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Cách dùng và bài tập in, on, at

Cách sử dụng in, on, at cho thời gian (ngày, tháng, năm)
Cách dùng In
Giới từ “in” dùng trong các trường hợp sau:
 Tháng: in January, In June,…
 Năm: in 2023
 Mùa: in Summer, In Spring, in Winter, in Autumn
 Thế kỷ: in the 19th century
 Các buổi trong ngày: in the morning, in the afternoon, in the afternoon,…
Cách dùng On
Thông thường giới từ “on” sẽ chỉ các khoảng thời gian cụ thể hơn giới từ “in”. Cụ thể:
 Ngày trong tuần: on Monday, on Wednesday, on Friday,…
 Ngày cụ thể: on January 15th
 Ngày lễ: on New Year’s Eve, on Tet holiday, On Valentine’s day…
Cách dùng At
Giới từ “At” là giới từ để chỉ các mốc thời gian cụ thể như giờ giấc trong ngày, các cụm từ
chỉ thời gian có chứa time, moment…
 At present
 At 3 o’clock
 At dawn, at lunch, at noon, at midnight,…
 At that time
 At that moment
 At the same time
Cách dùng on, in, at cho địa điểm
Cách dùng In
In: Sử dụng trong địa điểm hoặc chủ thể ở trong một không gian, một nơi nào đó như khu vực
địa lý rộng lớn hoặc diễn tả một chủ thể đang ở trong một không gian nào đó.
 In Ho Chi Minh
 In Viet Nam
 In Asia
 In a box
 In the house
Cách dùng On
On: Dùng để chỉ địa điểm, vị trí cụ thể, thường dùng để đề cập đến một địa điểm, tên đường,
phương tiện giao thông,… hoặc là trên bề mặt.
 Tên đường: on Le Hong Phong street, on Tran Ke Xuong street
 Phương tiện: on a bus, on a plane, on a ship, on a train…
 Tầng: on the second floor,…
 on the table
 on the box
Cách dùng At
Giới từ “at” được sử dụng để chỉ 1 địa điểm chính xác (ví dụ như địa chỉ nhà).
Ví dụ:
 At 2 Hung Vuong, Dien Ban, Ba Dinh, Ha Noi
 At home, at work, at school…

Bài tập trắc nghiệm

Phần 2

Bài 1: Hãy chọn đáp án đúng cho mỗi câu hỏi:

1. We usually have breakfast __ 8 AM.
A. in
B. on
C. at
D. between
2. The cat is sitting __ the chair.
A. in
B. on
C. at
D. under
3. The movie will start __ 7:30 PM.
A. in
B. on
C. at
D. after
4. I live __ a small town __ the mountains.
A. in / in
B. on / in
C. at / on
D. on / at
5. The bookstore is __ the corner of the street.
A. in
B. on
C. at
D. by
6. My birthday is __ July 15th.
A. in
B. on
C. at
D. from
7. The keys are __ the table.
A. in
B. on
C. at
D. under
8. We have a meeting __ 2 PM.
A. in
B. on
C. at
D. during
9. She will arrive __ the airport __ 6 PM.
A. in / at
B. on / in
C. at / on
D. at / at
10. They are staying __ a hotel __ the city center.
A. in / on
B. on / at
C. at / in
D. on / in
Bài 2: Điền giới từ in, on, at vào chỗ trống
1. I will meet you __ 3 Huynh Tan Phat, Tan Thuan Dong Ward, District 7.
2. We have a meeting __ 9 AM tomorrow.
3. The cat is sitting __ the table.
4. She lives __ New York.
5. They usually go swimming __ the weekends.
6. The movie starts __ 7 PM.
7. There is a book __ the shelf.
8. We had a wonderful vacation __ May.
9. The keys are __ the kitchen counter.
10. We arrived __ the airport early.

Bài 3: Complete the sentences. Use at, on or in + the following:

the evening about 20 minutes 1492 the same time
the moment 21 July 1969 the 1920s night
Saturdays the Middle Ages 11 seconds
1. Columbus made his first voyage from Europe to America in 1492.
2. If the sky is clear, you can see the stars ......
3. After working hard during the day, I like to relax ......
4. Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon ......
5. It's difficult to listen if everyone is speaking ......
6. Jazz became popular in the United States ......
7. I'm just going out to the shop. I'll be back ......
8. (on the phone) "Can I speak to Dan?" "I'm afraid he's not here ......"
9. Many of Europe's great cathedrals were built ......
10. Ben is a very fast runner. He can run 100 metres ......
11. Liz works from Monday to Friday. Sometimes she also works ......

Bài 4: Put in at, on or in.

1. Mozart was born in Salzburg in 1756.
2. I haven't seen Kate for a few days. I last saw her .... Tuesday.
3. The price of electricity is going up .... October.
4. .... weekends, we often go for long walks in the country.
5. I've been invited to a wedding .... 14 February.
6. Jonathan is 63. He'll be retiring from his job .... two years time.
7. I'm busy just now, but I'll be with you .... a moment.
8. Jenny's brother is an engineer, but she doesn't have a job .... the moment.
9. There are usually a lot of parties .... New Year's Eve.
10. I don't live driving .... night.
11. My car is being repaired at the garage. It will be ready .... two hours.
12. The telephone and the doorbell rang .... the same time.
13. Mary and David always go out for dinner .... their wedding anniversary.
14. It was a short book and easy to read. I read it .... a day.
15. .... Saturdaty night I went to bed .... midnight.
16. We travelled overnight to Paris and arrived .... 5 o'clock .... the morning.
17. The course begins .... 7 January and ends sometime .... April.
18. I might not be at home .... Tuesday morning , but I'll be there .... the afternoon.

Bài 5: Put in at, on or in.

1. Mozart was born in Salzburg in 1756.
2. I haven't seen Kate for a few days. I last saw her .... Tuesday.
3. The price of electricity is going up .... October.
4. .... weekends, we often go for long walks in the country.
5. I've been invited to a wedding .... 14 February.
6. Jonathan is 63. He'll be retiring from his job .... two years time.
7. I'm busy just now, but I'll be with you .... a moment.
8. Jenny's brother is an engineer, but she doesn't have a job .... the moment.
9. There are usually a lot of parties .... New Year's Eve.
10. I don't live driving .... night.
11. My car is being repaired at the garage. It will be ready .... two hours.
12. The telephone and the doorbell rang .... the same time.
13. Mary and David always go out for dinner .... their wedding anniversary.
14. It was a short book and easy to read. I read it .... a day.
15. .... Saturdaty night I went to bed .... midnight.
16. We travelled overnight to Paris and arrived .... 5 o'clock .... the morning.
17. The course begins .... 7 January and ends sometime .... April.
18. I might not be at home .... Tuesday morning , but I'll be there .... the afternoon.

Phần 2

A) Fill in prepositions of time “AT / IN / ON” as in the example:

1. .. on … Saturday 8. ………… 9 o’clock 15. ………… autumn
2. ………. July 9. ………… Christmas 16. ……….. half past two
3. ………. 1984 10. ………… September 28th 17. ………… Monday morning
4. ………. March 25th 11…………. 1991 18. ………… Easter
5. ………. Friday 12. ……….. August 29th 19. …………10 o’clock
6. ………. summer 13. ……….. winter 20. …………Thursday afternoon
7. ………. the morning 14. ……….. the evening 21. ………… noon
B) Fill in “AT / IN / ON” as in the example:
1. …in….. December 6. ………… February 8th 11. ………… a quarter past six
2. ………. midnight 7. ………… noon 12. ………… Saturday night
3. ………. 1982 8. ………… 1964 13. ………... Friday evening
4. ………. April 9. ………… spring 14. ……….. Monday
5. ………. April 2nd 10. ……….. night 15. ……….. June 26th
C) Fill in the blanks with “AT / IN / ON” as in the example:
1. We always go on holiday ….. in ……. summer.
2. My mother usually goes shopping …………….. Friday morning.
3. I always do my homework ……………… the evening.
4. The circus usually comes to our town ………………. spring.
5. Sophia’s birthday is …………… May 16th.
6. I usually get up ……………….. seven o’clock.
7. My favorite television programme begins …………… 6:30 …………. the evening.
8. Sometimes it snows ……………….. winter.
9. My friend’s birthday is ……………… June.
10. Some birds and animals come out ……………… night.
D) Fill in the blanks using the correct prepositions
1. My lesson starts _____ five o'clock.
a) on
b) at
c) in
2. My father usually buys a newspaper ____ the morning.
a) on
b) at
c) in
3. We wear warm clothes _____ winter.
a) on
b) at
c) in
4. We get presents ____ Christmas.
a) on
b) at
c) in
5. I usually visit my grandparents _____ Sunday afternoon.
a) on
b) at
c) in
6. John's birthday is ______ August 16th.
a) on
b) at
c) in
7. The film finishes ______ 9:30.
a) on
b) at
c) in
8. The supermarket is closed _____ Sunday.
a) on
b) at
c) in
E) Fill in "AT", "IN" or "ON":
My birthday is .... on ..... the 30th of July. Last year I had a great day. I got up ..............
8 o'clock ............. the morning and tidied the house. Then ............. the afternoon I went into
town with my friend to buy food for the party. The party started ............. 7 o'clock .......... the
evening and didn't stop until very late ............. night! .............. the 31st of July I was very
tired, so I went to bed early ............. the evening.
F) Fill in the spaces in the invitation with "IN","ON" or "AT":
I'm going to have a party! I hope you can come!!
It's going to start ......... 5 o'clock ........ the afternoon .......... the second Saturday .........
August. We're going to have it in Tom's house on Wilton Avenue. There's a big garden
and we're going to have the party in the garden.
Did you know that my birthday is ........ the eighth? But as you can see, the party is
going to be .......... the tenth. Why? Parties are better .......... the weekend!

Phần 3
A) Put in the correct prepositions AT / ON / IN:
1. Columbos discovered America ......... 1492.
2. You can see the stars ............... night, if the sky is clear.
3. Tom isn't here ............. the moment. He'll be back ............. five minutes.
4. The course begins ........... 7 January and ends ............ 10 March.
5. Tom's grandmother died ........... 1977 ........... the age of 79.
6. The price of electricity is going up ............. October.
7. Ann works hard during the week, so she likes to relax ............. weekends.
8. I can't be at home ............ the morning. Can you phone me .......... the afternoon instead?
9. Jack's brother is an engineer but he's out of work ........... the moment.
10.............. Sunday afternoons I usually go for a walk in the country.
11. Tom doesn't see his parents very often these days- usually only ........... Christmas and
sometimes............ the summer for a few days.
12. The telephone and the doorbell rang ............. the same time.
13. I walk up a lot of stairs everyday. My flat is ............. the third floor and there is no lift.
14. We went to the theatre last night. We had seats ............ the front row.
15 .It can be dangerous when children play football .............. the street.
16. I can't find Tom ............ in this photograph.
17. Do you take sugar .............. your coffee?
18. You can find the sports results .............. back page of the newspaper.
19. Sue and Dave got married ............... Manchester four years ago.
20. Paris is .............. the river Seine.
21. Mr. Boyle's office is ............. the first floor. When you come out of the lift, it's the third
floor............. your left.
22. Turn left ............. the traffic lights.
23. In most countries people drive ............. the right.
24. Last year we had a lovely skiing holiday ............... the Swiss Alps.
25. She spends all day sitting ............. the window and watching what is happening outside.
B) Fill in the blanks using correct prepositions:
1. Cenk lives .............. 810 İstiklal Street.
2. The course begins ............. 8 June and ends .............. October.
3. Peter is ............. class 2 B.
4. Peter goes to school .............. Monday ............. Friday.
5. Students haven't got any lessons ............. the weekends.
6. Sheila gets up ............. 6.30 every morning.
7. Mike and his family go for a walk ............ the evenings.
8. Michael has got a lot of posters and pictures .............. cars .......... the wall .......... his room.
9. I go to school ........... bus, not ........... foot.
10. I went to bed ............ midnight and got up ............. 10.00 .......... the morning.
11. Mozart was born .............. Salzburg ............. 1756.
12. There is a car in ........... .............. our house.
13. Who is sitting .............. to you?
14. There is a light ............... the table.
15. Hurry up! We are going to the cinema ............... five minutes.
16. I haven't seen Ann for a few days. I last saw her ............. Tuesday.
17. Jack's brother is an engineer but he's out of work ............ the moment.
C) Fill in the blanks using correct prepositions:
1. I looked at the bookcase and saw an interesting story book ............. the top shelf.
2 ............... sunny days we usually go on a picnic.
3. I usually listen ........... pop music, because I'm interested ............ it.
4. Mary was born ......... 20th March ............ 1982.
5. We had to work everyday .............. last summer.
6.. ............. Christmas I'd like to visit my relatives.
7. I last saw him ............ last March.
8. Section 5 is .............. the first floor of the Prep School.
9. You mustn't smoke ............... a bus.
10. Ahmet's grandmother died ........... 1990 ............. the age of 81.
11. Were there many people ............. the concert?
12. He speaks quite good French. He studied ........... Paris for a year.

D) Fill in the blanks using correct prepositions:

1. Mr. Mailer: Where's Dr. Perez's office?
Miss King : You need to go ............ one floor. His office is on the third floor, not the fourth
2. Jimmy was getting ready for school. He was looking for his clothes.
His mother said, "Your shirt is ........... the chair. Your socks are ............ the drawer. Your
shoes are............. the bed."
3. Get ........... the bus! It's about to go.
4. The car .............. mine braked very hard and hit my car.
5. You walk very fast. You're always five steps ................ me.
6. There are emergency telephones all ............ the E-5 Motorway.
7. I will be very angry with you if I see your bicycle leaning .............. the rose tree again.
8. There's a big dog ............ you. Quick! Run away!
9. Someone parked his car .......... ............ of my gate. I can't go out.
10. There is a concert. A lot of people are ................ the stadium.
11. Mary is sitting ............... John and Sebastian.
12. The dog is swimming ............. the river.
13. Ali is next to Barış or Ali is ................ Barış.

Phần 4
Exercise 1: Điền On, At, In.
1. The tragedy happened ________ the summer of 1939.
2. It's much cooler __________ the evening than it is _________ the afternoon.
3. I'll see you ______ lunch.
4. He got ________ his bike and rode home.
5. The museum offers tours ________ weekdays.
6.Could you please call later. He's still _______ work.
7. The Olympics will begin _______ the 27th of February.
8. She doesn't have a job _______ the moment.
9. I was born ________ March.
10. Dad came home late _________ night.
Exercise 2: Write “in/ at”
1. Something is ____________ the box.
2. I’m working ____________ the desk now.
3. Tony is ____________ a town!
4. Susan is ____________ the offcie.
5. Someone is ____________ the door
Exercise 3: Put “in/on/ at” on empty spaces
1. Maria is ___________ the room.
2. The picture is ___________ the wall
3. Linda is often ___________ home
4. We usually have a picnic ___________ a forest
5. My granparents live ___________ the countryside
Exercise 4: Fill in the gaps using “in/ on/ at”
Harry wakes up _________ seven o’clock. He makes his bed, brushes his teeth and gets
dressed. He then has breakfast _________ half past seven. He leaves home for school
_________ half past eight, he starts school _________ nine o’clock. At school he has lunch
_________ half past one. His school finishes _________ half past three. _________ the
winter after school Harry plays table tennis. _________ the summer Harry goes swimming
after school. _________ Fridays he always plays football _________ the winter and
_________ the summer. Harry was born _________ October, he celebrates his birthday
_________ autumn. He loves to pick flowers _________ spring. He likes to go on skiing
holidays _________ the winter. He doesn’t like going swimming _________ the winter, he
thinks it’s too cold. _________ the summer Harry stays with his grandparents. They go
fishing _________ Saturdays and play basketball _________ Fridays.
Exercise 5. Fill the sentence with On/ At/ In.
1. I’ll wait for you ______ the bus stop.
2. The milk is ______ the refrigerator next to the orange juice.
3. The phone rang _____ the middle of the night.
4. His notebook fell ______ the floor.
5. Peter doesn’t go to work _____ Fridays.
6. Open your book ______ page 9.
7. Can you see a yellow house ______ the left?
8. There was a picture ______ the wall above the bed.
9. All the latest computers will be shown ______ the exhibition.
10. He came to see how I was getting ______.
11. I am very interested in documentaries ______ TV.
12. I am surprised ______ how much money they want to pay him.
Exercise 6: Fill in each blank with an appropriate preposition.
1. He joined the boys _________ herding the buffaloes.
2. Would you like to visit the countryside _________ harvest time?
3. My father used to live _________ a farm when he was younger.
4. The M’Nong live in houses built ___________ stilts.
5. The Hmong live mostly ___________ the mountainous regions ___________ the north.
6. Many ethnic minority students are studying ___________ boarding schools.
7. We often talk about our day at school or work _________ the dinner table.
8. Gifts should be wrapped _________ colourful paper.
9. “What time do you get up _________ the weekend?” - “I usually get up _________ 10.”
10. “What do you usually do _________ Friday evenings?” - “I usually go out with my
friends but I must be home _________ midnight.”
11. “I’ve got a football match _________ the afternoon. I’ll meet you _________ Sunday.”
12. “Kathy was born _________ New Year’s Day, wasn’t she?” - “Yes, she was born
_________ Jaunuary 12th , 1996” “Oh, I was born _________ 1996, too.”
13. “I usually meet my brother _________ lunchtime. And you?” “I usually meet him
_________ the evening.”
14. “We go to St. Malo _________ July. It’s too hot here.” “When are you leaving?”
“_________ July, 1st ”
Exercise 7. Write on/ at/ in
1. My birthday is ______ 5th January.
2. My sister’s birthday is _____ October.
3. Peter starts school ________8.15 _______ the morning.
4. Students don’t have lessons ______Tuesday.
5. It’s cold ______night.
6. We open our gifts _______ Christmas day
7. _________Halloween Day we go trick or treat.
8. I never go to school ________ the afternoon.
9. It’s snowy _________winter.

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