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Übersetze das Adjektiv und schreibe einen Satz.

1. neu = new

Unser Auto ist neu.

2. alt =


3. nett =


4. gut =


5. groß =


6. klein =


7. kalt =


8. heiß =


9. warm =

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10. glücklich =


11. traurig =


12. schnell =


13. langsam =


14. schön =


15. müde =


16. teuer =


17. dunkel =


18. schwer =


19. lustig =


20. lecker =

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Übersetze ins Deutsche.

a. The night is dark.


b. The car is too expensive.


c. It’s a hot summer day.


d. Why are you sad?


e. Your city is beautiful.


f. My grandpa is not very old.


g. The new neighbours are nice.


h. I’m tired because my books are so heavy.


i. My friend is very fast but I am very slow.


j. My little brother is funny.


k. Why are our hands so cold?

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