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A High-Velocity Formula for Multiplying

your Personal Effectiveness in Quantum



A Tue Story
promise for success? Whut logic is there in continuing, until

’m sitting in a quiet room at the Millcrtift Inn, a peaceful
little place hidden back amting the pine trees about an death, to seek a breakthrough with “more of the same”?
hour out of Toronto. It's just past noon, late July, and I'm
listening to thc desperate sounds of a life-or-death struggle Nti doubt this approach makes sense to the fly. Regrettably,
going on a few feet away. it's an idea that will kill.

There's a small fly burning out the last of its sh‹ rt life's “Trying harder" isn't necessarily the solution to achieving
energics in a futile attempt to fly through the glass of the more. It may not over my real promise for getting what you want out
windowpane.The whining wings tell the poignant story of the of’ Me. Sometimes, in fact, it‘s a big part of the problem.
fly's strategy —fly harder.
If you stake your hopes fur a breakthrough r›n trving harder
But it s not working. than ever, }'ou may kill your chances for success.

The frenzied effort offers no hope for survival. Ir‹ nically, tlic Price Pritchett
stniggJe is part of the trap. It is impossible for the fly to try
hard enough to succeed at breaking through the glass.
Nevertheless, this little insect has staked its life on reaching its
gual through raw effort and determination.

This fly is doomed. It will die there on the windowsill.

Across the r‹ rum, ten steps away, the duur is open.Ten

seconds of trying time and this small creature could reach the
outside: wrirld it seeks. With only a fraction of the effort now
being w.isted, it c‹nild be free of this self-imposed trap.’Fhe
breakthrough ptissibility is there. It would be sri easy.

Why doesn't the t4y• try another approach, something

dramatically different? How did it get so locked in on the idea
that this particular route, and deterntincd effort, offer the most
’the Promise

3 Quantum leaps
5 Jo«’
7 Change ›'our personal rules for success.

9 Quiz thing harder.

11 Ignore conventional approaches,

13 l'liink beyond what common sense would allow.
15 .Suspend disbelief.
17 focus on ends rather than means.
is Rely on the unseen forces.
21 Choose a diberent set of risks.
23 Trust in the power of pursuit.

25 Seek failure.
27 Get uncoinfortablc.
29 Open your phs.

31 Fall in love.
33 Make your move before you're ready.
P R I TC H F.TT 35 I.‹i‹ik inside for the opportunity.
the Promise
ouready ter this?
Right niiw, in this moment; youip capable of exfiotienfiol
inm cuermrn e You can multiply your
personiil cffcctix-cncss, hit new highs, and shatter yt›tir old
achievement records. The results you can have will be hard
ftir y‹au to imagine.

You can become you°.

You don't have to settle for things as they are now’. That can
change. I3raniatically. If you re ready, life is prepared tcu gis yini
a breakthrough experience. You can jump to a liiglier orbit of
‹achievement.,.live the drc.inn...enjoy a c‹›niplctcly
dif1'erent r ane o1’ success.

Also, j on don’t have to be content with improving things

incrementally or gniduullj: Just as your /eref of performance
can improve dm.stically, so can j our rri/e of accomplishment. don't have to be
Furtherm‹arc, the j.'oiz- fc›rinula rcttuires far less cffort than
you've gixen in the past. content with improving

You haven't been reaching your HH potential. So far,

things incrementally or
you h.ivcn’t cxcii crime cl‹›sc. Nu iniittcr ht4w you WlSh to gradually.
inc.isure success, regardless ‹i hraw yuu define achiex ement,
you have barely scratched the surface of what yr›u personally
can accomplish.

hut maybe the time has crime t‹i ch:inge all that. Maybe
you're ready to make a quantum lead.
Quantum leaps

knew physics —quantum physics —the science behind such

tecUmological breakthroughs as lasers, television, ct›nq uters, space
communication, and nuclear tncrgy. Quantum physics is described
as the most powerful science ever conceived of by human beñigs.
It requires .i major rethinking of such concepts as tirrie and space,
and how humiin consciousness operates.

Quantum physics also has staggering implications regarding y‹iti,

your potential, and the power ot your mind. To put it simply, as
human beings we are going to have to refniiuc ‹our ideas .ib‹›ut the
universe and how we fit into it.

Frcd Alan Wolf, in his award-winning book titled T‹ikiny, the

aanfizm f.ea/2, describes the term as...

the explc›sit›e jump that a pat ticle of’ tnatter utiderffoe's

lti inovirtg from one place to n fignrotii.'e
sense, tabiitg the quontuot leay mt'nns talking a rich,
goitig off into an unciinrted t‹•rritorj' trzfJa nc› quine to

Physicists studying quantum mechanics note that }›articles make

these "jumps” u ithout appatvnt vffort -and x ithout c‹›i'rring alt the put it simply, as human
beer.‹ between the starting and cnclilig points.
beings we are going to have to
What‘s going on here? How does this happen? And is it }x ssiblc
for you as an individual tt› do something x'ery similar in your reframe our ideas about the
}oersrina i»<rfurm.incc?
universe and how we fit 1nto it.

' Wolf, Fred Alan. Tabing the Quantum Inap.

(Harker &: Roin: New York. 19d14 , ti. 1.
t›st people operate with a mindset that assumes success ct›mcs performance lev-cls without a time-consuming struggle.
M one step at a time. ’the unspr›ken but popular notion is
we must move en stcmatically fri irn our present level of:tcliicvcineiit Quantum leaps seem to violate common sense...utterly! The
t‹i the next. Then, the thinking goes, lrc›in that stage oe can begin idea of “moving to a higher ‹irf›it,” and skipping several rungs un the
working towarcl graduating to still the next higher level in the achievement ladder in the J›rocess. strikes people as mr-fetched,
sequence. tiradual progress. maybe even outnigc‹›iis.

Thi.s is an unfortunate niisconcc}otion, and it’s clearly reflected After the fact, quantum leaps may be viewed as practical,
in the way people function. They gri about, day to Play, striving tt› sensible, even obj ious moves, but the} n'pically do nrit come to
make incremental gains in their pcrft rmance, That‘s pretty routine. you .is the obvious illness .it the moment. ttstially it‘s in retrospect
That's the pathway ‹ f conventir›na1 growth. that y‹›u perceive their hidden logic and elegance. Invariably;

1 quantum leaps are not complex or intricate maneuvers They tend

t‹› be simple. energy efficient, and time-saving.
Advancing at a mc.retired pace—step by step tr‹ani w here you you', the quantum leap strategy, can deliver those special
arc t‹› a little bit better—‹ordinarily feels eiisier. more iiiitural, and dreams and ambitions that y‹au instinctively feel should be yours.
even siifer. But in certain areas of your li1’e you just as easily But the breakhro h d n ancls a rac4ical dctiarture from some uf
think in terms c›f skipping levels.Y‹ u can inox•t fr‹ m your present ‹our habits.
level o1 achievement to one tliiit is several stages higher—directly:

Yoti miike the qu.inturn leap. hou bcc‹xne y‹ro'. Instead of

acccpting present circumstances or lacing content with
impr‹avement, you g‹› ft r a breakthrough.

_yoJ implies an ' explosive jump" in your personal pcrfr›rm‹ince

t)iat puts you tar beyond the next logic.i1 step. It s a formula for
stunning advances in achievement .ind the realization ‹y j our implies an “explosive jump” in
dreams.The concept is one of ext onentiaJ gains rather than
incremental Jirr›gress.You might comJiare it try multiplying your personal performance that puts
instead uf adding—it means a geometric progression in your
effectiveness. you far beyond the next logical step.
That's cxciting as w elf as pro -ocativc, but it gets even better.
Rcmember, cjuantum leaps can come ieirñoof apps rent effort.
Tiiese .arc high velocity m‹aves that carr y y-ou to clmmatically higher
Change your persond ules for success.

everaging up your effectiveness by an order of even leaning ‹›n them most o-heii your performance flattcns out or
L magnitu‹lc—g‹›ing frolTl yr›u tO {Off'—is flot it COIIlWon INCH
1dea.You should riot be surprised to hear that unconventional
sags, you cm ate s trap for yourself.

success calls f‹ir unconventional appr‹ aches. There is a certain irony here.f‹aur historically most dependable
behaviors can bec‹ me the majur ‹obstacles try future success. It's
Quantum leaps require paradoxical behavior. Unusual moves. possible lor them to cripple yt›ur progress.They may stand as
.Actions that ccii the siirfat e t›ften seem tta c‹intradict comm‹in personal bouuclarj lines that limit what }’t1n Chill ilCCOmplish with
sense. your life.

As human beings, though, we ordinarily go with thc obvious. There is, however, and ther course ‹if action. It is the way of the
We fall intu the habit of relying on behaviors that seem to have ttuuntuni leap.Jcu-.
worked best for us over the years.When we take an approach that
seems to be ver serviceable, and which enables us to perform well The following chapters cxpI.iin the peculiar strategy that is
and succeed, we become very attached to it.We don't readily involved.
relinquish that habit pattern. In fact, there's a tcndency to f‹i1t‹ w
‹›ur favorite approach more .ind more often, such that we get better
and better ut handling things that particular way.

This aclroitness with a certain appr‹ ach results in ‹our over-

‹dependence on the strategies and tactics it involves. We resist
new maneuvers because they make us l‘eel clumsy, awkward, and
isiln e

t if yr›u want to accelerate your rate of’ achievement rapidly,

yrau must search out and vigorously employ neon behaviors. New
u want to accelerate
> attitudes.You must be willing to break out of y‹iur routines in ‹order your rate of achievement
to make the quantum leap.
rapidly, you must search
The things that wrirked for y‹iu in the past very likely c‹›uld,
sooner or later, lose their serviceability: Even if your customary out and vigorously
appr‹ ach still h‹›1cts promJse for maintaining y‹iiir pwsent level of
performance anct growth ctirvc, it mzj• not help much if you want employ new behaviors.
to hit far higher achievement levels.

Ariel i1 y‹ u continue to rely on those olcl routines, maybe

Quittrying harder.

ualitum leaps cann‹it be achieved through incremental steps

}aersistcnce.’rl ‹›sc tire true virtues. 13vc1 a Metinic they can
ur through 'iut›re o1 the s.use.‘ make a poweMil ctintribution tu success and .ic1iic›-cmciit.
You’ve g‹at tu shil't gciirs. You have to follow new’ J atterns of
They are fundamental to the development of your talents. It‘s extremely importa
thought .incl action.The rules ‹ I o•hat works antl what doesn't
alq°ays change women yuu are try ing t‹i make a ni‹wc from nrarnial
pertormance to row'.

f3rit ordinarily v‹ u w ill find that trying harder pr‹aduccs only

incremental gains, not quantum leaps. Also keep in mind that
Ol’ course, if tllat’s muinly w hat y‹au’rc afier, mnc.Try ii little Inning harder (ex en a lot h.irdcr) sr›metimes offers little more
harder und get a little bigger payoff. Trj a lot harder anal you can a straight path to burn‹nn. Attempting to succeed thrrrrigh
expect a l‹it better rtsults. rn‹›rc of the same,” bcinb resolute and relying on conimittec4
cfflx t, can tiling yriti t‹› better p:tth«-aj s.

11’ you chant to make a quantum leap, quit thinking ah‹nn

trylng harclcr. More ellort ten t the answer.

later vt›u’re going tO i'cach the point w here

tm s› ha pij e tag t urrph c
der t 1 at j u
:tnd mental res‹aurces are stretcliccl to the limit. And often, well
before y‹›u come to th:it set uf circrtmstanccs, j on reach the point
‹if diminishing returns —trying harder and harder starts producing
less anal less. Sometimes, in l'zci. llJtcnsifying your efforts prc›duces Are of the same”
nothing except bigger problems.
usually just g1ves you
As a case in point, g‹i brick to the story ref the fly. ’Fhat little
more of the same.
insect c‹ ulct have turne‹l aw ay from the windc›w is0 degrees .ind
follt›wed the path of least resistance as it flew to the open door.
A quantum lc.ip to trccclum."I’en seconds of effortless flight wotild
have produced tut:il success, w hile 1+ours of frustration an* r
spent heating its wings ag:must the glass were destined to cnut
lruitlesslv in death ‹in the dust windowsJ I
Ignore conventional approaches.

et mitliless ubt ut ty ing something different.

Ordin.trily we achieve conventional grt›wtli bet:ause we think
along conventional lines. We cx} erience rcasonablc } ertormancc instead of cl‹iggcdly doing it hiirder, you ut least create an
gains because oe rely on re.reusable approaches, We rind w.ijvs to opp‹artunity—some “space”—to do sc»nething else.
make modest imprr›xenients in our level of success because we go
t)uantum leaps c‹ime o her y‹›ti seek the elegant solution.
rocking for nothing more.
St look for an approach characterized by simplicity; J rccisir›n,
t2iiantum leaps require you to abandon the status gun. efficiency, neatness. ft WOn’t be as COmplex ‹ar time-c‹›nsuming as
i'orir present struggle. £Jvcrall, it will he less demanding of your
Instead of unce again trying what you have always ‹l‹me, maybe
energies ancl emotions. And it probably will not be familiar t‹ you.
with even D ore intensity and determination, ihnore the usual.
J'‹›o—’ vaIIs Our a fres)i yen 1uctiv'e, s daft m‹ive, a path
o cq ires p h e b o
resistance, There is a o ‹iy j iin can do m‹in with less.
L‹a‹›k for a p.iradoxical move. For cxiimple, consider reversing
} our field. Try being illogiciil. Ricoclict. 11 you're trying to climb over
the wall, open a door anal walk thrt›ugh. IN y‹›u’re pushing against
the river, tm g‹ ing o ith the How. IUse finesse instead ‹if effort.

sit o n ust g n I

The tendency, when v‹›u stall ‹but or begin tt level ‹off in y‹aiir
pcrf‹armancc, is to go back to the basics and do o hat ›‹›u do best.”
But doing what s on d‹i best ‹-an 6e the o orst thing yini coufil do. chet. If you're
It really dr›esn t matter how o-cll you can do something i1 it s the
wrong thing to du. trying to climb over the
“’faith in the familiar“ sets the tr•r •+ d you spring it when you watl, open a door and
reinvent y‹iiirself in what logically seems like it should work
bee.ruse it usu.illy worked in the past. walk through. If you're
To make .i cjuantum leapono ve t t f the rut seetvercome
where you ve been riinninacc sd
pushing against the river, try gotng with the flow.
the addiction to your old methShe logics n p ttern.
Thinkbeyondwhacommon sense
would allow.
Cost of us can be found flying too close to the grt›unc4.Too around in y‹iur mind urc a self-impc›scd prison.
1 Eo1'ten we don t give ourselves permission tu s‹›ar.
Sta h‹aw do you break out of that jail:* Through surrencler.
It s time t‹a start focusing on } assibilitics, rather than t›n limits
or obst.ic1cs. Nliiki1âh a tjuanturn leap means moving ‹nnsitle your J You have to give up some of your ‹old beliefs .ind sacrilice
mental boundaries. It yc›tt will rethink how y‹au’rc thinking, jori t an some of tli‹isc “Sensible" thinking patterns. So-called c‹iiumon sense
multiply your performance potential.hou must let your desires can be a curse that puts a ceiling on ht w far you reach ‹ar h‹aw high
guide you, of alJ‹nving j ourself tt› lrc iroxecl in by’ pert ejvcd y‹iu fly.
t ›‹'. the quantum leap stmte : is based on uncommon sense.
Seeking the quantum Ie.vp means violating the b‹iundurv
of the }7robable. It me:Inc ‹icliicx'iiig well beyond the ubvi‹aus. So
d‹an’t limit your desires to what you think y‹iu “can have‘...start graing
c ou n ne . ifiJ s give o rs

A ten c›r twenty percent iiu}or‹» enient isn t the idea at all.
That w‹iulcl represent only incremental gains.’I’ might be an
impressive ›cttorm:n ec in some situations, like i1 there mere
unusual obstacles or ii very d’it’licuJt set t4f circumstances, Hut \t mile
such .i goal might be cli.illenging, it w'ould not rtJ resent a quantum
leap. Instead c›f"tin actditional ten percent or en, a quantum leap
{Produces .i dramatic and multiple gain, ari exponential incrcase.
Qu:intum leaps .me bv definition rather ast‹›unding, certainly in or twenty
unconx entional.
percent improvement
hot ct tl c idea t anj nk o s ss ie. It isn't the idea at all.
isn't. But in sume areas oau ge ew t re.if limits o•oii't b‹ix jon in, twit the Else ones yc›u re carrying
s. ir reach is enough to
stagger the mind. You can doublc your le› el of success. ’l'riple
it. Far l›ey‹›nd that. iou can le› cr:ibc up ytaur perform.ince to the
seconr4 or third or fourth pen er...rar I cyunct.

True. there are limits. lout you don't need to Corr› about them.
Your real limits are far l›ej ond your artificial oriental boinidaries.The
That would represent
only incrementa( ga1ns.
Suspend disbelief.

Actas if v‹›ur success is lor certain.

ror right now s••r••d disbelief’. You don't have to be
Instead of l«ilding back because you don't have harci prorif convinced that you can succeed in making a quantum leap, but
thilt y‹›u can make a quantum leap, see I you en •r %th evidence don't kccJ ‹ n beliex'ing those old ideas you've been carrying
} rowing yuu can’t. Just make the jump —act as if y‹ ur success is .mound about your personal limits. If it wit! make it c.isier, hold
guaranteed —and then see o•hich set ‹af ideas you should believe in. ‹›ff for a while on believing anything.

Your mindset for the niomeiit may be f'lawed by doubt cst c lik j ic tfith Mere edo h y d
and skepticisni. The idea of making a quantum leap in your do if you knee you were g‹iidieg e yo e
performance, jumping friin your present level ot achievement t‹ t
one several stages higher in one bold stroke, is an alien ideii. You
that total ct›nx•iction.
haven't been trained try think that waj' You may hiivc definite argued against your taking a quantum leap. Put thc›se old
reserv.itions about the possibilio that yt»i can make such inhibiting
exponential improvement at all, particularly w ith less effort and
th a very abbrev iated time fniiuc.

The experts generally iigree, though, that } ci›}olc typically use

only about ten Percent ‹›f their true potential. II’ we .iccept that
aryument, and even if there mere no other resources ‹outside
y‹›urself you could bring to bear un the situation, joii still
ct›ttld du ten times as well as y‹›u’ve been d‹iing.

Your skepticislu, which you presume is based on rational

thinking anal .in ‹objective assessment ‹if factual data about yourself, is
rooted in oriental junk.tour doubts arc not the product of accurate
thinking, but habitual tl nking.Years ago you accc}itecl flanked
conclusions as c‹arrrct, began to lwe your Me .is if those wagged idcas
ab‹iut your potential were true, and ceased the b‹ild experiment in
li› ing that brought you many breakthrough behaviors as a chnd.
it’9 time f‹›r you tu find that faith you had in ytiursclf belt re.
II you want t‹› be skeptical of some ideas that truly descrv-r to be
CRIICCI into cjuestion, challenge the thoughts ancl fieliefs that have
I3otibt is what does the most damage, fin don t give it any
mental space. Proceed boldly, as if it is ci›nipletely inconceivable tidal you w ill
experience anything.‹›thcr than a successñ il quantum leap.

u must doubt
something, doubt your
Focus on ends rather than means.

harder or insisting ‹›n first developing the perfect plan.

Joii' is achics eel through an intuitive, instinctive discovery

J( $J . It is crucial to h.ive u crystN clear picture of what you o ant to r roccss biiscd ten a sense of direction and action. IN you have the
accomplish. Operate with a sharply defined mental image ‹af the wso-crs an‹4 structure and certainty up front, it s not u quantum leap,
outcome y‹iu seek. Itivet your attention on that split where you are to
land .It the end of your quantum leap, Visualize y‹aur iirrix al. Whcn you ’1’he formula d‹›cs neat ink olve getting everything neatly
do, it s like you “magnetize” yourself to the ways and means t›rganized .ind .ill the risks eliminated btfore yt›ti make your move.
invi ilved in the methodology for getting there.’I'he solutions begin ’l'here s an element of flip-shooting involved here. Don't count on
t‹› aJ pear. Answers come to you. having all the procedural issues for the journey buttoned down
before you bcgin the trip.
lf you start worm ing ab‹›ut everything that mill be involved in
getting from here t‹› there, yuu .me bound to bog down in the â ‹ni mucst be illing tu tolerate aniblguiy; confiision, possibly
questions aliout mctli‹idtalogy. 1°eople always get hung up ‹in the even chaos for a o•hilc, shaming your gums }alan as y oii go. Alluw
hon to” aspects rcgarcling a quantum ie.ip. some dlsOrder in i•i›ur life.

Skip it! l'he answers mill come to i-uu. And wllcn they do, you If you get t‹›‹ concerned with the step-by-step plan of uction
prt›bably will Hurd them tO bc simplt, streamlined solutions. tt› be folluw ed, you 11 find yourself brooding ‹over the p‹›tential
pre blcms .ind roadblocks that could be encountered.

For now all y‹au ncecl is an aiming }9oint, and action.

Y'ou have the potential. the rcs‹›tirces are ax ailable, the A quantum leap. by definiti‹an, means moving into unchartcct
‹ } }aortuniry lS there. has been missing is your decisi‹an tu territory xVlth no Guide tu follow.You } erson.illy draw the map as
go for it.
1.ook at it this way—you're n‹it supposed to be concerned about
8taybe this whiff help you fr:ture the sitttatit›n ii lot better. The
is'liat haJ }ocns in the middle uf a jump...y‹au re supposed tc› be
quantum leap is something y‹iu ve been keeping mom happening. thinking alo‹›ut where y‹au‘re going to land!
It's not something you liiivc tu struggle to make l••rrcn. X‹ni d‹›n’t
reiilly f‹arce it into just let it occur.’l'lie key is not to

key is not to
A quantum Ical is the unexpected that comes to von with
*tl£ltlcll "dFC.You tan open yourself to such a I reakthrough, you get in the way!
can even invite it, but yc›u can t makc it happen by struggling
Relyonthe unseen forces.

improving your performance h an c›rdtr ‹af magnitude — run'— The unseen forces are phanto v ners that cannot be fully
Scan sound unrealistic if you think of it us sorrictliing yuan have t‹ exr ed, Maybe they strike you his rather mystical phenomena,
but the truth is they will make amazing contributi‹ans to your
Hnt \”r›ti do1 “t. These unseen forces seem tu ‹operate thr‹›ugh your subconscious
mind, mental imagcrn; intuition, and “luck.”You might be hit with a
forget the idea that you should be able to sec, t.ingibly and in full flash t f inspiratit›n cluring a moment uf solitude. A creative solution
view, all the resources necessary to leverage j•iiim pcrfi m.incc so to .i }aroblem may c‹›me to you in u clream. A breakthrough idea
dramatically: There are rcst›urccs lou access that cann‹›t be can fetish through your mind while y‹iti're s isualizing your goal.
seen, and they arc fur grc.itcr and rrn me p‹ xverful than the rest›urces Somehow the resources y‹ u need Just seem tt appear by
you mint readily obscin•c. coincidence.

Paint a via id picture in your mind for these forces to know

the Jorcciscli’ what you chant. In one way or antither, the unseen forces
sc ce f vid nce is i en e o the r bsen e ink of
.in iceberg, where you see o j e tip of what s re.illy there. Just as w ill dazzle you with their impact. Cc›unt on it.
r• real, though out ol’ sight. are invisible resources ready t‹i make a
profi und di11'erence in what you can achieve. All yuu h.toe tti dt is Quantum leaps come e.isy when you plug into this remarkable
open up and let them in. poorer sciurcc. h't u don't have t‹ understand it totally in order tti use
it. just as you don't have t‹i c‹ mprehcnd the intricate physics of
f2uuntum ltiips art nicrcly the } rocess of using yoiirsell and electrical energy to flip a lamp switch and fluod the mum with light.
yuur o«irlcl cJifferently, thus ‹if/on.'iit,g other possiliilitlCS that cxiSt tO
actually materialize. â 'our u!illingric•ss to make a quantum lc.i} is the ten a clear picture ‹ f o•hat } On wiint
enabler. to iiccumplisli. and more t‹iward it confidently, the unseen forces
will rallj to your s• pi»•rt."1’hese unknowns, these invisible
You d‹i not achieve yt›ur dreams, your l'ull potential, though resources, .me the mrist powerfiil factors available to a*sist I"""
yt›tir own singular struggle. As mentioned earlier. neither rao eff‹art the quantum leap tu y71If-.
nor sheer willpow er is ilie answer. “Try111@ as Iiurl es yt›u can' will
tall far short of taking you as far as you arc cup.iirlt uf guing. You
must take aclvuntagc of the sup ort systcsvls vt›ti can t see.

In a scnst, making the quantum le.ip is like playing bridge. You

don't bid your hand alone...j our bidding is also› b.isccl on the puwer
of your partner's cards. You don‘t reallv get to sec those cards until
has read, though out of stght,
it‘s time to play them, but you trust that they will bring x•aluable are invisible resources ready to
strength to j our own liancl.
make a profounddifference in what
Choose a diberent set of risks.

oing for the quantum leap feels clJiincj: The risks hit y‹›u .is
rather •rrarent, and may be quite threatening, tint j oti This isn’t a cusp of taking a big chance, it‘s a matter of giving
G must
stuck them up against tlie hidden risks you accept when you dccidc
v‹›urself a big chance.
’Flie iuaj‹ r obstacle to o› erconiing the odds is never challenging
t‹a live with the status quo.
them. I Until you test the limits regarding what you can achieve, y‹au
Ask yourself what j iiu'rt risking if you do not go for the can't trulj knoT\• what your ch.incas really arc. And the odds change
quantum leap.’1’he risk is that you vrun't get o you really u ant in › ‹›ur favor o hcn you begin tu challenge them.
out of’ He.
Dirt if y‹iu try t‹› minimize j our vulnerability by avoiding a new
You've got to tiiiderstancJ that you can never escape risk. It's not set of risks, jiin kill your chances lor a quantum leap.
something you can decide to live with or without. Something is
.it stake.You can onh decide which risks to take.

Whether y‹›u chuusc to go for the ttuanttirn leap. or to follow

yr›ur usual r‹iutincs, jet iu itrc putting s‹imctliing on the line. So choose
carefully. and clun t kic4 y‹ ursclf with the idea that “pt.tying it safe" by
1ii'ing with the sLitus quo gives y‹iu the best ‹idds.3’hitt new be Hoc surest
nay of losing.

Quanuim leaps d‹i mean that t‹a some degfee you must more
A-ytand the x‹inc of familiarity; scciirity, and comf‹art. But you can make
the jump t‹a t‹›ii' witlitiut being reckless ‹ir impulsive.
biggest obstacle to
Fninklj' making • •antuni leap is not mere gambling. It’s neat
z cnipshuot.t‹au simply move on .in ‹opportunity you ve been overcoming the odds 1s
ignoring. You .iband‹an your excuses. You refraiue the problem.
4?›ti take a completely rfiJ‹•r‹•ar chanct. A cJuantum lc.ip is risking never challenging them.
in a w.iy that unmasks the truth. revealing h‹axv the only thing ref
significance that has been standing in the way is vuu.

nisk I elieving in voursclf. Risk acting on the assumption that

v‹iu can succeed in making a quantum leap. Clthcrwise, the risk is
that ycru mill settle t‹›z ‹›n Ij a fraction of o-liat He has tu give y‹›u.
Trust in ltte power of pursuit.

ou're dreamed dreams that were yours for the taking. In' is firmly based on the premise of pursuit. Quantum leaps
Y fact, almost ml ‹if them where well within your reach. Even non:
m‹ast of whut you dream of can be yours.
require you to take the ‹affcnsixe. You can't achieve cxi»onential
gains in your success from a defensive posture.You can't remain in
a ›assixe stance and make a quantum jump.
’l'he simple secret is the seeking. Pursuit! Drc.inns begin tc›
crystallize into reality when they arc juirsucd. You must move on the dream.That means y‹iu must leave the
cover, the safer' that g‹acs with merely wishing for something.You
The world beh.wcs differently w'hen yt u actually take action to must place your trust in acti‹ n.
lv after what you want. What y‹au wish 'could be” starts becoming.
The dreuni m‹avcs in your direction. begins to come to you. even as the dream shall be yours.
you re.tell for it.

ti‹ nsi‹ler this —the dreams you have realized in life tire those
w hich you actively sought. That o hich yuu have iichicx'cd is
what you decided to go for in one way or another. Yr in can
positively" all day long, .ill year, btit pct isitix action is what counts. / /

Wishing, longing, wanting, ctesiring...these are not the same

as pursuing a dream.’l'hese are mental states, and can pluy an
importiint role in the process of becoming jon-. Rut they arc
essentially passive. Pursuit, on the ‹other hiirld, is actin c. tteaching
for your dream is bchax ing —rn‹›ving —.ind it shortens the distance
Jietn•cen yc›ti and y‹›ur clcsirtcl ‹objective.
people confuse
.1t‹ist people confuse wishing and w.inting o itla Pursuing."I"heir
desire for a dream may be despcnitc and dccJi. Hut when that desire wishing and
flails to produce, they c‹›iicludc the cJream cannot be theirs. Actually,
the t›n1y Jorrx I they have is that the longing is n‹›t enough.’1’he data wanting with
at hand merely prove desire .il‹›nc dues not —cannr›t —cicliver.
Pursuit ib what makes the difference. Reaching for what you
want alters the odds immediately, and dr:istica1lj, of getting it."What You must place your trust
yott want becomes part of‘ a clynamic exchange, o•it1i the wr›rlcl
and you in partnership, w'hen you act and cxtcncl yourself toward in action.
the dream.

it:dm:w through surgery it l‹iuks like therein been a murder in

iiantiim leaps dcmancl a w illingness to make the p{aei-atinb room. If you send a rocket tr›ward the moon,
about ifiict} percent tab the time it's off course—if “fails" its way to
â'ou cannot hole up in the sitfe xone of behavior o here you hiive the nj‹ion by ctaritintially making mistakts stud coveting them.
beaten the odds of failing. An unwillingness to encounter defeat or
run into problems ‹iiitiaws quantum leaps. UNess you allow yourself .At tits oiit5ot yini m;2j lt'tl high Mc0V8C going for the quantum
to make mist.ikes, to fail. you w ill never have the opportunitv to test leap is heady stuff. Dut then the hard reality of “problems" may slap
the limits t›f o•hat vt u truly are capable of ucc‹›m}nlishing. you in the fiacc. Pr‹agress ‹aftCli mastjucracles as trouble.
Situ must realize that if you're experiencing no difficulties, It's easy t‹ lose faith, because other people may withdruw their
problems, rir }oain. you probably have iiimecJ too low.You’ve levclccl supp‹›rt and be Crltical t f your efforts.That, plus your owr anxieties
‹off in your growth and achievement. 1’t u probably are far from .incl uncertainties, tempt you t‹› turn on yourself.
reaching your limits.
This is the point in the prr›cess —dtin't give up! Failure
So think vf pr‹i6lcms ‹ r pain or slippage i• r•<•••mance as a belongs here. It’s ii sign of progress!
positive sign. A performance lag ordin.irily ‹occurs at the ver} outset
when y‹›u arc making a quantum leap. It's the pause during which The sti'css w ill seduce you tt›ward retreat t‹i the “safety“'
you p‹iisc for the jump, the temp‹›rary loss ref momentum that tif the status quo, the trap of the fumili:ir..Just remember this:
occurs in the process of'changing gears." Failure does n‹ t mean }'ou'rc del'eatccl.

You deliberately destabilize j oiirsell o hen you break ‹rim o1’ Actually, the struggle gives yuu strength. It's like tempering the
the habit patterns that represent the status gun.You create some steel. or the soreness iii› oJvcd in devcl‹iping muscle.The difficulties
inner chii‹›s for yourself. So be prepared f‹›r the possibility of are just cvidtncc that you're learning and progressing.
confusion, anxiety' and failure. That's part ‹ f opening yourself up to
.i new methodology that has the potential to deliver exponential So go lt›uking for failure...and then use it. Didn‘t jnterpret prob-
performance gains. lems or breakdowns as proof that you shoulct quit, but instead
take them .is evidence tif your growth and improvement.
So o1ten in Me, it seems things first get worse ‹›n the way
towawl getting better. Be prepared for surt of UniI me 1n a resource. It helps you find the edge of your capacities.
develt›pmcnt. l'rot›lenis l›elong in the pr‹›ccss.3’hey are part of
the equation that produces J'oo'.They arc not proof that your
.imbitions are futile or that you slioul‹l gix•c up.
Sure isa resource. It

As someone has said,“Everytlfitig looks like a tailurc iii thc

helps you find the edge
mid‹llc." You can't take a cake without getting the kitchen messy. of your capacities.
Get uncomfortable.

t«siins yuur limits at all, and not in the process of a quantum leap.
Quantum leaps jerk you out of yt tir c‹anifort zone. you might be making Jadual prragress—that's possible—but
;-‹›u re not going fair a breakthrough.
I°rcpare yourself for a pretty wild ride.You’re going t‹i c‹» tr
sums unfamiliar terrain and encounter t bstaclcs you've nex•er faced J-‹›u carries you beyond your commonplace, everyday habits
before. It can feel like the safety- chain linking you with behavior anct calls for a little more nerve. So just go into this expecting a
patterns that worked in the past is being stretched t‹i the limit. At t‹auch uf anxiety. Uneasiness is a predictable psychtilogical reaction
times you may wonder if the situ.ition is about to spin out of control. o•hen :i quantum leap is under way.

The normal reacti‹ n is to want to hold on tightly: Rut you're It has been said that if y‹ u will do the thing you fear, death of
going to have to learn t‹ let' is achieved through release, fe;ir is ccrtain. t?‹›ttmgc is not the absence uf fear and anxiety, it's
prucccc4inp iii spite t›f those feelings.
hrs turn loose if you want t‹ jump.
â‹ press on.
Don't be surprised ‘ii you grow uneasy —that‘s a predictable
part of the process. When you take the quantum lciip you ride the
situatlon. but you don't really coitfrof it all much. In fact, the
‹only okay you control it is by (1) knowing where j ou'rc going,
f2) c‹›ntinuing the pursuit, and (ñ ) learning from your mistakes.

A quantum leap is an act of faith, exhilarating and possibly scary

at the same time. Y‹›u ha\•e to gi›'e up a large degree ‹›f security
and safety, plow through greater amounts of ambiguity and confusion
.ind uncertainty, wrestle with a totally new sei of’ problems, inv-itc
failure, and possibly contend with criticisni from othcr people who asiness is a
have been part of your support group in the past.
predictable psychological
Make you uncomfortable?
reaction when a quantum
That's a goud sign.
leap is underway.
II you're experiencing nu anxiety or discomfort. the risk y‹nfrc
taking probably isn't worthy of you.’l’lie only risks that aren't a little
scary are thc once you've outgrown.A lñgli coriifort lcx-el provides
solid cvidcncc that yc›u'rc“playing it safe,” not growling. not really
Open your gihs.

octi has many gdts that you’x’c never opened.These are gdts of
t.ilcnt, ability, and “rtiich” that are yours fOr the taking.

’l'he people we call gifted are different front the crc›q-ñ in ‹one
very special w.ty, The› accepted their gifrs. ’1’hey 'let it happen.‘
’1’he high uchic\•trs, the persons you admire, are those incliv-iduals
who opened their gilts. these winners have more gifts because
they claimed them, took them out of the wrapping, and used them.

N‹rn it's time for you to dti something with yiur gilts. Claim
them, and you create them. ltcach for them, and they materialize.
List them, and they gr‹rw tt serve you still lrtttcl’.

If you look at those particular skills j on h.we develops-‹1 r» er

the years, the talents that you have exhibited. yoti mill find they are
the grits yuu u} cried and enjoyed.

But how many others arc there within yc›ur reiich? For chem. gift
y‹au’ve opened over the years, there arc hundreds that you ve rich er
unsvriipped and taken out of the package."I’his unused
hides t1 ert, just writing ro play a role- in j our quantum leap.

When you make a qu.inturn leap you find out many new things
.ib‹nn joiirseI1.J•oii- is a fascinating experience in sell-discoverr.
A transformation occurs, a metamorph‹ sis. you look at those particular

Think of a striped c.ittrpilliir htinibJy crawling along the stem o1’ skills you have developed over the
ii niilkweed plant a few inches from M‹ither Earth, ch.inging into a
strikingly beautiful mon.inch l uttcrfly that soars high in the air iinc4
years, the talents that you have
bravely journeys th‹iiisands of miles in its yearly pilgrimage.’ro exhibited, you will find they are the
become a monarch, tu free those shining auburn sings, to fly high
.incl free, the creature must break out of the cocoon of safetj ancl gifts you opened and enjoyed.
open its gifts.

Open somc more of yours. Find yotir wings.

Fall in love.

uantum leaps won't haJ pen if you re living life with a Let the heart take charge o1 your body. If you have a
hikes arm heart. ‘magnjficent iibsession,' you are poised for a quantum leap.
Pa sirwi is .i very important part of the process. It fires the s‹ ml
and fills the spirit, energising j i iur heart and mind l‹ir the quantum
leap t‹› a higher plane of performance. Passion also keeps von going
vr1ien you re hit earth problems anci uncertainty:

But passit n itself must be fuclccl, and vr›u fecd tins n,iine with
visions of a dream that is ctr:imatic.’l“he emritioDul intensiy inertia
must burn hot enriugh to protect › ou against the chilling effects
c›f doubt, uncertainty; criticism, and failure. Only deep desire can
generate such heat.

F‹ir you to care this intensely, of course, there must be

something wurth earring ab‹nn —s‹›mething rem.irkable, sl›cc1al,
and precious enough to light the fire in your heart.

This means you must loosen the limits on your thinking, and
give y‹iursell permissi‹in to pursue what you want mt›st.The climate
is riy,ht for a quantum leap only o hen you are passit nately drawn
to a particular goal.

Su let your deepest ilesires ‹lirect your aim. Set your sights far
abt›ve the "reasonable” target.4’he p‹ wer of } urp‹ e is profound were must be something
only il you have a rlesire that stirs the heart. worth caring about—
The inner drive must be strong enough t‹ carry you past the Something remarkable,
point of wisliñil thinking The d c ns yo nt o1 you,
wve you act niisa ncee special, and precious
Quantum leaps are an act c›t love, a passi‹›nate statement of how enough to tight the fire
su carc et t es In your heart.
i p yci nst t
power to carry you t stance o y t v
\take your move before you're ready.

on t bu n getting prepared ter t is. atc›er else yc›u J'he time to start is nOw. you* can only occur in the present.
of era ill ou

A person aoulR make z c reer out ‹ f laying the groundwork to

do something really Fig, Please understand —y‹iu don't “prepare”
f‹ir a quantum leap.You make it, and then line tune yuur approach.
Yr›u go for it, iiistead of f‹›rcver getting ready so yun will be sure to
gCt lt right.“Zero defects" is a hostile concept in the pursuit of u'.

birst yuu act, then you frame out the details of your strategy' Move
on your dream...sforf...and let what happens help you develop
a coherent game plan. Mobility is the crucial element. Strategy
formulation their evolves natural)v out of your discovcry process.
You'll discover, once un‹lerway, that y‹›ii know m‹›re than you kn‹
w you know.Just tnist your instincts.

Once again, a quantum leaf› is something you are olrvod y

pmpamd i‹› dn! It's n‹it some absurd, wild-eyed scheme that calls
for a fantastic stroke txt luck just to liuve an outside ch.ccc of
svorkNg. It's not an example of’y‹ ur reach exceeding your grasp.
And it's most definitely not a matter ‹ i gr›ing for some grand
that calls for painstaking preparation.

A quantum leap is a move thut is yours for tile taking. flight

now. ft represents a giant step y‹ni can makt mcrelv“ ñv• derry q to it discover, once
an‹J opening yourself up to the resources presently available tO
underway, that you know
“Getting ready” is, quite frankly, a stalling tactic, an act of more than you know you
anxiety, a con game y‹›u’re working on yourself.
You :ire already positioned t‹› escape to a higher plane of
performance. lf you wait until you can get it perfect, you will nevcr
get it at all.
Look inside for the opportuniq.

verything else that's needed, right now, comes from inside of

E you. The opp‹›rtunity, the timing, the power tu perform—these
are in you, not in the situatitin.

The formula for 2'‹›ii', the str;itegy fur making the quantum leap. been cox ered here. ton have those answ'ers. The answers to
ttucstir›ns that remain must comic frum the voice within. Now i ‹›u
must listen to yt›ttrself.’Fliose are the sounds no one else can hear.

Your dreams, your desires, the thoughts that burn the hottest in
your mind, they carry the messages iliat help ytiti find your ‹own
“magnetic nurth.” They point the way tow.ird the breaktlir‹iugh

I. ook inside at u'hat pulls at y‹aur c‹›nsciousncss, for there you'll

final clirection.

Everything else is in po.sitir›n. W'aiting f‹›r ytiti.

flake the qii.intum leap!

Make the quantum teap!

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“...There’s such a thing as trying two hard.

You’re got /n slttg file you don't need the wUff Please reference
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You’re got to dance like nobody's watching—
It's got to come from the heart if you want it to Namc
lob Title

“Come from the Heart”

S«ag by Kathy Mattea

I. ‹›untr\ Zip Come


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