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Discuss the contemporary function of religion, and examine its purpose in either promoting

social cohesion, social order or turmoil and social disorder in today's society (Contemporary
World). You can use your own observation with your religion.

As the world continues to revolve, religion still lingers and will always be a part of
everyone’s life. Amidst the absurdness and craziness of existence and the mystery behind life and
death, religion helped people to achieve meaning and purpose to life. There are certain things
that are extremely difficult to understand that even science cannot tell us and that’s why religion
was appreciated. Religious faith and belief lift people up in order for them to find the sense in
Religion is defined as a collection of cultural systems, beliefs systems, and world views
that establishes symbols that relate humanity to spirituality and to moral values. Religion
reinforces social cohesion and unity as it bonds the society and the people within. To elaborate,
religion gives people a certain belief that is only meant for them which promotes socialization.
Having a similar belief with other people is an important factor through understanding each other
and creating a bond that will improve our social interaction. On top of that, we all know that
joining religious practices brings us to new people and friends. Hence, when people are brought
together, their social bonds strengthen. Another important contribution of religion is moral
values. In Judeo-Christian tradition, people are aware of the Ten Commandments which is
perhaps the most well-known and popular set of rules for moral behavior. This rule made the
people to stay disciplined and always care for others in order to avoid sinful acts and therefore
avoid social disorder. In short, religion teaches people moral behavior wherein this will be the
basis for being a good member of society. For thousands of years, religion has served as a means
of keeping both order and well-being of mankind. Although conflict cannot be diminished
forever, the function of religion encourages people to contribute to society by initiating activism
and proactiveness in order to maximize the efforts towards social justice and welfare. As a
member of Christianity, Jesus became an inspiring figure to people back then. In the bible, he
stated that, “In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the
weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to
receive.’” (Acts 20:32-35). People applied these teachings through establishing organizations
such as CAFO (Christian Alliance for Orphans), Global Care and Caritas Australia which are
created as a social welfare for the nation. Lastly, religion also serves as a comfort for people
during their hard times and struggles. For instance, people often talk to God whenever they feel
down and alone. Praying improves our psychological well-being and also helps people to avoid
giving up.
In conclusion, religion gives a lot of benefits in all aspects but according to conflict
theory, religion also has demerits which may also affect the order of society. Yet even with this
problem, the positive impact of religion is more appreciated. Without religion, life would not
even make sense because I, myself also believe that there is a higher entity that watches us.
Religion will help us to become a better person and will always be there, readily available if we
might get lost or lose purpose in life.

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