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JUNE (2024)

3 4 Communication 5Project 6 Sourcing

(Written & Verbal Management Tools Strategies

10Budgeting and 11 12 13AI Principles

forcasting and Ethics

17 18 methodologies
(Scrum,Ksnban) 20

preparation and
25 26 27Qualifying
analysis leads

Topic Problem Solving

enhance critical thinking abilities. This involves developing the capacity to sy
identify assumptions, analyze arguments, and make reasoned decisions. Enh
individuals to approach problems methodically, consider multiple perspectiv
Objective aspects conclusions, which is fundamental in both personal and professional context
Post session test Yes
Time 9.30 AM - 12.00 PM
Duration 2 Days
Venue Kochi
Speaker HR Manager Ms. Annie
Target participants New Joiners
Nomination Status To be held

Topic Communication (Written & Verbal)

improve clarity and effectiveness in conveying ideas. This involves teaching

thoughts clearly and succinctly, both in writing and verbally, ensuring that th
and free from ambiguity. By improving clarity and effectiveness, individuals c
Objective aspects persuade, and collaborate with others, leading to more productive interactio
Post session test Yes
Time 9.30 AM - 12.00 PM
Duration 2 Days
Venue Kochi
Speaker HR Manager Ms. Annie
Target participants New Joiners
Nomination Status To be held

Topic Project Management Tools

to enhance efficiency in planning and executing projects. This involves teach

utilize various project management software and tools to organize tasks, ma
meet deadlines. By mastering these tools, individuals can streamline project
Objective aspects among team members, and ensure that projects are completed on time and
Post session test Yes
Time 9.30 AM - 12.00 PM
Duration 2 Days
Venue Kochi
Speaker Project Manager Mrs. Ajitha
Target participants New Joiners
Nomination Status To be held

Topic Sourcing Strategies

to optimize supplier selection and procurement processes. This involves tea
and choose the best suppliers, negotiate favorable terms, and establish effec
align with organizational goals. By mastering sourcing strategies, individuals
high-quality standards, and build robust supplier relationships, ultimately en
Objective aspects chain performance and competitiveness.
Post session test Yes
Time 9.30 AM - 12.00 PM
Duration 2 Days
Venue Kochi
Speaker HR Manager
Target participants New Joiners
Nomination Status To be held

Topic Budgeting and forcasting

to improve financial planning accuracy. This involves teaching individuals ho

budgets, forecast future financial performance, and adjust financial plans ba
enhancing their ability to predict revenues and expenses accurately, individu
allocation, make informed financial decisions, and contribute to the overall fi
Objective aspects organization.
Post session test Yes
Time 9.30 AM - 12.00 PM
Duration 2 Days
Venue Kochi
Speaker Finance Manager Mrs. Sudha
Target participants New Joiners
Nomination Status To be held
to promote the responsible and ethical development and use of AI technolog
individuals on the ethical considerations, potential biases, and societal impac
Topic fairness, transparency,
AI Principles and Ethics and accountability. By understanding and adhering to
ensure that AI systems are designed and deployed in ways that are fair, inclu
human rights.

Objective aspects
Post session test Yes
Time 9.30 AM - 12.00 PM
Duration 2 Days
Venue Kochi
Speaker IT Department Head Mr. Sudhakar
Target participants New Joiners
Nomination Status To be held

Topic Employee Relation

to foster a positive and collaborative work environment. This involves teach
how to effectively manage workplace relationships, address conflicts, and pr
fostering a positive work environment, organizations can enhance employee
improve overall productivity.

Objective aspects
Post session test Yes
Time 9.30 AM - 12.00 PM
Duration 2 Days
Venue Kochi
Speaker HR Manager
Target participants New Joiners
Nomination Status To be held

Topic Agile methodologies (Scrum,Ksnban)

to increase adaptability and responsiveness to change. This involves teaching

principles and practices to iteratively plan, execute, and review their work. B
teams can quickly adjust to new information and changing requirements, lea
Objective aspects delivery and improved ability to meet customer needs.
Post session test Yes
Time 9.30 AM - 12.00 PM
Duration 2 Days
Venue Kochi
Speaker IT Department Head Mr. Sudhakar
Target participants New Joiners
Nomination Status To be held

to enhance financial control and performance monitoring. This involves teac

Topic prepare budgets,
Techniques track preparation
for budget actual performance against
and variance budgeted figures, and an
reasons behind any discrepancies. By mastering these techniques, individual
resources, make informed decisions, and implement corrective actions to en

Objective aspects
Post session test Yes
Time 9.30 AM - 12.00 PM
Duration 2 Days
Venue Kochi
Speaker Finance Manager Mrs. Sudha
Target participants New Joiners
Nomination Status To be held

Topic Financial statement preparation and analysis

to improve financial decision-making. This involves educating individuals on

statements in accordance with relevant accounting standards and regulation
Objective aspects them how to analyze these statements to assess the financial health and per
Post session test Yes
Time 9.30 AM - 12.00 PM
Duration 1 Day
Venue Kochi
Speaker Finance Manager Mrs. Sudha
Target participants New Joiners
Nomination Status To be held

Topic Qualifying leads

to improve sales efficiency and effectiveness. This involves teaching sales rep
prioritize leads based on criteria such as readiness to purchase, budget, auth
qualifying leads effectively, sales professionals can focus their efforts on lead
customers, thereby maximizing their time and resources and ultimately incre
Objective aspects rates.
Post session test Yes
Time 9.30 AM - 12.00 PM
Duration 1 Day
Venue Kochi
Speaker Sales Department head Mr. Anil
Target participants New Joiners
Nomination Status To be held

Topic Risk Management

to strengthen the organization's ability to identify, assess, and mitigate finan

finance professionals on various risk management techniques and tools, such
Objective aspects scenario analysis, and stress testing.
Post session test Yes
Time 9.30 AM - 12.00 PM
Duration 2 Days
Venue Kochi
Speaker Finance Manager Mrs. Sudha
Target participants New Joiners
Nomination Status To be held

Topic Advanced Excel skills for financial modeling and analysis

to enhance proficiency in creating complex financial models and conducting

teaching finance professionals how to leverage advanced Excel functionalitie
validation, macros, and complex formulas, to build sophisticated models tha
Objective aspects scenarios.
Post session test Yes
Time 9.30 AM - 12.00 PM
Duration 1 Day
Venue Kochi
Speaker Sales Department head Mr. Anil
Target participants New Joiners
Nomination Status To be held


1 Problem Solving 2

7 8 9

14 15Employee 16

22Techniques for
budget preparation
21 and variance
analysis 23

28Risk Excel skills for
financial modeling
Management and analysis
This involves developing the capacity to systematically evaluate information,
uments, and make reasoned decisions. Enhancing critical thinking enables
methodically, consider multiple perspectives, and derive logical, well-supported
l in both personal and professional contexts.

in conveying ideas. This involves teaching individuals how to express their

oth in writing and verbally, ensuring that their messages are easily understood
oving clarity and effectiveness, individuals can enhance their ability to inform,
hers, leading to more productive interactions and successful outcomes.

and executing projects. This involves teaching individuals how to effectively

nt software and tools to organize tasks, manage resources, track progress, and
se tools, individuals can streamline project workflows, improve coordination
e that projects are completed on time and within budget.
d procurement processes. This involves teaching individuals how to evaluate
gotiate favorable terms, and establish effective procurement strategies that
mastering sourcing strategies, individuals can ensure cost-efficiency, maintain
obust supplier relationships, ultimately enhancing the organization's supply

uracy. This involves teaching individuals how to create realistic and reliable
performance, and adjust financial plans based on changing conditions. By
evenues and expenses accurately, individuals can ensure better resource
al decisions, and contribute to the overall financial stability and growth of the

thical development and use of AI technologies. This involves educating

ations, potential biases, and societal impacts of AI, as well as the principles of
ntability. By understanding and adhering to ethical guidelines, individuals can
ed and deployed in ways that are fair, inclusive, and respectful of privacy and

tive work environment. This involves teaching managers and HR professionals
ace relationships, address conflicts, and promote open communication. By
ment, organizations can enhance employee satisfaction, reduce turnover, and


nsiveness to change. This involves teaching teams how to implement Agile

ely plan, execute, and review their work. By mastering Agile methodologies,
nformation and changing requirements, leading to more efficient project
meet customer needs.

erformance monitoring. This involves teaching individuals how to accurately

ormance against
n and variance budgeted figures, and analyze variances to identify the
By mastering these techniques, individuals can better manage financial
ns, and implement corrective actions to ensure financial objectives are met.

nd analysis

ing. This involves educating individuals on how to accurately prepare financial

evant accounting standards and regulations. Additionally, it includes teaching
ments to assess the financial health and performance of an organization.
ectiveness. This involves teaching sales representatives how to assess and
uch as readiness to purchase, budget, authority, need, and timeline (BANT). By
professionals can focus their efforts on leads that are more likely to convert into
eir time and resources and ultimately increasing sales productivity and success

bility to identify, assess, and mitigate financial risks. This involves educating
sk management techniques and tools, such as risk assessment frameworks,

modeling and analysis

complex financial models and conducting detailed analyses. This involves

w to leverage advanced Excel functionalities, such as pivot tables, data
ormulas, to build sophisticated models that accurately represent financial
JULY (2024)

2Ethical decision- 4Identifying

1 making in finance 3 customer needs 5

8Implementing 12Trouble
frameworks 9 10 11 shooting

keeping and 17Training on
Practices 16 financial software
systems 18 19

22 23 24 social media
presence 26

30Team Technology
29 collaboration

Topic Ethical decision-making in finance

To equip finance professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to recog
dilemmas in their work. This training aims to foster a strong sense of integrity a
Objective aspects ensuring that individuals prioritize ethical considerations alongside financial goa
Post session test Yes
Time 9.30 AM - 12.00 PM
Duration 1 Day
Venue Kochi
Speaker Finance Manager Mrs. Sudha
Target participants New Joynees
Nomination Status To be held

Topic Identifying customer needs

To enable sales professionals to effectively understand and respond to the uniq

preferences of their customers. This training focuses on developing skills in activ
effective communication, ensuring that sales teams can accurately assess custo
desires. By mastering techniques for gathering and analyzing customer informa
tailor their approaches to offer personalized solutions, thereby enhancing custo
Objective aspects loyalty.
Post session test Yes
Time 9.30 AM - 12.00 PM
Duration 1 Day
Venue Kochi
Speaker Sales Department head Mr. Anil
Target participants New Joiners
Nomination Status To be held

Topic Advanced sales strategies for B2C selling

To empower sales professionals with sophisticated techniques and insights tailo
consumer market. This training aims to enhance their ability to engage and con
Objective aspects through personalized and data-driven approaches.
Post session test Yes
Time 9.30 AM - 12.00 PM
Duration 1 Day
Venue Kochi
Speaker Sales Department head Mr. Anil
Target participants Employees in sales department
Nomination Status To be held

Topic Implementing riskmanagement frameworks

to establish a systematic approach to identifying, assessing, and mitigating finan

aims to provide finance professionals with the tools and methodologies necessa
threats to the organization's financial health, such as market volatility, credit ris
Objective aspects disruptions.
Post session test Yes
Time 9.30 AM - 12.00 PM
Duration 2 Days
Venue Kochi
Speaker Finance Manager Mrs. Sudha
Target participants New Joiners
Nomination Status To be held

Topic Trouble shooting Techniques

To equip IT professionals with the skills and methodologies needed to efficiently
technical issues. This training focuses on enhancing problem-solving abilities, im
Objective aspects and familiarizing staff with systematic troubleshooting frameworks and tools.
Post session test Yes
Time 9.30 AM - 12.00 PM
Duration 2 Days
Venue Kochi
Speaker IT Department Head Mr. Sudhakar
Target participants New Joiners
Nomination Status To be held

Topic Record keeping and Documentation Practices

To ensure that HR professionals are proficient in maintaining accurate, organize

This training focuses on developing skills in meticulous documentation, underst
Objective aspects regulatory requirements, and utilizing effective record management systems.
Post session test Yes
Time 9.30 AM - 12.00 PM
Duration 2 Days
Venue Kochi
Speaker HR Manager
Target participants New Joiners
Nomination Status To be held

Topic Training on financial software systems

To equip finance professionals with the proficiency needed to effectively utilize

software tools. This training aims to enhance their ability to manage financial da
processes, and generate accurate reports through comprehensive instruction on
and best practices. By mastering these software systems, finance staff can impr
Objective aspects errors, and facilitate more informed decision-making
Post session test Yes
Time 9.30 AM - 12.00 PM
Duration 2 Days
Venue Kochi
Speaker Finance Manager Mrs. Sudha
Target participants New Joiners
Nomination Status To be held

Topic Mediation and Negotiation Skills

to develop HR professionals' ability to effectively manage and resolve conflicts w

This training focuses on enhancing skills in active listening, empathetic commun
Objective aspects and strategic negotiation.
Post session test Yes
Time 9.30 AM - 12.00 PM
Duration 2 Days
Venue Kochi
Speaker HR Manager
Target participants New Joiners
Nomination Status To be held

Topic Enhancing social media presence

To equip sales professionals with the skills and strategies needed to leverage so
effectively for business growth. This training focuses on developing a deep unde
social media tools, content creation, audience engagement, and analytics to inc
Objective aspects drive sales.
Post session test Yes
Time 9.30 AM - 12.00 PM
Duration 1 Day
Venue Kochi
Speaker Sales Department head Mr. Anil
Target participants Employees in sales department
Nomination Status To be held

Topic HR Data Analysis Techniques

To empower HR professionals with the ability to collect, analyze, and interpret d

decision-making. This training focuses on enhancing skills in data management,
Objective aspects the use of HR analytics tools.
Post session test Yes
Time 9.30 AM - 12.00 PM
Duration 2 Days
Venue Kochi
Speaker HR Manager
Target participants New Joiners
Nomination Status To be held

Topic Team collaboration

To cultivate a culture of teamwork and synergy among IT professionals, fosterin

communication, coordination, and productivity. This training focuses on develo
Objective aspects communication, conflict resolution, and project management within cross-functi
Post session test Yes
Time 9.30 AM - 12.00 PM
Duration 2 Days
Venue Kochi
Speaker IT Department Head Mr. Sudhakar
Target participants New Joiners
Nomination Status To be held

Topic ITIL (InformationTechnology Infrastructure Library)

To standardize and optimize IT service management practices, aligning them wi
business needs and objectives. This training focuses on imparting a comprehens
frameworks, processes, and best practices, empowering IT professionals to deliv
Objective aspects efficiently and effectively.
Post session test Yes
Time 9.30 AM - 12.00 PM
Duration 2 Days
Venue Kochi
Speaker IT Department Head Mr. Sudhakar
Target participants New Joiners
Nomination Status To be held


6Advanced sales
strategies for B2C
selling 7

13 14

20Mediation and 21
Negotiation Skills

27HR Data
Techniques 28

and skills necessary to recognize and address ethical

a strong sense of integrity and accountability,
tions alongside financial goals.
nd and respond to the unique requirements and
s on developing skills in active listening, empathy, and
can accurately assess customer pain points and
analyzing customer information, sales personnel can
ns, thereby enhancing customer satisfaction and

echniques and insights tailored to the dynamic

ir ability to engage and convert individual customers

sessing, and mitigating financial risks. This training

and methodologies necessary to recognize potential
s market volatility, credit risks, and operational
ologies needed to efficiently diagnose and resolve
problem-solving abilities, improving critical thinking,
ng frameworks and tools.

intaining accurate, organized, and compliant records.

us documentation, understanding legal and
rd management systems.

needed to effectively utilize advanced financial

bility to manage financial data, streamline accounting
omprehensive instruction on system functionalities
ems, finance staff can improve productivity, reduce

nage and resolve conflicts within the organization.

ening, empathetic communication, problem-solving,
egies needed to leverage social media platforms
on developing a deep understanding of various
gement, and analytics to increase brand visibility and

ect, analyze, and interpret data to inform strategic

skills in data management, statistical analysis, and

ng IT professionals, fostering enhanced

training focuses on developing skills in effective
nagement within cross-functional teams.
practices, aligning them with the organization's
on imparting a comprehensive understanding of ITIL
ring IT professionals to deliver high-quality services
AUGUST (2024)

4Legal and
1 Techniques and
Tools 3 Ethical Skills 5
8Database 11Advanced
Design and
Optimization 9 10 sales strategies
for B2B selling 12

15 management 17 sales techniques
for closing deals 19

skills for financial
reports and
presentations 23 24 Security 26

29 assessment and
mitigation 31

Topic Market research Techniques and Tools

to equip sales professionals with the skills and knowledge necessary to understan
dynamics, customer preferences, and competitive landscapes. This training focuse
sales teams with various market research methodologies, such as surveys, focus g
Objective aspects analysis tools.
Post session test Yes
Time 9.30 AM - 12.00 PM
Duration 1 Day
Venue Kochi
Speaker Sales Department head Mr. Anil
Target participants New Joiners
Nomination Status To be held
Topic Legal and Ethical Skills

To ensure that IT professionals understand and adhere to relevant laws, regulatio

standards governing technology usage and data management. This training aims t
personnel on legal requirements related to privacy, cybersecurity, intellectual pro
Objective aspects compliance
Post session test Yes
Time 9.30 AM - 12.00 PM
Duration 2 Days
Venue Kochi
Speaker IT Department Head Mr. Sudhakar
Target participants New Joiners
Nomination Status To be held

Topic Strategic financial planning

to develop a comprehensive framework for aligning financial goals with organizati

This planning aims to analyze current financial status, forecast future financial per
Objective aspects identify strategic initiatives to optimize resource allocation and maximize returns.
Post session test Yes
Time 9.30 AM - 12.00 PM
Duration 2 Days
Venue Kochi
Speaker Finance Manager Mrs. Sudha
Target participants New Joiners
Nomination Status To be held

Topic Database Design and Optimization

To equip IT professionals with the knowledge and skills required to create efficien
well-structured databases that meet the organization's needs. This training focuse
understanding database architecture, normalization techniques, indexing strategi
Objective aspects performance optimization methods.
Post session test Yes
Time 9.30 AM - 12.00 PM
Duration 2 Days
Venue Kochi
Speaker IT Department Head Mr. Sudhakar
Target participants New Joiners
Nomination Status To be held

Topic Advanced sales strategies for B2B selling

To equip sales professionals with sophisticated techniques and insights tailored to
of business-to-business transactions. This training aims to enhance their ability to
sales cycles, understand the unique needs and pain points of corporate clients, an
Objective aspects solutions that deliver maximum value.
Post session test Yes
Time 9.30 AM - 12.00 PM
Duration 1 Day
Venue Kochi
Speaker Sales Department head Mr. Anil
Target participants Employees in sales department
Nomination Status To be held

Topic Time management

To equip HR professionals with the skills and strategies necessary to optimize thei
prioritize tasks effectively, and manage their time efficiently. This training focuses
such as goal setting, task delegation, and workflow organization to help HR person
Objective aspects common time management challenges and meet deadlines consistently.
Post session test Yes
Time 9.30 AM - 12.00 PM
Duration 2 Days
Venue Kochi
Speaker HR Manager
Target participants New Joiners
Nomination Status To be held

Topic Effective sales techniques for closing deals

To equip sales professionals with the skills and strategies necessary to successfull
final stages of the sales process and secure deals. This training focuses on enhanc
building rapport, understanding customer needs, overcoming objections, and neg
Objective aspects effectively close sales.
Post session test Yes
Time 9.30 AM - 12.00 PM
Duration 1 Day
Venue Kochi
Speaker Sales Department head Mr. Anil
Target participants Employees in sales department
Nomination Status To be held

Topic Critical thinking

To cultivate a workforce that can analyze, evaluate, and solve complex problems e
training focuses on developing skills such as logical reasoning, evidence-based dec
creative problem-solving to enable HR professionals to navigate diverse challenge
Objective aspects employee relations, and organizational development.
Post session test Yes
Time 9.30 AM - 12.00 PM
Duration 2 Days
Venue Kochi
Speaker HR Manager
Target participants New Joiners
Nomination Status To be held

Topic Writing skills for financial reports and presentations

To enhance the ability of finance professionals to effectively communicate comple

information in a clear, concise, and compelling manner. This training focuses on d
structuring reports, selecting appropriate language and tone, and utilizing visual a
Objective aspects messages.
Post session test Yes
Time 9.30 AM - 12.00 PM
Duration 1 Day
Venue Kochi
Speaker Sales Department head Mr. Anil
Target participants Employees in sales department
Nomination Status To be held

Topic Network Security

To protect the organization's network infrastructure from cyber threats and unau
This training focuses on understanding network vulnerabilities, implementing secu
such as firewalls, encryption, and intrusion detection systems, and developing inc
Objective aspects protocols.
Post session test Yes
Time 9.30 AM - 12.00 PM
Duration 2 Days
Venue Kochi
Speaker IT Department Head Mr. Sudhakar
Target participants New Joiners
Nomination Status To be held

Topic Analytical skills

To enhance HR professionals' ability to gather, interpret, and apply data-driven in

strategic decision-making and optimize HR processes. This training focuses on dev
proficiency in data analysis techniques, such as statistical analysis, trend identifica
Objective aspects predictive modeling, to extract actionable insights from HR data sets.
Post session test Yes
Time 9.30 AM - 12.00 PM
Duration 2 Days
Venue Kochi
Speaker HR Manager
Target participants New Joiners
Nomination Status To be held
Topic Threat assessment and mitigation

To equip finance professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to identify, a
potential threats to the organization's financial security and stability. This training
understanding various financial risks, such as fraud, cyber threats, market volatilit
Objective aspects disruptions, and implementing proactive measures to mitigate these risks effectiv
Post session test Yes
Time 9.30 AM - 12.00 PM
Duration 2 Days
Venue Kochi
Speaker Finance Manager Mrs. Sudha
Target participants New Joiners
Nomination Status To be held


financial planning 7

13 14

thinking 21

skills 28

owledge necessary to understand market

e landscapes. This training focuses on familiarizing
dologies, such as surveys, focus groups, and data
dhere to relevant laws, regulations, and ethical
management. This training aims to educate IT
cy, cybersecurity, intellectual property, and

ing financial goals with organizational objectives.

atus, forecast future financial performance, and
allocation and maximize returns.

d skills required to create efficient, scalable, and

ation's needs. This training focuses on
tion techniques, indexing strategies, and
echniques and insights tailored to the complexities
g aims to enhance their ability to navigate intricate
ain points of corporate clients, and develop tailored

tegies necessary to optimize their productivity,

e efficiently. This training focuses on techniques
w organization to help HR personnel overcome
deadlines consistently.

trategies necessary to successfully navigate the

. This training focuses on enhancing abilities in
overcoming objections, and negotiating terms to

te, and solve complex problems effectively. This

al reasoning, evidence-based decision-making, and
nals to navigate diverse challenges in recruitment,

effectively communicate complex financial

anner. This training focuses on developing skills in
ge and tone, and utilizing visual aids to convey key

ure from cyber threats and unauthorized access.

vulnerabilities, implementing security measures
tion systems, and developing incident response

terpret, and apply data-driven insights to inform

sses. This training focuses on developing
tatistical analysis, trend identification, and
s from HR data sets.
ge and skills needed to identify, assess, and address
ecurity and stability. This training focuses on
ud, cyber threats, market volatility, and operational
es to mitigate these risks effectively.

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