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1. Which are the environmental factors affecting lifting activity?

1. Wind Speed:
 Impact: Strong wind can make lifting unsafe.
 Consideration: Operations may pause or adjust in windy conditions.
2. Temperature:
 Impact: Extreme heat or cold affects crane components
 .
3. Precipitation (Rain, Snow):
 Impact: Wet or icy conditions can create slippery surfaces, affecting the
stability of the crane and load.
 Lifting may be delayed for safety in wet conditions.
4. Lightning:
 Impact: Lightning poses a significant safety risk to crane operations.
 Consideration: Crane work stops during thunderstorms.
5. Visibility:
 Impact: Poor visibility due to fog, rain, or other factors can increase the risk of
6. Land/Ground Conditions:
 Impact: Unstable ground/ land affect crane stability.
7. Environmental Restrictions:
 Impact: Impact: Some areas have restrictions for noise or emissions.
 Consideration: Compliance with local regulations is essential.
8. Air Quality:
 Impact: Poor air quality due to dust, pollutants, or other factors can affect the
operation and maintenance of crane components.
2. On what aspects, u should allow the blind lifting? How can u handle the

Blind lifting, also known as blind hoisting or blind picks, refers to lifting
operations where the crane operator's direct line of sight to the load is
obstructed, requiring reliance on signals from ground personnel. While
blind lifting introduces additional challenges, it can be managed safely with
careful planning and communication. Here are aspects to consider and how
to handle blind lifting situations:

Allowing Blind Lifting:

1. Emergency Needs:
 Aspect: Allow blind lifting when it's an emergency or there's no other
option for the lift.
2. Expert Personnel:
 Aspect: Only permit blind lifting if you have skilled and trained
operators and signal persons.

Handling the Situation:

1. Clear Signals:
 Handling: Ensure the person giving signals to the crane is well-
trained and uses clear, understood signals.
2. Good Communication:
 Handling: Use effective communication between the signal giver and
the crane operator, like radios or hand signals.
3. Pre-Lift Planning:
 Handling: Plan the lift in advance, considering the load, site
conditions, and visibility issues.

Note: Blind lifting should be approached cautiously, and it's essential to

prioritize safety. If possible, use visual aids or technology to enhance
visibility during the lift.
3. Safety devices in crane?

Crane safety is of utmost importance in lifting operations, and various safety devices
are employed to prevent accidents and ensure the well-being of workers. Here are
common safety devices used in cranes:

1. Load Moment Indicator (LMI):

 Function: Monitors the load being lifted and the crane's capacity. It helps
prevent overloading, enhancing stability and safety.
2. Anti-Two Block System:
 Function: Prevents damage to the crane by stopping the hook block from
contacting the boom tip during hoisting.
3. Boom Angle Indicator:
 Function: Indicates the angle of the crane's boom, helping operators maintain
safe working conditions and prevent tipping.
4. Outrigger/Stabilizer Systems:
 Function: Provides stability by extending supports during crane operations,
especially on uneven or unstable ground.
5. Hoist Limit Switch:
 Function: Automatically stops the hoist when the load reaches a
predetermined upper or lower limit, preventing over hoisting or under
6. Emergency Stop Button:
 Function: Allows for immediate shutdown of crane operations in case of an
emergency or when safety is compromised.
7. Overload Protection:
 Function: Prevents overloading by shutting down the crane or providing
warnings when the load exceeds the specified capacity.
8. Travel Limit Switches:
 Function: Limits the travel of the crane trolley or bridge to prevent collisions
or over travel.
9. Wind Speed Indicator:
 Function: Monitors wind speed, and if it exceeds safe levels, it may trigger an
alarm or stop crane operations to prevent accidents.
10. Hook Block Safety Latch:
 Function: Ensures that the load remains securely attached to the hook by
4. Hierarchy of safety controls? Page 17&18

5. LEL and UEL? Page 04

1. LEL (Lower Explosive Limit): The LEL represents the minimum concentration of a
gas or vapour in the air below which the mixture is too "lean" to ignite. In simpler
terms, it is the lowest amount of the substance in the air needed for an explosion to
occur if there is an ignition source.
2. UEL (Upper Explosive Limit): The UEL, on the other hand, is the maximum
concentration of a gas or vapour in the air above which the mixture is too "rich" to
ignite. In other words, it is the highest amount of the substance in the air beyond
which there is not enough oxygen for ignition.

6. Acceptable gas readings before starting the work?

1. LEL (Lower Explosive Limit):

 Safe Reading: Below 10% LEL (meaning less than 10% of the air is made up of
flammable gases).
2. H2S (Hydrogen Sulphide):
 Safe Reading: Usually, less than 10 parts per million (ppm) to ensure workers
are not exposed to harmful levels.
3. Oxygen (O2):
 Safe Reading: Above 19.5% oxygen in the air (meaning there's enough oxygen
for breathing).
4. Toxic Gases (e.g., CO, SO2):
 Safe Reading: Depends on the specific gas, but levels should be within
regulatory limits to avoid harm.

Always check local regulations and company guidelines for precise acceptable levels.
If gas readings are above safe limits, work should be stopped, and precautions taken
before resuming to ensure the safety of workers on the site. Regular monitoring is
crucial during operations to maintain safe conditions.

7. Difference between safety audit and safety inspection?

Safety Audit:

 Focus: Looks at the overall safety management systems, policies, and

 Method: Conducted by trained auditors, often involves in-depth analysis
and documentation review.
 Frequency: Periodic and comprehensive, happening less frequently.
 Outcome: Provides recommendations for improving safety systems and

Safety Inspection:

 Focus: Concentrates on physical conditions and immediate hazards in the

 Method: Conducted through visual observations, walking through the
workplace to identify hazards.
 Frequency: Regular and ongoing, often part of routine safety procedures.
 Outcome: Aims to identify and correct physical hazards promptly to
maintain a safe environment.

8. Difference between audit checklist and inspection check list?

Audit Checklist:

 Focus: Emphasizes the overall assessment of processes, systems, and compliance.

 Purpose: Used for systematic and thorough evaluation during audits to ensure conformity
with standards, policies, and regulations.
 Scope: Comprehensive, covering various aspects of an organization or process.
 Outcome: Provides insights into the effectiveness of systems and compliance with
Inspection Checklist:

 Focus: Centres on examining the physical conditions, equipment, and immediate hazards.
 Purpose: Used for routine examinations to identify and correct immediate safety issues in
the workplace.
 Scope: Specific, targeting visible conditions and potential hazards.
 Outcome: Aims to promptly address and fix physical hazards to maintain a safe working

In essence, an audit checklist is more about reviewing processes and overall

compliance, while an inspection checklist is about looking for and fixing immediate
physical safety concerns in the workplace. Both checklists serve different purposes in
maintaining safety and quality standards.
9. HSE plan?

A Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) plan is a document that outlines

how a company or project aims to protect the health, safety, and
environment of its workers, the community, and the surrounding

It’s a set of guidelines and procedures to ensure that everyone involved in

the operation works safely and that the impact on the environment is

HSE plan is a plan to carry out any task safely, without any life and property

1. Health: Describes measures to protect the well-being of workers,

addressing things like first aid, medical facilities, and health assessments to
ensure a safe working environment.
2. Safety: Outlines procedures and precautions to prevent accidents and
injuries. This includes safety training, the proper use of equipment, and
emergency response plans.
3. Environment: Covers strategies to minimize the impact of operations on
the environment. This involves waste management, pollution control, and
adherence to environmental regulations.

10. How will u prepare JSA and TRA?

Job Safety Analysis (JSA):

1. Choose the Job:
 Pick the specific job or task you want to make safer.
2. Break it Down:
 Divide the job into smaller steps or actions.
3. Spot the Dangers:
 Think about what could go wrong in each step. Identify potential
4. Plan for Safety:
 Figure out ways to make each step safer. This might involve using
safety gear, changing procedures, or adding safety measures.
5. Share the Plan:
 Let the team know about the safety plan. Train them on the potential
risks and the steps to stay safe.
6. Keep it Updated:
 Regularly check and update the JSA, especially if anything about the
job changes.

Task Risk Assessment (TRA):

1. Define the Task:

 Clearly state the task or job you're looking at for risks.
2. List the Dangers:
 Write down everything that could be risky about the task – things
that might cause harm.
3. Check the Risks:
 Think about how likely each risk is and how bad it could be. Prioritize
what needs attention.
4. Fix the Risks:
 Come up with ways to make the risky stuff less dangerous. Change
how the task is done or use safety equipment.
5. Double-Check:
 Review the risks again after making changes to be sure the task is
now safer.
6. Tell the Team:
 Share the findings with the team. Make sure everyone knows what
the risks are and how to handle them safely.
7. Stay Updated:
 Keep an eye on the task and update the risk assessment if anything
changes or if you notice new risks.

Remember, both JSA and TRA are about looking out for potential problems,
finding ways to fix them, and ensuring everyone knows how to work safely.
Regular checks and open communication help maintain a safe work
11. Hazard Identification sources (Document)?

Identifying hazards in the workplace is a crucial step in maintaining a safe

environment. Various sources can help in the process of hazard identification. Here
are some common documents and sources:

1. Job Safety Analysis (JSA) or Job Hazard Analysis (JHA):

 These documents break down specific jobs into steps and identify potential
hazards associated with each step.
2. Safety Data Sheets (SDS):
 SDS provides information about the properties of chemicals and the hazards
they pose. It is an essential resource for identifying chemical-related hazards.
3. Incident and Accident Reports:
 Reviewing records of past incidents and accidents can highlight areas or
activities that have posed risks in the past.
4. Workplace Inspections:
 Regular inspections of the workplace can reveal physical hazards, unsafe
conditions, or faulty equipment that may not be immediately apparent.
5. Manufacturer Guidelines and Manuals:
 Information provided by equipment manufacturers or guidelines for handling
specific materials can help identify potential hazards associated with
machinery or substances.
6. Regulatory Requirements:
 Legal and regulatory documents often outline specific safety standards and
hazards relevant to a particular industry. Understanding and complying with
these regulations can aid in hazard identification.
7. Employee Feedback:
 Input from workers who are directly involved in the tasks can provide valuable
insights into potential hazards that might not be evident in official
8. Safety Committee Reports:
 Reports from safety committees, if present, may highlight recurring or
emerging hazards in the workplace.
9. Training Materials:
 Training materials and manuals often include information about potential
hazards related to specific tasks or operations.
10. Process Flow Diagrams:
 Diagrams that outline the steps involved in a process can help identify potential
hazards at each stage.

12. Risk ranking and how will you calculate?

Refer previous answer of how u decides high, medium or low risk.

13. Inherent and Residual risk?

Inherent Risk:

 Definition: Inherent risk is the level of risk or danger that exists in a

situation without considering any efforts to reduce or control it.
 Characteristics:
 It represents the natural or original risk associated with an activity or
 Inherent risk is the risk level before implementing any safety
 It provides a baseline understanding of the potential harm or
negative impact.
 Example:
 If you're driving a car without wearing a seatbelt, the inherent risk of
injury in case of an accident is the risk level before taking any safety

Residual Risk:

 Definition: Residual risk is the remaining level of risk that exists after
implementing safety measures or controls to reduce the inherent risk.
 Characteristics:
 It considers the effectiveness of risk reduction strategies.
 Residual risk reflects the risk that remains despite implementing
safety measures.
 It is assessed after applying risk controls to understand the remaining
risk exposure.
 Example:
 If, after realizing the inherent risk of driving without a seatbelt, you
then put on a seatbelt, the remaining risk of injury (after using the
seatbelt) is the residual risk.


 Inherent risk and residual risk are connected. Residual risk is what's left after
efforts to reduce the inherent risk. The goal of risk management is to
minimize residual risk to an acceptable level through the implementation of
effective controls.


 Inherent risk is the natural risk level without any risk reduction measures,
while residual risk is the risk that remains after implementing controls. The
comparison between inherent and residual risk helps organizations assess
the effectiveness of risk management strategies and determine if further
measures are necessary to achieve an acceptable level of risk.
14. What are things present in the isolation point?

An isolation point is a designated area where safety measures are put in

place to protect workers during maintenance or repair work. Here are the
key things you might find in an isolation point:

1. Switches or Valves:
 Devices to physically turn off or shut down the equipment or systems
being worked on.
2. Locks and Tags:
 Mechanisms to physically lock switches or valves, with tags indicating
that the equipment is under maintenance and should not be
3. Warning Signs:
 Clear signs indicating that the equipment is isolated and should not
be used.
4. Documentation:
 Written instructions or permits outlining the isolation steps and
safety precautions for the specific task.
5. Safety Gear:
 Personal protective equipment (PPE) needed for the task, such as
gloves, goggles, or hard hats.
6. Emergency Equipment:
 Fire extinguishers, first aid kits, or other emergency response tools.
7. Communication Tools:
 Devices like two-way radios to maintain communication between
workers at the isolation point and those overseeing the work.
8. Gas Detectors:
 Instruments to monitor the air for any hazardous gases, ensuring a
safe working environment.
9. Isolation Devices:
 Physical barriers, like valves or switches that prevent the flow of
energy or substances.
10.Permit-to-Work Documents:
 Official permits authorizing and detailing the specific work to be
done at the isolation point.

These elements collectively help ensure that workers can safely perform
tasks without the risk of unexpected equipment activation or exposure to
15. How can you find out the isolation point?

1. Check Documentation:
 Look at any documents related to the equipment or systems, like
manuals or operating procedures. They often mention isolation
2. Talk to Experienced Workers:
 Ask experienced colleagues or workers who are familiar with the
equipment. They may provide valuable insights into where isolation
points are located.
3. Inspect Equipment:
 Physically inspect the equipment or systems. Look for switches,
valves, or controls that can shut down or isolate specific parts.
4. Follow Safety Signs:
 Pay attention to safety signs and labels. These signs often indicate
isolation points and provide essential safety information.
5. Review Work Permits:
 Check any work permits issued for on-going tasks. Work permits
typically detail isolation points and safety measures.
6. Use Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) Procedures:
 Follow lockout/tagout procedures. Look for locks or tags on
equipment, indicating that it's isolated for maintenance or repair.
7. Communicate with Supervisors:
 Speak to supervisors or safety personnel. They can guide you to the
right isolation points and provide safety instructions.
8. Refer to Emergency Plans:
 Consult emergency response plans. These plans may include
information about isolation points in case of unexpected events.
9. Gas Detection Equipment:
 Use gas detection equipment if there's a risk of hazardous gases. It
can help identify areas where isolation measures are in place.
10.Follow Regulations:
 Adhere to industry regulations and standards. These often provide
guidelines on isolation procedures and point out critical safety

Remember, safety is a top priority. If you're unsure about isolation points,

always seek guidance from experienced personnel or safety professionals
on the site.
16. Types of isolation?

Isolation refers to the practice of making a specific area or equipment safe

for maintenance or repair work. Here are some types of isolation explained
in simple words:

1. Mechanical Isolation:
 What: Physically securing machinery to prevent movement.
 Example: Putting a lock on a valve to stop it from turning.
2. Electrical Isolation:
 What: Turning off and locking electrical switches to prevent electrical
 Example: Flipping a switch and putting a lock on it to cut off power.
3. Fluid Isolation:
 What: Blocking the flow of liquids or gases to prevent spills or leaks.
 Example: Closing valves to stop the flow of oil or gas.
4. Pressure Isolation:
 What: Controlling and stopping the pressure in pipes or equipment.
 Example: Shutting valves to prevent high-pressure release.
5. Gas Isolation:
 What: Stopping the flow of hazardous gases to protect workers.
 Example: Closing valves to prevent the release of harmful gases.
6. Fire and Emergency Isolation:
 What: Isolating areas to prevent the spread of fire or emergencies.
 Example: Closing fire doors to contain a potential fire.
7. Environmental Isolation:
 What: Preventing the release of pollutants into the environment.
 Example: Using barriers to contain spills and protect the
8. Heat or Cold Isolation:
 What: Controlling temperature to protect workers from extreme heat
or cold.
 Example: Shutting down and isolating heating or cooling systems.
9. Radiation Isolation:
 What: Shielding workers from harmful radiation sources.
 Example: Using lead-lined barriers to block radiation.
10.Lockout/Tagout (LOTO):
 What: Physically locking and tagging equipment to prevent
accidental activation.
 Example: Putting a lock and tag on a control panel to show it's under

Each type of isolation serves to make specific aspects of the site safe for
work, ensuring the well-being of workers and preventing accidents.
17. Types of positive isolation?

It involves physically blocking or interrupting the flow of energy, substances, or

processes to ensure a safe work environment during maintenance or repair activities.
Here are some types of positive isolation explained in simple words:

1. Mechanical Positive Isolation:

 What: Physically securing machinery to prevent any movement or operation.
 Example: Locking a valve to ensure it stays closed during maintenance.
2. Blinding or Blocking:
 What: Temporarily blocking or covering openings, pipes, or valves to stop the
flow of liquids or gases.
 Example: Placing a solid barrier or blind flange in a pipeline to prevent
substance flow.
3. Double Block and Bleed (DBB):
 What: Using two isolation devices with a vent valve in between to ensure a
secure blockage.
 Example: Closing two valves on either side of a section of pipe and opening a
vent valve in the middle.
4. Lockout/Tagout (LOTO):
 What: Physically locking and tagging energy sources to prevent accidental
start-up of equipment.
 Example: Placing a lock on a switch or valve and attaching a tag indicating it's
under maintenance.
5. Disconnecting or De-energizing Electrical Systems:
 What: Physically isolating electrical equipment to prevent electric shocks.
 Example: Turning off power sources, locking electrical panels, and
disconnecting equipment.
6. Pressure Isolation:
 What: Blocking the flow of fluids or gases to prevent pressure-related
 Example: Closing valves, using blind flanges, and relieving pressure in the
7. Chemical Isolation:
 What: Physically blocking or containing hazardous chemicals to prevent
 Example: Using barriers, closing valves, and implementing containment
8. Environmental Isolation:
 What: Implementing measures to prevent the release of contaminants into
the environment.
 Example: Using barriers, containment systems, and sealing openings to
prevent spills or leaks.
9. Thermal Isolation:
 What: Controlling temperature to prevent exposure to extreme heat or cold
during maintenance.
 Example: Shutting down heating or cooling systems, insulating equipment,
and ensuring safe temperatures.
10. Gas Isolation:
 What: Physically blocking the flow of gases to prevent exposure to hazardous
 Example: Closing valves, using gas detection systems to confirm safe levels,
and venting or purging gas from systems.

Positive isolation measures are essential for ensuring the safety of workers and the
integrity of equipment during maintenance or repair activities in the oil and gas
construction site.
18. How will u handle the SIMOPS at site?

SIMOPS, or Simultaneous Operations,

1. Planning: Identify and plan all the activities that need to happen simultaneously.
2. Communication: Establish clear communication channels among different teams
and workers involved in simultaneous operations. Ensure everyone is aware.
3. Coordination: Coordinate the timing and location of each operation to prevent
4. Safety Measures: Implement safety measures and precautions for each operation.
5. Monitoring: Regularly monitor on-going operations to ensure they are proceeding
according to plan.
6. Keep an eye on Potential hazards and be prepared to adjust schedules or
7. Emergency Response: Have a well-defined emergency response plan in case of
unforeseen events or accidents.
8. Documentation: Keep thorough records of SIMOPS activities, including safety
checks, communication logs, and any adjustments made to the original plan. This
documentation can be valuable for future reference and improvement.

By carefully planning, communicating, coordinating, and prioritizing safety, SIMOPS

can be effectively managed at a construction site, allowing multiple tasks to be
carried out concurrently while minimizing the risk of accidents or conflicts.

19. H2S zone classification? Ans. Page No: 5&6

In H2S (hydrogen sulphide) zone classification, the use of red, yellow, green, and
amber zones is a common practice to communicate the level of risk associated with
the presence of this hazardous gas. Here's a simple explanation:

1. Red Zone: This is the highest-risk zone. When an area is marked as red, it means
there is a continuous or prolonged presence of H2S. Strict safety measures and
specialized equipment are needed to prevent accidents.
2. Yellow Zone: This zone indicates a medium level of risk. In the yellow zone, the
presence of H2S is possible during regular operations. Safety precautions are
necessary, and equipment should be designed to prevent ignition in potentially
explosive atmospheres.
3. Green Zone: The green zone is a lower-risk area. Here, the presence of H2S is not
expected during normal operations. While safety measures are still important, they
may not be as stringent as in the red or yellow zones.
4. Amber Zone: The amber zone is sometimes used interchangeably with the yellow
zone. It signifies a cautionary or transitional phase, suggesting that conditions may
change, and there could be a temporary or intermittent presence of H2S.

20. Zone classification Ans. Page No: 5&6

In the context of oil and gas construction sites, zone classification refers to the
categorization of different areas based on the potential presence of hazardous gases
or materials. This classification helps ensure the safety of personnel and equipment
by defining the level of precautions needed in each zone.

There are typically three main zones:

1. Zone 0: Areas where the presence of hazardous gases or materials is expected to be

present continuously or for long periods. These areas require the highest level of
safety measures and equipment designed for use in explosive atmospheres.
2. Zone 1: Areas where the presence of hazardous gases or materials is likely to occur
during normal operations. Safety measures and equipment used in Zone 1 must be
designed to prevent the ignition of explosive atmospheres.
3. Zone 2: Areas where the presence of hazardous gases or materials is not likely to
occur during normal operations but may be present for short periods if they do.
Safety measures and equipment for Zone 2 have lower requirements compared to
Zones 0 and 1.

Understanding and applying zone classifications are crucial for designing and
implementing safety protocols, selecting appropriate equipment, and ensuring
compliance with industry regulations to prevent accidents and ensure the well-being
of workers in oil and gas construction sites.

21. Elements Of MSDS/ SDS Refer Ans. Page No: 3&4

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