'Like The Ones I Used to Know' - Press Kit

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Press Notes

Les Grandes Short film

Claques Canada
18 minutes
Like the French
Ones I Used with
to Know English
a film by Color
Annie St-Pierre Dolby 5.1
December 24, 1983, 10:50 p.m.;
Julie and her cousins ate too
much sugar, Santa Claus is late
and Denis, alone in his car, is
anxious at the idea of setting foot
in his ex-in-law’s house to pick up
his children.

Les Grandes Claques is an early

coming-of-age that is as squeaky
as it is poetic.
surrounded ourselves with the
best team to achieve our goal.
In Quebec, the entire film com- Eric Barbeau, the incredible set
munity knows Annie St-Pierre. designer was in his comfort zone
She is everyone’s friend, getting zealously posing tapestry and
involved at different levels in old rugs EVERYWHERE in the
everyone’s projects, in which shooting location, in addition to
she occasionally transforms her- spending nights and days con-
self into an actress or a casting cocting the greatest classics of
director, sometimes in a location Christmas buffets. The costume
manager or even a producer, al- designer, Gabrielle Lauzier, spent
ways turning everything she many days scouring all Mon-
touches into gold. No wonder we tréal’s thrift stores looking for
felt so honored when she offered vintage pieces, while the cine-
to collaborate with her for the matographer, Etienne Roussy,
production of her own short film, tested every lens imaginable on
first entitled “Black Christmas”. the market in search of that vin-
We immediately fell in love with tage look so particular to the film.
the premise and were moved by Not having the means to shoot on
the touching drama experien- film but looking for the texture
ced by the two endearing prota- of super 16mm, the Super Bal-
gonists. Through this story, we tar kit came out the winner of
rediscovered a nostalgia for the these numerous tests. The most
Holidays that we had all known. fun part was nevertheless the
The film got financed pretty casting, where each character
quickly by SODEC and Québec was found by a powerful crush,
Art Council and we were ready nothing less. After several days
to roll just before the pandemic of research, testing and rehear-
exploded! sals, all punctuated by the nu-
We knew that the main chal- merous calls from Annie’s dad,
lenge of this production would all the ingredients were finally
be to recreate the spirit of the in place to give this particular
’80s Canadian Christmas, invol- texture to the film, the result of
ving a big family embodied by which is faithful to the emotional
numerous extras worthy of the memories of the director, now re-
legendary regional family par- cognized in the industry as the
ties, large buffets of typically queen of Sandwich Bread.
Quebecois food and, above all,
the costumes and sets decorati-
on of the period. Fortunately, we
Q&A But this little room is
closed in my mind and I
think much more about
what I’ll do on my next
How much has your
background in docu-
mentary filmmaking
helped prepare you for
making your fictional
short films?
Documentary is a
very complex genre of
cinema, ‘cause every-
thing is related to the
Where did your in- is necessarily bad…Well, capacity of welcoming:
spiration for “Like the I’m always interested in people, time you’ll be
Ones I Used To Know” moments of transition in able to dispose, places,
come from? life, humiliation, mixed noises, what will be
Hum. Good question… feelings… soft cruelty of said, what will happen…
Do all the other film- ordinary life. You are always writing
makers know precisely How flexible are you with the present mo-
what inspired them for with your script, do ment. You must be cu-
a movie? I think for me you prefer to stick to rious at every second
it’s always a mix of a lot what was planned or and stay open and sen-
of things: questions, un- do you allow yourself sitive to the best place
conscious images, me- to go in surprising or to put the camera in a
mories, seasons… new directions? wink. For sure, all those
Many years ago, I was I directed three reflex helps in every
approached to write a feature documentaries shoot… and even more
Christmas movie in a before this film so my so in a short film con-
collective and even if it worst fear isn’t to face text with such a small
was never made, I stay- something different amount of time. You
ed with the idea that my than what I’ve planned, have the experience of
Christmas eves have but to shoot something prioritising what’s real.
often been very diffe- perfectly planned that And finally, what do
rent than the ones of my sounds false. I will al- you hope people will
cousins, whose parents ways embrace surprise take away from “Like
were not divorced. It on a set. the Ones I Used To
was often the opposite Looking back, is the- Know”?
of the naive magic that re anything you would I hope they will stay
the greeting season have done differently with this feeling of dua-
wants to sells us. Those on “Like the Ones I lity in their minds: was
moments deeply chan- Used To Know”? it funny or was it terrib-
ged my childhood and Yes! For sure! Scenes ly sad? Did I feel more
forced me to evolve fas- that we didn’t have the like the kid or the adult
ter. Which I don’t think time to shoot, mostly. in the story? Do family
ties bind us to each other’s suf- find a meaning.
fering or do they force us to Whether it’s in my writing
develop empathy and evolve? or my way of filming, my mind
This is one of the things that has an ability to zoom into the
interest me the most in story- smallest details that reveal
telling: creating a universe hidden emotions. The stories
where nothing is completely I want to tell are all about
black or white, where you can micro-moments which have
explore many emotions with meta effects on my characters’
a small ordinary event. I love life. I am fascinated by psycho-
when reflections on human logy (from psychoanalysis to
nature arise from a primarily Gestalt to newer approaches)
sensory cinematic language. and my strengths lie in the
I also hope the film will give analysis of human nature, the
them a moment with both creation of characters and the
their inner child and their dramatization of their inner
adult humiliated part (don’t world… and also an important
we all have one?) and feel em- need to laugh.
pathy for them. I would also
like that they take away from
this film the idea that family is
made with ties that force us to
experience a lot of emotions,
sometimes that we wouldn’t
like, but which also force us
to evolve. This year, specially,
I hope that the film will also
give people just the feeling of
family Christmas parties (for
the good and the bad!) that we
are deprived for.
Is this film autobiographi-
People often want to know if I am also a
this film is autobiographical…
I would prefer them to know
that, although I’m also a docu- filmmaker, my
mentary filmmaker, my only only interest in
interest in “what is true” in
cinema concerns the universe 'what is true'
created and the emotion pro- in cinema con-
voked. I approach films like
memory: a collection of images cerns the uni-
and sounds of which we no verse created
longer know the difference
between the invented and the and the emoti-
real, but to which we want to on provoked."
Steve Laplante
as Denis
Steve Laplante received his trai-
ning at the National Theater School
of Canada.
On-screen he appeared on several
popular series such as Les Invincib-
les, Confeux, Le Gentleman, Mirador,
La vie parfaite, and Faits divers.
Steve Laplante is well known as an
actor, but he has also given us great
written projects, which include the
series “Tu m’aimes-tu”, and “Léo”,
which he co-wrote. Also, for “Léo”,
he was nominated two times for a
Gemini for Best Comedy Text, and he
also won a Gemini for Best Suppor-
ting Role in a Comedy.
Since he graduated from the Natio-
nal Theater School, he has participa-
ted in thirty theatrical productions.
For his first play, “Littoral” by Wajdi
Mouawad, he won the OFQJ-Rideau
prize for his performance. He also
participated in productions such as
“Orphelins”, directed by Maxime
Denommée, and “Coma Unplugged”,
by Denis Bernard. He was part of the
cast of the plays “Ennemi public” by
Olivier Choinière, “La Liste de mes
plaisirs” by Marie-Thérèse Fortin
and “Trahison” by Frédéric Blan-
Amongst his most recent pro-
jects, Steve will be in the cast of the
film “Baby-Sitter” by Monia Chokri
and “Patrick Sénécal Présente” by
Stéphane Lapointe.
Lilou Roy-Lanouette Larissa Corriveau
as Julie as Christiane
Lilou is a 10 year old little girl who impresses the in-
dustry with her instinct, talent and spontaneity. Chosen Larissa Corriveau is a multi-
from a hundred little girls two years ago to play Yanna talented artist; actress, wri-
in “Jouliks”, Lilou didn’t have any experience in acting, ter and director, she distin-
it was her first big role and she was such a natural. She guished herself in many ways
even has been nominated three times as Best Young Ac- being highly appreciated by
tress and Breakthrough Artist of the Year! Since then she her peers in the Montreal art
played multiple principal and recurring roles in French colony and the theatrical field
and in English and was the perfect match to play Julie in since she graduated from Col-
“Les Grandes Claques”. She loves animals, climbing trees, lege Lionel-Groulx’s Option
playing in the woods… As she says, she is a real tomboy théâtre in 2007.
and not a princess at all! She is funny and loves to make In 2019 she made a remar-
people laugh. She is also serious and thoughtful when it kable entry into cinema in
comes to play a role. She is one of those rare children who Denis Côté’s film “Répertoire
have an innate talent for comedy, she’s brilliant. des villes disparues” (official
competition, 69th Berlinale);
her superb interpretation is
unanimously praised by the
Laurent Lemaire critics, who called her “re-
velation of the film”. She was
as Mathieu also nominated for this role at
the Gala Québec Cinéma the
Laurent Lemaire is an 8 year old actor from Saint- same year.
Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec. He started his acting career Finalist for the Arthur Rim-
at the young age of 3 years. Where work meets talent, it baud Prize of the Maison de
brings opportunities. Lauren worked with many headline Poésie de Paris (2007 and
actors and directors in the industry. He was offered prin- 2008) and the Prix de poésie
ciple roles in more than a dozen television commercials Radio-Canada (2011), her po-
and has also had the opportunity to work on several popu- ems have been read in nume-
lar shows such as “Catastrophe”, “Conseil de famille” and rous events and published in
more recently on “Epidemy”. He had his first lead role on literary periodicals in Mon-
the big screen in the movie “Les Grandes Claques” and it tréal and in Paris.
was an amazing experience. Since then, he’s been acting Larissa is also the founder
in both short and feature films. After attending diction of the production company
classes and a dubbing course, Laurent now lends his voice called La Demeure, where she
to several characters for dubbing projects. He definetly writes, directs and produces
has everything needed for amazing experiences ahead! short films presented at va-
rious festivals around the
Lilou Roy-Lanouette & Laurent Lemaire

Larissa Corriveau
Annie St-Pierre
Writer &
A filmmaker fascinated by parallel
worlds populating everyday life,
Annie St-Pierre directed, among
other films, “Migration amoureuse”,
a documentary co-produced with
France and Belgium, winner of the
Pierre Perrault Best Documentary
Hope Award, and “Fermières (All
that we make)”, a feature documen-
tary presented at the RIDM closing
ceremony and screened in more
than 30 Quebec theaters.
Then she wrote and directed a
very short fiction film 让 - 马克 · 瓦雷,
which won Best French Screenplay
at Festival Regard… even though
it’s all in Mandarin. With “Les Gran-
des Claques (Like the ones I used to
know)”, she refines her style in fic-
tion, keeping the same interest in
micro-moments that have a meta
effect on the life of her characters.
Since the Premiere at Sundance Film
Festival 2020, her short was shown
in more than 50 international festi-
vals and won twelves awards, inclu-
ding two for best direction at SXSW
Festival. Apostle of independent
cinema, she also collaborates as a
scriptwriter, casting director, ac-
tress and producer with the Montreal
film community that inspires her
(Matthew Rankin, Denis Côté, Monia
Chokri). She is the co-producer of
the two last Denis Côté’s films: “Wil-
cox” (Premiere at Locarno) and
“Social Hygiene” (Premiere at Ber-
linale). Annie is now in production
of “Le plein potentiel (Your Higher
Self)”, a feature documentary in the
universe of life-coaches around the
world and in development for a fea-
ture fiction she’s writing, “Écho”.
Annie St-Pierre

(Your Higher Self)
in production, 90 min
(All That We Make)
2013, 83 min
Screenwriter, director Screenwriter, director
feature documentary Produced by micro_scope, with help from Myriam Magassouba is a director,
Produced by Metafilms, with financial SODEC, Téléfilm Canada, Radio-Canada screenwriter and editor. Her short film
collaboration of SODEC and TÉLÉFILM “Where I Am (Là où je suis)” has won
MOI AUSSI JE M’APPELLE GABRIELLE more than a dozen national and inter-
LES GRANDES CLAQUES 2013, 46 min national prizes including Best Short
(Like the Ones I Used to Know) Screenwriter, director, camera operator, Film at the Jutra Awards (Quebec Cine-
2021, 17 min producer ma Awards). In parallel to her directing
Screenwriter, director Documentary of the filming of Gabrielle, career, she has edited many award-win-
narrative short produced by micro_scope ning films both documentary and fiction,
Produced by Colonelle Films, with feature and short. She was nominated
SODEC and CALQ C’EST MOI JE LE JURE for Best Editing in a Documentary at the
World Premiere in Internat. Competition, 2008, 23 min Canadian Screen Awards for Fermières
Sundance Film Festival, 2021 Screenwriter, director, camera operator, (produced by micro_scope).
HYGIÈNE SOCIALE Documentary of the filming of C’est moi
(Social Hygiene) je le jure, produced by micro_scope
2020, 75 min Fanny Drew &
fiction, directed by Denis Côté
2007, 52 min Sarah Mannering
World Premiere in International Screenwriter, director, camera operator Producers
Competition, Berlinale 2021, over 40 Co-Production of Virage, Iota Production,
international festivals and more to come Grenade (Canada, France, Belgium) Sarah Mannering & Fanny Drew foun- (2015) premiered at TIFF and their first
ded COLONELLE FILMS in 2012 with feature drama “A Colony” (2018) won
WILCOX JEAN-PIERRE RONFARD : filmmaker Geneviève Dulude-De Celles, a dozen of awards, including a Crystal
2019, 63 min SUJET EXPÉRIMENTAL who also acts as a development producer Bear at the Berlinale and the Best Motion
Co-producer 2003, 59 min in the team. The company supports ta- Picture award at the Canadian Screen
fiction, directed by Denis Côté Screenwriter, director, distributor lented emerging filmmakers and have Awards. Colonelle producers also took
World Premiere at Locarno Film Official selection of RIDM and RVCQ produced over 20 author-driven films part to many development programs
Festival 2019, over 50 international Presented at Cinéma Parallèle of all formats (shorts & features, docu- such as EAVE, the Berlinale Talent
film festivals (Ex-Centris) 2004 mentaries & fiction) that were selected Campus, the Rotterdam Producers Lab,
and awarded by important film festivals Cannes Producers Workshop, Hot Docs
让 - 马克 · 瓦雷 (Jean-Marc Vallée) such as Sundance, Berlin, Rotterdam, Doc Accelerator Lab, in addition to win-
2015, 5 min Tiff, Locarno, Hot Docs, etc. Their first ning the Emerging Filmmakers award
Screenwriter, director short film “The Cut” (2014) won Best at Hot Docs 2018 and the Emerging
Produced by NFB in collaboration with International Short in Sundance, their Producers award 2019 by the AQPM,
the Governor General’s Prize of Canada first documentary “Welcome to F.L.” Québec’s producers union.
Eric Barbeau
Set Designer
Eric Barbeau is a renowned Set Desig-
ner in Quebec. He started his career in
commercials in the ’90s but switched
to independent films a few years later.
His filmography included many famous
canadian films like La Femme de mon
frère, Une Colonie, La disparition des
Lucioles, Chien de Garde, Nuit #1, Corbo
which will have earned him several re-
cognitions in nominations and awards
in the film industry.

Gabrielle has been working in the
costume department since 2018. It’s her
Etienne Roussy intuitive personality and her passion
for psychology and fashion that bring
Cinematographer her to work on different movie sets. Cu-
rious and analytic, she immerses her-
Canadian born, Montreal-based phy on the documentary “Gulistan, self in the characters’ personality while
Etienne Roussy began his career as a Land of Roses” (2015) directed by keeping an aesthetic eye. Most recently,
cinematographer after completing a Zayne Akyol. In 2016, Etienne wor- she was part of the costume team for
degree in cinema at the University of ked on the documentary “Destier- Monia Chokri’s upcoming feature film
Quebec in 2009. Etienne worked with ros” directed by Hubert Caron-Guay. “Babysitter”, she worked as a costume
the late collective, Epopée, surroun- The film was selected at Visions du designer for season 2 of Jean-François
ded by filmmakers Hubert Caron- Réel in 2017 and was in competition Leblanc's web series “L’arêne” and pre-
Guay and Rodrigue Jean. During this for best cinematography at the viously collaborated with Leblanc on
time, he shared the role of cinemato- Gala Québec Cinema. Most recently, his others projects such as his short film
grapher with Mathieu Laverdière Etienne worked on the short film “Landgraves”.
on two hybrid documentaries which “Jarvik” directed by Emilie Manne-
premiered at Visions du Réel in ring, premiered at TIFF in 2019 in
Nyon: “State of the Moment” (2012) official competition. He also shared
and “State of the World” (2013). The the role of cinematographer with
combined body of work, “Love in the Lena Mill-Reuillard on “A Colony”
time of Civil War”, premiered at TIFF directed by Genevieve Dulude-De
in 2014. He was awarded at the Gala Celles. The film won the Crystal Bear
Quebec Cinema for best cinematogra- at Berlinale in 2019.
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h264 presents Sound Publicity:

a Colonelle films Jean-Sébastien
production Beaudoin-Gagnon, International
Marie-Pierre Grenier London Flair PR
A film by Annie & Bernard Gariépy Catherine Lyn Scott
St-Pierre with Strobl cls@londonflairpr.com
Steve Laplante,
Lilou Roy-Lanouette Editor Los Angeles Office:
& Larissa Corriveau Myriam Magassouba (001) 310 492 5182

Cinematographer Music London Office:

Etienne Roussy Christophe +44 (0) 203 371 7945
Set designer Mobile:
Eric Barbeau Production +44 (0) 7340 360627
Fanny Drew &
Costume designer Sarah Mannering Canada
Gabrielle Lauzier IXION Communications
Graphic material Judith Dubeau
Makeup Artist & poster: judith.dubeau@
Léonie Lévesque Miro Denck ixioncommunications.com
Robert www.mirodenck.com +1 514 495 8176
5360 St Laurent Blvd,
Montreal, Quebec, H2T 1S1


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