Home Learning Pack Year 3 - Spring

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Home Learning Pack

Year 3
Home Learning Links
World Book Online
World Book online have just made their fabulous collection of over 3,000 e-books and audiobooks available for free
for children to access at home. They have books suitable for all ages. Click on the following link to access them.

Read Works.org
Read Works offers access to 3000+ comprehension for all age groups. Just sign up for a free account to access fantastic

Beanstalk website is packed with lots of interactive materials for children aged 1 to 6. They are offering free access to
all families during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Twinkl literally have 10s of thousands of quality resources for all areas of the curriculum. What’s better is they are
offering a month’s free access (with no subscription) for all families. Just search for a topic, e-book, spellings,
arithmetic, science – the possibilities are endless.

An online platform with tutorials and videos for home learning.

Education Quizzes
A series of short quizzes for children to complete related to the National Curriculum subjects. Just select KS1 for
Reception, Year 1 & Year 2 and select KS2 for Years 3-6.

Top Marks
A range of activities here but especially good interactive activities for maths.

Classroom Secrets

Classroom Secrets Kids is offering free access to everyone until the end of April 2020. The platform is aimed at primary
aged children and covers subjects such as maths, reading, grammar and spelling. The platform is really child-friendly
so that they're able to access it on their own. There are a load of games and interactive activities from phonics to SATs


National Geographic

National Geographic is a great platform for learning and it’s totally free. There are online games, resources and
competitions, too.
Year 3 Home Learning Mat
English If you feel well enough to continue with your school ICT
work, please follow the guidelines on this home
Reading: - ICT games for English and Maths-
learning sheet. Some of these activities need internet
- Please continue reading for 3x per week to an access but if this is difficult, please just complete the
- ICT support
adult and record this in your diary. activities in the Home Learning Packs. If you require a
- Please complete a reading eggs lesson twice printed pack, these will be available from the school
weekly. office between 8.45 and 3.30pm. Geography – The weather
If you encounter any trouble, please email https://www.plazoom.com/
- Use www.spellingframe.co.uk to practise the
year group spelling rules.


- Use www.youtube.com to complete a Joe Wicks

workout to keep active! Science
- Explorify for Science-
- Continue to access Mathletics.
- Continue to access Times Tables Rock Stars Mental Health and Well-being
- Friction and Motion
daily. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/znmmn39
- Cosmic Yoga- Yoga videos designed for children 3+
- You can also use ‘Hit the button’ on www.youtube.com/user/CosmicKidsYoga
https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit- - BBC Supermovers- interactive videos to support KS1 and - Forces and magnets
the-button to practise your times tables and KS2 Maths, English, PSHE and PE learning http://www.primaryhomeworkhelp.co.uk/revisi
fluency facts. www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers on/Science/physical.htm
- Go Noodle- YouTube (and on their own website).
Hundreds of ‘brainercise’ dancing, strength, mindfulness
Read the extract
Iggy Pig’s Dark Night

It was a very dark night.

Mother Pig was tucking Iggy Pig into bed.
“Goodnight, dear Iggy Pig,” she said.
“Sleep well!”

Mother Pig shut the door.

Iggy Pig shut his eyes.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

Someone was tapping on the window.

Iggy Pig sat up in bed.
Iggy Pig listened.
Tap! Tap! Tap!

Iggy Pig jumped out of bed.

He went to the window and he opened it wide.
Iggy Pig looked out.

It was a very dark night.

There were no stars.
There was no moon.
There was no one there.

Iggy Pig shut the window and jumped into bed.

Iggy Pig shut his eyes.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

Taken from: ‘Iggy Pig’s Dark Night’ by Vivian French and David Melling. Publisher:
Hodder Childrens
Circle the words that best suit the extract for the four mind maps
Sugar Mountain

“We’re going to have a treat,”

said Mel Mouse to his best friend, Max Mouse.

Someone had spilt a load of sugar on the shop floor.

The sugar looked like a big white mountain.
“You stand guard. I’ll get Molly Mouse,” said Max.

Max ran around the shop floor looking for Molly.

It was late at night.
He ran to the fruit section.
Molly was nibbling an apple.

“We’ve got a treat,” said Max, grinning.

“Come and see.”

The three mice gazed up at the sugar mountain.

“We’ll scoff the lot!” said Molly.
She was always hungry.

“We’ll eat till we’re sick!” squeaked Mel.

“Yippee’” they shouted.
“Let’s get started!”

Then suddenly...

Taken from: ‘Ricky's Rat Gang’ by Anthony Masters. Published by

Sugar Mountain
• Read the story again.
• What do you think happened next?
• Write the end of the story:

Then Suddenly:
Descriptive writing:

Describing a picture (Look at the pictures below)

Choose a setting

Where is this place?


When was it?


What was the weather like?


Choose words to describe the atmosphere of this setting:

Now write a paragraph to describe the setting;
Settings checklist

1. Write in sentences:
• Use a capital letter to start a sentence.
• Use a full stop at the end of a sentence.

2. Include details about:

• What you can see.
• What you can hear.
• What you can smell.
• How you feel.

3. Use lots of adjectives (describing words)

4. Use interesting verbs:

• strolling or ambling instead of walking
• raced or flew instead of ran

5. Use adverbs.

Settings checklist
Did you... me
use a capital letter to start a sentence?
use a full stop at the end of a sentence?
include details about...
• what you can see?
• what you can hear?
• what you can smell?
• how you feel.?
use lots of adjectives?
use interesting verbs?
use adverbs?
Elaborate on your setting description and explain what you did there
Maths - Fractions
Draw the counters to represent the numbers 10 and 1.
Draw the counters to represent 10 and 1
£3.50 ÷ 2 = £
French colouring
Check your knowledge
Create a comic strip using onomatopeia words

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