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Using the World System Theory examine the contemporary realities and current
situation of the Philippines, reflecting upon the consequences of its colonial past
As Immanuel Wallerstein formulated, World System Theory simply describes the world in
which countries are classified based on their economic classes and explains their economic
relationship with one another. Among the three categories of World System theory; core, semi-
periphery and periphery, Philippines belongs under the periphery class. Due to absence of good
governance, poor educational system, low wages and less power, the Philippines remained
underdeveloped. Although we have the abundance of many agricultural resources, Filipinos
cannot escape the economic exploitation from the core and semi-periphery countries. To
elaborate, we export raw materials across countries and sell it cheaply which then creates
necessary consumer goods from those raw materials and then sell it back to us afterwards. The
flow of resources and labor from our country benefits the core wherein they possess enough
ability to dominate the world and increase their power over the countries lower than them. We are
in need of assistance from other countries for us to function. Therefore, the Philippines remained
a weak country that is being a victim from manipulation. And the barrier has been put on not to
strive for the development of the economy. The core countries can augment their economic
wealth and attain stable government and military while the periphery countries such as
Philippines, will struggle and stay behind.
Another reason worth noting would be the colonial history of our country. Spaniards and
Americans greatly affected the structure of the Philippine's economy and despite our
independence in 1898, Filipinos still hold the bitter taste of the past. The damage was still there
and we are experiencing it up until now. Colonization seems to be the root cause of labor
brokerages and creation of labor migration. The impact of the American colonization also
employed an effect through spreading the education and media to Filipinos which played an
important role through switching Filipinos' way of thinking into a ‘western’ mindset. This leads
to increasing demand for digital and electronic items made from core countries and eventually
increase their economic wealth from the products they sell across states.
The World System Theory leads us to witness the gaps between nations. Philippines
remained dependent on the other nations and we can never escape unless we diminish the
problems still lurking currently. This theory helps us to understand our present situation and take
action against the never-ending poverty and corruption. Numerous events such as World Wars,
disasters and the COVID-19 pandemic negatively affected the growth thus leading the Philippine
economy to drop. Despite strong occurrences, the country is slowly starting back from scratch
and little by little, local businesses are trying to bring back their profit and revenue. It is far from
easy yet Filipinos are known for their resiliency and strong spirits through overcoming
challenges that come in their way. We know that the core countries are there but our country must
stand on its own. These dominant countries have established unequal and unjust tactics in the
global market but it is in our hands on how we will create proper solutions for alleviating the
longstanding issue of the Philippines.
2. What is the importance of United Nations in maintaining peace and order today.
The aftermath of the two World Wars led to the existence of the United Nations (UN)
which holds the goal of attaining peace, security and diplomacy worldwide. It has been created in
order to prevent repeating the same tragedies that caused the killings of millions of people due to
wide-range conflicts and disputes between countries. In June 1945, the United Nations was
declared and 50 members of it were officially settled under the guidance of Eleanor Roosevelt.
Up until the present time, the United Nations is one of the reasons why states become
more sober and sane which lowered the possibility of having the Third World War. The outcome
of globalization and international peace had somewhat exterminated rivalry and multipolarity.
Although we cannot fully avoid international conflicts, most of the countries in the world agreed
upon preventing the upcoming consequences of these conflicts in a quick manner of time. Human
rights was also adopted by the United Nations through giving equal treatment to all of the people
in different places without discrimination because we are similar after all. When someone else is
being treated unequally, it is the right of every people and nation to stand up and give protection.
It is not only about human rights but also to the utilization of peacekeeping. There are
instances that conflict is rising between two countries and it is the role of the members of the
United Nations to negotiate and prevent the war. They send armed forces and separate the two
sides in a conflict under their control and do their best in order to halt the sides from attacking
one another. If the negotiation leads to failure, the United Nations is capable of threatening
collective security through military action and economic punishment. Other contributions of the
United Nations are observed indirectly because they are also taking action silently and without
spreading information. It has collaborated with agencies that are meant for improving and
promoting economic and social development. These agencies have the ability to lessen poverty
and other concerning issues up until now. Without the help of others, the development would
result in slow progress and no improvement in the worst-case scenario.
The Philippines has been a partner of the United Nations for over 70 years in accordance
of giving support and uphold international treaty obligations through achieving developmental
goals all over the world. It is not true that our country did not get any benefit from being a
member of the United Nations. International agencies contributed a lot in solving the food
insecurity problem of the Filipinos back in 2016. Programs were also implemented and projects
were successfully employed in order to provide local residents nutritious meals and help the
victims of typhoons and other calamities.
The United Nations played a vital role and made a massive contribution in keeping peace
and security. Although some people say that it made no change but only a pluck of improvement,
those numerous people that witnessed the never-ending actions being taken will act as a proof
that the objectives of the United Nations have been reached. It is not impossible to achieve them
all as long as the people have strong will upon changing the world into a better place.

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