[F206]NTU Dept. of Chemistry Letter of Recommendation for Ph.D. Program

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Department of Chemistry, NTU

Letter of Recommendation for Ph.D. Program
壹、申請人填寫部分:報考組別(學籍分組)-  化學組  化學生物學組
1. For the Applicant: Group to Apply (Registration) -  Chemistry  Chemical Biology
姓 名 性 別 男 M  女 F
Name Gender

畢業校系 大學 研究所 論文領域 有機 Organic Chemistry 無機 Inorganic

Graduated from (University) (Institute) Thesis Topic Chemistry 物化 Physical Chemistry 分析
(請勾 1-2 項) Analytical Chemistry 生化 Biochemistry 材
(check 1-2 boxes) 料 Materials Chemistry
其他 None of the above
論文題目 指導教授
Thesis Title Advisor

連絡電話 ( ) 手 機
TEL Mobile

畢業年度 應屆畢業生 Graduating in the current year

Year of 已畢業 Graduated: 年 月畢業(現職 currently employed at:
Graduation )

推薦人 姓名 Name 連絡電話

Recommended TEL
by 服務單位 職稱 Title

貳、推薦人填寫部分(For the referrer):

I. 與被推薦人之基本資料(knowledge of the recommended student):
1.「被推薦者」之關係:  導師,共擔任 年 Advisor, for ___ years
How did you know the recommended  老師,共教過申請人 門課 Teacher, for ___ courses
student?  學士/碩士論文指導老師 Advisor for undergraduate/master thesis
(可以多選 you may check multiple  學系主任/研究所所長 Department or institute chair
boxes if applicable)  工作主管 Supervisor at work  朋友/同事 Friend/Colleague
2.與「被推薦者」認識之時 約 年(ca. ___ years)
How long have you known him/her?
3.與「被推薦者」熟悉程度: 非常熟悉 熟悉 不很熟悉 不熟悉
How well do you know him/her? very well well not too well not well at all
II. 請就「被推薦者」之科學素養與能力,依據最適合申請人在班上(或工作單位) 學生中
的狀況,做一客觀評鑑:In terms of the scientific literacy and competence of the recommended student, please
make an objective evaluation of the following items according to the applicant’s performance in class (or at work)

評估項目 傑出 優良 佳 普通 尚可 差 瞭解不夠
Items of Evaluation Excellent Very Good Good Standard Satisfactory Barely 無法評定
0-5% 6-15% 16-30% 31-50% 51-70% Satisfactory N/A (not enough

後(last )30% knowledge)

analytical skills
creative thinking
experiment operation
lab work habits
self-confidence &
oral expression
English competence
research potential
academic performance

III. 請描述「被推薦者」之個性行為(可多選):Please describe the personality of the recommended student (you

may check multiple boxes if applicable)

1.被推薦人在學(或在 自動自發 Proactive 嚴謹小心 Meticulous 被動 Passive 馬馬虎

職)期間工作態度 虎 Sloppy 亟需改善 In urgent need of improvement
Work attitude at school/work 其他 None of the above
2.整體推薦程度 極力推薦 推薦 勉予推薦 不推薦
How much do you very much recommended somewhat recommended not recommended
recommend the applicant?

3.您會接受「被推薦 非常願意 願意 不很願意 不願意

者」為您的學生嗎 very much yes yes with conditions no
Would you accept him/her as
your student?

IV. 推薦人有無對被推薦者之補充評論:無 有( 頁,請於背頁或另加附頁)

Do you have any supplementary comments on the recommended student?  No  Yes (___ page(s), please write on the
back of this page or attach an additional page)

推薦人簽名 填表日期 Date 年 月 日


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