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5-10 Degree N & S of equator

Amazon, congo, Malaysia, East Indies, Kenya, N-

Grt. Uniformity in Temp. No Winters, Cloudiness

Land & Sea Breeze help in Maintaing Truly

equitable Climate

Diurnal & Annual Range of temperature - Small Ex: Kuala Lumpur and Bogota- 2 degree F

Heavy b/w 60 and 100inches; well distributed,

Climate No month w/out Rain

distinct dry season - absent

mornings- bright & sunny, evaporation,

Convectional rain, Cumulonimbus clouds,
torrential shower, Orograhphic or relief rain,

relative humidity- high, sticky and


Tropical rain forest, Dense- SELVAS term is

used; all round growing & seeding season, no
drought, no cold

Evergreen forest, Tropical hardwood, smaller

trees like palm, climbing plants like lianas or

1) A grt Variety of Vegetation Epiphytic or Parasitic plants

ex- Mahogany, ebony, rosewood, greenheart,

cabinet woods, dry woods

Thick canopy
Equatorial Vegetation
2) Distinct layer of arrangement All plants struggle for sunlight resulting in
peculiar layer arrangement- Tallest trees- top
The Hot, Wet over 150 ft. Smaller trees make lower layer
called Herbaceous Plants
Equatorial climate
TRF- not found in pure strands
3) Multiple Species
Timber industry, lumbering cant be done

Shifting Cultivation, v. low lumbering

4) Forest clearings when forest are clear, secondary & less

luxuriant forests called Belukar characterized
by short trees and very dense, also magroves
are part of this climatic region

Sparsely populated, hunters, collectors, shifting

cult. variety of animals, birds and reptiles, fish

In Amazon basin, Indian tribes collect Wild

Life and development rubber, pygmies gather nuts in Congo; Orang
asli in malaysia

Natural rubber called Hevea Brasiliensis, also

called Para rubber; Cocoa

Excessive heat, hugh humidity, less energy in

Man, malaria & yellow fever; resistance to
1) Eq climate & health
disease is very less, malaria eradication

2) Prevalence of bacteria and insects, pests-

injurious to crops

Lalang (tall grass) sprang up quickly, Big

patches needs to be cleared for infra
3) Jungle hinders and development
development lyk roads, railways- thus more
maintenance, wild animal attacks
Factors affecting developmt. of
eq. region Misconception- tr. soil are rich, only first layer is
rich bcuz of Thick humus. But once top layer
washes out- soil deteriorates quickly, erosion,
4) Rapid deterioration of Soil
Ladangs- term used for newly cleared land
during shifting cult.

Handicapped, Yield in milk or beef very below

compared to temeprate cattle
5) Livestock farming
Tall and Coarse Grasses- not nutritious. In
Africa domesticated animals are attacked by
tsetse flies that cause ngana disease.

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