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Drawing glass is no different than any other subject. Attention to detail and accurate value are important. Glass drawings
emphasize light and reflection. Don’t concentrate on the problem of drawing the glass - consider what the glass is showing and
reflecting back to you. Consider the shape (imagine a cut-out silhouette) and notice curves and angles. Notice patterns,
reflections, and distortions in the surface. Examine color - what color is the glass and what colors are being picked up from the
surroundings? How clear are the reflections of objects or the surrounding environment on the surface of the glass? Notice cast
shadows and how they pick up color.

Students will translate detailed observation of an arrangement of glass objects into a colored pencil drawing
on toned paper.
Students will create a range of values within a cohesive color palette.
Students will create the illusion of transparent and reflective glass surfaces in their drawing.
Students will utilize Think Like an Artist and Studio Habits concepts.

● Precise and detailed drawings of your arrangement from several angles.
● Test color palettes and blending techniques (annotated).
● Notes on web search artists.


Janet Fish Audrey Flack Richard Estes Jeanette Pasin Sloan


Composition Toned drawing paper
Reflection Colored pencils
Transparency Glass still life arrangement
Figure/ground relationship
Elements & Principles (see below)

1. ​Make several observational studies in pencil of the glass still life on your table.
2. Watch:
3. Working in colored pencil on toned paper, draw the glass still life on our table. Consider overall
composition and placement on the page. Give attention to the element and principles listed below.
Elements Principles
Color Emphasis
Shape Proportion
Form Balance
Value Movement

• Your composition should fill the space of your entire page in a dynamic and interesting way.
•Use colored pencils (defined color palette, drawing technique) to create the illusion of reflective
glass surfaces.
•Address the Focus Areas listed above.
• Finished drawing due for critique on ​Friday, Jan. 20​.

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