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Course code: BPSE-144

Assignment Code: BPSE-144/ASST/TMA/2023-24
Marks: 100

Answer all questions in the three Assignments and submit them together.

Assignment - I

Answer the following in about 500 words each.

1. Define civil society. Discuss the important elements and role of civil society
organisations in South Asia. 20
2. What are the challenges for South Asian countries to achieve human development?
Explain. 20

Assignment - II

Answer the following questions in about 250 words each.

1. What is the issue of Lipulekh? Elaborate. 10

2. Explain the armed conflicts in Sri Lanka and Afghanistan. 10
3. Critically examine the role of Pakistan in South Asian security. 10

Assignment - III

Answer the following questions in about 100 words each.

1. Radical perspectives of civil society 6

2. Democratisation of Nepal 6
3. Hydro politics 6
4. Political structure of Bhutan 6
5. Farmers protest in India 6


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--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------

Assignment - I

Answer the following in about 500 words each.

1. Define civil society. Discuss the important elements and role of civil society
organisations in South Asia.

50 NT
Civil Society Definition:
80 E
Civil society refers to the collective arena outside of the government and the
26 NM
private sector, where individuals and organizations come together to pursue
common interests, express their views, and advance social, political, and
91 IG

cultural goals. It is a diverse and vibrant space comprising non-governmental

organizations (NGOs), community groups, advocacy organizations, religious
98 S

institutions, labor unions, and more. Civil society operates independently of


the state and the market, playing a vital role in shaping societies and promoting
democratic values.

Important Elements of Civil Society:


 Voluntary Association: Civil society organizations are typically formed on


a voluntary basis, with members joining willingly to address shared


concerns and objectives.

 Diversity: Civil society encompasses a wide range of groups, reflecting

the diversity of societal interests and issues. This diversity allows for a
multiplicity of voices and perspectives.

 Autonomy: Civil society organizations operate independently from

government control or direct market interests, which grants them the

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autonomy to advocate for social change and hold institutions


 Advocacy and Activism: Civil society is often characterized by its

advocacy and activism, with organizations mobilizing resources and
efforts to promote causes and influence policy decisions.

 Civic Engagement: It encourages civic engagement, fostering a sense of

citizenship and responsibility among individuals to participate in societal

Role of Civil Society Organizations in South Asia:

Civil society organizations (CSOs) in South Asia play a critical role in the region's

50 NT
development, governance, and social change. Here are some important
elements and roles of CSOs in South Asia:
80 E
 Promoting Democracy: CSOs in South Asia have been at the forefront of
26 NM
promoting democratic values and institutions. They engage in voter
education, election monitoring, and advocacy for transparent and
91 IG

accountable governance.

 Advocating for Human Rights: CSOs work tirelessly to advocate for

98 S

human rights and social justice. They address issues related to gender

equality, minority rights, freedom of expression, and protection against

discrimination and violence.

 Community Development: Many CSOs in South Asia focus on grassroots-


level community development. They implement projects related to


education, healthcare, sanitation, and livelihood improvement,


particularly in marginalized and rural areas.

 Environmental Protection: Given the environmental challenges in the

region, CSOs actively engage in environmental conservation and
sustainable development efforts. They work on issues like climate change
mitigation, biodiversity conservation, and natural resource management.

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 Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution: South Asia has experienced

various conflicts and tensions. CSOs play a role in peacebuilding and
conflict resolution by facilitating dialogue and reconciliation processes.

 Women's Empowerment: CSOs in South Asia are instrumental in

promoting women's rights and empowerment. They run programs on
gender equality, women's education, and addressing issues like domestic
violence and child marriage.

 Healthcare and Education: CSOs contribute to improving healthcare

infrastructure and education systems in the region. They often fill gaps in
service delivery, particularly in remote and underserved areas.

 Advocacy and Policy Influence: Civil society organizations engage in

50 NT
advocacy efforts to influence policy decisions at local, national, and
regional levels. They serve as watchdogs and hold governments
80 E
accountable for their actions.
26 NM
 Disaster Relief and Preparedness: Given the vulnerability to natural
disasters in South Asia, CSOs play a critical role in disaster relief,
91 IG

response, and preparedness. They provide immediate assistance and

support long-term recovery efforts.
98 S

 Promoting Social Inclusion: CSOs work to promote social inclusion by

advocating for the rights of marginalized groups, including religious and

ethnic minorities, persons with disabilities, and the LGBTQ+ community.


 Education and Awareness: They conduct awareness campaigns and


educational programs on a wide range of issues, including public health,


civic education, and social justice.

In conclusion, civil society organizations in South Asia are dynamic and diverse
entities that contribute significantly to the region's social, political, and
economic development. They serve as a bridge between the government and
the citizens, advocate for human rights, and address critical societal challenges,
ultimately contributing to the growth and well-being of the people in the

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2. What are the challenges for South Asian countries to achieve human
development? Explain.

Achieving human development in South Asian countries is a multifaceted

challenge influenced by various factors. While there have been improvements
in some areas, the region continues to face significant hurdles that hinder
progress. Here are some of the key challenges that South Asian countries
grapple with in their pursuit of human development:

 Poverty: South Asia is home to a substantial portion of the world's poor

population. High levels of poverty persist, leading to inadequate access
to basic necessities such as food, clean water, and shelter. Poverty is a

major impediment to improving overall human development indicators.

50 NT
 Education: While enrollment rates in primary education have improved,
South Asia faces challenges in ensuring quality education for all. High
80 E
dropout rates, inadequate infrastructure, and a shortage of qualified
26 NM
teachers hinder the development of a skilled and educated workforce.

 Healthcare: Access to quality healthcare services remains a challenge in

91 IG

many parts of South Asia. Limited healthcare infrastructure, uneven

distribution of healthcare facilities, and a lack of affordable healthcare
98 S

options hinder progress in improving health outcomes.


 Malnutrition: Malnutrition, particularly among children, is a pervasive


issue. Stunting, wasting, and undernutrition affect physical and cognitive


development, limiting human potential and economic productivity.


 Gender Inequality: Gender disparities persist in South Asia, affecting


women's access to education, healthcare, and economic opportunities.

Gender-based violence and discrimination remain serious concerns,
hindering progress in human development.

 Unemployment and Underemployment: High levels of unemployment

and underemployment, especially among the youth, contribute to
economic insecurity and hinder human development. Creating sufficient
job opportunities remains a significant challenge.

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 Political Instability and Conflict: Some South Asian countries have

experienced political instability, conflicts, and insurgencies, which disrupt
development efforts, displace populations, and divert resources away
from essential services.

 Infrastructure Deficits: Inadequate infrastructure, including

transportation, electricity, and sanitation facilities, hampers economic
growth and human development. Rural areas often lack access to these
basic services.

 Environmental Challenges: South Asia faces environmental challenges
such as air pollution, water scarcity, deforestation, and vulnerability to

climate change. These issues have direct and indirect impacts on human

50 NT
development, including health and livelihoods.

 Corruption and Governance Issues: Corruption and weak governance

80 E
systems undermine development efforts. They lead to inefficiency,
26 NM
resource misallocation, and a lack of accountability in public service
91 IG

 Urbanization and Slums: Rapid urbanization has led to the growth of

informal settlements and slums in many South Asian cities. These areas
98 S

often lack access to basic services, clean water, and sanitation.


 Access to Clean Water and Sanitation: A significant portion of the


population in South Asia lacks access to clean drinking water and proper

sanitation facilities, leading to waterborne diseases and health problems.


 Digital Divide: Access to technology and the internet is uneven in the


region, creating a digital divide. Lack of access to digital resources can

limit educational and economic opportunities.

 Political Fragmentation: The region is characterized by political

fragmentation and historical conflicts between countries. These tensions
can impede regional cooperation and economic integration, hindering
overall development.

Addressing these challenges requires coordinated efforts from governments,

civil society, and the international community. Investments in education,

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healthcare, infrastructure, and social protection are essential to improving

human development outcomes in South Asia. Additionally, promoting gender
equality, good governance, and sustainable environmental practices are crucial
steps toward achieving meaningful progress in human development indicators
in the region.

Assignment - II

Answer the following questions in about 250 words each.

1. What is the issue of Lipulekh? Elaborate.

The Lipulekh issue pertains to a longstanding territorial dispute involving Nepal,

50 NT
India, and to a lesser extent, China. Here's a brief elaboration on the matter:

80 E
1. Geographical Significance: Lipulekh is a strategically important tri-
26 NM
junction between India, Nepal, and the Tibet region of China. It's located
in the northwestern part of Nepal and the northeastern part of
Uttarakhand in India.
91 IG

2. Historical Context: The origin of the dispute can be traced back to the
98 S

Sugauli Treaty of 1815, signed between the British East India Company

and the Kingdom of Nepal. The treaty delineated the river mentioned as
the western boundary of Nepal, but there have been different

interpretations regarding which river it referred to. India claims it's the
river Kali, which puts Lipulekh on its side, while Nepal has a different


3. Strategic Importance: For India, Lipulekh is vital not just for its defense

but also as it serves as the shortest route to the Kailash Mansarovar, a

religious pilgrimage site in Tibet.

4. The Road Construction Controversy: In May 2020, India inaugurated a

new road that connects the Lipulekh pass to Dharchula in Uttarakhand.
Nepal raised objections, claiming that the road passes through its
territory. In response to India's road construction, Nepal published a new
political map that included the territories of Lipulekh, Kalapani, and
Limpiyadhura as part of its sovereign land.
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5. China's Role: Historically, China has been involved in border negotiations

with both India and Nepal. In the context of Lipulekh, in 2015, India and
China had agreed on using Lipulekh Pass as a trade route without
consulting Nepal, leading to objections from Kathmandu.

6. Attempts at Resolution: Both India and Nepal have historical, cultural,

and social ties, and they've tried to resolve the dispute through
diplomatic means. While official dialogues and meetings have taken
place, a conclusive resolution is yet to be reached.

The Lipulekh issue is a complex geopolitical matter, rooted in historical treaties
and modern strategic interests, and has been a significant point of contention

in India-Nepal bilateral relations.

50 NT
80 E
2. Explain the armed conflicts in Sri Lanka and Afghanistan.
26 NM
Sri Lanka:

Civil War (1983-2009)

91 IG

1. Origins: The root of the Sri Lankan Civil War lies in the longstanding
98 S

ethnic and religious tensions between the majority Sinhalese (who are

primarily Buddhists) and the minority Tamils (who are primarily Hindus).

2. Tamil Militancy: As tensions escalated in the late 1970s and early 1980s,

several Tamil militant groups emerged, with the Liberation Tigers of Tamil

Eelam (LTTE) or Tamil Tigers becoming the most dominant and


formidable. They sought to create an independent Tamil state called

"Tamil Eelam" in the northern and eastern parts of Sri Lanka.

3. Duration: The war, which began in 1983, raged on for 26 years, resulting
in significant civilian casualties and displacements.

4. International Involvement: India intervened in the late 1980s, leading to

the Indo-Sri Lanka Accord of 1987 and the deployment of the Indian
Peace Keeping Force (IPKF). However, the IPKF soon found itself in
conflict with the LTTE.

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5. Conclusion: The war culminated in 2009 when the Sri Lankan military
defeated the LTTE, marking the end of one of Asia's longest-running
armed conflicts. However, allegations of war crimes and human rights
abuses by both sides persist.


Complex and Multi-phase Conflict

1. Soviet Invasion (1979-1989): The Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in

1979 to support the communist government against the Mujahideen

resistance. The Mujahideen received international support, notably from

the United States. The Soviets withdrew in 1989, but the country
remained in civil unrest.

50 NT
2. Taliban Era (1996-2001): The Taliban, an Islamist militant group,
80 E
emerged in the early 1990s and captured Kabul in 1996, establishing a
strict interpretation of Islamic law. They ruled most of Afghanistan until
26 NM

3. US-led Invasion (2001): In response to the September 11 attacks, the US,

91 IG

supported by many Western nations, invaded Afghanistan to dismantle

98 S

al-Qaeda and remove the Taliban from power, given the latter's support

for Osama bin Laden. The invasion led to the establishment of a new
Afghan government.

4. Insurgency (2001-present): Post the US-led invasion, the Taliban and


other insurgent groups began a guerrilla war against the Afghan


government and its international allies. This conflict continues to this

day, with the Taliban and other factions, like ISIS-K, seeking to establish

control over territories.

5. US-Taliban Agreement (2020): In 2020, the US signed an agreement with

the Taliban to withdraw all US and NATO troops from Afghanistan by
2021, in exchange for counterterrorism guarantees. However, the
subsequent rapid withdrawal in 2021 saw the Taliban swiftly retake
control over most of the country, including Kabul.

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3. Critically examine the role of Pakistan in South Asian security.

Pakistan's role in South Asian security is multifaceted and has been subject to
significant scrutiny and debate. This critical examination will assess the various
dimensions of Pakistan's involvement in the region's security landscape:

 Historical Context: The creation of Pakistan in 1947 following the

partition of British India set the tone for South Asian geopolitics. The
partition itself was accompanied by violence and mass migrations,
establishing an environment of mistrust and animosity, especially with its

eastern neighbor, India. Since then, India and Pakistan have fought
multiple wars and have had several military skirmishes.

 Nuclear Power: In 1998, Pakistan conducted nuclear tests, shortly after

50 NT
India's nuclear tests. This transformed South Asia's security paradigm,
making it a nuclear flashpoint. While Pakistan asserts that its nuclear
80 E
program is a deterrent against Indian aggression, critics argue that the
26 NM
nuclearization of South Asia has made the region more volatile.

 Proxy Wars & Terrorism: Pakistan has been accused, especially by India
91 IG

and Afghanistan, of supporting and harboring terrorist groups as a

means to exert influence and pursue its strategic objectives in the region.
98 S

The presence of groups like the Taliban, Lashkar-e-Taiba, and Jaish-e-


Mohammed, and their alleged links to Pakistani security establishments,

have been points of contention. Pakistan denies these allegations and

positions itself as a victim of terrorism, pointing to domestic attacks and


its ongoing military operations against extremist factions.


 Strategic Partnerships: Pakistan's alliance with China, symbolized by


projects like the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), has significant

implications for South Asian security. While this partnership provides
economic and infrastructural benefits to Pakistan, it has raised alarms in
India, which sees the growing proximity between China and Pakistan as a
strategic encirclement.

 Role in Afghanistan: Pakistan's influence in Afghanistan, primarily

through its historical ties with the Afghan Taliban, has made it a key
stakeholder in the Afghan peace process. While Pakistan maintains that

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it supports a stable and peaceful Afghanistan, its role has been viewed
with suspicion by many in the international community, who believe that
Pakistan may have dual objectives – ensuring a friendly government in
Kabul and minimizing Indian influence.

 Economic Security: Economic challenges, including fiscal deficits,

inflation, and unemployment, have implications for Pakistan's internal
security and its role in the broader South Asian security context.
Economic instability can exacerbate domestic discontent, leading to
unrest and potential radicalization.

 Internal Dynamics: The role of the military in Pakistan's politics and

policy-making has been a defining feature. Critics argue that the

50 NT
military's dominant role, especially vis-a-vis India-centric policies, has
contributed to a security-centric state approach, often at the expense of
80 E
socioeconomic development.
26 NM
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91 IG

Assignment - III
98 S

Answer the following questions in about 100 words each.


1. Radical Perspectives of Civil Society:


Radical perspectives of civil society emphasize its transformative potential and


its role in challenging established power structures and norms. These


perspectives view civil society as a force for social change and advocate for
active citizen engagement in addressing pressing issues. Radicals argue that

civil society should not merely serve as a passive partner of the state but
should actively challenge state policies and actions that perpetuate inequality
and injustice. They often criticize the state as a tool of the ruling elite and
emphasize the importance of grassroots movements, protests, and civil

Radical perspectives of civil society are characterized by their critique of

capitalism, imperialism, and other systems of oppression. They argue that civil
society should align with marginalized groups and social movements to
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confront systemic issues like economic inequality, environmental degradation,

and human rights abuses. While some view radical civil society as essential for
challenging the status quo and advocating for social justice, others argue that it
may sometimes lead to confrontational approaches that hinder cooperation
with governments and other actors.

2. Democratisation of Nepal:

The democratization of Nepal refers to the country's transition from a

monarchy to a federal democratic republic. This process began in the early

2000s and culminated in the adoption of a new constitution in 2015. Key
aspects of Nepal's democratization include:

 End of Monarchy: Nepal abolished its centuries-old monarchy in 2008,

50 NT
declaring itself a federal democratic republic.

 80 E
Constitution: Nepal adopted a new constitution in 2015, which
established a federal structure with seven provinces, a multi-party
26 NM
democratic system, and a president as the head of state.

Inclusivity: The democratization process aimed to be inclusive,

91 IG

addressing the concerns of marginalized groups such as ethnic
98 S

minorities, women, and Dalits.


 Conflict Resolution: The process helped bring an end to the decade-long

Maoist insurgency, resulting in a peace agreement in 2006.

 Challenges: Challenges persist, including issues related to ethnic


tensions, political instability, and disputes over federal boundaries.


Overall, Nepal's democratization has made significant progress, but it continues


to grapple with the complexities of implementing a federal structure and

addressing historical inequalities.

3. Hydro Politics:

Hydropolitics refers to the interplay between water resources, politics, and

international relations. It often involves disputes and negotiations over the
sharing, management, and control of transboundary rivers and water bodies.
Key points about hydropolitics include:

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 Resource Scarcity: Water scarcity and competition for water resources

are becoming increasingly significant due to growing populations and
climate change.

 Transboundary Rivers: Many rivers flow through multiple countries,

making water management a matter of international concern.

 Conflict and Cooperation: Hydropolitics can lead to both conflict and

cooperation. Disputes over water resources may escalate into conflicts,
but they can also drive countries to negotiate agreements for mutual


 Geopolitical Implications: Control over water resources can have
geopolitical implications, as it may provide leverage in regional politics.

50 NT
 Examples: The Nile River basin, the Indus Water Treaty between India
80 E
and Pakistan, and the Mekong River basin are examples of regions where
hydropolitics plays a significant role.
26 NM
Hydropolitics underscores the importance of international cooperation and
effective governance in managing shared water resources to prevent conflicts
91 IG

and ensure sustainable development.

98 S

4. Political Structure of Bhutan:


Bhutan is a unique constitutional monarchy with a political structure


characterized by its commitment to Gross National Happiness (GNH) and its

gradual transition to democracy. Key features of Bhutan's political structure


 Constitutional Monarchy: Bhutan is a constitutional monarchy with the


King of Bhutan as the head of state. The monarch plays a symbolic and
unifying role in the country.

 Parliamentary Democracy: Bhutan transitioned to a parliamentary

democracy in 2008 with the first general elections. The country has a
bicameral parliament consisting of the National Assembly (lower house)
and the National Council (upper house).

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 Gross National Happiness: Bhutan's political philosophy is centered

around GNH, which prioritizes the well-being and happiness of its
citizens over economic growth. GNH is a guiding principle in policy-

 Local Governance: Bhutan has a decentralized system of governance

with elected local governments called Gewogs, Dzongkhags, and

 **Nonetheless, Bhutan's political structure is evolving, and the country is

gradually embracing democratic principles while preserving its unique
cultural and traditional heritage.

5. Farmers Protest in India:

50 NT
The farmers' protest in India refers to a series of ongoing protests and
80 E
demonstrations by farmers and agricultural workers primarily from the
northern states of India, particularly Punjab, Haryana, and Uttar Pradesh. The
26 NM
protests began in late 2020 and revolve around several key issues:

Farm Laws: The protests were triggered by the introduction and

91 IG

subsequent passing of three agricultural reform laws by the Indian
98 S

government in September 2020. These laws aimed to liberalize


agricultural markets, allow farmers to sell their produce outside of

government-regulated mandis, and promote contract farming.

 Concerns: Farmers' unions and protesters have expressed concerns


about the impact of these laws on their livelihoods. They fear that the

new laws could lead to the dismantling of the minimum support price
(MSP) system, leaving them vulnerable to exploitation by corporations.

 Demands: The main demand of the protesting farmers is the repeal of

the three farm laws. They have also called for legal guarantees for MSP
and the withdrawal of cases against protesters.

 Protests: The protests have included large-scale demonstrations, road

blockades, and tractor rallies. They have garnered significant attention
both within India and internationally.

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 Government Response: The Indian government has engaged in several

rounds of negotiations with farmer leaders but has not agreed to repeal
the laws. The protests remain ongoing, and the situation continues to

50 NT
80 E
26 NM
91 IG
98 S

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