkhe Khola - Dhulikhel Hilly Region
NH21-001 Sitapaila South (156) Kalimati - Sitapaila Hilly Region
F02901 Banepa South (55) Banepa - Punyamata Bridge Hilly Region
NH41-013 Nagdhunga (74) Peepalmod - Nagdhunga Hilly Region
NH18-001 Balaju Bypass North (70) Balaju Bypass - Nagarjun Hilly Region
F02801 Kharipati (62) Bhaktapur - Army Camp Hilly Region
F02201 T.U. Gate (72) Balkhu - Chovar Hilly Region
NH01-034 Tikauli - Lothar Terai Region
East (48)

Therefore, Tikauli-Lothar is selected for pilot survey on the basis similarity in geography and road users.

NH01-034 Tikauli - Lothar Terai Region
East (48)

6.2. Sample Size for Pilot survey

Since the pilot survey is conducted on a small sample of identified target groups to determine the
effectiveness of tools, methodology and questionnaires proposed, sample size of up to 1% of the AADT will
be considered at pilot survey location. As per the latest published data of AADT during the year 2022/23,
the AADT of pilot survey alignment (Tikauli-Lothar) is 21339 vpd.

As for non-motorized target groups, a sample size of up to 1% of the total population in the vicinity of the
Tikauli to Lothar alignment, approximately up to 25m on either side of the road will be considered.

6.3. Target groups for Pilot Survey

The possible target groups at pilot survey location are as follows:

Motorized Transportation Users

The responses of Motorized Transportation Users travelling to/from various places will be collected. Gender
inclusive approach will be adopted during the selection of respondents. Some of the possible Motorized
Transportation Users are as follows:

1. Drivers travelling to/from Chitwan, Butwal, Dang, Kohalpur, Nepalgunj, Attariya, Dhangadhi to the
west, Hetauda, Sarlahi, Bardibas, Janakpur, Dharan, Jhapa to the east.

Accelerating Transport and Trade Connectivity in Eastern South Asia (ACCESS) – Nepal Phase 1 Project
[IDA Credit 7159-NP]
Road User Satisfaction Survey and Preparation of Necessary Reports [ACCESS-DOR-BGC-QCBS-37]
2. Local Bus Drivers to/from Bharatpur, Tandi, Khairahani and Bhandara
3. School bus drivers to/from Bharatpur, Tandi, Khairahani and Bhandara

Non-Motorized Commuters
The responses of Non-Motorized Commuters travelling to/from various places will be collected. Gender
inclusive approach will be adopted during the selection of respondents. Some of the possible Non-Motorized
Commuters are as follows:

1. Pedestrians, Local Residents/Businesses, Teachers/ Students, Cyclists from Bharatpur, Tandi,

Khairahani, Bhandara and other nearby places
2. Passengers to/from Chitwan, Butwal, Dang, Kohalpur, Nepalgunj, Attariya, Dhangadhi to the west,
Hetauda, Sarlahi, Bardibas, Janakpur, Dharan, Jhapa to the east
3. Pilgrims/ Tourists to/from Chitwan, Butwal, Dang, Kohalpur, Nepalgunj, Attariya, Dhangadhi to
the west, Hetauda, Sarlahi, Bardibas, Janakpur, Dharan, Jhapa to the east

Governmental/Non-Relevant Organization/Associations
The responses of members from Governmental/Non-Relevant Organization/Associations will be collected
based on Focus Group Discussions. Gender inclusive approach will be adopted during the selection of
respondents. Some of the organizations mentioned below will be approached from the pilot survey location:

1. Sahid Smriti Multiple Campus, Ratnanagar, Tandi

2. Angel’s World Secondary School, Ratnanagar, Tandi
3. Birendra Adarsha Secondary School, Birendranagar
4. Bakulahar Ratnanagar Hospital
5. SPEAK Foundation Nepal, Ratnanagar
6. Ratnanagar Chamber of Commerce and Industry
7. Kailashpati Agro Industries, Khairahani
8. BIPS Media Pvt. Ltd., Ratnanagar
9. Area Police Office, Ratnanagar
10. Rapti Municipality, Office of Municipal Executive, Bhandara
11. Ward Office, Khairahani-1, Chitwan
12. Ratnanagar Municipality Office, Ratnanagar

6.4. Trainings to the Enumerators/ Surveyors

The team members will be inducted the guidelines of undertaking this survey project to maintain highest
level of accuracy. The survey locations, sampling methods, sample size, target groups and data collection
methods will be briefed to the enumerators. A short training session will again be held after the approval
and finalization of formats and questionnaires to be used during the survey and before proceeding for pilot

Accelerating Transport and Trade Connectivity in Eastern South Asia (ACCESS) – Nepal Phase 1 Project
[IDA Credit 7159-NP]
Road User Satisfaction Survey and Preparation of Necessary Reports [ACCESS-DOR-BGC-QCBS-37]
The training will be undertaken in presence of DCID representation to promote effective transfer of
knowledge as per the project requirements. During the training session, a mock survey will be held among
the enumerators to demonstrate the criticality of survey as per different target groups.

Some of the issues that will be addressed during the training are:

• Encouraging respondents to provide the correct information for quality responses.

• Educating on the criticality of this survey to the end road users.
• Taking time to clarify any questions of the respondent without hesitation.
• A very positive and proud body language during the survey.

6.5. Modification of survey methodology and questionnaires

The shortcomings on the tools, methodology and questionnaires, if any, will be identified during the pilot
survey. These will be rectified in consultation with the client before using it in the main survey.


7.1. Final Inception Report

A Final Inception Report, after the finalization of survey plan and location of pilot survey and main survey
in consultation with the client, will be submitted in six hard copies.

This will comprise of:

a) Finalized survey plan and methodology.

b) Updated project implementation schedule based on the locations of pilot survey and the base-line
survey finalized by the client
c) Incorporation of any comments and suggestions by the client on draft inception report
A soft copy of Final Inception Report will also be submitted.

7.2. Pilot Survey Report

Pilot Survey Report will be based on the application of proposed survey plan and methodology on a target
nearby location finalized by the client. It will be submitted in six hard copies.

This will comprise of:

a) Outcome of pilot survey with incorporation of necessary modifications in survey methodology and
A soft copy of Pilot Survey Report will also be submitted.

Accelerating Transport and Trade Connectivity in Eastern South Asia (ACCESS) – Nepal Phase 1 Project
[IDA Credit 7159-NP]
Road User Satisfaction Survey and Preparation of Necessary Reports [ACCESS-DOR-BGC-QCBS-37]
7.3. Draft Report on Road Base-line Survey
A Draft Report on Road Base-line Survey will be prepared based on the data collected from Road Base-line
Survey. The data will be analyzed and validated using statistical approach. The draft report on Road Base-
line Survey will be submitted in three hard copies by.

This will include the following:

a) A list of survey locations with photographs of field survey.

b) Results and findings of Road Base-line Survey along BGC Road.
c) Any relevant comments concerning the results of the surveys on the methodology employed by the
consultant. Difficulties encountered and how they were overcome would be an essential part of the

7.4. Final Report on Road Base-line Survey

The consultant will submit the Final Report on Road Base-line Survey in six hard copies including a soft
copy containing:

a) The full results of Road Base-line Survey along BGC Road in the format desired by the client.
b) Necessary modifications on Draft Report on Road Base-line Survey as per the comments and
suggestions received from the client.

7.5. Draft Report on Road End-line Survey and Road User Satisfaction Report
A Draft Report on Road End-line Survey will be prepared based on the data collected from Road End-line
Survey. The data will be analyzed and validated using statistical approach. The draft report on Road End-
line Survey will be submitted in three hard copies. The target date is based on the assumption that the Road
End-Line Survey is completed within 5 years from the commencement date. However, the start of Road
End-Line survey may vary as per the completion date of construction of Butwal-Gorusinghe-Chandrauta
Road. Road End-Line survey will be started six months after completion of construction of Butwal-
Gorusinghe-Chandrauta Road.

This will include the following:

a) A list of survey locations with photographs of field survey.

b) Results and findings of Road End-line Survey along BGC Road.
c) Any relevant comments concerning the results of the surveys on the methodology employed by the
consultant. Difficulties encountered and how they were overcome would be an essential part of the
d) Comparison of Road User’s Satisfaction during Base-line and End-line Survey, i.e., before and after
the construction of BGC Road.

Accelerating Transport and Trade Connectivity in Eastern South Asia (ACCESS) – Nepal Phase 1 Project
[IDA Credit 7159-NP]
Road User Satisfaction Survey and Preparation of Necessary Reports [ACCESS-DOR-BGC-QCBS-37]
7.6. Final Report on Road End-line Survey and Final Road User Satisfaction Report
The consultant will submit the Final Report on Road End-line Survey and Final Road User Satisfaction, in
six hard copies including a soft copy containing:

c) The full results of Road End-line Survey along BGC Road and comparison of Road User’s
Satisfaction during base-line and end-line survey in the format desired by the client.
d) Necessary modifications on Draft Report on Road End-line Survey as per the comments and
suggestions received from the client.


8.1. Final Inception Report

A presentation on the Final Inception report will be made after the submission of the Inception Report. The
detailed methodology and issues shall be discussed in the presentation.

8.2. Draft Report on Road Base-line Survey

The Draft Report on Road Base-line Survey will be presented after submission of the Draft Report on Road
Base-line Survey. This will include the results and findings of the base-line survey. Comments and
suggestions will be sought from the participants and the client on the Draft Report on Road Base-line Survey.

8.3. Final Report on Road Base-line Survey

The Final Report on Road Base-line Survey will be presented after submission of the Final Report on Road
Base-line Survey. This will include the results and findings of the base-line survey. Comments and
Suggestions received on Draft Report on Road Base-line Survey will be incorporated in the Final Report.

8.4. Draft Report on Road End-line Survey and Road User Satisfaction Report
Road End-Line survey will be started six months after completion of construction of Butwal-Gorusinghe-
Chandrauta Road. The Draft Report on Road End-line Survey will be presented on after submission of the
Draft Report on Road End-line Survey. The target date is based on the assumption that the Road End-Line
Survey is completed within 5 years from the commencement date. However, the start of Road End-Line
survey may vary as per the completion date of construction of Butwal-Gorusinghe-Chandrauta Road. Road
End-Line survey will be started six months after completion of construction of Butwal-Gorusinghe-
Chandrauta Road.

The results and findings of the end-line survey along with Road User Satisfaction will be presented during
this stage. Comments and suggestions will be sought from the participants and the client on the Draft Report
on Road End-line Survey.

Accelerating Transport and Trade Connectivity in Eastern South Asia (ACCESS) – Nepal Phase 1 Project
[IDA Credit 7159-NP]
Road User Satisfaction Survey and Preparation of Necessary Reports [ACCESS-DOR-BGC-QCBS-37]
8.5. Final Report on Road End-line Survey and Final Road User Satisfaction Report
The Final Report on Road End-line Survey will be presented after submission of the Final Report on Road
End-line Survey. This will include the results and findings of the end-line survey and Final Road User
Satisfaction Report. Comments and Suggestions received on Draft Report on Road End-line Survey will be
incorporated in the Final Report.


9.1. Transfer of Knowledge

The mechanism of transfer of knowledge is summarized in the following paragraphs based on the scope of
the works reflected in the ToR.

9.2. Methods
The methods of transfer of knowledge are structured in the following manner:

• Regular discussions during progress review and coordination meetings,

• Discussion of formats and questionnaires for effective data collection,
• On-the-job training during survey and implementation of job

9.3. Areas
Area of transfer of knowledge and skills may include the following among others:

• Preparation and modification of formats and questionnaires for effective data collection,
• Training to the enumerators,
• Data Collection at site,
• Data analysis and reporting,
• Documentation and report preparation
Table below presents the approaches and applications of knowledge transfer and trainings with the methods
and in the areas mentioned above.
Table 9.1 Technology Transfer Approach

S. Area of DoR Involvement and

No. Application Duration
The formats and questionnaires to be
used during the survey will be
Preparation and submitted to the client, which will be
modification of reviewed and discussed with the client.
Engineers from DoR need to
formats and The DoR Engineers will be involved
1 be accompanied by the
questionnaires and trained from the stage of planning,
consultant for at least 5 days.
for effective organization and preparation of
data collection relevant formats and questionnaires for
the effective data collection during the

Accelerating Transport and Trade Connectivity in Eastern South Asia (ACCESS) – Nepal Phase 1 Project
[IDA Credit 7159-NP]
Road User Satisfaction Survey and Preparation of Necessary Reports [ACCESS-DOR-BGC-QCBS-37]
S. Area of DoR Involvement and
No. Application Duration
The DoR Engineers will be present
along with the enumerators during the
training session. The training will be
The training will be conducted
conducted on survey locations,
Training to the for a day before the team is
2 sampling methods, sample size, target
enumerators mobilized to conduct pilot
groups and data collection methods. A
mock survey will be held among the
enumerators and DoR Engineers to
demonstrate the criticality of survey.
A joint team of the DoR and
The DoR Engineers will be
Consultant is proposed to be involved
trained to collect the data at
in the Road User Satisfaction Survey.
site for a day during each
Data Collection The process will involve the selection
3 phase of the project, i.e.,
at site of test sections and interaction with the
during the data collection of
stakeholders to collect relevant data
base-line survey as well as
based on the citizen engagement
end-line survey.
The DoR Engineers need to be
Details of survey results will be
accompanied by the consultant
discussed with the DoR Engineers. The
for at least 2 days during each
Engineers will be acquainted with the
phase of the project, i.e.,
data processing as well as prompting
during the data analysis of
Data analysis various statistical approaches to data
4 base-line survey as well as
and reporting validation on the basis of the data
end-line survey. They will be
collected. The Engineers will also be
trained for the aspects of
trained for methods of documentation
organization of collected data,
and reporting related to Road User
data processing and analysis
Satisfaction Survey.
for a period of 2 days.
The DoR Engineers have significant
experience in managing the studies The Consultant and DoR will
Road User Satisfaction Survey. The have a joint discussion session
5 and Report
consultant will discuss time to time the on this aspect and share their
methodology, practical problems and knowledge.
quality aspects with the DoR personnel.


10.1. Office Establishment

The office setup for this project is arranged within the premises of Soil Test (P.) Ltd.

Table 10.1: Office Location

Name Soil Test (P.) Ltd.

Address Sukedhara, Kathmandu, Nepal

Phone 01-4374743, 01-4373625, +977-9801882059



Accelerating Transport and Trade Connectivity in Eastern South Asia (ACCESS) – Nepal Phase 1 Project
[IDA Credit 7159-NP]
Road User Satisfaction Survey and Preparation of Necessary Reports [ACCESS-DOR-BGC-QCBS-37]
10.2. Planning for Team Mobilization
The complete team is ready to be mobilized. The team has been trained on methodology of data collection
and familiarized with the questionnaires. The survey locations for both pilot survey and road base-line survey
have been identified.

The survey team for the Road User Satisfaction Survey includes following key experts.

Table 10.2: Project Team

Name of Experts Designation

Mr. Udbodh Bhandari Team Leader

Mr. Dalip Kumar Malla Social Expert

Mr. Shashi Shrestha Highway/ Transport Engineer

Enumerator 1 Civil Engineer/ Overseer/Sociologist

Enumerator 2 Civil Engineer/ Overseer/Sociologist
10.3. Work Schedule
The overall work schedule for the assignment is presented in the next page. The schedule has been optimized
by timely mobilization of resources, necessary facilities and logistics in order to complete the entire scope
of works within allocated time frame i.e., 6.5 months. The project is carried out in two phases:

1. PHASE I: Road Base-Line Survey

2. PHASE II: Road End-Line Survey

Phase I: Road Base-line Survey

Table 10.3: Deliverables of Road Base-line Survey

S. No. Deliverables No. of reports Remarks % Payment

Deliverable #1: Inception
1.1 Draft Inception Report 3 hard copies
6 hard copies and Presentation to DoR, DCID during the
1.2 Final Inception Report
a soft copy submission of report
Deliverable #2: Pilot Survey
and Report
6 hard copies and
2.1 Final Pilot Survey Report 15%
a soft copy
Deliverable #3: Road Base-
line Survey and Report
Draft Report on Road Presentation to DoR, DCID during the
3.1 3 hard copies
Base-line Survey submission of report
Final Report 6 hard copies and Presentation to DoR, DCID/ World
3.2 30%
on Road Base-line Survey a soft copy Bank during the submission of report

Accelerating Transport and Trade Connectivity in Eastern South Asia (ACCESS) – Nepal Phase 1 Project
[IDA Credit 7159-NP]
Road User Satisfaction Survey and Preparation of Necessary Reports [ACCESS-DOR-BGC-QCBS-37]
Phase II: Road End line Survey
Table 10.4: Deliverables of Road End-line Survey

S. No. Deliverables No. of reports Remarks % Payment

Deliverable #4: Road End-line Survey
1 and Final Road User Satisfaction
Draft Report on Road End-line
Presentation to DoR, DCID
1.1 Survey and Final Road User Satisfaction 3 hard copies
during the submission of report
Presentation to DoR, DCID/
Final Report on Road End-line Survey 6 hard copies
1.2 World Bank during the 55%
and Final Road User Satisfaction Report and a soft copy
submission of report
The work schedule is presented in the next page.

Accelerating Transport and Trade Connectivity in Eastern South Asia (ACCESS) – Nepal Phase 1 Project
[IDA Credit 7159-NP]
Road User Satisfaction Survey and Preparation of Necessary Reports [ACCESS-DOR-BGC-QCBS-37]

Accelerating Transport and Trade Connectivity in Eastern South Asia (ACCESS) – Nepal Phase 1 Project
[IDA Credit 7159-NP]
Road User Satisfaction Survey and Preparation of Necessary Reports [ACCESS-DOR-BGC-QCBS-37]

Accelerating Transport and Trade Connectivity in Eastern South Asia (ACCESS) – Nepal Phase 1 Project
[IDA Credit 7159-NP]
Road User Satisfaction Survey and Preparation of Necessary Reports [ACCESS-DOR-BGC-QCBS-37]
RUSS will also consider the green resilient corridor approach as this is the important aspect of the GRID
approach in World Bank. This will address the wildlife friendly crossings, wildlife accident issues, human-
wildlife conflicts, road disturbance by the disaster events like landslide, flood, extreme weather events, etc.

The GRID (Green, Resilient, and Inclusive Development) approach by World Bank aims to address risks to
people, the earth, and the economy in an integrated manner, tailored to country’s needs and objectives. It
involves a proactive recovery strategy for long-term green growth, climate action, and sustainable
development. The focus is on the quality growth that reduces extreme poverty, narrows structural
inequalities, protects the environment, and promotes the sustainable growth. The Green Resilient Corridor
(GRID) approach is also implemented in different regions of the world like in West Bengal that emphasizes
the integration of wildlife accident issues, human-wildlife conflicts, and road disturbances caused by
disasters like landslides, floods, and extreme weather events.

This approach aims to enhance highway safety and resilience by addressing these concerns comprehensively.
The vehicle users are encouraged to provide feedback on their encounters with wildlife, the effectiveness of
current highway designs in ensuring wildlife safety. Additionally, they are asked to evaluate the adequacy
of signage warning of wildlife crossings and suggest improvements for road safety and conflict reduction.
The opinions on environmental initiatives and the efforts of highway authorities in wildlife conservation are
also sought, along with comments on road safety during extreme weather conditions and suggestions for
government actions to prevent such disasters. The RUSS has designed the questionnaire reflection Green
Resilient Corridor (GRID) Approach.

This final inception report summarizes on the methodology adopted to undertake Road User’s Satisfaction
Survey along Butwal-Gorusinghe-Chandrauta road since the date of contract signing. The target groups for
the survey, survey locations, sample size and questionnaires to be used during the survey have been proposed
at this stage based on available data and site conditions. After the completion of pilot survey, these
parameters may subject to change to enhance practical and efficient data collection. Further, these parameters
may be changed during the end-line survey, which will be conducted nearly 4.75 years from the current date.
Any changes to the approved format will be notified to the client before its execution.

By targeting these diverse groups and employing a variety of data collection methods, the RUSS will be able
to capture a holistic view of user satisfaction and identify key areas for improvement along the Butwal-
Gorusinghe-Chandrauta road section of the Mahendra Highway. RUSS will provide a robust and reliable
measure of road user satisfaction, ensuring that the upgrading work is informed as per user needs and

Accelerating Transport and Trade Connectivity in Eastern South Asia (ACCESS) – Nepal Phase 1 Project
[IDA Credit 7159-NP]
Road User Satisfaction Survey and Preparation of Necessary Reports [ACCESS-DOR-BGC-QCBS-37]

1. Upgrading of Butwal-Gorusinghe Road Section of the East-West Highway, Resettlement Action

Plan. Accelerating Transport and Trade Connectivity in Eastern South Asia- Nepal Phase I.
September 2022, p. 8.
2. The 2021 Road User Satisfaction Survey Report, 2021, The Republic of Uganda

Appendix A1: Format of Questionnaires to
be used in the survey for Motorized
Transportation Users
A1 Questionnaire for Motorized Transportation Users

Department of Roads
;8s ljefu
Questionnaire for
Road User’s Satisfaction Survey along Butwal-Gorusinghe-Chanauta Road
a'6jn–uf]?l;ª\]–rgf}6f ;8s k|of]ustf{sf] ;Gt'li6 ;j]{If0fsf] nflu k|ZgfjnL

Questionnaire for Motorized Transportation Users

-;jf/L rfnssf nflu k|Zgx?_
Name of Interviewer: ____________________________ Date: _________/______/_____
cGtjftf{stf{sf] gfdM ldltM=====================================

Details of Survey Station -;e]{ :6]zgsf] ljj/0f_

Name of Road Link: ____________________________
;8s v08sf] gfd
Survey Station No.: _____________ District: ____________ Village/Town: _______________
;e]{ :6]zg gDa/ lhNnfM ufpF÷;x/

Demographic Information -hg;f+lVosLo ljj/0f_

Name of Respondent: ____________________________ Gender: a) Male b) Female c) Others
pQ/bftfsf] gfd lnªu k'?if dlxnf cGo
Age: (a)18-25 yrs (b) 26-35 yrs (c) 36-45 yrs (d) 46-55 yrs (e) Above 55 yrs
pd]/ !*–@% jif{ @^–#% jif{ #^–$% jif{ $^–%% jif{ %% jif{ eGbf dfly
(Any person below 18 years is not to be interviewed)
-!* jif{ eGbf sd pd]/sf s'g} klg JolQmsf] cGt/jftf{ glng]_
Driving Experience (years) _______________
8«fOleª cg'ej -jif{_
Occupation: a) Agriculture b) Business c) Service d) Student e) Labor f) Others _______________
k]zf s[lif Jofkf/ ;]jf ljBfyL{ dhb"/ cGo
Type of Vehicle: a) Large Bus b) Mini-Bus c) Micro-bus d) Private Car/Jeep/ Utility Van e) Taxi
-;jf/L ;fwfgsf] k|sf/_ 7"nf] a; ldlg a; dfOqmf] a; lglh sf/ ÷ lhk 6\ofS;L
f) Motorcycle g) Utility vehicle h) Tempo/Auto i) Tractor j) Truck/ Tanker k) others __________
df]6/;fOsn ;fdfg af]Sg] uf8L 6\ofDkf]÷c6f] 6\ofS6/ 6«s÷ 6\ofÍ/ cGo
Purpose of Travel a) Business/ Job/ Agricultural work b) Visiting relatives/friends c) Shopping
ofqfsf] p4]Zo Jofkf/÷hflu/÷s[lif cfkmGt÷;fyLx?nfO{ e]6\g lsgd]n
d) Sight-seeing/ Touring/ Leisure e) Others ______________________
bz{gLo :yn÷ko{6g÷km';{b cGo
Is this your own vehicle? a) Yes b) No
s] tkfO{sf] cfˆg} uf8L xf] < xf] xf]Og
Frequency of Travel: a) Daily b) Weekly c) Occasionally d) More than 1 time a day
ofqfsf] af/Daf/tf lbg lbg} xKtfsf] ! k6s slxn] sflxF lbgsf] ! k6s eGbf w]/}

Road Condition -;8ssf] cj:yf_

1. How often do you encounter potholes or uneven road surfaces?
tkfO{n] vfN8fx? / c;dfg ;8s ;txx? sltsf] e]6fpg' x'G5 <
a) none b) Rarely c) Occasionally d) Frequently e) Very Frequently
st} e]l6b}g lj/n} slxn]sfxLF af/Daf/ cToGt} af/Daf/

Page 1 of 8
A1 Questionnaire for Motorized Transportation Users

2. How satisfied are you with the visibility and clarity of road markings?
tkfO{ ;8s lrGxx?sf] b[Zotf / :ki6tf;Fu sltsf] ;Gt'i6 x'g'x'G5 <
a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied d) Dissatisfied e) Highly dissatisfied
cToflws ;Gt'i6 ;Gt'i6 g t ;Gt'i6 g c;Gt'i6 c;Gt'i6 cToflws c;Gt'i6
3. How efficient do you find the drainage system in road?
tkfO{ ;8sdf 8«]g]h k|0ffnL sltsf] k|efjsf/L kfpg'x'G5 <
a) Highly efficient b) Efficient c) Nether Efficient nor Inefficient d) Inefficient e) Highly Inefficient
cToflws k|efjsf/L k|efjsf/L g k|efjsf/L g ck|efjsf/L ck|efjsf/L cToflws ck|efjsf/L
4. What do you think about the width of this road?
of] ;8ssf] rf}8fO{sf] af/]df tkfO{ s] ;f]Rg' x'G5 <
a) Highly adequate b) Adequate c) Neither adequate nor inadequate d) Inadequate e) Highly inadequate
cToflws kof{Kt kof{Kt g kof{Kt g ckof{Kt ckof{Kt cToflws ckof{Kt
5. How satisfied are you with existing condition of the road surfaces?
;8ssf] cj:yf b]lv tkfO{ sltsf] ;Gt'i6 x'g'x'G5 <
a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied d) Dissatisfied e) Highly dissatisfied
cToflws ;Gt'i6 ;Gt'i6 g t ;Gt'i6 g c;Gt'i6 c;Gt'i6 cToflws c;Gt'i6
6. Are there any locations along road section where road quality degrades significantly during adverse
whether condition?
s] o; ;8sdf k|lts"n df};dsf a]nf af6f] cj?4 x'g] :yfgx? 5g\ <
a) Yes b) No Mention Location (if there is any) ________________________________
5g\ 5}gg\ 5g\ eg] pNn]v ug'{xf];\

Traffic and Safety -;jf/L / ;'/Iff_

7. How is vehicle congestion on this road?
of] ;8sdf ;jf/L ;fwgsf] rfk s:tf] 5 <
a) Absolutely free from congestion b) Free from congestion
eL8ef8n] k"0f{ ?kdf d'Qm eL8ef8 d'Qm
c) Neither free nor congested d) Congested e) Highly congested
g t eL8ef8 d'Qm g t le8ef8 ePsf] eL8ef8 ePsf] cToflws eL8ef8 ePsf]
8. How satisfied are you with the installation of guard rails on sharp bends and steep slopes of roads?
cK7\of/f] df]8x? / 7f8f] ;8s 5]pdf /flvPsf af/x?af6 tkfO{+ sltsf] ;Gt'i6 x'g'x'G5 <
a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied d) Dissatisfied e) Highly dissatisfied
cToflws ;Gt'i6 ;Gt'i6 g t ;Gt'i6 g c;Gt'i6 c;Gt'i6 cToflws c;Gt'i6
9. How accessible do you find pedestrian crossing along the roads?
tkfO{ ;8sdf k}bn ofqLsf] nflu af6f] sf6\g] :yfg slQsf] kx'Frof]Uo kfpg'x'G5 <
a) Highly accessible b) Accessible
pRr kx'Frof]Uo kx'Frof]Uo
c) Neither Accessible nor Inaccessible d) Inaccessible e) Highly Inaccessible
g kx'Frof]Uo g kx'Fr aflx/ kx'Fr aflx/ cToflws kx'Fr aflx/
10. Are road signs adequately placed to enhance the safety of road users? a) Yes b) No
;8s k|of]ustf{sf] ;'/Iffsf] nflu ;8s lrGxx? kof{Kt dfqfdf /flvPsf 5g\ < 5g\ 5}gg\

Page 2 of 8
A1 Questionnaire for Motorized Transportation Users

11. Where do you find the road signs most effective? (Multiple Choice Question)
;8s lrGxx? ;a} eGbf k|efjsf/L s'g 7fpFdf kfpg' x'G5 <
SN qm=;+= Road sign -;8s ;+s]t_ Tick -lrGx nfpg'xf];\_
1 Near to the school -ljBfno glhs_
2 Near to the hospital -c:ktfn glhs_
3 Narrow road -;fF3'/f] af6f]_
4 Sharp bends -cK7\of/f] df]8x?_
5 Pedestrian crossing -k}bnofqLn] af6f] sf6\g] :yfg_
6 Speed breaker -:kL8 a|]s/_
7 Landslide/hazardous area -klx/f] tyf cGo hf]lvdk"0f{ If]qx?_
8 High accident area -pRr b'3{6gf If]q_
9 Others -cGo_ __________________
12. Considering the safety aspect mark the following factors (Note-1 for most unsafe and 5 for least
unsafe factor)
;'/Iff kIfnfO{ dWogh/ /fVb} lgDg sf/sx? c+s lbg'xf];\ -gf]6–;a}eGbf c;'/lIftsf] nflu ! / sd c;'/lIftsf] nflu
SN qm=;+= Factor contributing to accident -b'3{6gfsf sf/0fx?_ Mark -c+s_
1 Over speed -ltj| ult_
2 Unusual overtaking -hyfefjL cf]ef]/6]s_
3 Heavy goods carrying vehicles -ef/L ;fdfg af]Sg] uf8Lx?_
4 Lack of awareness of traffic rules -6«flkms lgod ;DalGw r]tgfsf] cefj_
5 Bad condition of road -;8ssf] v/fa cj:yf_
6 Absence of sufficient road signs -k|ofKt ;8s ;+s]tx?sf] cefj_
7 Aggressive driving -cfqmlds 8«fO{leª_
8 Narrow road -;f3'/f] af6f]_
9 Careless driving -nfk/afxL 8«fO{leª_
10 Unfit vehicles -cof]Uo uf8Lx?_
13. How safe do you feel while traveling on these roads?
o; ;8sdf ofqf ubf{ tkfO{ sltsf] ;'/lIft dx;'; ug'{x'G5 <
a) Very safe b) Safe c) Neither safe nor unsafe d) Unsafe e) Very unsafe
w]/} ;'/lIft ;'/lIft g ;'/lIft g c;'/lIft c;'/lIft w]/} c;'/lIft

Page 3 of 8
A1 Questionnaire for Motorized Transportation Users

14. In your opinion, which of the following factors lead to most of the accidents? Mark the following factors.
(Note-1 for most accident-causing factor and 5 for least accident-causing factor.)
tnsf dWo] s'g sf/0fn] a9L b'3{6gf lgDTofp5 < -;a}eGbf a9L b'3{6gf lgDTofpg] sf/0fsf nflu ! / sdsf nflu %_
SN qm=;+= Factor contributing to accident -b'3{6gfsf sf/0fx?_ Mark -c+s_
1 High speed -ltj| ult_
2 Bad weather -v/fa df};d_
3 Bad Condition of road -;8ssf] v/fa cj:yf_
4 Pedestrian crossing -k}bn ofqLn] af6f] sf6\g'_
5 Wild/ domestic animal crossing -hª\unL ÷3/]n' hgfj/n] af6f] sf6\g'_
6 Absence of sign at dangerous location -hf]lvdk"0f{ :yfgdf ;+s]tsf] cefj_
7 Use of alcohol while driving -uf8L rnfpFbf dfbs kbfy{sf] ;]jg_
8 Increase in number of vehicles -;jf/L ;fwgsf] ;+Vofdf j[l4_
9 Absence of street light -;8s alQsf] cefj_
15. In your opinion, what can be done to enhance safety of roads?
tkfO{sf] ljrf/df ;8ssf] ;'/Iff a9fpg s] ug{ ;lsG5 <
16. Whenever there is any maintenance/improvement works in this road section, do you find appropriate sign/s
explaining the work-in-progress?
o; ;8sdf s'g} klg dd{t÷;'wf/ sfo{x? x'Fbf pko'Qm lrGx|x? k|of]u ePsf] km]nf kfg'{x'G5 <
a) Yes b) No
kf5'{ kflb{g
17. Do you find the availability and accessibility of police posts/ Police patrolling vehicle on this road?
s] o; ;8sdf k|x/L rf}sL–k|x/L u:tL uf8Lx? pknAw 5g\ <
a) Yes b) No
5g\ 5|}gg\

Infrastructure and Facilities -;8ssf k"jf{wf/ / ;'ljwfx?_

18. Do you find following facilities along this road? What is your satisfaction level on these facilities?
‘5’ for ‘very satisfied’ ‘4’ for ‘satisfied’, ‘3’ for ‘neither satisfied nor dissatisfied’,
‘2’ for ‘Dissatisfied’, ‘1’ for ‘very dissatisfied
s] tkfO{+n] o; ;8sdf lgDg ;'ljwfx? e]6\g'x'G5< oL ;'ljwfx? k|lt tkfO{sf] ;Gt'li6sf] :t/ s] 5 <
cToflws ;Gt'i6sf nflu …%Ú ;Gt'i6sf nflu …$Ú g ;Gt'i6 g c;Gt'i6sf nflu …#Ú
c;Gt'i6sf nflu …@Ú cToflws c;Gt'i6sf nflu …!Ú
SN Facilities -;'ljwfx?_ Do you find the facilities? Satisfaction
qm=;+= + ] ;'ljwfx? e]6\g'x'G5< Level
s] tkfO{n
Yes e]6\5' No e]6\lbg ;Gt'li6 :t/
1 Public toilets/ bathrooms -;fj{hlgs zf}rfno ÷afy?d_ ☐ ☐
2 Restaurants/ shops for food/ drinks -vfgf vfg] xf]6n÷/]i6''/]G6_ ☐ ☐
3 Public taps/ Drinking Water -;fj{hlgs wf/f÷lkpg] kfgL_ ☐ ☐
4 Medical facilities -:jf:Yo ;'ljwf_ ☐ ☐
5 Rain shelter-cum-Bus stop -jiff{ cf>o – a; lj;f}gL_ ☐ ☐
6 Others -cGo_ ☐ ☐

Page 4 of 8
A1 Questionnaire for Motorized Transportation Users

19. How long does it take when you want to make a travel to different public places?
tkfO{nfO{ ljleGg ;fj{hlgs ;'ljwfsf] :Yffgdf k'Ugsf] nflu slQsf] ;do nfUb5<
SN Places -:yfgx?_ Time -;do_
qm=;+= Hours 3G6f Minute ldg]6
1 Reach to the Primary school -k|fylds :s'n k'Ug_
2 Reach Higher Secondary School -pRr dfWolds ljBfno k'Ug_
3 Reach Colleges/Universities -ljZjljBfno k'Ug_
4 Reach to the hospital -c:ktfn k'Ug_
5 Reach to the market -ahf/ k'Ug_
6 Reach to Police Station -k|x/L rf}sL k'Ug_
7 Reach to Ward Office -j8f sfof{no k'Ug_
20. What time of the day is the most difficult for you to find public transport facilities in this road?
of] ;8sdf ;fj{hlgs oftfoft ;'ljwf lng tkfO{nfO{ lbgsf] s'g ;do ;a}eGbf ufx|f] x'G5 <
a) 5am–8am b) 8am–10am c) 10am–12pm d) 12pm–4pm
ljxfg %-* ah] ljxfg *–!) ah] ljxfg !)–!@ ah] lbpF;f] !@ – ;fFem $ ah]
e) 4pm–8pm f) 8pm-10pm g) Beyond 10pm
;fFem $ - /flt * ah] /flt *–!) ah] /flt !) ah] eGbf kl5
21. How accessible do you find footpaths along the roads?
o; ;8sdf km'6kfy slQsf] kx'Frof]Uo kfpg'x'G5 <
a) Highly accessible b) Accessible
pRr kx'Frof]Uo kx'Frof]Uo
c) Neither Accessible nor Inaccessible d) Inaccessible e) Highly Inaccessible
g kx'Frof]Uo g kx'Fr aflx/ kx'Fr aflx/ cToflws kx'Fr aflx/
22. How satisfied are you with the accessibility of cycling path and lanes?
tkfO{ ;fOsn dfu{ / n]gx?sf] kx'Fraf6 sltsf] ;Gt'i6 x'g'x'G5 <
a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied d) Dissatisfied e) Highly dissatisfied
cToflws ;Gt'i6 ;Gt'i6 g t ;Gt'i6 g c;Gt'i6 c;Gt'i6 cToflws c;Gt'i6
23. How satisfied are you with the quality and coverage of street lights on the road?
tkfO{ ;8sdf ;8s alQsf] u'0f:t/ / kx'Fraf6 slQsf] ;Gt'i6 x'g'x'G5 <
a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied d) Dissatisfied e) Highly dissatisfied
cToflws ;Gt'i6 ;Gt'i6 g t ;Gt'i6 g c;Gt'i6 c;Gt'i6 cToflws c;Gt'i6
24. Are there any specific locations along road section that needs lightings? a) Yes b) No
o; ;8s v08df alQsf] cfjZos kg{] s'g} ljz]if :yfgx? 5g\ < 5g\ 5|}gg\
Mention Location (if there are any) __________________________________________________________
5g\ eg] pNn]v ug'{xf];\

Environment and Aesthetic Aspects -;8s j/k/sf] jftfj/0f / zf}Gbo{tf_

25. How satisfied are you with the cleanliness of the road and surroundings?
tkfO{ o; ;8ssf] ;/;kmfO{af6 sltsf] ;Gt'i6 x'g'x'G5 <
a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied d) Dissatisfied e) Highly dissatisfied
cToflws ;Gt'i6 ;Gt'i6 g t ;Gt'i6 g c;Gt'i6 c;Gt'i6 cToflws c;Gt'i6
26. What do you feel about the noise level generated by the traffic in this road?
o; ;8sdf u'8\g] ;jf/Laf6 lgl:sg] WjgLsf] rfk tkfO{+ sltsf] dx;'; ug'{x'G5 <
a) Very Low b) Low c) Medium d) High e) Very High
cToflws sd sd dWod al9 cToflws al9

Page 5 of 8
A1 Questionnaire for Motorized Transportation Users

27. What do you feel about the level of air pollution in this road?
o; ;8sdf ePsf] jfo' k|b'if0fsf] dfqf k|lt tkfO{+sf] wf/0ff s] 5 <
a) Very Low b) Low c) Medium d) High e) Very High
cToflws sd sd dWod al9 cToflws al9

Accessibility and Connectivity -;8ssf] kx'Fr_

28. How satisfied are you with the access provided by this road to key locations like work places/ residence/
shops/ school/ hospital/farms?
of] ;8ssf] sf/0fn] sfd ug]{ 7fpF÷af;:yfg÷k;n÷ljBfno÷c:ktfn kmfd{ h:tf 7fpFx? k'Ugsf nflu u/]sf] k|efj
k|lt tkfO{+ sltsf] ;Gt'i6 x'g'x'G5 <
a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied d) Dissatisfied e) Highly dissatisfied
cToflws ;Gt'i6 ;Gt'i6 g t ;Gt'i6 g c;Gt'i6 c;Gt'i6 cToflws c;Gt'i6
29. How reliable is this road to reach your destination on time?
;dod} uGtJodf k'Ugsf] nflu of] af6f] sltsf] e/kbf{] 5 <
a) Highly reliable b) Reliable c) Neutral d) Unreliable e) Highly unreliable
cToflws e/kbf]{ e/kbf]{ t6:y e/ kg{ g;lsg] cToflws e/ kg{ g;lsg]
30. What do you feel about the trend of travel time along this road section over past two years?
ljut b'O{ jif{df o; ;8s v08df ofqfsf] ;dosf] k|j[lQsf] af/]df tkfO{nfO{ s:tf] nfU5 <
a) Substantially reduced b) Reduced marginally c) Remained same d) Increased e) Increased substantially
kof{Kt dfqfdf 36]sf] yf]/} 36]sf] p:t} /x]sf] a9]sf]] pNn]Vo ?kdf a9]sf]
31. How satisfied are you with the connectivity and access provided by this road to other major roads and
o; ;8sn] k|bfg u/]sf] cGo k|d'v ;8sx? ;Fusf] kx'Fr k|lt tkfO{+ sltsf] ;Gt'i6 x'g'x'G5 <
a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied d) Dissatisfied e) Highly dissatisfied
cToflws ;Gt'i6 ;Gt'i6 g t ;Gt'i6 g c;Gt'i6 c;Gt'i6 cToflws c;Gt'i6
32. How satisfied are you with the signages for directions and distance along the road?
o; ;8sdf /x]sf] lbzf / b"/Lsf] af/]df hfgsf/L lbg] ;+s]tx? k|lt tkfO{+ sltsf] ;Gt'i6 x'g'x'G5 <
a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied d) Dissatisfied e) Highly dissatisfied
cToflws ;Gt'i6 ;Gt'i6 g t ;Gt'i6 g c;Gt'i6 c;Gt'i6 cToflws c;Gt'i6
33. How has this road contributed in improving the local economy and business?
cfly{s u'0f:t/ / Jofkf/ a9fpg o; ;8s sltsf] k|efjsf/L /x]sf] 5 <
a) Highly efficient b) Efficient c) Neither Efficient nor Inefficient d) Inefficient e) Highly Inefficient
cToflws k|efjsf/L k|efjsf/L g k|efjsf/L g ck|efjsf/L ck|efjsf/L cToflws ck|efjsf/L

Emergency Services -cfktsflng ;'ljwfx?_

34. What type of medical facilities does the road user get on this road?
;8s k|of]ustf{n] o; ;8s v08df s:tf :jf:Yo ;'ljwfx? kfpF5g\ <
a) Govt. hospital b) Private hospital c) Health posts d) Clinic e) None of above
;/sf/L c:ktfn lglh c:ktfn :jf:Yo rf}sL lSnlgs s'g} klg 5}gg\
35. How satisfied are you with the accessibility of emergency services such as ambulances and fire truck, to
different parts of the community?
;d'bfodf PDa'n]G; tyf bdsn h:tf cfKtsfnLg ;'ljwfx?sf] kx'Fraf6 tkfO{ slQsf] ;Gt'i6 x'g'x'G5 <
a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied d) Dissatisfied e) Highly dissatisfied
cToflws ;Gt'i6 ;Gt'i6 g t ;Gt'i6 g c;Gt'i6 c;Gt'i6 cToflws c;Gt'i6
36. What do you think about the post-crash response when an accident occurs on this road?
o; ;8sdf b'3{6gf x'Fbf b'3{6gf kl5sf] k|ltlqmofsf] af/] tkfO{ s] ;f]Rg' x'G5 <
a) Very quick b) Quick c) Neither quick nor slow d) Slow e) Very slow
w]/} rfF8f] rfF8f] g rfF8f] g l9nf] l9nf] w]/} l9nf]

Page 6 of 8
A1 Questionnaire for Motorized Transportation Users

User Experience -k|of]ustf{sf] cg'ej_

37. How satisfied are you with the overall quality of roads?
;8ssf] ;du| u'0f:t/ k|lt tkfO{ sltsf] ;Gt'i6 x'g'x'G5 <
a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied d) Dissatisfied e) Highly dissatisfied
cToflws ;Gt'i6 ;Gt'i6 g t ;Gt'i6 g c;Gt'i6 c;Gt'i6 cToflws c;Gt'i6
38. Do you know who is responsible for road maintenance work?
s] tkfO{nfO{ ;8s dd{tsf] lhDd]jf/L s;sf] xf] eGg] s'/f yfxf 5 <
a) DoR b) DoLIDAR/DDC c) Municipality d) Any other agency___________ e) Do not know
;8s ljefu lh=lj=;= gu/kflnsf ÷ufpFkflnsf cGo lgsfox? yfxf 5}g
39. Have you ever made complaint to Government/Road authorities regarding any type of problem faced while
traveling on this road?
s] tkfO{n] o; ;8sdf ofqf ubf{ ef]Ug'ePsf ;d:ofx? af/] ;8s clwsf/Lx?;Fu slxNo} u'gf;f] ug'{ePsf] 5 <
a) Yes b) No
5 5|}g
40. If yes, how satisfied are you with the complaint redressal system of DoR/Road agencies?
olb 5 eg], ;8s ljefu÷ ;8s lgsfox?sf] u'gf;f] lgjf/0f k|0ffnL;Fu sltsf] ;Gt'i6 x'g'x'G5 <
a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied d) Dissatisfied e) Highly dissatisfied
cToflws ;Gt'i6 ;Gt'i6 g t ;Gt'i6 g c;Gt'i6 c;Gt'i6 cToflws c;Gt'i6
41. How satisfied are you with DOR or responsible road agencies resolving maintenance, quality and repairing
related problem in time?
;8s dd{t / u'0f:t/ ;DalGw ;d:ofx? ;dod} ;dfwfg ug{] ;8s ljefu / cGo lhDd]jf/ lgsfox?sf] sfo{af6
tkfO{ sltsf] ;Gt'i6 x'g'x'G5 <
a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied d) Dissatisfied e) Highly dissatisfied
cToflws ;Gt'i6 ;Gt'i6 g t ;Gt'i6 g c;Gt'i6 c;Gt'i6 cToflws c;Gt'i6
42. How satisfied are you with the road maintenance work?
tkfO{ ;8s dd{tsf] sfo{af6 sltsf] ;Gt'i6 x'g'x'G5 <
a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied d) Dissatisfied e) Highly dissatisfied
cToflws ;Gt'i6 ;Gt'i6 g t ;Gt'i6 g c;Gt'i6 c;Gt'i6 cToflws c;Gt'i6
43. Are there any specific locations where road maintenance is needed? a) Yes b) No
;8s dd{t ug'{kg{] s'g} vf; :yfgx? 5g\ < 5g\ 5|}gg\
Mention Location (if there are any) __________________________________________________________
5g\ eg] pNn]v ug'{xf];\
44. Are there any innovative solutions or technologies you believe could improve road quality?
s] tkfO{nfO{ ;8ssf] u'0f:t/ ;'wf/ ug]{ s'g} gofF k|ljlwaf/] hfgsf/L 5 <
45. What specific improvements would you suggest to enhance the quality or serviceability of this road?
;8ssf] u'0f:t/ tyf ;]jf Ifdtf j[l4 ug{ s] ;'emfj lbg rfxg' x'G5 <
46. How satisfied are you with the quality of this road in comparison with other road sections in the region?
o; If]qsf cGo ;8ssf] t'ngfdf o; ;8ssf] u'0f:t/ ;Fu sltsf] ;Gt'i6 x'g'x'G5 <
a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied d) Dissatisfied e) Highly dissatisfied
cToflws ;Gt'i6 ;Gt'i6 g t ;Gt'i6 g c;Gt'i6 c;Gt'i6 cToflws c;Gt'i6

Page 7 of 8
A1 Questionnaire for Motorized Transportation Users

Green Resilient Corridor (GRID Approach)

47. Have you ever encountered wildlife on or near the highway? a) Yes b) No
s] tkfO{n] slxNo} /fhdfu{df jf glhs jGohGt' b]Vg' ePsf] 5 5g\ 5|}gg\
48. If yes, name the animal you most see during the travel?
olb 5 eg], ofqf ubf{ ;a}eGbf al9 s'g hgfj/x? b]Vg'x'G5 <

49. If yes, describe the nature of the encounter. (e.g., crossing the road, accident, near-miss accident).
olb b]Vg' ePsf] 5 eg] jGohGt' e]6\bfsf] k|s[ltsf] j0f{g ug'{xf];\ -h:t} af6f] kf/ ub}{, b'3{6gfdf k/]sf], b'3{6gfsf] lgs6_
50. In your opinion, how well does the highway design consider the safety of wildlife?
;8ssf] l8hfOg aGohGt'sf] ;'/Iffsf] nflu slQsf] k|efjsf/L kfpg'x'G5 <
a) Highly effective b) Effective c) Neutral d) Ineffective e) Very Ineffective
cToflws k|efjsf/L k|efjsf/L t6:y ck|efjsf/L cToflws ck|efjsf/L
51. Do you believe that the highway has adequate wildlife crossings such as Overpass and Underpass?
s] tkfO{ o; /fhdfu{df jGohGt'nfO{ af6f] dfly tyf af6f] d'lgaf6 qml;+u ug{sf] nflu k'nx? Kof{Kt /x]sf 5g\ eGg]df
ljZj:t x'g'x'G5 <
a) Fully Agreed b) Agreed c) Neutral d) Disagree e) Fully Disgree
k"0f{ ;xdt ;xdt t6:y c;xdt cToflws c;xdt
52. Do you believe that the highway has adequate signage warning of wildlife crossings?
s] tkfO{ o; /fhdfu{df jGohGt' qml;u+sf] nflu r]tfjgL lbg] kof{Kt ;fO{gaf]8{x? /x]sf 5g\ eGg]df ljZj:t x'g'x'G5 <
a) Fully Agreed b) Agreed c) Neutral d) Disagree e) Fully Disgree
k"0f{ ;xdt ;xdt t6:y c;xdt cToflws c;xdt
53. What improvements would you suggest to enhance road safety and reduce human-wildlife conflicts?
;8s ;'/IffnfO{ ;'wfg{ / dfgj jGohGt' 4G4nfO{ sd ug{ s] s] ;'wf/x?sf] ;'emfj lbg rfxg'x'G5<

54. Are you aware of any environmental initiatives to protect wildlife related to this highway?
s] tkfO{nfO{ of] /fhdfu{;Fu ;DalGwt s'g} jGohGt'sf] ;+/If0fdf s]lGb|t jftfj/0fLo k|of;x? ePsf] yfxf 5 ls 5}g <
a) Yes 5 b) No 5|}g
55. How would you rate the efforts of the highway authorities in addressing wildlife conservation concerns?
jGohGt' ;+/If0f ug{ ;8s ljefu / ;8s ;DalGw clwsf/Lx?sf] k|of;nfO{ tkfO{ s;/L d"Nof+sg ug'{x'G5 <
a) Excellent b) Good c) Fair d) Poor e) Very Poor
pTs[i6 /fd|f] dWood v/fa w]/} v/fa
56. How do you feel about the safety of the road in terms of extreme weather, heavy rainfall, floods, landslides,
cToflws df};d, ef/L jiff{, af9L, klx/f] cflb b[li6sf]0faf6 ;8ssf] ;'/Iffaf/] tkfO{sf] wf/0ff s:tf] 5 <
a) Very Safe b) Safe c) Neutral d) Unsafe e) Very Unsafe
w]/} ;'/lIft ;'/lIft t6:y c;'/lIft w]/} c;'/lIft
57. What do you think the government should do to prevent such disasters on highways?
o:tf ljklQx?af6 /fhdfu{nfO{ hf]ufpg ;/sf/n] s] ug'{ k5{ xf]nf <

Page 8 of 8
Appendix A2: Format of Questionnaires to
be used in the survey for Non-Motorized
A2 -Questionnaire for Non-Motorized Commuters

Department of Roads
;8s ljefu
Questionnaire for
Road User’s Satisfaction Survey along Butwal-Gorusinghe-Chanauta Road
a'6jn–uf]?l;ª\]–rgf}6f ;8s k|of]ustf{sf] ;Gt'li6 ;j]{If0fsf] nflu k|ZgfjnL

Questionnaire for Non-Motorized Commuters

-;jf/L ;fwg grnfpg] ;8s k|of]ustf{sf nflu k|Zgx?_
Name of Interviewer: ____________________________ Date:_________/______/_____
cGtjftf{stf{sf] gfdM ldltM=====================================

Details of Survey Station -;e]{ :6]zgsf] ljj/0f_

Name of Road Link: ____________________________
;8s v08sf] gfd
Survey Station No.: _____________ District: ____________ Village/Town: _______________
;e]{ :6]zg gDa/ lhNnfM ufpF÷;x/

Demographic Information -hg;f+lVosLo ljj/0f_

Name of Respondent: ____________________________ Gender: a) Male b) Female c) Others
pQ/bftfsf] gfd lnªu k'?if dlxnf cGo
Age: (a)18-25 yrs (b) 26-35 yrs (c) 36-45 yrs (d) 46-55 yrs (e) Above 55 yrs
pd]/ !*–@% jif{ @^–#% jif{ #^–$% jif{ $^–%% jif{ %% jif{ eGbf dfly
(Any person below 18 years is not to be interviewed)
-!* jif{ eGbf sd pd]/sf s'g} klg JolQmsf] cGt/jftf{ glng]_
Occupation: a) Agriculture b) Business c) Service d) Student e) Labor f) Others _______________
k]zf s[lif Jofkf/ ;]jf ljBfyL{ dhb"/ cGo
Road User Type: a) Pedestrians b) Local Residents/ Entrepreneurs c) Farmers e) Market Consumers
;8s k|of]ustf{ lsl;d k}bn ofqL :yflgo afl;Gbf÷pBdL ls;fg pkef]Qmf
d) Passengers f) Cyclists g) Teachers/Students h) Pilgrims/Tourists
ofq' ;fOsn rfns lzIfs, ljBfyL{ lty{ofqL, ko{6s
Purpose of Travel a) Business/ Job/ Agricultural work b) Visiting relatives/friends c) Shopping
ofqfsf] p4]Zo Jofkf/÷hflu/÷s[lif cfkmGt÷;fyLx?nfO{ e]6\g lsgd]n
d) Sight-seeing/ Touring/ Leisure e) Others ______________________
bz{gLo :yn÷ko{6g÷km';{b cGo
Frequency of Travel: a) Daily b) Weekly c) Occasionally d) More than 1 time a day
ofqfsf] af/Daf/tf lbg lbg} xKtfsf] ! k6s slxn] sflxF lbgsf] ! k6s eGbf w]/}

Road Condition -;8ssf] cj:yf_

1. How often do you encounter potholes or uneven road surfaces?
tkfO{n] vfN8fx? / c;dfg ;8s ;txx? sltsf] e]6fpg' x'G5 <
a) none b) Rarely c) Occasionally d) Frequently e) Very Frequently
st} e]l6b}g lj/n} slxn]sfxLF af/Daf/ cToGt} af/Daf/
2. How satisfied are you with the visibility and clarity of road markings?
tkfO{ ;8s lrGxx?sf] b[Zotf / :ki6tf;Fu sltsf] ;Gt'i6 x'g'x'G5 <
a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied d) Dissatisfied e) Highly dissatisfied
cToflws ;Gt'i6 ;Gt'i6 g t ;Gt'i6 g c;Gt'i6 c;Gt'i6 cToflws c;Gt'i6

Page 1 of 8
A2 -Questionnaire for Non-Motorized Commuters

3. How efficient do you find the drainage system in road?

o; ;8sdf 8«]g]h k|0ffnL sltsf] k|efjsf/L kfpg'x'G5 <
a) Highly efficient b) Efficient c) Nether Efficient nor Inefficient d) Inefficient e) Highly Inefficient
cToflws k|efjsf/L k|efjsf/L g k|efjsf/L g ck|efjsf/L ck|efjsf/L cToflws ck|efjsf/L
4. What do you think about the width of this road?
of] ;8ssf] rf}8fO{sf] af/]df tkfO{ s] ;f]Rg' x'G5 <
a) Highly adequate b) Adequate c) Neither adequate nor inadequate d) Inadequate e) Highly inadequate
cToflws kof{Kt kof{Kt g kof{Kt g ckof{Kt ckof{Kt cToflws ckof{Kt
5. How satisfied are you with existing condition of the road surfaces?
;8ssf] cj:yf b]lv tkfO{ sltsf] ;Gt'i6 x'g'x'G5 <
a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied d) Dissatisfied e) Highly dissatisfied
cToflws ;Gt'i6 ;Gt'i6 g t ;Gt'i6 g c;Gt'i6 c;Gt'i6 cToflws c;Gt'i6
6. Are there any locations along road section where road quality degrades significantly during adverse
whether condition?
s] o; ;8sdf k|lts"n df};dsf a]nf af6f] cj?4 x'g] :yfgx? 5g\ <
a) Yes b) No Mention Location (if there is any) ________________________________
5g\ 5}gg\ 5g\ eg] pNn]v ug'{xf];\

Traffic and Safety -;jf/L / ;'/Iff_

7. How is vehicle congestion on this road?
of] ;8sdf ;jf/L ;fwgsf] rfk s:tf] 5 <
a) Absolutely free from congestion b) Free from congestion
eL8ef8n] k"0f{ ?kdf d'Qm eL8ef8 d'Qm
c) Neither free nor congested d) Congested e) Highly congested
g t eL8ef8 d'Qm g t le8ef8 ePsf] eL8ef8 ePsf] cToflws eL8ef8 ePsf]
8. How satisfied are you with the installation of guard rails on sharp bends and steep slopes of roads?
cK7\of/f] df]8x? / 7f8f] ;8s 5]pdf /flvPsf af/x?af6 tkfO{+ sltsf] ;Gt'i6 x'g'x'G5 <
a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied d) Dissatisfied e) Highly dissatisfied
cToflws ;Gt'i6 ;Gt'i6 g t ;Gt'i6 g c;Gt'i6 c;Gt'i6 cToflws c;Gt'i6
9. How accessible do you find pedestrian crossing along the roads?
tkfO{ ;8sdf k}bn ofqLsf] nflu af6f] sf6\g] :yfg slQsf] kx'Frof]Uo kfpg'x'G5 <
a) Highly accessible b) Accessible
pRr kx'Frof]Uo kx'Frof]Uo
c) Neither Accessible nor Inaccessible d) Inaccessible e) Highly Inaccessible
g kx'Frof]Uo g kx'Fr aflx/ kx'Fr aflx/ cToflws kx'Fr aflx/
10. Are road signs adequately placed to enhance the safety of road users? a) Yes b) No
;8s k|of]ustf{sf] ;'/Iffsf] nflu ;8s lrGxx? kof{Kt dfqfdf /flvPsf 5g\ < 5g\ 5}gg\

Page 2 of 8
A2 -Questionnaire for Non-Motorized Commuters

11. Where do you find the road signs most effective? (Multiple Choice Question)
;8s lrGxx? ;a} eGbf k|efjsf/L s'g 7fpFdf kfpg' x'G5 <
SN qm=;+= Road sign -;8s ;+s]t_ Tick -lrGx nfpg'xf];\_
1 Near to the school -ljBfno glhs_
2 Near to the hospital -c:ktfn glhs_
3 Narrow road -;fF3'/f] af6f]_
4 Sharp bends -cK7\of/f] df]8x?_
5 Pedestrian crossing -k}bnofqLn] af6f] sf6\g] :yfg_
6 Speed breaker -:kL8 a|]s/_
7 Landslide/hazardous area -klx/f] tyf cGo hf]lvdk"0f{ If]qx?_
8 High accident area -pRr b'3{6gf If]q_
9 Others -cGo_ __________________
12. Considering the safety aspect mark the following factors (Note-1 for most unsafe and 5 for least
unsafe factor)
;'/Iff kIfnfO{ dWogh/ /fVb} lgDg sf/sx? c+s lbg'xf];\ -gf]6–;a}eGbf c;'/lIftsf] nflu ! / sd c;'/lIftsf] nflu
SN qm=;+= Factor contributing to accident -b'3{6gfsf sf/0fx?_ Mark -c+s_
1 Over speed -ltj| ult_
2 Unusual overtaking -hyfefjL cf]ef]/6]s_
3 Heavy goods carrying vehicles -ef/L ;fdfg af]Sg] uf8Lx?_
4 Lack of awareness of traffic rules -6«flkms lgod ;DalGw r]tgfsf] cefj_
5 Bad condition of road -;8ssf] v/fa cj:yf_
6 Absence of sufficient road signs -k|ofKt ;8s ;+s]tx?sf] cefj_
7 Aggressive driving -cfqmlds 8«fO{leª_
8 Narrow road -;f3'/f] af6f]_
9 Careless driving -nfk/afxL 8«fO{leª_
10 Unfit vehicles -cof]Uo uf8Lx?_
13. How safe do you feel while traveling on these roads?
o; ;8sdf ofqf ubf{ tkfO{ sltsf] ;'/lIft dx;'; ug'{x'G5 <
a) Very safe b) Safe c) Neither safe nor unsafe d) Unsafe e) Very unsafe
w]/} ;'/lIft ;'/lIft g ;'/lIft g c;'/lIft c;'/lIft w]/} c;'/lIft

Page 3 of 8
A2 -Questionnaire for Non-Motorized Commuters

14. In your opinion, which of the following factors lead to most of the accidents? Mark the following factors.
(Note-1 for most accident-causing factor and 5 for least accident-causing factor.)
tnsf dWo] s'g sf/0fn] a9L b'3{6gf lgDTofp5 < -;a}eGbf a9L b'3{6gf lgDTofpg] sf/0fsf nflu ! / sdsf nflu %_
SN qm=;+= Factor contributing to accident -b'3{6gfsf sf/0fx?_ Mark -c+s_
1 High speed -ltj| ult_
2 Bad weather -v/fa df};d_
3 Bad Condition of road -;8ssf] v/fa cj:yf_
4 Pedestrian crossing -k}bn ofqLn] af6f] sf6\g'_
5 Wild/ domestic animal crossing -hª\unL ÷3/]n' hgfj/n] af6f] sf6\g'_
6 Absence of sign at dangerous location -hf]lvdk"0f{ :yfgdf ;+s]tsf] cefj_
7 Use of alcohol while driving -uf8L rnfpFbf dfbs kbfy{sf] ;]jg_
8 Increase in number of vehicles -;jf/L ;fwgsf] ;+Vofdf j[l4_
9 Absence of street light -;8s alQsf] cefj_
15. In your opinion, what can be done to enhance safety of roads?
tkfO{sf] ljrf/df ;8ssf] ;'/Iff a9fpg s] ug{ ;lsG5 <
16. Whenever there is any maintenance/improvement works in this road section, do you find appropriate sign/s
explaining the work-in-progress?
o; ;8sdf s'g} klg dd{t÷;'wf/ sfo{x? x'Fbf pko'Qm lrGx|x? k|of]u ePsf] km]nf kfg'{x'G5 <
a) Yes b) No
kf5'{ kflb{g
17. Do you find the availability and accessibility of police posts/ Police patrolling vehicle on this road?
s] o; ;8sdf k|x/L rf}sL–k|x/L u:tL uf8Lx? pknAw 5g\ <
a) Yes b) No
5g\ 5|}gg\

Infrastructure and Facilities -;8ssf k"jf{wf/ / ;'ljwfx?_

18. Do you find following facilities along this road? What is your satisfaction level on these facilities?
‘5’ for ‘very satisfied’ ‘4’ for ‘satisfied’, ‘3’ for ‘neither satisfied nor dissatisfied’,
‘2’ for ‘Dissatisfied’, ‘1’ for ‘very dissatisfied
s] tkfO{+n] o; ;8sdf lgDg ;'ljwfx? e]6\g'x'G5< oL ;'ljwfx? k|lt tkfO{sf] ;Gt'li6sf] :t/ s] 5 <
cToflws ;Gt'i6sf nflu …%Ú ;Gt'i6sf nflu …$Ú g ;Gt'i6 g c;Gt'i6sf nflu …#Ú
c;Gt'i6sf nflu …@Ú cToflws c;Gt'i6sf nflu …!Ú
SN Facilities -;'ljwfx?_ Do you find the facilities? Satisfaction
qm=;+= + ] ;'ljwfx? e]6\g'x'G5< Level
s] tkfO{n
Yes e]6\5' No e]6\lbg ;Gt'li6 :t/
1 Public toilets/ bathrooms -;fj{hlgs zf}rfno ÷afy?d_ ☐ ☐
2 Restaurants/ shops for food/ drinks -vfgf vfg] xf]6n÷/]i6''/]G6_ ☐ ☐
3 Public taps/ Drinking Water -;fj{hlgs wf/f÷lkpg] kfgL_ ☐ ☐
4 Medical facilities -:jf:Yo ;'ljwf_ ☐ ☐
5 Rain shelter-cum-Bus stop -jiff{ cf>o – a; lj;f}gL_ ☐ ☐
6 Others -cGo_ ☐ ☐

Page 4 of 8
A2 -Questionnaire for Non-Motorized Commuters

19. How long does it take when you want to make a travel to different public places?
tkfO{nfO{ ljleGg ;fj{hlgs ;'ljwfsf] :Yffgdf k'Ugsf] nflu slQsf] ;do nfUb5<
SN Places -:yfgx?_ Time -;do_
qm=;+= Hours 3G6f Minute ldg]6
1 Reach to the Primary school -k|fylds :s'n k'Ug_
2 Reach Higher Secondary School -pRr dfWolds ljBfno k'Ug_
3 Reach Colleges/Universities -ljZjljBfno k'Ug_
4 Reach to the hospital -c:ktfn k'Ug_
5 Reach to the market -ahf/ k'Ug_
6 Reach to Police Station -k|x/L rf}sL k'Ug_
7 Reach to Ward Office -j8f sfof{no k'Ug_
20. What time of the day is the most difficult for you to find public transport facilities in this road?
of] ;8sdf ;fj{hlgs oftfoft ;'ljwf lng tkfO{nfO{ lbgsf] s'g ;do ;a}eGbf ufx|f] x'G5 <
a) 5am–8am b) 8am–10am c) 10am–12pm d) 12pm–4pm
ljxfg %-* ah] ljxfg *–!) ah] ljxfg !)–!@ ah] lbpF;f] !@ – ;fFem $ ah]
e) 4pm–8pm f) 8pm-10pm g) Beyond 10pm
;fFem $ - /flt * ah] /flt *–!) ah] /flt !) ah] eGbf kl5
21. How accessible do you find footpaths along the roads?
o; ;8sdf km'6kfy slQsf] kx'Frof]Uo kfpg'x'G5 <
a) Highly accessible b) Accessible
pRr kx'Frof]Uo kx'Frof]Uo
c) Neither Accessible nor Inaccessible d) Inaccessible e) Highly Inaccessible
g kx'Frof]Uo g kx'Fr aflx/ kx'Fr aflx/ cToflws kx'Fr aflx/
22. How satisfied are you with the accessibility of cycling path and lanes?
tkfO{ ;fOsn dfu{ / n]gx?sf] kx'Fraf6 sltsf] ;Gt'i6 x'g'x'G5 <
a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied d) Dissatisfied e) Highly dissatisfied
cToflws ;Gt'i6 ;Gt'i6 g t ;Gt'i6 g c;Gt'i6 c;Gt'i6 cToflws c;Gt'i6
23. How satisfied are you with the quality and coverage of street lights on the road?
tkfO{ ;8sdf ;8s alQsf] u'0f:t/ / kx'Fraf6 slQsf] ;Gt'i6 x'g'x'G5 <
a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied d) Dissatisfied e) Highly dissatisfied
cToflws ;Gt'i6 ;Gt'i6 g t ;Gt'i6 g c;Gt'i6 c;Gt'i6 cToflws c;Gt'i6
24. Are there any specific locations along road section that needs lightings? a) Yes b) No
o; ;8s v08df alQsf] cfjZos kg{] s'g} ljz]if :yfgx? 5g\ < 5g\ 5|}gg\
Mention Location (if there are any) __________________________________________________________
5g\ eg] pNn]v ug'{xf];\

Environment and Aesthetic Aspects -;8s j/k/sf] jftfj/0f / zf}Gbo{tf_

25. How satisfied are you with the cleanliness of the road and surroundings?
tkfO{ o; ;8ssf] ;/;kmfO{af6 sltsf] ;Gt'i6 x'g'x'G5 <
a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied d) Dissatisfied e) Highly dissatisfied
cToflws ;Gt'i6 ;Gt'i6 g t ;Gt'i6 g c;Gt'i6 c;Gt'i6 cToflws c;Gt'i6
26. What do you feel about the noise level generated by the traffic in this road?
o; ;8sdf u'8\g] ;jf/Laf6 lgl:sg] WjgLsf] rfk tkfO{+ sltsf] dx;'; ug'{x'G5 <
a) Very Low b) Low c) Medium d) High e) Very High
cToflws sd sd dWod al9 cToflws al9

Page 5 of 8
A2 -Questionnaire for Non-Motorized Commuters

27. What do you feel about the level of air pollution in this road?
o; ;8sdf ePsf] jfo' k|b'if0fsf] dfqf k|lt tkfO{+sf] wf/0ff s] 5 <
a) Very Low b) Low c) Medium d) High e) Very High
cToflws sd sd dWod al9 cToflws al9

Accessibility and Connectivity -;8ssf] kx'Fr_

28. How satisfied are you with the access provided by this road to key locations like work places/ residence/
shops/ school/ hospital/farms?
of] ;8ssf] sf/0fn] sfd ug]{ 7fpF÷af;:yfg÷k;n÷ljBfno÷c:ktfn kmfd{ h:tf 7fpFx? k'Ugsf nflu u/]sf] k|efj
k|lt tkfO{+ sltsf] ;Gt'i6 x'g'x'G5 <
a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied d) Dissatisfied e) Highly dissatisfied
cToflws ;Gt'i6 ;Gt'i6 g t ;Gt'i6 g c;Gt'i6 c;Gt'i6 cToflws c;Gt'i6
29. How reliable is this road to reach your destination on time?
;dod} uGtJodf k'Ugsf] nflu of] af6f] sltsf] e/kbf{] 5 <
a) Highly reliable b) Reliable c) Neutral d) Unreliable e) Highly unreliable
cToflws e/kbf]{ e/kbf]{ t6:y e/ kg{ g;lsg] cToflws e/ kg{ g;lsg]
30. What do you feel about the trend of travel time along this road section over past two years?
ljut b'O{ jif{df o; ;8s v08df ofqfsf] ;dosf] k|j[lQsf] af/]df tkfO{nfO{ s:tf] nfU5 <
a) Substantially reduced b) Reduced marginally c) Remained same d) Increased e) Increased substantially
kof{Kt dfqfdf 36]sf] yf]/} 36]sf] p:t} /x]sf] a9]sf]] pNn]Vo ?kdf a9]sf]
31. How satisfied are you with the connectivity and access provided by this road to other major roads and
o; ;8sn] k|bfg u/]sf] cGo k|d'v ;8sx? ;Fusf] kx'Fr k|lt tkfO{+ sltsf] ;Gt'i6 x'g'x'G5 <
a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied d) Dissatisfied e) Highly dissatisfied
cToflws ;Gt'i6 ;Gt'i6 g t ;Gt'i6 g c;Gt'i6 c;Gt'i6 cToflws c;Gt'i6
32. How satisfied are you with the signages for directions and distance along the road?
o; ;8sdf /x]sf] lbzf / b"/Lsf] af/]df hfgsf/L lbg] ;+s]tx? k|lt tkfO{+ sltsf] ;Gt'i6 x'g'x'G5 <
a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied d) Dissatisfied e) Highly dissatisfied
cToflws ;Gt'i6 ;Gt'i6 g t ;Gt'i6 g c;Gt'i6 c;Gt'i6 cToflws c;Gt'i6
33. How has this road contributed in improving the local economy and business?
cfly{s u'0f:t/ / Jofkf/ a9fpg o; ;8s sltsf] k|efjsf/L /x]sf] 5 <
a) Highly efficient b) Efficient c) Neither Efficient nor Inefficient d) Inefficient e) Highly Inefficient
cToflws k|efjsf/L k|efjsf/L g k|efjsf/L g ck|efjsf/L ck|efjsf/L cToflws ck|efjsf/L

Emergency Services -cfktsflng ;'ljwfx?_

34. What type of medical facilities does the road user get on this road?
;8s k|of]ustf{n] o; ;8s v08df s:tf :jf:Yo ;'ljwfx? kfpF5g\ <
a) Govt. hospital b) Private hospital c) Health posts d) Clinic e) None of above
;/sf/L c:ktfn lglh c:ktfn :jf:Yo rf}sL lSnlgs s'g} klg 5}gg\
35. How satisfied are you with the accessibility of emergency services such as ambulances and fire truck, to
different parts of the community?
;d'bfodf PDa'n]G; tyf bdsn h:tf cfKtsfnLg ;'ljwfx?sf] kx'Fraf6 tkfO{ slQsf] ;Gt'i6 x'g'x'G5 <
a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied d) Dissatisfied e) Highly dissatisfied
cToflws ;Gt'i6 ;Gt'i6 g t ;Gt'i6 g c;Gt'i6 c;Gt'i6 cToflws c;Gt'i6
36. What do you think about the post-crash response when an accident occurs on this road?
o; ;8sdf b'3{6gf x'Fbf b'3{6gf kl5sf] k|ltlqmofsf] af/] tkfO{ s] ;f]Rg' x'G5 <
a) Very quick b) Quick c) Neither quick nor slow d) Slow e) Very slow
w]/} rfF8f] rfF8f] g rfF8f] g l9nf] l9nf] w]/} l9nf]
Page 6 of 8
A2 -Questionnaire for Non-Motorized Commuters

User Experience -k|of]ustf{sf] cg'ej_

37. How satisfied are you with the overall quality of roads?
;8ssf] ;du| u'0f:t/ k|lt tkfO{ sltsf] ;Gt'i6 x'g'x'G5 <
a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied d) Dissatisfied e) Highly dissatisfied
cToflws ;Gt'i6 ;Gt'i6 g t ;Gt'i6 g c;Gt'i6 c;Gt'i6 cToflws c;Gt'i6
38. Do you know who is responsible for road maintenance work?
s] tkfO{nfO{ ;8s dd{tsf] lhDd]jf/L s;sf] xf] eGg] s'/f yfxf 5 <
a) DoR b) DoLIDAR/DDC c) Municipality d) Any other agency___________ e) Do not know
;8s ljefu lh=lj=;= gu/kflnsf ÷ufpFkflnsf cGo lgsfox? yfxf 5}g
39. Have you ever made complaint to Government/Road authorities regarding any type of problem faced while
traveling on this road?
s] tkfO{n] o; ;8sdf ofqf ubf{ ef]Ug'ePsf ;d:ofx? af/] ;8s clwsf/Lx?;Fu slxNo} u'gf;f] ug'{ePsf] 5 <
a) Yes b) No
5 5|}g
40. If yes, how satisfied are you with the complaint redressal system of DoR/Road agencies?
olb 5 eg], ;8s ljefu÷ ;8s lgsfox?sf] u'gf;f] lgjf/0f k|0ffnL;Fu sltsf] ;Gt'i6 x'g'x'G5 <
a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied d) Dissatisfied e) Highly dissatisfied
cToflws ;Gt'i6 ;Gt'i6 g t ;Gt'i6 g c;Gt'i6 c;Gt'i6 cToflws c;Gt'i6
41. How satisfied are you with DOR or responsible road agencies resolving maintenance, quality and repairing
related problem in time?
;8s dd{t / u'0f:t/ ;DalGw ;d:ofx? ;dod} ;dfwfg ug{] ;8s ljefu / cGo lhDd]jf/ lgsfox?sf] sfo{af6
tkfO{ sltsf] ;Gt'i6 x'g'x'G5 <
a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied d) Dissatisfied e) Highly dissatisfied
cToflws ;Gt'i6 ;Gt'i6 g t ;Gt'i6 g c;Gt'i6 c;Gt'i6 cToflws c;Gt'i6
42. How satisfied are you with the road maintenance work?
tkfO{ ;8s dd{tsf] sfo{af6 sltsf] ;Gt'i6 x'g'x'G5 <
a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied d) Dissatisfied e) Highly dissatisfied
cToflws ;Gt'i6 ;Gt'i6 g t ;Gt'i6 g c;Gt'i6 c;Gt'i6 cToflws c;Gt'i6
43. Are there any specific locations where road maintenance is needed? a) Yes b) No
;8s dd{t ug'{kg{] s'g} vf; :yfgx? 5g\ < 5g\ 5|}gg\
Mention Location (if there are any) __________________________________________________________
5g\ eg] pNn]v ug'{xf];\
44. Are there any innovative solutions or technologies you believe could improve road quality?
s] tkfO{nfO{ ;8ssf] u'0f:t/ ;'wf/ ug]{ s'g} gofF k|ljlwaf/] hfgsf/L 5 <
45. What specific improvements would you suggest to enhance the quality or serviceability of this road?
;8ssf] u'0f:t/ tyf ;]jf Ifdtf j[l4 ug{ s] ;'emfj lbg rfxg' x'G5 <
46. How satisfied are you with the quality of this road in comparison with other road sections in the region?
o; If]qsf cGo ;8ssf] t'ngfdf o; ;8ssf] u'0f:t/ ;Fu sltsf] ;Gt'i6 x'g'x'G5 <
a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied d) Dissatisfied e) Highly dissatisfied
cToflws ;Gt'i6 ;Gt'i6 g t ;Gt'i6 g c;Gt'i6 c;Gt'i6 cToflws c;Gt'i6
Page 7 of 8
A2 -Questionnaire for Non-Motorized Commuters

Green Resilient Corridor (GRID Approach)

47. Have you ever encountered wildlife on or near the highway? a) Yes b) No
s] tkfO{n] slxNo} /fhdfu{df jf glhs jGohGt' b]Vg' ePsf] 5 5g\ 5|}gg\
48. If yes, name the animal you most see during the travel?
olb 5 eg], ofqf ubf{ ;a}eGbf al9 s'g hgfj/x? b]Vg'x'G5 <

49. If yes, describe the nature of the encounter. (e.g., crossing the road, accident, near-miss accident).
olb b]Vg' ePsf] aGohGt' e]6\bfsf] k|s[ltsf] j0f{g ug'{xf];\ -h:t} af6f] kf/ ub}{, b'3{6gfdf k/]sf], b'3{6gfsf] lgs6_
50. In your opinion, how well does the highway design consider the safety of wildlife?
;8ssf] l8hfOg aGohGt'sf] ;'/Iffsf] nflu slQsf] k|efjsf/L kfpg'x'G5 <
a) Highly effective b) Effective c) Neutral d) Ineffective e) Very Ineffective
cToflws k|efjsf/L k|efjsf/L t6:y ck|efjsf/L cToflws ck|efjsf/L
51. Do you believe that the highway has adequate wildlife crossings such as Overpass and Underpass?
s] tkfO{ o; /fhdfu{df jGohGt'nfO{ af6f] dfly tyf af6f] d'lgaf6 qml;+u ug{sf] nflu k'nx? Kof{Kt /x]sf 5g\ eGg]df
ljZj:t x'g'x'G5 <
a) Fully Agreed b) Agreed c) Neutral d) Disagree e) Fully Disgree
k"0f{ ;xdt ;xdt t6:y c;xdt cToflws c;xdt
52. Do you believe that the highway has adequate signage warning of wildlife crossings?
s] tkfO{ o; /fhdfu{df jGohGt' qml;u+sf] nflu r]tfjgL lbg] kof{Kt ;fO{gaf]8{x? /x]sf 5g\ eGg]df ljZj:t x'g'x'G5 <
a) Fully Agreed b) Agreed c) Neutral d) Disagree e) Fully Disgree
k"0f{ ;xdt ;xdt t6:y c;xdt cToflws c;xdt
53. What improvements would you suggest to enhance road safety and reduce human-wildlife conflicts?
;8s ;'/IffnfO{ ;'wfg{ / dfgj jGohGt' 4G4nfO{ sd ug{ s] s] ;'wf/x?sf] ;'emfj lbg rfxg'x'G5<

54. Are you aware of any environmental initiatives to protect wildlife related to this highway?
s] tkfO{nfO{ of] /fhdfu{;Fu ;DalGwt s'g} jGohGt'sf] ;+/If0fdf s]lGb|t jftfj/0fLo k|of;x? ePsf] yfxf 5 ls 5}g <
a) Yes 5 b) No 5|}g
55. How would you rate the efforts of the highway authorities in addressing wildlife conservation concerns?
jGohGt' ;+/If0f ug{ ;8s ljefu / ;8s ;DalGw clwsf/Lx?sf] k|of;nfO{ tkfO{ s;/L d"Nof+sg ug'{x'G5 <
a) Excellent b) Good c) Fair d) Poor e) Very Poor
pTs[i6 /fd|f] dWood v/fa w]/} v/fa
56. How do you feel about the safety of the road in terms of extreme weather, heavy rainfall, floods, landslides,
cToflws df};d, ef/L jiff{, af9L, klx/f] cflb b[li6sf]0faf6 ;8ssf] ;'/Iffaf/] tkfO{sf] wf/0ff s:tf] 5 <
a) Very Safe b) Safe c) Neutral d) Unsafe e) Very Unsafe
w]/} ;'/lIft ;'/lIft t6:y c;'/lIft w]/} c;'/lIft
57. What do you think the government should do to prevent such disasters on highways?
o:tf ljklQx?af6 /fhdfu{nfO{ hf]ufpg ;/sf/n] s] ug'{ k5{ xf]nf <

Page 8 of 8
Appendix A3: Format of Questionnaires to
be used in the survey for Relevant
Government and Non-Governmental
Organization/ Association
A3 - Questionnaire for Relevant Government and Non-Governmental Organization/ Association
(Focused Group Discussion)
Department of Roads
;8s ljefu
Questionnaire for
Road User’s Satisfaction Survey along Butwal-Gorusinghe-Chanauta Road
a'6jn–uf]?l;ª\]–rgf}6f ;8s k|of]ustf{sf] ;Gt'li6 ;j]{If0fsf] nflu k|ZgfjnL

Questionnaire for Relevant Government and Non-Governmental Organization/ Association

(Focused Group Discussion)
-;/sf/L, u}/;/sf/L ;+:yf / Joj;foL ;+3sf nflu k|Zgx?_
Name of Interviewer: ____________________________ Date:_________/______/_____
cGtjftf{stf{sf] gfdM ldltM=====================================
Details of Survey Station -;e]{ :6]zgsf] ljj/0f_
Name of Road Link: ____________________________
;8s v08sf] gfd
Survey Station No.: _____________ District: ____________ Village/Town: _______________
;e]{ :6]zg gDa/ lhNnfM ufpF÷;x/

Demographic Information -hg;f+lVosLo ljj/0f_

Name of the Office: __________________________________________________
sfof{nosf] gfdM
Name of Respondents: Gender: Age: Position:
pQ/bftfx?sf] gfd lnªu pd]/ kb
a) Male k'?if
b) Female dlxnf
c) Others cGo
a) Male k'?if
b) Female dlxnf
c) Others cGo
a) Male k'?if
b) Female dlxnf
c) Others cGo
a) Male k'?if
b) Female dlxnf
c) Others cGo
a) Male k'?if
b) Female dlxnf
c) Others cGo
a) Male k'?if
b) Female dlxnf
c) Others cGo
a) Male k'?if
b) Female dlxnf
c) Others cGo
How many times does a driver take break in a day during long journey? ___________________________
nfdf] ofqfdf rfnsn] lbgdf slt k6s a|]s lnG5g\ <
Page 1 of 9
A3 - Questionnaire for Relevant Government and Non-Governmental Organization/ Association
(Focused Group Discussion)

Road Condition -;8ssf] cj:yf_

1. How often do you encounter potholes or uneven road surfaces?
tkfO{n] vfN8fx? / c;dfg ;8s ;txx? sltsf] e]6fpg' x'G5 <
a) none b) Rarely c) Occasionally d) Frequently e) Very Frequently
st} e]l6b}g lj/n} slxn]sfxLF af/Daf/ cToGt} af/Daf/
2. How satisfied are you with the visibility and clarity of Road markings?
tkfO{ ;8s lrGxx?sf] b[Zotf / :ki6tf;Fu sltsf] ;Gt'i6 x'g'x'G5 <
a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied d) Dissatisfied e) Highly dissatisfied
cToflws ;Gt'i6 ;Gt'i6 g t ;Gt'i6 g c;Gt'i6 c;Gt'i6 cToflws c;Gt'i6
3. How efficient do you find the drainage system in road?
tkfO{ ;8sdf 8«]g]h k|0ffnL sltsf] k|efjsf/L kfpg'x'G5 <
a) Highly efficient b) Efficient c) Nether Efficient nor Inefficient d) Inefficient e) Highly Inefficient
cToflws k|efjsf/L k|efjsf/L g k|efjsf/L g ck|efjsf/L ck|efjsf/L cToflws ck|efjsf/L
4. What do you think about the width of this road?
of] ;8ssf] rf}8fO{sf] af/]df tkfO{ s] ;f]Rg' x'G5 <
a) Highly adequate b) Adequate c) Neither adequate nor inadequate d) Inadequate e) Highly inadequate
cToflws kof{Kt kof{Kt g kof{Kt g ckof{Kt ckof{Kt cToflws ckof{Kt
5. How satisfied are you with existing condition of the road surfaces?
;8ssf] cj:yf b]lv tkfO{ sltsf] ;Gt'i6 x'g'x'G5 <
a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied d) Dissatisfied e) Highly dissatisfied
cToflws ;Gt'i6 ;Gt'i6 g t ;Gt'i6 g c;Gt'i6 c;Gt'i6 cToflws c;Gt'i6
6. Are there any locations along road section where road quality degrades significantly during adverse
whether condition?
s] o; ;8sdf k|lts"n df};dsf a]nf af6f] cj?4 x'g] :yfgx? 5g\ <
a) Yes b) No Mention Location (if there is any) ________________________________
5g\ 5}gg\ 5g\ eg] pNn]v ug'{xf];\

Traffic and Safety -;jf/L / ;'/Iff_

7. How is vehicle congestion on this road?
of] ;8sdf ;jf/L ;fwgsf] rfk s:tf] 5 <
a) Absolutely free from congestion b) Free from congestion
eL8ef8n] k"0f{ ?kdf d'Qm eL8ef8 d'Qm
c) Neither free nor congested d) Congested e) Highly congested
g t eL8ef8 d'Qm g t le8ef8 ePsf] eL8ef8 ePsf] cToflws eL8ef8 ePsf]
8. How satisfied are you with the installation of guard rails on sharp bends and steep slopes of roads?
cK7\of/f] df]8x? / 7f8f] ;8s 5]pdf /flvPsf af/x?af6 tkfO{+ sltsf] ;Gt'i6 x'g'x'G5 <
a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied d) Dissatisfied e) Highly dissatisfied
cToflws ;Gt'i6 ;Gt'i6 g t ;Gt'i6 g c;Gt'i6 c;Gt'i6 cToflws c;Gt'i6
9. How accessible do you find pedestrian crossing along the roads?
tkfO{ ;8sdf k}bn ofqLsf] nflu af6f] sf6\g] :yfg slQsf] kx'Frof]Uo kfpg'x'G5 <
a) Highly accessible b) Accessible
pRr kx'Frof]Uo kx'Frof]Uo
c) Neither Accessible nor Inaccessible d) Inaccessible e) Highly Inaccessible
g kx'Frof]Uo g kx'Fr aflx/ kx'Fr aflx/ cToflws kx'Fr aflx/
10. Are road signs adequately placed to enhance the safety of road users? a) Yes b) No
;8s k|of]ustf{sf] ;'/Iffsf] nflu ;8s lrGxx? kof{Kt dfqfdf /flvPsf 5g\ < 5g\ 5}gg\

Page 2 of 9
A3 - Questionnaire for Relevant Government and Non-Governmental Organization/ Association
(Focused Group Discussion)
11. Where do you find the road signs most effective? (Multiple Choice Question)
;8s lrGxx? ;a} eGbf k|efjsf/L s'g 7fpFdf kfpg' x'G5 <
SN qm=;+= Road sign -;8s ;+s]t_ Tick -lrGx nfpg'xf];\_
1 Near to the school -ljBfno glhs_
2 Near to the hospital -c:ktfn glhs_
3 Narrow road -;fF3'/f] af6f]_
4 Sharp bends -cK7\of/f] df]8x?_
5 Pedestrian crossing -k}bnofqLn] af6f] sf6\g] :yfg_
6 Speed breaker -:kL8 a|]s/_
7 Landslide/hazardous area -klx/f] tyf cGo hf]lvdk"0f{ If]qx?_
8 High accident area -pRr b'3{6gf If]q_
9 Others -cGo_ __________________
12. Considering the safety aspect mark the following factors (Note-1 for most unsafe and 5 for least
unsafe factor)
;'/Iff kIfnfO{ dWogh/ /fVb} lgDg sf/sx? c+s lbg'xf];\ -gf]6–;a}eGbf c;'/lIftsf] nflu ! / sd c;'/lIftsf] nflu
SN qm=;+= Factor contributing to accident -b'3{6gfsf sf/0fx?_ Mark -c+s_
1 Over speed -ltj| ult_
2 Unusual overtaking -hyfefjL cf]ef]/6]s_
3 Heavy goods carrying vehicles -ef/L ;fdfg af]Sg] uf8Lx?_
4 Lack of awareness of traffic rules -6«flkms lgod ;DalGw r]tgfsf] cefj_
5 Bad condition of road -;8ssf] v/fa cj:yf_
6 Absence of sufficient road signs -k|ofKt ;8s ;+s]tx?sf] cefj_
7 Aggressive driving -cfqmlds 8«fO{leª_
8 Narrow road -;f3'/f] af6f]_
9 Careless driving -nfk/afxL 8«fO{leª_
10 Unfit vehicles -cof]Uo uf8Lx?_
13. How safe do you feel while traveling on these roads?
o; ;8sdf ofqf ubf{ tkfO{ sltsf] ;'/lIft dx;'; ug'{x'G5 <
a) Very safe b) Safe c) Neither safe nor unsafe d) Unsafe e) Very unsafe
w]/} ;'/lIft ;'/lIft g ;'/lIft g c;'/lIft c;'/lIft w]/} c;'/lIft

Page 3 of 9
A3 - Questionnaire for Relevant Government and Non-Governmental Organization/ Association
(Focused Group Discussion)
14. In your opinion, which of the following factors lead to most of the accidents? Mark the following factors.
(Note-1 for most accident-causing factor and 5 for least accident-causing factor.)
tnsf dWo] s'g sf/0fn] a9L b'3{6gf lgDTofp5 < -;a}eGbf a9L b'3{6gf lgDTofpg] sf/0fsf nflu ! / sdsf nflu %_
SN qm=;+= Factor contributing to accident -b'3{6gfsf sf/0fx?_ Mark -c+s_
1 High speed -ltj| ult_
2 Bad weather -v/fa df};d_
3 Bad Condition of road -;8ssf] v/fa cj:yf_
4 Pedestrian crossing -k}bn ofqLn] af6f] sf6\g'_
5 Wild/ domestic animal crossing -hª\unL ÷3/]n' hgfj/n] af6f] sf6\g'_
6 Absence of sign at dangerous location -hf]lvdk"0f{ :yfgdf ;+s]tsf] cefj_
7 Use of alcohol while driving -uf8L rnfpFbf dfbs kbfy{sf] ;]jg_
8 Increase in number of vehicles -;jf/L ;fwgsf] ;+Vofdf j[l4_
9 Absence of street light -;8s alQsf] cefj_
15. Do drivers follow the traffic rule and regulation while driving?
s] rfnsx?n] ;jf/L rnfpFbf 6«flkms lgodsf] kfngf u5{g\ <
a) Yes b) No
u5{g\ ub}{gg\
16. In your opinion, what can be done to enhance safety of roads?
tkfO{sf] ljrf/df ;8ssf] ;'/Iff a9fpg s] ug{ ;lsG5 <
17. What do you think about the role your organization to enhance safety of roads?
;8s ;'/Iffsf] nflu tkfO{sf] ;+3 ÷ ;+:yfsf] e"ldsf s] /x]sf] 5 <
18. Whenever there is any maintenance/improvement works in this road section, do you find appropriate sign/s
explaining the work-in-progress?
o; ;8sdf s'g} klg dd{t÷;'wf/ sfo{x? x'Fbf pko'Qm lrGx|x? k|of]u ePsf] km]nf kfg'{x'G5 <
a) Yes b) No
kf5'{ kflb{g
19. Do you find the availability and accessibility of police posts/ Police patrolling vehicle on this road?
s] o; ;8sdf k|x/L rf}sL–k|x/L u:tL uf8Lx? pknAw 5g\ <
a) Yes b) No
5g\ 5|}gg\
20. Do you think there should be provision for two or more drivers in long journey?
s] tkfO{nfO{ nfdf] ofqfdf b'O{ jf ;f] eGbf a9L rfnssf] Joj:yf x'g' k5{ h:tf] nfU5 <
a) Yes b) No
nfU5 nfUb}g

Page 4 of 9
A3 - Questionnaire for Relevant Government and Non-Governmental Organization/ Association
(Focused Group Discussion)
Infrastructure and Facilities -;8ssf k"jf{wf/ / ;'ljwfx?_
21. Do you find following facilities along this road? What is your satisfaction level on these facilities?
‘5’ for ‘very satisfied’ ‘4’ for ‘satisfied’, ‘3’ for ‘neither satisfied nor dissatisfied’,
‘2’ for ‘Dissatisfied’, ‘1’ for ‘very dissatisfied
s] tkfO{+n] o; ;8sdf lgDg ;'ljwfx? e]6\g'x'G5< oL ;'ljwfx? k|lt tkfO{sf] ;Gt'li6sf] :t/ s] 5 <
cToflws ;Gt'i6sf nflu …%Ú ;Gt'i6sf nflu …$Ú g ;Gt'i6 g c;Gt'i6sf nflu …#Ú
c;Gt'i6sf nflu …@Ú cToflws c;Gt'i6sf nflu …!Ú
SN Facilities -;'ljwfx?_ Do you find the facilities? Satisfaction
qm=;+= + ] ;'ljwfx? e]6\g'x'G5< Level
s] tkfO{n
Yes e]6\5' No e]6\lbg ;Gt'li6 :t/
1 Public toilets/ bathrooms -;fj{hlgs zf}rfno ÷afy?d_ ☐ ☐
2 Restaurants/ shops for food/ drinks -vfgf vfg] xf]6n÷/]i6''/]G6_ ☐ ☐
3 Public taps/ Drinking Water -;fj{hlgs wf/f÷lkpg] kfgL_ ☐ ☐
4 Medical facilities -:jf:Yo ;'ljwf_ ☐ ☐
5 Rain shelter-cum-Bus stop -jiff{ cf>o – a; lj;f}gL_ ☐ ☐
6 Others -cGo_ ☐ ☐
22. How long does it take when you want to make a travel to different public places?
tkfO{nfO{ ljleGg ;fj{hlgs ;'ljwfsf] :Yffgdf k'Ugsf] nflu slQsf] ;do nfUb5<
SN Places -:yfgx?_ Time -;do_
qm=;+= Hours 3G6f Minute ldg]6
1 Reach to the Primary school -k|fylds :s'n k'Ug_
2 Reach Higher Secondary School -pRr dfWolds ljBfno k'Ug_
3 Reach Colleges/Universities -ljZjljBfno k'Ug_
4 Reach to the hospital -c:ktfn k'Ug_
5 Reach to the market -ahf/ k'Ug_
6 Reach to Police Station -k|x/L rf}sL k'Ug_
7 Reach to Ward Office -j8f sfof{no k'Ug_
23. What time of the day is the most difficult for you to find public transport facilities in this road?
of] ;8sdf ;fj{hlgs oftfoft ;'ljwf lng tkfO{nfO{ lbgsf] s'g ;do ;a}eGbf ufx|f] x'G5 <
a) 5am–8am b) 8am–10am c) 10am–12pm d) 12pm–4pm
ljxfg %-* ah] ljxfg *–!) ah] ljxfg !)–!@ ah] lbpF;f] !@ – ;fFem $ ah]
e) 4pm–8pm f) 8pm-10pm g) Beyond 10pm
;fFem $ - /flt * ah] /flt *–!) ah] /flt !) ah] eGbf kl5
24. How accessible do you find footpaths along the roads?
o; ;8sdf km'6kfy slQsf] kx'Frof]Uo kfpg'x'G5 <
a) Highly accessible b) Accessible
pRr kx'Frof]Uo kx'Frof]Uo
c) Neither Accessible nor Inaccessible d) Inaccessible e) Highly Inaccessible
g kx'Frof]Uo g kx'Fr aflx/ kx'Fr aflx/ cToflws kx'Fr aflx/
25. How satisfied are you with the accessibility of cycling path and lanes?
tkfO{ ;fOsn dfu{ / n]gx?sf] kx'Fraf6 sltsf] ;Gt'i6 x'g'x'G5 <
a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied d) Dissatisfied e) Highly dissatisfied
cToflws ;Gt'i6 ;Gt'i6 g t ;Gt'i6 g c;Gt'i6 c;Gt'i6 cToflws c;Gt'i6

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A3 - Questionnaire for Relevant Government and Non-Governmental Organization/ Association
(Focused Group Discussion)
26. How satisfied are you with the quality and coverage of street lights on the road?
tkfO{ ;8sdf ;8s alQsf] u'0f:t/ / kx'Fraf6 slQsf] ;Gt'i6 x'g'x'G5 <
a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied d) Dissatisfied e) Highly dissatisfied
cToflws ;Gt'i6 ;Gt'i6 g t ;Gt'i6 g c;Gt'i6 c;Gt'i6 cToflws c;Gt'i6
27. Are there any specific locations along road section that needs lightings? a) Yes b) No
o; ;8s v08df alQsf] cfjZos kg{] s'g} ljz]if :yfgx? 5g\ < 5g\ 5|}gg\
Mention Location (if there are any) __________________________________________________________
5g\ eg] pNn]v ug'{xf];\

Environment and Aesthetic Aspects -;8s j/k/sf] jftfj/0f / zf}Gbo{tf_

28. How satisfied are you with the cleanliness of the road and surroundings?
tkfO{ o; ;8ssf] ;/;kmfO{af6 sltsf] ;Gt'i6 x'g'x'G5 <
a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied d) Dissatisfied e) Highly dissatisfied
cToflws ;Gt'i6 ;Gt'i6 g t ;Gt'i6 g c;Gt'i6 c;Gt'i6 cToflws c;Gt'i6
29. What do you feel about the noise level generated by the traffic in this road?
o; ;8sdf u'8\g] ;jf/Laf6 lgl:sg] WjgLsf] rfk tkfO{+ sltsf] dx;'; ug'{x'G5 <
a) Very Low b) Low c) Medium d) High e) Very High
cToflws sd sd dWod al9 cToflws al9
30. What do you feel about the level of air pollution in this road?
o; ;8sdf ePsf] jfo' k|b'if0fsf] dfqf k|lt tkfO{+sf] wf/0ff s] 5 <
a) Very Low b) Low c) Medium d) High e) Very High
cToflws sd sd dWod al9 cToflws al9

Accessibility and Connectivity -;8ssf] kx'Fr_

31. How satisfied are you with the access provided by this road to key locations like work places/ residence/
shops/ school/ hospital/farms?
of] ;8ssf] sf/0fn] sfd ug]{ 7fpF÷af;:yfg÷k;n÷ljBfno÷c:ktfn kmfd{ h:tf 7fpFx? k'Ugsf nflu u/]sf] k|efj
k|lt tkfO{+ sltsf] ;Gt'i6 x'g'x'G5 <
a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied d) Dissatisfied e) Highly dissatisfied
cToflws ;Gt'i6 ;Gt'i6 g t ;Gt'i6 g c;Gt'i6 c;Gt'i6 cToflws c;Gt'i6
32. How reliable is this road to reach your destination on time?
;dod} uGtJodf k'Ugsf] nflu of] af6f] sltsf] e/kbf{] 5 <
a) Highly reliable b) Reliable c) Neutral d) Unreliable e) Highly unreliable
cToflws e/kbf]{ e/kbf]{ t6:y e/ kg{ g;lsg] cToflws e/ kg{ g;lsg]
33. What do you feel about the trend of travel time along this road section over past two years?
ljut b'O{ jif{df o; ;8s v08df ofqfsf] ;dosf] k|j[lQsf] af/]df tkfO{nfO{ s:tf] nfU5 <
a) Substantially reduced b) Reduced marginally c) Remained same d) Increased e) Increased substantially
kof{Kt dfqfdf 36]sf] yf]/} 36]sf] p:t} /x]sf] a9]sf]] pNn]Vo ?kdf a9]sf]
34. How satisfied are you with the connectivity and access provided by this road to other major roads and
o; ;8sn] k|bfg u/]sf] cGo k|d'v ;8sx? ;Fusf] kx'Fr k|lt tkfO{+ sltsf] ;Gt'i6 x'g'x'G5 <
a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied d) Dissatisfied e) Highly dissatisfied
cToflws ;Gt'i6 ;Gt'i6 g t ;Gt'i6 g c;Gt'i6 c;Gt'i6 cToflws c;Gt'i6

Page 6 of 9
A3 - Questionnaire for Relevant Government and Non-Governmental Organization/ Association
(Focused Group Discussion)
35. How satisfied are you with the signages for directions and distance along the road?
o; ;8sdf /x]sf] lbzf / b"/Lsf] af/]df hfgsf/L lbg] ;+s]tx? k|lt tkfO{+ sltsf] ;Gt'i6 x'g'x'G5 <
a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied d) Dissatisfied e) Highly dissatisfied
cToflws ;Gt'i6 ;Gt'i6 g t ;Gt'i6 g c;Gt'i6 c;Gt'i6 cToflws c;Gt'i6

Emergency Services -cfktsflng ;'ljwfx?_

36. What type of medical facilities does the road user get on this road?
;8s k|of]ustf{n] o; ;8s v08df s:tf :jf:Yo ;'ljwfx? kfpF5g\ <
a) Govt. hospital b) Private hospital c) Health posts d) Clinic e) None of above
;/sf/L c:ktfn lglh c:ktfn :jf:Yo rf}sL lSnlgs s'g} klg 5}gg\
37. How satisfied are you with the accessibility of emergency services such as ambulances and fire truck, to
different parts of the community?
;d'bfodf PDa'n]G; tyf bdsn h:tf cfKtsfnLg ;'ljwfx?sf] kx'Fraf6 tkfO{ slQsf] ;Gt'i6 x'g'x'G5 <
a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied d) Dissatisfied e) Highly dissatisfied
cToflws ;Gt'i6 ;Gt'i6 g t ;Gt'i6 g c;Gt'i6 c;Gt'i6 cToflws c;Gt'i6
38. What do you think about the post-crash response when an accident occurs on this road?
o; ;8sdf b'3{6gf x'Fbf b'3{6gf kl5sf] k|ltlqmofsf] af/] tkfO{ s] ;f]Rg' x'G5 <
a) Very quick b) Quick c) Neither quick nor slow d) Slow e) Very slow
w]/} rfF8f] rfF8f] g rfF8f] g l9nf] l9nf] w]/} l9nf]

User Experience -k|of]ustf{sf] cg'ej_

39. How satisfied are you with the overall quality of roads?
;8ssf] ;du| u'0f:t/ k|lt tkfO{ sltsf] ;Gt'i6 x'g'x'G5 <
a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied d) Dissatisfied e) Highly dissatisfied
cToflws ;Gt'i6 ;Gt'i6 g t ;Gt'i6 g c;Gt'i6 c;Gt'i6 cToflws c;Gt'i6
40. Do you know who is responsible for road maintenance work?
s] tkfO{nfO{ ;8s dd{tsf] lhDd]jf/L s;sf] xf] eGg] s'/f yfxf 5 <
a) DoR b) DoLIDAR/DDC c) Municipality d) Any other agency___________ e) Do not know
;8s ljefu lh=lj=;= gu/kflnsf ÷ufpFkflnsf cGo lgsfox? yfxf 5}g
41. Have you ever made complaint to Government/Road authorities regarding any type of problem faced while
traveling on this road?
s] tkfO{n] o; ;8sdf ofqf ubf{ ef]Ug'ePsf ;d:ofx? af/] ;8s clwsf/Lx?;Fu slxNo} u'gf;f] ug'{ePsf] 5 <
a) Yes b) No
5 5|}g
42. If yes, how satisfied are you with the complaint redressal system of DoR/Road agencies?
olb 5 eg], ;8s ljefu÷ ;8s lgsfox?sf] u'gf;f] lgjf/0f k|0ffnL;Fu sltsf] ;Gt'i6 x'g'x'G5 <
a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied d) Dissatisfied e) Highly dissatisfied
cToflws ;Gt'i6 ;Gt'i6 g t ;Gt'i6 g c;Gt'i6 c;Gt'i6 cToflws c;Gt'i6
43. How satisfied are you with DOR or responsible road agencies resolving maintenance, quality and repairing
related problem in time?
;8s dd{t / u'0f:t/ ;DalGw ;d:ofx? ;dod} ;dfwfg ug{] ;8s ljefu / cGo lhDd]jf/ lgsfox?sf] sfo{af6
tkfO{ sltsf] ;Gt'i6 x'g'x'G5 <
a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied d) Dissatisfied e) Highly dissatisfied
cToflws ;Gt'i6 ;Gt'i6 g t ;Gt'i6 g c;Gt'i6 c;Gt'i6 cToflws c;Gt'i6

Page 7 of 9
A3 - Questionnaire for Relevant Government and Non-Governmental Organization/ Association
(Focused Group Discussion)
44. How satisfied are you with the road maintenance work?
tkfO{ ;8s dd{tsf] sfo{af6 slQsf] ;Gt'i6 x'g'x'G5 <
a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied d) Dissatisfied e) Highly dissatisfied
cToflws ;Gt'i6 ;Gt'i6 g t ;Gt'i6 g c;Gt'i6 c;Gt'i6 cToflws c;Gt'i6
45. Are there any specific locations where road maintenance is needed? a) Yes b) No
;8s dd{t ug'{kg{] s'g} vf; :yfgx? 5g\ < 5g\ 5|}gg\
Mention Location (if there are any) __________________________________________________________
5g\ eg] pNn]v ug'{xf];\
46. Are there any innovative solutions or technologies you believe could improve road quality?
s] tkfO{nfO{ ;8ssf] u'0f:t/ ;'wf/ ug]{ s'g} gofF k|ljlwaf/] hfgsf/L 5 <
47. What specific improvements would you suggest to enhance the quality or serviceability of this road?
;8ssf] u'0f:t/ tyf ;]jf Ifdtf j[l4 ug{ s] ;'emfj lbg rfxg' x'G5 <
48. How satisfied are you with the quality of this road in comparison with other road sections in the region?
o; If]qsf cGo ;8ssf] t'ngfdf o; ;8ssf] u'0f:t/ ;Fu sltsf] ;Gt'i6 x'g'x'G5 <
a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied d) Dissatisfied e) Highly dissatisfied
cToflws ;Gt'i6 ;Gt'i6 g t ;Gt'i6 g c;Gt'i6 c;Gt'i6 cToflws c;Gt'i6
49. What is your perception about involvement of private sector in road maintenance?
;8s dd{t ;Def/df lghL If]qsf] ;+nUgtf af/] tkfO{sf] wf/0ff s] 5<
50. What do you think about role of public sector such as DoR / DDC/ Local level government and other
agencies for better serviceability of roads?
;8ssf] :t/f]Ggltsf nflu ;8s ljefu÷lh=lj=;=÷:yfgLo ;/sf/ nufotsf ;fj{hlgs If]qx?sf] e"ldsfsf] af/]df
tkfO{sf] s] wf/0ff 5 <

Green Resilient Corridor (GRID Approach)

51. Have you ever encountered wildlife on or near the highway? a) Yes b) No
s] tkfO{n] slxNo} /fhdfu{df jf glhs jGohGt' b]Vg' ePsf] 5 5g\ 5|}gg\
52. If yes, name the animal you most see during the travel?
olb 5 eg], ofqf ubf{ ;a}eGbf al9 s'g hgfj/x? b]Vg'x'G5 <

53. If yes, describe the nature of the encounter. (e.g., crossing the road, accident, near-miss accident).
olb b]Vg' ePsf] aGohGt' e]6\bfsf] k|s[ltsf] j0f{g ug'{xf];\ -h:t} af6f] kf/ ub}{, b'3{6gfdf k/]sf], b'3{6gfsf] lgs6_
Page 8 of 9
A3 - Questionnaire for Relevant Government and Non-Governmental Organization/ Association
(Focused Group Discussion)
54. In your opinion, how well does the highway design consider the safety of wildlife?
;8ssf] l8hfOg aGohGt'sf] ;'/Iffsf] nflu slQsf] k|efjsf/L kfpg'x'G5 <
a) Highly effective b) Effective c) Neutral d) Ineffective e) Very Ineffective
cToflws k|efjsf/L k|efjsf/L t6:y ck|efjsf/L cToflws ck|efjsf/L
55. Do you believe that the highway has adequate wildlife crossings such as Overpass and Underpass?
s] tkfO{ o; /fhdfu{df jGohGt'nfO{ af6f] dfly tyf af6f] d'lgaf6 qml;+u ug{sf] nflu k'nx? Kof{Kt /x]sf 5g\ eGg]df
ljZj:t x'g'x'G5 <
a) Fully Agreed b) Agreed c) Neutral d) Disagree e) Fully Disgree
k"0f{ ;xdt ;xdt t6:y c;xdt cToflws c;xdt
56. Do you believe that the highway has adequate signage warning of wildlife crossings?
s] tkfO{ o; /fhdfu{df jGohGt' qml;u+sf] nflu r]tfjgL lbg] kof{Kt ;fO{gaf]8{x? /x]sf 5g\ eGg]df ljZj:t x'g'x'G5 <
a) Fully Agreed b) Agreed c) Neutral d) Disagree e) Fully Disgree
k"0f{ ;xdt ;xdt t6:y c;xdt cToflws c;xdt
57. What improvements would you suggest to enhance road safety and reduce human-wildlife conflicts?
;8s ;'/IffnfO{ ;'wfg{ / dfgj jGohGt' 4G4nfO{ sd ug{ s] s] ;'wf/x?sf] ;'emfj lbg rfxg'x'G5<

58. Are you aware of any environmental initiatives to protect wildlife related to this highway?
s] tkfO{nfO{ of] /fhdfu{;Fu ;DalGwt s'g} jGohGt'sf] ;+/If0fdf s]lGb|t jftfj/0fLo k|of;x? ePsf] yfxf 5 ls 5}g <
a) Yes 5 b) No 5|}g
59. How would you rate the efforts of the highway authorities in addressing wildlife conservation concerns?
jGohGt' ;+/If0f ug{ ;8s ljefu / ;8s ;DalGw clwsf/Lx?sf] k|of;nfO{ tkfO{ s;/L d"Nof+sg ug'{x'G5 <
a) Excellent b) Good c) Fair d) Poor e) Very Poor
pTs[i6 /fd|f] dWood v/fa w]/} v/fa
60. How do you feel about the safety of the road in terms of extreme weather, heavy rainfall, floods, landslides,
cToflws df};d, ef/L jiff{, af9L, klx/f] cflb b[li6sf]0faf6 ;8ssf] ;'/Iffaf/] tkfO{sf] wf/0ff s:tf] 5 <
a) Very Safe b) Safe c) Neutral d) Unsafe e) Very Unsafe
w]/} ;'/lIft ;'/lIft t6:y c;'/lIft w]/} c;'/lIft
61. What do you think the government should do to prevent such disasters on highways?
o:tf ljklQx?af6 /fhdfu{nfO{ hf]ufpg ;/sf/n] s] ug'{ k5{ xf]nf <

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