Sasa Zivkovic Grasshopper Tutorial 02

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MIT Department of Architecture 4.

113 Applied Architecture Design Studio I, Spring 2011, M/WF 2:00-5:00 Instructors: Skylar Tibbits, Nick Gelpi Teaching Assistants: Joshua Cotton, Sasa Zivkovic Grasshopper tutorial | Conditionals Creating a simple conditional in Grasshopper using a Dispatch Component

01 | Create a circle in Grasshopper using the circle component. Set up a point (here named: Point | conditional) in Rhino and compute the distance between the conditional point and the center of the circle. [ you can use the area component in Grasshopper which will give you the center point as one of the two output parameters] 02 | Set up a function [expression x<y] to check if the 'Point | conditional' lies within the area of the circle. [we use the radius as an indicator of proximity this works because we chose the circle as the bounding box for the conditional statement]. The function checks which of the input values is greater and will will return a 'string' a 'true' or 'false' statement. 03 | Use the dispatch component in order to perform an operation in relation to the output of the x<y function. If the function returns the value 'True', extrude the circle or if the function returns the value 'False', create a planar surface. You can begin to nest conditionals by using multiple dispatchers. 04 | Use Conditionals which change the behavior of the 3D array:

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