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These are tropical monsoon land with on

shore wet monsoon in summer and off

shore dry monsoon in winter

Distribution Indian subcontinent, Burma, Thailand,

Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, south china,
australia, C-America, west indies, NE
australia, Phillippines, E- africa,
Madagascar, Guinea coast, E- brazil

Cause- diff in heating & cooling of land

N- hemisphere- sun move northwards- land

mass is heated. Central asia - backed by
lofty Himalayas- hotter- LP.
Climatic condition

S-hemi.-Winter- HP(AUS)-SE monsoon. SW

monsoon after crossing equator

Reverse in Winter; Sun over Capricon. C-

Asia - cold-HP. NE monsoon. LP in AUS. NW
monsoon in AUS

Temperature are low. Heavy Sinking of air ?

frost in North. High pressure over Punjab.
1) Cool dry season October to February.
Northeast Monsoon--Bring little or no rain
to the Indian subcontinent. but when they
acquire moisture from BOB they bring rain
on southern tip of peninsula

Temperature rises sharply with Sun's

northward shift To the Tropic of cancer..
Seasons of tropical monsoon
Low relative humidity. Stifling heat Coastal
2) Hot dry season march to mid June.
districts are cooler due to sea breezes

The Tropical no rain, Low pressure zone in northwest

India Punjab high. Frequent Duststorms.
Monsoon and
3) Rainy season mid June to September SW monsoon. Torrential downpours
Tropical marine
The retreating monsoon. Rain decreases northeast monsoon.

Experienced along eastern coasts. trade

winds. rainfall is both orographic and
convectional. No month without rainfall. A
Tropical Marine Climate. range of 12 degree Fahrenheit for the
year.Most favorable for habitation, but
prone to tropical cyclones.

Natural vegetation depends on the amount

of summer rainfall. Deciduous trees marked
by specific Dry season shed their leaves
forest are less luxuriant than the equatorial
fewer species,

Timber- durable hardwood, teak ship

Tropical monsoon forest. building, furniture, sal, acacia, eucalyptus,
bamboo thickets

With a decrease in rainfall in summer, the

forest thin out into thorny scrubland or

Monsoon forest has been cleared for

agriculture. Farmers- Land Hungry

Tropical agriculture depend on natural

rainfall. manual labor.

Wet pady cultivation- Rice.Dry Paddy in low

rainfall region. Wet paddy in lowlands,
flooded fields and terraced uplands.
Irrigation. 50 inches rain

Maze Millet Sorghum beans gram and


Agriculture development in the Crops

Lowland cash crops- cane sugar, jute manila
monsoon lands. hemp in Indonesia, indigo, cotton

Coffee origin- ethiopia, arabia, highland slopes

Highland Plantation crops- plantation
agriculture- tea and coffee
Tea origin - China, 60 inches rain, high altitude

Lumbering- teak - Burma near chindwin

and irrawady river

Ladang- malaysia

Taungya- Burma

Tamrai- Thailand
Shifting cultivation prevalent- hoes and
sickles, manual labour, subsistence, Caingin- Phillippines
latosolic soil, faloowing
Humah- Java

Chena- Sri Lanka

Milpa- Africa and C- America

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