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1 Semester Diploma Examination, March/April 2021 Subject: Engineering Mathematics Subject Code: 20SCO1T SCHEME OF VALUATION L Particul SECTION a) Expansion-———————— Answer b) Multiplication by each row Samplitication ©) Finding A, Ay Find 8 ———— d) Finding adioint of A ——- Finding | 4), formula-——————_— ‘Simplification a) Expansion Simplification of |) Result b) Finding AB —————. Finding adj(A),adj(B),adj( AB) Proof ©) Finding AB and BA Result d) Formula [4 ~ 4. Finding characteristic equation Eigen values (Characteristic Roots) SECTION -2 a) Slope Formula a=3,b=-2&c= 6 -6 ¢ x ~ intercept = -£ a y intercept =~ oie b. Find the equation of the straight line which has an angle of inclination 45° with x-axis and y-intercept of 2 units by writing its standard form. Given; Inclination 8 = 45° and Y-intercept=c= w.k.t slope of line m=tan@ m= tan 45° W..7, Equation of straight iine is of the form mx+c €. Write the standard form of straight line. Find the equation of the straight line passing through the points (2,-3) and (5,4) Solution: Two-point form of equation of straight ine 1s, x) Hy +3)= Tx-2) 3y+9=7x-14 7x-14-3y-9=0 Tx-3y-23=0 4. Find the equation of straight line passing through the points (-3,2) and perpendicular to the line 4x-y+7=0 Solution: Given line is 4x-y+7=0 Iis in the form ax+by+e=0 Here a=4,b=-I Slope of given line= Since the required line is perpendicular to given line, 1 1 = Slope of required fine =-————!____-_}. coed ‘Slope of given Ine 4 ‘The required line passes through the point A(x,. y,)=(—3,2) with ; and its equation is given by mle) 4y-84+44+3=0 x4+4y-5-0 is the required ine Alternative method Consider straight line 4x—y+7=0-- ax+hy+e=0---- By compairing equations (1) &(2) a=4h=-1 Equation of straight line perpendicular to(\) is given by be-ay+k=0 -Iv-4y+k=0 v+dy-h=0--—- Since required line ts passin g through (~3.2) -3+4(2)-k=0 Section-III 5. 0.) Express °" in degrees. Solution: 80" — 590" = 450" z a. (ii) Express 105°in radians Sohstion: 105” = 105 x 180 2) b. Prove that 2S"! °F — an 4 "ve tha cos(A + B)+ cos(A- B Solution: sin(A + B)+sin(A-B) Lis = SS cos(A + B)+ cos(A — B) Lins — 8 AcosB + cos Asin B+ sin Acos B —cos Asin B cos Acos B—sin Asin B + cos Acos B + sin Asin B = 2s AcsB SOA _ a 4 RHS 2cosAcosB cos A ¢c. Prove that sin 30 = 3sin 0-4sin’ 0. Solution: sin 30 = sin(20 +0) sin 30 = sin 20.cos 0 + cos 20sin @ sin 30 = 2sin @.cos 8 x-cos 0 + (I~ 2sin? )sin @ sin 30 = 2sin @ cos’ 0 + sin @-2sin’ 0 sin 30 = 2sin O{l—sin? @)+ sin 0 -2sin’ sin 30 = Zsin 6 - Zsin ‘0 + sin @-2sin' @ sin 30 = 3sin O- 4sin’ 0 Hence proved the result d. Prove that cos 20° cos 40" cos 60" cos 80° “4 Solution: LHS = cos 20° cos 40° cos 60” cos 80” = cos 60°{cos 40" cos 20” jeos 80° fcos(4 + B)+ cos(4— B)] &cos60" -+ 1 eosd6" +20"}+ cos(ao" ogo 2"2 0" Jjeos 80 (cos 60° + cos 20° Jeos 80° =1(1 4 cos20° leoss0" 42 J 0580" + cost cos20" “cos(i80-100")+ 4 5 fos(to" + 20°) + cos(80” -20°)} 2 5x00" + £(c0s100” +c0s60") =~ 105100? + 4008100" + + cos 60° 8 8 8 “ttt “32 16 6. a. Find the value of cos 75° =RHS Solution: cos 75° = cos(45° + 30°) W.K T cos(A + B)=cos Acos B-sin Asin B cos 75° = cos 45° cos 30° — sin 45° sin 30° b. Simplify sm Solution: ney 5%), 45 *4) x Sn(r-6) cot(r—0) Em =-I+l+1=1 Solution: Given tan A= and tan B =+ 3 2 Consider en(4+3)- anton ~tan Atan B wie lula in | | cfs 4 = Land tan B = 4, find the value oftan( 4 +8). | 3 6 tan(4+B)=1 | ee d. Without using calculator and table find the value sin 600” cos 330° + cos 120° sin 150° Solution: Consider sin 600° cos 330° + cos(120" )sin 150° = sin (360 + 240” cos(360 - 30° + cos(1 80 — 60” sin (180 - 30°) = sin 240° cos30° + x—cos60" sin 30” = sin (180 + 60” Jcos30° —cos 60” sin 30° = —sin 60° cos 30” — cos 60° sin 30° ul Tea2 Section-IV 7. a. If y=3x° + Slog x—2e™ + tan x find a Solution: y= 3x’ + Slog x—2e™ + tan! x Differentiate w.r.tx sy ax yy dx dy a = 2G +5bgx—2e" +100) 23x3x? + 5x4 2x0 x34, x lex i 2 x 4 & ‘: i+ tanx Differentiatewr 1x dy _ a (i-tanx deliv) ae was (4) ode “de dx\v v _{ (+n (1 tan x)= (1 tan x < (1+ tan x) (1+ tan x) dy _ (i+ tan x\0~sec* x) ~(1—tan x)(0 + sec’ x) dx (1+ tan x)? dy _ (1+ tan x)(~sec? x) ~ (I~ tan xXsec” x) de (1+ tan xy dy _ ~sec* x—tan xsec’ x ~sec* x + tan xsec* x de dy de (1+ tan x)? ct y=(e" ~sin-* + Ag xf Solution: y=(e*-sin x+ 41g x)” Diff wrix = Ee sin + 4g)” x44bog afl et - ee) seeds d.if S=1° — +91+8 where Sis the distance travelled by particle in t seconds. Find the velocity and acceleration at t=2 seconds at fe +918 7 2 qt+2 s Differentiate wr ttime t * 3 4 _4 (ps _ 72 0748) a dt ds S=3r7- 24940 dt Saw -U+9 Again diff wri as rT <> =61-2+0 wht Velocity V -4 V=3°-249 Vogsoy = 42)‘ — 2(2) +9 = 12-4 +9 = 1Tunit \ sec #s ar -2 =6x2-2=12-2=10 unit \sec* wkt acceleration a= a Gara af y=x'-3e" +2cosx+sin ‘x find 2 Solution yax'—3e"+2cosr+sin x Diff wrtx W465 30 4 20082451) a de 1 Dose! 430% Din. x ee de view : og A b.if y=." loge" find yx" loge’ find © Solution: = x7 +2xlogle") cif v= tan"! xthen prove that (1+.x7)v, + 2xu. = 0. Solution: yetan" x Differentiate wr tx 4 (ans) dx de dy & i+x Again differentiate wrtx d(dy)_d(1 a(2)-a(e9) d =! (ee dy -2 dé (vey dy 1-2 dy de (ee)er) a bee) x(0+2x) =2x “T) from owe. (14x? )y, + 2xy, =0 d. Find the equation of the tangent to the curve y = 2x’ — 5x’ + 8x—6 atthe point (1,-1) Solution: y= 2x —5x? +8x-6 Differentiate wrx % 4 60 _52 +Rx-6) a ) = 2x3x? -5x2x+8-0 2 BIS & = 6x" -10x+8 de (2) « Pe) —10x14+8=6-10+8=4 m=4 ‘The eauation of tangent to the curve at the point A (1, -1) with slope m=4 is y-y, =m(x—x,) y-Ci)=4x-1) y+l=4x-4 4x-4- Section-V 9. a. Evaluate i(« +S vet —seosee’ x T= {x +2 +4 —soosee’ ax 1=7+Sxlog x+e"-3x-cotx cil 5 1=*+Sbgx+e' +3cotx+e 1 c. Evaluate J (xbox x}adx Solution: 1 = f(log x x)de fove= uff fea ae 1g ff fede 8 a ; 3 12g f(Z xt \ 2a} Find the ares hnundad hu the eunie + at x=1 and x=2 Solution: Given y =x" +1 and a=x=1 &b= x=2 welt Ares tanned hy the cv ie >, [xt] _2* 1 _16 1_16-1_15 ae [=] 4444 4 4 b. Evaluate [sin® xcos xdx. Solution: sin® xeosxdx. . dt =K +e 7 Put smx=t cos xdx = dt ¢. Evaluate xe dx Solution: [= [xe de fant afte f {fron tt Jarxfede-{(fedx T=xd -{(e xi} T=xé —{(e x T=xé-e +e 4. Find the volume generated by rotating the curve y = Vx +2 about x-axis between x=0 and x=2 Solution: Given; y = Vx+2 and x=a=0 & x=b=2 w.k.t, Volume of solid generated by rotating the curve is V= af yide Vvaa{(vi+2} a Vv = afle+2)c V = 6m cubic units Certified that model answers prepared by me for code 20SCO1T are from prescribed text book and. Scheme of valuation, model answer prepared by me are correct and equal weightage should be given to alternative methods also.

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