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Song of the Earth: Understanding

Geology and Why It Matters Elisabeth

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Song of the Earth
Song of the Earth
Understanding Geology and Why It Matters

E L I S A B E T H E RV I N -​B L A N K E N H E I M

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DOI: 10.1093/​oso/​9780197502464.001.0001

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For those of all ages
who want to deepen their knowledge of the Earth,
and in particular for my students present and past, you inspire me.

Acknowledgments  xi
Introduction: Why Geology?  1
1. Geology Emerges as a Science: European Roots  6
European Scientific Geological Developments  8
Nicolaus Steno  8
James Hutton  12
Abraham Werner  17
Etheldred Benett  19
William “Strata” Smith  21
William Buckland  22
Charles Lyell  25
Mary Anning  27
Louis Agassiz in Europe  31
Early French Geologists  32
2. Geology Emerges as a Science: On the Other Side of the Pond  34
American Scientific Geological Developments  34
Louis Agassiz in the United States  35
James Dwight Dana  37
Sir John William Dawson  37
John Wesley Powell  40
Clarence King  43
Florence Bascom  44
3. Geologic Time: From an Early Geologic Time Scale  47
The Age of the Earth: Geologic Time  47
About the Time Scale of the Earth: Ordering of Events through
Relative Age-​Dating  48
Development of the Geologic Time Scale  52
Abraham Werner and an Early Geologic Time Scale  52
Expansion of the Time Scale of Geology  55
Periods of the Paleozoic Era  55
Periods of the Mesozoic Era  63
Periods of the Cenozoic Era  65
Geologic Eras  67
Measuring Time: The Final Frontier  67
viii Contents

4. Geologic Time: Measuring Time and the Nature of Deep Time  69

Quantifying Time: Numerical Dating  69
Radioactivity and Isotopes: History and Use in Geology  70
The Present Geologic Time Scale  74
Mapping the Geologic Time Scale  78
Deep Time: A New Orientation to Geologic Time  81
5. Plate Tectonics: History of the Revolution in Earth Sciences  82
How the Crust of the Earth Moves: Overview of Plate Tectonics  82
Setting the Stage for Continental Drift and Plate Tectonics  83
Eduard Suess and His Tectonics  85
Antarctic Exploration, the Terra Nova Expedition, and Plate Tectonics  88
Alfred Wegener and Continental Drift  92
Data for Continental Drift  96
Mechanisms for Continental Drift: Early Ideas  101
Post–​World War II Exploration of the Ocean Floor: A Unified
Theory of Plate Tectonics  102
6. Plate Tectonics: Oceans, Continents, Plates, and How
They Interact  114
Plate Tectonics Theory  115
Divergent Plate Boundaries  118
Convergent Plate Boundaries  120
Transform Plate Boundaries  122
Hotspots and Diffuse Boundary Zones  124
Diffuse Boundaries  127
Unknown or Speculative Boundaries  128
Consequences of Plate Tectonics  129
Past and Present Tectonics  132
Tying It All Together  133
7. Life on the Earth: Evolution, Extinctions, and Biodiversity  137
Development and Change of Life on the Earth: Evolution and
Natural Selection  137
Charles Darwin, the Journey of HMS Beagle, and Natural Selection  140
Fossils and Preservation of Ancient Life  145
The Historical “Bone Wars” of Marsh and Cope: Filling Out the
Dinosaur Fossil Record  146
Genes, DNA, and Quantitative Biology  148
Toward a Unified Synthetic Theory of Evolution  150
Horse Fossils, Their Geologic History, and Change in
Environmental Conditions  152
Evolution in Action  154
Extinction Events and Their Impact on Evolution  157
Mass Extinctions  157
Contents ix

Biodiversity throughout the Geologic Record  160

Unifying Theories and the Future  161
8. The Biography of the Earth: The Precambrian Story  163
Hadean Eon, 4,600–​4,000 Million Years Ago  165
Archean Eon, 4,000–​2,500 Million Years Ago  170
Proterozoic Eon, 2,500–​541 Million Years Ago  173
Snowball Earths and Emergence of More Complex Life  178
9. The Biography of the Earth: Paleozoic Era  181
Cambrian Period, 541–​485.4 Million Years Ago  182
Ordovician Period, 485.4–​443.8 Million Years Ago  187
Silurian Period, 443.8–​419.2 Million Years Ago  190
Devonian Period, 419.2–​358.9 Million Years Ago  190
Carboniferous Period, 358.9–​298.9 Million Years Ago  193
Permian Period, 298.9–​251.9 Million Years Ago  195
10. The Biography of the Earth: Mesozoic Era  200
Triassic Period, 251.9–​201.3 Million Years Ago  201
Jurassic Period, 201.3–​145.0 Million Years Ago  205
Cretaceous Period, 145.0–​66.0 Million Years Ago  207
11. Biography of the Earth: Cenozoic Era  214
Paleogene Period, 66.0–​23.03 Million Years Ago  215
Neogene Period, 23.03–​2.58 Million Years Ago  220
Quaternary Period, 2.58 Million Years Ago to Present  223
12. The Earth’s Impact on Life and Life’s Impact on the Earth  229
The Earth: Interconnected Systems  230
Population Matters  232
Geosphere–​Human Interaction  234
Hydrosphere–​Human Interaction  237
Biosphere–​Human Interaction  241
Atmosphere and Climate–​Human Interaction  243
Interfaces among All Spheres  244
Soils and Their Significance  245
Temperature, Weather, and Climate  247
The Dynamic Carbon Cycle  248
Song of the Earth and Implications  253
Looking Backward to Look Forward  254

Glossary  257
Notes  273
Bibliography  307
Index  337

Writing Song of the Earth has been a journey, one that began relatively recently in
geologic time, when a friend and mentor said to me, “You should write a book.”
This is the book that emerged, as I thought about my teaching experiences in ge-
ology and realized my students and others wanted to know more about the Earth
and why an understanding of geology matters.
Thank you to Oxford University Press, especially Jeremy Lewis, my pub-
lisher, and his capable assistant, Bronwyn Geyer. Without you, Song of the Earth
would not have come forward to be heard. Special thanks to the Alfred P. Sloan
Foundation for its grant to support this work. The grant allowed editing and fine-​
tuning of the manuscript and provided funds for an illustrator. I am honored to
be a Sloan Foundation grant recipient.
My deepest appreciation goes to my agent, Jeff Ourvan, of the Jennifer Lyons
Literary Agency, who believed in the work and added melody and harmony to
the piece. Thanks to my general editors, who asked questions and provided in-
sight and clarity, especially the ministrations of Jeff Ourvan and Sara Lippincott,
science book editor and formerly nonfiction editor of The New Yorker mag-
azine. Thank you to Michael Signorelli, literary agent with Aevitas Creative
Management, who looked over the initial chapters and provided his input. Thank
you to the biologists and paleontologists who reviewed the manuscript, Louis
Taylor, Denver Museum of Nature and Science, and Chris Romero, Front Range
Community College. To Heather Hollis, a colleague in my doctoral cohort in ed-
ucational studies, Nova Scotia, I appreciate your fact-​checking of the text and fig-
ures and your attention to detail. Sincere thanks to natural science illustrator and
graphic artist R. Gary Raham, of Biostration, who took my illustration concepts
and brought them to life, and to Nobumichi (Nobu) Tamura, paleoartist, who
kindly permitted me to use his superb life drawings of fossil animals.
As I drafted the manuscript, colleagues and friends provided support and
input as early readers; I thank, in particular, Emily N. Carey, Nancy E. Driver,
Diana Perfect, Sharon Moon, Kristy Wumkes, Joan Letizio, and Mary E. Davis.
To my family who encouraged and cheered me on throughout the process,
Robert L. and Elisabeth T. Ervin, I am very appreciative, and especially to my
husband, Richard E. Blankenheim, for allowing me space and time to research
and write and for having an enduring belief in me and Song of the Earth. I am
eternally grateful. And finally, to the Earth itself, from whence it all arose, I am
thankful to be the one to compose your song through the lens of geology. Indeed,
as philosopher David Hume proposes, “the past is the key to the present.”
Why Geology?

Geology is the language by which the Earth speaks. It is also a philosophy, and
a poetry, offering a perspective on time—​past, present, and future—​through al-
most endless cycles of cataclysm, abundance, and decay. Many readers may have
never given a second thought to geology—​beyond, perhaps, looking at a pecu-
liarly shaped rock or a dramatic landscape and wondering how the feature came
to be—​but the field extends beyond rocks and minerals to a holistic perspective
of the Earth. It illuminates the extensive chronicle of the planet and speaks to the
processes in operation, the interrelatedness of all systems, and the history of life.
Song of the Earth: Understanding Geology and Why It Matters explores the archi-
tecture of the Earth in a way that is comprehensible and meaningful. This book
will illustrate the dynamic interplay of the planet and life on it through the eons
of the Earth.
From the present view, the face of the Earth appears enduring—​continents
are in their places, mountain ranges rise for all time, and vast oceans separate the
Americas from Europe and Africa and Asia from the Americas. However, that
picture differs markedly from the snapshots of the planet’s past. Processes on the
Earth can seem slow and steady, but transformation does not always occur grad-
ually, and time reveals changes in sudden bursts, with dire consequences.
An asteroid the size of Mount Everest struck the Earth 66 million years ago and
not only drastically altered the face of the planet but also caused a mass extinc-
tion of multiple species, including the non-​bird (non-​avian) dinosaurs1 that had
dominated the planet for nearly 200 million years. more recently, in 2004, tec-
tonic plates shifted in the Indian Ocean, dropping the ocean floor and powering
a wall of water, a tsunami that killed a quarter of a million people. Today, ice
sheets and glaciers that were formed up to hundreds of thousands of years ago
are melting and may disappear within the next generation. Unless addressed,
and somehow slowed, this will lead to sea-​level rise, flooding of coastal cities,
the salinization of freshwater, and the destruction of agricultural areas, including
low-​lying deltas which provide food for a significant portion of the world.
The forces of geology are not those that have occurred in primeval times and
are now complete; those processes continue today and will do so into the future.
It is tempting to forget this fact because of the substantial difference between the

Song of the Earth. Elisabeth Ervin-​Blankenheim, Oxford University Press. © Oxford University Press 2021.
DOI: 10.1093/​oso/​9780197502464.003.0001
2 Song of the Earth

span of human life and the life of the Earth—​geologic time—​but the human time
frame is an illusion. The discipline of geology offers a unique understanding of
the world drawn from the deep well of geologic time, the longest planetary view,
going back 4.6 billion years. It provides a distinct perspective of life on Earth and
of the Earth itself. Geologic conditions evident today represent just one page in
a book more than 4 billion pages long—​the number of years the planet has been
in existence.
The study of the Earth stands in its own right, even as it owes a debt to as-
tronomy, biology, physics, and chemistry. Geology is a science that lends itself
to the narrative approach. Science educators, such as Jeff Dodick and Shlomo
Argamon, state that the science of the Earth examines “ultimate causes that often
lie very deep in the past, and the effects of which are observed only after very long
and complex causal chains of intervening events.”2
As a discipline, geology is relatively young, discovered and formalized during
the scientific revolution in the seventeenth century in the Western world.
Other societies, particularly indigenous cultures, have profound knowledge
of the Earth, through induction (based on observations) and reasoning, of ge-
ologic forces and ways of working with the environment. These practices and
understandings should be honored but are not covered herein.
My geology students inspired me to write this book, and it is to them and fu-
ture students, those in school and those who are not but love learning, that I ded-
icate it. My journey began with a keen interest in the natural world, leading me
to study archaeology and later geology. After a career as a U.S. Geological Survey
hydrologist and geologist, I became a licensed professional geologist and started
to teach as a second profession and calling. This path led me to realize that my
students required more grounding in the basics of geology and why geology
matters, and thus, this book came about. One methodology of historical science
and geology, in particular, is the use of language and storytelling as a way of un-
derstanding geologic processes and timelines through a narrative lens. When
I speak to people about geology, I tell them stories of the Earth, and often they
are amazed to think that even their backyards reflect millions of years of the bi-
ography of the planet. Likewise, when we walk through the woods and encounter
outcroppings of long-​buried rock layers, we truly are communing across eons of
time, if we learn how to read them.
Song of the Earth begins in ­chapters 1 and 2 by tracing the discovery of geology
through the lives of individual scientists during and after the European age of
Enlightenment. Some readers might wonder, why not start with the dawn of the
planet’s birth? One reason to begin with these snapshots is that it took centuries
for generations of geologists to grasp the story of deep time and the biography of
the Earth; and another is that it becomes more critical that we recognize the role
of humans in both interpreting and affecting the Earth’s destiny.
Introduction 3

Some critical questions these first chapters address include: How did
geologists unravel clues they observed to figure out what happened to the planet
through time? How did they piece together the arrangement of the continents
over the long history of the Earth? By what methods did geologists begin to un-
derstand the processes that resulted in the way the planet appears today? How
did they differentiate the eons, eras, and periods of the Earth’s history? The biog-
raphies of the scientists presented are distilled to highlight the immense effort
and visionary thinking it took to understand the Earth in a formalized scien-
tific manner. Thus, the stories preserve the historical record and emphasize the
power of both individual lives and collaboration among those working on sim-
ilar questions.
The text then delves into the history and principles of the three overarching
concepts in geology: geologic time in ­chapters 3 and 4; the most recently re-
vealed, plate tectonics, in c­ hapters 5 and 6; and change in organisms through evo-
lution in ­chapter 7. These theories comprehensively explain the Earth’s processes.
The following chapters, 8–​11, elaborate the concepts for each geologic era—​the
Precambrian Supereon and the Phanerozoic Eon, consisting of the Paleozoic,
Mesozoic, and Cenozoic—​from the birth of the Earth through the present day.
These chapters discuss the biography of the Earth. Finally, c­ hapter 12 wraps
up the previous ideas and examines the intersection of geology and humanity,
how the Earth impacts life, and how life impacts the Earth, with an emphasis
on climate change and global processes. Geology can provide a way forward in
thinking about the planet and the challenges presented by the massive changes in
the climate affecting all parts of the Earth.
One might assume that events on the geologic time scale are separate from
individual human experience. However, geology is everywhere; its processes
create the very soil, water, and air from which life springs. Understanding the
Earth is essential on many levels. It is critical in determining the location and ex-
tent of natural resources, the odds of experiencing geologic and related natural
hazards, and, in turn, what the human impact on these is. Understanding the
origins and cycles of economic minerals can lead to better management, more
protection, and sustainable utilization of those resources. Most earthquakes, tsu-
namis, and volcanic eruptions occur not randomly but in association with the
edges of the Earth’s lithospheric plates, which slip and strike and fault and fold
through tectonic forces. Sinkholes and subsidence, problematic soils, floods,
radon emissions, avalanches, landslides—​all are understandable through the
lens of geology. Such knowledge can guide the best selection of business or farm
property, where to live, and where to put a highway or a dam, and it can inform
many other decisions, including preparations to avert natural disasters. Learning
about local, regional, national, and world-​scale processes deepens people’s rela-
tionship with the planet.
4 Song of the Earth

Additionally, a tsunami of climate-​change impacts is heading directly toward

humans and other life on the Earth. These challenges, based on international
assessments,3 entail severe consequences which will directly impact every el-
ement that supports life. Such factors include the air we all breathe, the clean
water that all life needs, the arable land for the food supply that will feed the
growing number of people on the planet (nearly 10 billion by 2050, according
to the United Nations).4 In short, the present state and the future of life itself are
and will be affected by current and future climate change and the actions people
choose to take today.
Geology offers a path of navigation through this coming climate crisis.
Through hard-​won work, geologists have developed a narrative of the planet
throughout the Earth’s long history. Climate events that occurred in the past exist
within the rock record, including warm and hot periods when the amount of
atmospheric carbon dioxide and other gases soared, and periods of great cold
when nearly the entire Earth’s surface froze. Both types of events, especially
the former, have shaped which species survived and which did not. Absorbing
the lessons from geology, in many ways, is a passage back to humanity’s essen-
tial nature, revealing the substrate from which life originated and suggesting
frameworks by which to manage contemporary climate changes.
Hidden within the rocks and the history of the Earth, after all, are the secrets
and keys to surmounting the present challenges to every sphere—​air, water, soil,
and life—​resulting from fluctuations in global cycles because of changes to the
climate. Furthermore, our world, if not the universe, not only reflects such cycles
but also adapts to them: the Earth revolves, and so the sun rises and sets, only to
rise again; volcanoes erupt, and so land is created and subsided, only to return
to magma to be reconstituted. This cyclic perspective, or what might be referred
to over stretches of geologic time as astronomical or planetary impermanence,
can foster a new, more profound relationship with the planet, effecting perhaps a
keener consideration, respect, and care for our shared environment.
Song of the Earth employs the analogy of melody and harmony to explain and
expand on the interconnection of life and the Earth, now and through geologic
time. Recent evidence shows that this analogy may have a physical grounding
in harmonics of the Earth, which can be thought of as the “music of the sphere.”
The planet’s magnetosphere, generated in the interior of the solid Earth, not only
shields organisms on the surface of the Earth from harmful rays by the protective
magnetic field but also appears to act as a musical instrument.
Scientists discovered that the magnetic field responds to the influx of plasma
to the Earth from the solar system with vibrations, much like a drum.5 Not only
does the magnetosphere respond to vibrations, but the Earth’s atmosphere also
has vibrational frequencies called Schumann resonances. These resonances were
theorized in 1952 by German physicist Winfried Otto Schumann.6 However,
Introduction 5

it was not until the mid-​1960s that scientists were able to measure these low-​
frequency radio waves.7 The waves range from the surface of the planet to the
ionosphere, 96 kilometers (60 miles) high. Some researchers postulate that
organisms respond to the frequencies.8
Our very atoms consist of stardust, and as the renowned planetary scientist
Carl Sagan famously said, “The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth,
the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors
of collapsing stars. We are made of starstuff.”9 Stardust makes up the planet it-
self as the aggregation of molten material coalesced when the Earth first formed
4,600 million years ago. Thus, based on the origin of our atoms and molecules,
the substance of life lies far back in the annals of deep time. Planet Earth (color
insert I.1) has been integral to life, including that of humans, as life has been inte-
gral to the Earth in a dynamic interaction punctuated by disasters and quiescent
times, all of which have shaped how the Earth and life appear today. Song of the
Earth is the story of that journey.
Geology Emerges as a Science
European Roots

Our story begins with the history of geology as it was discovered by the Western
scientists who discerned its foundational ideas before the dawn of the twentieth
century. Most early researchers were not geologists, as there was no such formal
discipline, but instead came to ponder the strange workings of the Earth from a
wide variety of backgrounds in science, including medicine, anatomy, and chem-
istry. Even lawyers, ministers, and laypeople contributed to the burgeoning field.
All had in common, however, inquiring minds and a keen interest in the natural
world. Their biographies demonstrate the scope of what one person can accom-
plish, sometimes with quirks, and also how their work overlapped, influenced,
and augmented one another’s findings, particularly during the time when ration-
alism, through the application of modern scientific thought, replaced supersti-
tious notions and verbatim interpretations of the Bible. The science of geology
was built up stone by stone, one might say, through collaboration, argument,
discussion, and the resolution of vital questions. This effort extended from the
birthplace of geology in Europe to the Americas as trade, colonization, and ulti-
mately communications evolved.
The age of exploration and the ensuing Enlightenment of the seventeenth cen-
tury in Europe touched on all scientific endeavors, in particular the desire to un-
derstand the world and nature as a whole. Geology is a young discipline, not
only in obvious terms within the scope of geologic time but also in the context of
how it applies to human applications. It was not until the end of the nineteenth
century, for example, that most of the basic tenets of geology had been estab-
lished. Some fundamental geological advances—​such as determining the age of
rocks by using radiocarbon isotopes which decay at a known and fixed rate or
discerning the movement of plate tectonics—​were discovered only as recently as
the twentieth century.
Queries about the physical nature of the Earth and the remains of organic
life in rocks led to the beginnings of the scientific knowledge of geology. These
two investigative lines merged and split, overlapped and separated, like braided
stream channels that come together and then divide but which share the same
source: how individual layers of rock, known as strata, get deposited and what
fossils indicate about life and rocks.

Song of the Earth. Elisabeth Ervin-​Blankenheim, Oxford University Press. © Oxford University Press 2021.
DOI: 10.1093/​oso/​9780197502464.003.0002
Geology Emerges as a Science: Europe 7

Such luminaries as Leonardo da Vinci and the Danish scientist and bishop
Nicolaus Steno were intrigued by what they observed in the natural environment.
Curiosity about rocks, their placement, and their forms stimulated questions
about what different-​looking layers could imply. Scientists such as these ban-
died about hypotheses and proposed ideas on the origins of rocks and sediments.
Thinking progressed to interpreting the rocks, based on their positions, and the
relationship of one rock unit to another. Steno studied strata and unraveled their
layering, which led to the fundamental principles of stratigraphy—​the branch
of geology concerned with the sequencing of rock units and their deposition—​
still taught today. This work formed the basis of the early geologic time scale.
Another line of interrogation centered on how remains of ocean creatures could
be found in places far removed from the sea, as first noted by Leonardo da Vinci.1
These earliest inquiries preceded James Hutton, who was a Scottish naturalist
and scientist, considered the father of geology. Hutton questioned how quickly
and under what conditions rock layers are deposited, putting together a broader
picture of how the various pieces on the Earth’s surface fit together. He speculated
that heat in the Earth was a significant driver of geologic forces. The next ques-
tion centered on further sequencing of rocks, relating rocks to one another—​the
bailiwick of Abraham Werner, whose studies, a now-​superseded theory known
as Neptunism, in part refined the early geologic timetable. Around the same time
as Werner was examining rocks in Germany, early paleontologists (those who
study fossils), such as Etheldred Benett, began to organize these remains and put
them in a logical order based on early classification systems.
Other scientists of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries
increasing numbers of whom were women pursued more complex and intricate
fossils. Using fossils to correlate rock layers across large areas of England, Wales,
and Scotland, William “Strata” Smith produced the first detailed geologic map
of all of Britain. William Buckland promoted a catastrophic Noachian flood as
responsible for many strata and the placement of fossils. He theorized, for ex-
ample, that the biblical flood was responsible for the presence of bones in an
English cave. In response to such catastrophic theories of geology, Charles Lyell,
following the insights of Hutton, his fellow Scot, into geologic processes, devel-
oped “uniformitarianism,” a gradualism theory that suggested to an increasingly
intrigued British public that the Earth was shaped by the force and intensity of
the same natural processes observable today.
Animals unknown to the world at the time, swimming marine vertebrates,
were found preserved in the ocean sediments of the Jurassic cliffs of Dorset
by paleontologist Mary Anning. She was an expert at not only locating these
treasures but also mounting and drawing them. Louis Agassiz furthered under-
standing of Earth processes when he observed the presence of immense boulders
from far-​flung places and theorized that glaciers deposited them, intuiting that
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
Social control: changes in, 31;
and vice, 32;
and advertising, 37;
public opinion and, 38;
and city life, 107;
as type-factors, 143
Social distances, 145
Stock exchange, a measure of mobility, 26

Temperament, and city life, 45

Town-planning, 115
Transportation, an ecological factor, 69

Virgin Islands, changing mental habits of natives, 140

Wanderlust, and the romantic temperament, 158

Wishes, defined, 119
Adams, 145
Addams, Jane, 188, 198, 212
Agache, Auburtin, 194
Agache, Redont, 194
Allison, Thomas W., 208
Anderson, Nels, 54, 62, 109, 158, 188
Anthony, Joseph, 225
Arndt, Arno, 200
Arner, G. B. L., 204
Aronovici, Carol, 204, 227
Ashby, A. W., 209
Assessor (pseudonym), 198
Aurousseau, M., 165, 181, 208

Bab, Julius, 188

Bader, Emil, 212
Baer, M., 187
Bagehot, Walter, 17
Bahre, Walter, 217
Bailey, W. B., 214
Baillie, J. B., 138, 139
Baily, W. L., 172
Bajla, W. B., 214
Baker, J. E., 216
Ballard, W. J., 206
Ballod, C., 210
Barron, S. B., 214
Barrows, Harlan H., 166
Bartlett, Dana W., 194
Bassett, E. M., 206
Bauer, L., 210
Bax, E. B., 171
Beard, C. A., 172
Below, George von, 168
Benario, Leo, 218
Benson, E., 171
Bercovici, Konrad, 211
Bernhard, Georg, 187
Bernhard, H., 206
Besant, Walter, 11, 26, 191
Beusch, P. 210
Bierman, Charles, 177
Billings, J. S., 214
Bingham, Robert F., 75, 204
Blanchard, Raoul, 166
Blankenburg, R., 167
Bleicher, H., 214
Böckh, R., 210, 216
Bodine, H. E., 182
Bonne, G., 212
Bookwalter, J. W., 222
Booth, Charles, 188, 226
Bowley, A. L., 210, 223
Bowman, LeRoy E., 200
Brown, Junius Henri, 188
Brown, Robert M., 206
Bruere, Henry, 201
Brunhes, Jean, 65, 178
Brunner, Edmund, deS., 223
Bryce, James, 34, 38
Bryce, P. H., 210
Bücher, Karl, 167, 172
Buchner, Eberhard, 191, 200
Burgess, Ernest W., 64, 144
Burke, Thomas, 191, 218
Burns, Allen T., 227
Busbey, L. W., 223
Buschan, G. H., 212
Bushee, F. A., 206, 208

Cacheux, E., 210

Capes, William Parr, 201
Carbaugh, H. C., 198
Carleton, Will, 219
Carroll, Charles E., 199
Chalmers, Thomas, 212
Cheney, C. H., 193
Cheney, Edward Potts, 168
Chisholm, George G., 166, 183
Classen, W. F., 212, 213
Clemens, Samuel, 42
Clements, F. E., 68, 74
Clerget, Pierre, 170
Clerk (pseudonym), 201
Cleveland, Frederick A., 201
Colze, Leo, 202
Consentius, Ernest, 171
Cook, O. F., 223
Cooley, Charles Horton, 23
Cornish, Vaughn, 178
Cottrell, E. A., 180
Coudenhove-Kalergi, H., 225
Coulanges, Fustel de, 170
Coulton, George Gordon, 171
Cruickshank, J. Graham, 123
Cummin, G. C., 201
Cunningham, William, 167
Cushing, C. P., 182

Damaschke, Adolph, 222

Daniels, John, 190, 191
D’Avenel, G. le Vicomte, 197
Davenport, C. B., 215
Davis, W. S., 170
Day, Clive, 168
Denison, John Hopkins, 188
Desmond, S., 186
Deutsch-German, Alfred (pseudonym), 221
Dewey, John, 199
Dickerman, G. S., 210
Dietrich, Richard, 189
Digby, E., 211
Dillen, Johannes Gerard van, 168
Dittmann, P., 210
Donovan, Frances, 218
Douglass, H. Paul, 68, 208
Dreiser, Theodore, 191
Dublin, Louis I., 215
Dunn, Arthur W., 191

Ebeling, Martin, 172

Eberstadt, Rudolph, 193
Edel, Edmund, 184
Eldridge, Seba, 191
Elmer, Manuel C., 227
Ely, Richard T., 182, 201, 204
Ende, A. von, 173, 174

Faris, J. T., 176

Fassett, Charles M., 196
Fawcett, C. B., 206
Feather, W. A., 206
Febvre, Lucien, 180
Fehlinger, Hans, 215
Felton, Ralph E., 190
Fitzpatrick, Edward A., 198
Flagg, James M., 221
Fleure, Herbert John, 175
Follett, Mary P., 220
Fosdick, Raymond, 198
Fowler, W. W., 170
Fraser, E., 175
Freimark, Hans, 221
Friedländer, L., 170

Galpin, C. J., 182, 183, 223

Gamble, Sidney D., 176, 226
Geddes, Patrick, 176, 194
Geisler, Walter, 181
George, M. Dorothy, 173
George, W. L., 204
Gide, Charles, 180
Gilbert, Arthur Benson, 201
Gilbert, Bernard, 180
Gillette, J. M., 70, 224
Goldmark, Pauline, 189
Goodnow, Frank J., 201
Goodrich, E. P., 197
Goodwin, Frank P., 192
Grahn, E., 196
Grant, James, 219
Gras, Norman S. B., 168, 180
Gray, C. H., 215
Green, Alice S. A., 171
Gregory, W. M., 206
Gross, Charles, 184
Groves, E. R., 210, 224
Guilfoy, W. H., 215
Günther, Viktor, 200

Hadley, A. T., 69
Hammer, Wilhelm, 221
Hammond, Barbara, 218
Hammond, J. L., 218
Hammond, L. J., 215
Hanslik, Erwin, 176
Hapgood, Hutchins, 221
Hare, Augustus J. C., 173, 174
Harmon, G. E., 215
Harper, Charles George, 189
Harris, Emerson Pitt, 197
Harrison, Shelby M., 198, 226, 227
Hassert, Kurt, 166
Haurbeck, L., 216
Haverfield, F. J., 195
Hebble, Charles Ray, 192
Hecht, Ben, 221
Hecke, W., 210
Henderson, C. R., 213
Heron, David, 216
Herschmann, Otto, 200
Herzfeld, Elsa G., 211
Hessel, J. F., 173
Hill, Howard C., 201
Hirschfeld, Magnus, 197, 208
Hoaglund, H. E., 210
Höffner, C., 196
Holborn, I. B. S., 203
Holmes, Samuel J., 215
Homburg, F., 176, 179
Hooker, G. E., 208
Howe, Frederic C., 173, 185, 220
Hughes, W. R., 195
Humphrey, Z., 225
Hunter, Robert, 204
Hurd, Richard M., 204
Hyan, Hans, 218

Irwin, Will, 93, 95, 173

Izoulet, Jean, 169

James, Edmund J., 207

Jastrow, J., 224
Jefferson, Mark, 166, 176, 187, 207, 209
Jenks, A. E., 192
Jephson, H. L., 196
Johnson, Clarence Richard, 173, 226
Johnson, James Welden, 8
Johnson, R., 61
Jones, James Jesse, 190

Kales, Albert M., 185

Katcher, Leopold, 192
Kellogg, Paul U., 179, 226, 227
Kenngott, George F., 179, 226
Kern, Robert R., 193
King, C. F., 178
King, Grace, 174
Kingsbury, J. E., 197
Kirk, William, 173
Kirwan, Daniel Joseph, 189
Knowles, L. C. A., 66, 70
Kübler, Wilhelm, 196
Kühner, F., 216

Lambin, Maria Ward, 200

Lasker, Bruno, 180, 218, 226
Lasson, Alfred, 213
Levainville, Jacques, 183
Lévy-Bruhl, 123 ff.
Lewis, C. F., 216
Lewis, H. M., 197
Lewis, J. N., 216
Lewis, Nelson P., 195
Lippmann, Walter, 85, 93, 97
Loeb, Jacques, 30
Loeb, Moritz, 202
Lohman, K. B., 180
Love, A. G., 215
Lucas, Edw. V., 192
Lueken, E., 184

McCombs, C. E., 224

MacDonough, Michael, 87
McDowall, Arthur, 225
Maciver, R. M., 192
MacKenzie, C., 222
McKenzie, R. D., 190, 201
McLean, Francis H., 179
McMichael, Stanley L., 75, 204
Macpherson, J., 215
McVey, Frank L., 181
Maine, Sir H. A., 181
Manschke, R., 217
Marcuse, Max, 213
Markey, Gene, 222
Marpillero, G., 219
Martell, P., 207
Maunier, René, 169
Maurice, Arthur Bartlett, 192
Maxey, C. C., 185
Mayhew, Henry, 218
Mayr, G. von, 210
Meinshausen, 215
Mensch, Ella (pseudonym), 222
Mercier, Marcel, 177
Meuriot, P. M. G., 167, 211
Miller, H. A., 192
Moore, E. C., 199
Morehouse, E. W., 204
Morgan, Anna, 219
Morgan, J. E., 217
Morgan, W. S., 173
Morse, H. N., 224
Mowrer, Ernest R., 62
Mulvihill, F. J., 185
Mumford, Lewis, 203
Munro, W. B., 60, 201
Myers, C. S., 225

Nichols, C. M., 203

Noack, Victor, 218

Ober, Frederick A., 132

Odum, Howard W., 202
Olcott, George C., 205
Olden, Balder, 187
Ormiston, E., 182
Ostwald, Hans O., 189, 200, 213, 226

Palmer, George T., 227

Park, Robert E., 64, 119, 144, 192, 197, 220
Parker, Horatio Nelson, 203
Payne, George Henry, 89
Pearl, Raymond, 120
Peattie, Roderick, 224
Penck, Albrecht, 187
Perry, Clarence A., 190
Petermann, Theodor, 186
Phelan, John J., 200
Pieper, E., 215
Pirenne, Henry, 172
Pollock, H. M., 173
Pratt, Edward Ewing, 205
Preuss, Hugo, 172
Prinzing, F., 210, 211, 217, 224
Purdom, C. B., 195
Püschel, Alfred, 207

Quaife, Milo Milton, 197

Ratzel, Friedrich, 177

Ravenstein, E. G., 211
Reckless, Walter C., 62
Reeve, Sidney A., 205
Reibmayr, A., 222
Reuter, E. B., 167
Rhodes, Harrison, 176, 200
Richmond, Mary E., 198
Ridgley, Douglas C., 177, 207
Riis, Jacob A., 205
Ripley, W. Z., 209
Roberts, Kate L., 195
Roberts, Peter, 179
Roe, Clifford, 218
Röse, C., 216
Ross, E. A., 223
Rostovtzeff, Michael, 171
Roth, Lawrence V., 207
Rowntree, B. Seebohm, 218, 226
Roxby, P. M., 223

Salten, Felix, 209

Sanborn, Frank B., 179
Sanderson, Dwight, 224
Sarker, S. L., 215
Schäfer, D., 167
Scharrelmann, Heinrich, 189
Schmid, Herman, 209
Schrader, F., 166
Schuchard, Ernest, 213
Schumacher, Fritz, 203, 205
Sears, Charles, 192, 213
Sedlaczek, 207
Seiler, C. Linn, 219
Seligman, Edwin R. A., 189
Semple, Ellen C., 178, 179
Sennett, R. A., 195
Sharp, George W., 213
Shideler, E. H., 62, 203
Shine, Mary L., 181
Simkhovitch, Mark K., 218
Simmel, Georg, 219
Sims, Newell Leroy, 72, 181
Slosson, P., 181
Smith, Adam, 13
Smith, Arthur H., 224
Smith, F. Berkley, 189
Smith, Joseph Russell, 69, 166, 178, 223
Smythe, William Ellsworth, 205
Solenberger, Alice W., 218
Sombart, Werner, 168, 220
Spencer, A. G., 211
Spengler, Oswald, 1, 2, 3, 220
Steele, Rufus, 179
Steffens, Lincoln, 202
Steiner, Jesse F., 213
Steinhart, A., 211
Stella, A., 205
Stelze, Charles, 213
Stephany, H., 212
Stote, A., 195
Stow, John, 172
Strong, Josiah, 173, 213
Strunsky, Simeon, 189
Südekum, Albert, 205
Sumner, Charles, 36

Taylor, Graham Romeyn, 185

Tews, Johann, 199
Theilhaber, F. A., 217
Thomas, William I., 19, 27, 99, 108, 119, 128, 213
Thompson, Warren S., 217
Thorndyke, Lynn, 123
Thrasher, F. M., 62, 111
Thurnwald, R., 224
Timbs, John, 189
Todd, Robert E., 179
Toulmin, Harry A., 202
Tout, T. F., 195
Tower, W. S., 179
Traquair, Ramsay, 73
Trawick, Arcadius McSwain, 199
Triggs, H. Inigo, 195
Triton (pseudonym), 221
Tucker, R. S., 224
Turszinsky, Walter, 199

Uhde-Bernays, Herman, 176

Van Cleef, E., 207

Vandervelde, E., 223
Veblen, Thorstein, 219
Veiller, Lawrence, 205
Villchur, Mark, 81
Voss, W., 211
Vuillenmier, J. F., 225

Waentig, H., 168

Walford, C., 216
Wallas, Graham, 82, 104
Waltemath, E., 223
Ward, Edward J., 199
Warming, Eugenius, 145
Weatherly, U. G., 131
Weber, Adna Ferrin, 57, 207
Weber, G. A., 202
Weber, L. W., 216
Weiberg, W., 216
Weidner, Albert, 219
Weisstein, G., 211
Weleminsky, F., 212
Wells, Joseph, 186
Welton, T. A., 224
Werthauer, Johannes, 189, 214, 219
Weyl, Walter E., 202
Whipple, G. C., 197, 216
Whitbeck, R. H., 182
White, Bouck, 190
Wilcox, Delos F., 185, 202
Williams, Fred V., 192
Williams, James M., 190, 209
Wilson, Warren H., 72, 181, 198
Winter, Max, 209, 220
Wood, Arthur Evans, 179
Woods, Robert A., 7, 154, 189, 212
Woolston, Howard, 220
Wright, Henry C., 177, 184
Wright, R., 185
Wuttke, R., 193

Young Erle Fiske, 190

Zahn, F., 208

Zimmern, Alfred E., 171
Zimmern, Helen, 187
Znaniecki, Florian, 128, 213
Zorbaugh, H. W., 62
Zueblin, Charles, 173, 202


1. Oswald Spengler, Der Untergang des Abendlandes, IV (München, 1922),

2. Oswald Spengler, Untergang des Abendlandes, IV, 106.
3. Robert A. Woods, “The Neighborhood in Social Reconstruction,” Papers
and Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Meeting of the American Sociological
Society, 1913.
4. James Welden Johnson, “The Making of Harlem,” Survey Graphic, March
1, 1925.
5. “Wenn wir daher das Wort [Natur] als einen logischen Terminus in der
Wissenschaftslehre gebrauchen wollen, so werden wir sagen dürfen, dass Natur die
Wirklichkeit ist mit Rücksicht auf ihren gesetzmässigen Zusammenhang. Diese
Bedeutung finden wir z. B. in dem Worte Naturgesetz. Dann aber können wir die
Natur der Dinge auch das nennen was in die Begriffe eingeht, oder am kürzesten
uns dahin ausdrücken: die Natur ist die Wirklichkeit mit Rücksicht auf das
Allgemeine. So gewinnt dann das Wort erst eine logische Bedeutung” (H. Rickert,
Die Grenzen der naturwissenschaftlichen Begriffsbildung, p. 212).
6. Walter Besant, East London, pp. 7–9.
7. Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations, pp. 28–29.
8. Walter Bagehot, The Postulates of Political Economy (London, 1885), pp.
9. Cf. W. I. Thomas, Source Book of Social Origins, p. 169.
10. Charles Horton Cooley, Social Organization, p. 15.
11. Walter Besant, East London, p. 13.
12. William I. Thomas, “Race Psychology: Standpoint and Questionnaire with
Particular Reference to the Immigrant and Negro,” American Journal of
Sociology, XVII (May, 1912), 736.
13. Reports of the United States Immigration Commission, VI, 14–16.
14. Jacques Loeb, Comparative Physiology of the Brain, pp. 220–21.
15. Ibid., p. 221.
16. James Bryce, The American Commonwealth, I, 566.
17. Sumner, Folkways, p. 12.
18. Cf. Bryce, The American Commonwealth, p. 267.
19. “British Conurbations in 1921,” Sociological Review, XIV (April, 1922),
20. See E. H. Shideler, The Retail Business Organization as an Index of
Community Organization (in preparation).
21. For a study of this cultural area of city life see Nels Anderson, The Hobo,
Chicago, 1923.
22. Weber, The Growth of Cities, p. 442.
23. Adapted from W. B. Munro, Municipal Government and Administration,
II, 377.
24. Report of the Chicago Subway and Traction Commission, p. 81, and the
Report on a Physical Plan for a Unified Transportation System, p. 391.
25. Data compiled by automobile industries.
26. Statistics of mailing division, Chicago Post-office.
27. Determined from Census Estimates for Intercensal Years.
28. From statistics furnished by Mr. R. Johnson, traffic supervisor, Illinois
Bell Telephone Company.
29. From 1912–23, land values per front foot increased in Bridgeport from
$600 to $1,250; in Division-Ashland-Milwaukee district, from $2,000 to $4,500;
in “Back of the Yards,” from $1,000 to $3,000; in Englewood, from $2,500 to
$8,000; in Wilson Avenue, from $1,000 to $6,000; but decreased in the Loop
from $20,000 to $16,500.
30. Nels Anderson, The Slum: An Area of Deterioration in the Growth of the
City; Ernest R. Mowrer, Family Disorganization in Chicago; Walter C. Reckless,
The Natural History of Vice Areas in Chicago; E. H. Shideler, The Retail Business
Organization as an Index of Business Organization; F. M. Thrasher, One
Thousand Boys’ Gangs in Chicago; a Study of Their Organization and Habitat; H.
W. Zorbaugh, The Lower North Side; a Study in Community Organization.
31. Encyclopedia Americana, New York (1923), p. 555.
32. As indicated later on in this paper, ecological formations tend to develop in
cyclic fashion. A period of time within which a given ecological formation develops
and culminates is the time period for that particular formation. The length of these
time periods may be ultimately measured and predicted, hence the inclusion of the
temporal element in the definition.
33. The word “position” is used to describe the place relation of a given
community to other communities, also the location of the individual or institution
within the community itself.

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