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Name : Yogesh Mourya

Reg. No. : 22BCE10462

Interview Preparation for Junior Software Developer at Flipkart

This document contains a list of potential interview questions and answers for a Junior
Software Developer position at Flipkart. The questions cover both technical skills and soft
skills, reflecting the competencies required for the role.

Technical Questions

1. Explain the concept of a binary search tree. How would you implement it?
A binary search tree (BST) is a node-based binary tree data structure where each node has
at most two children, referred to as the left child and the right child. For every node, the left
subtree contains only nodes with keys less than the node’s key, and the right subtree
contains only nodes with keys greater than the node’s key. To implement it, you define a
node class with attributes for value, left child, and right child, and methods for insertion,
search, and deletion.

2. How would you optimize a database query that is running slow?

To optimize a slow database query, you can start by analyzing the query execution plan to
identify bottlenecks. Then, ensure proper indexing on the columns used in the WHERE
clause, avoid using SELECT *, optimize joins by indexing the joined columns, and consider
denormalizing data if necessary. In Flipkart’s context, efficient queries are crucial for
maintaining a smooth shopping experience.

3. What are RESTful web services and how do they work?

RESTful web services use HTTP requests to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete)
operations on resources. They follow a stateless, client-server, cacheable communications
protocol. Resources are identified by URIs, and interactions are based on standard HTTP
methods like GET, POST, PUT, DELETE. In Flipkart’s e-commerce platform, RESTful services
are likely used to manage products, user accounts, and transactions.

4. Describe the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture.

MVC is a software design pattern for developing web applications. It divides an application
into three interconnected components: Model (manages data and business logic), View
(handles the display of data), and Controller (receives user input and updates the model
and view accordingly). This separation helps manage complex applications and improves
scalability and maintainability. Flipkart's website might use MVC to handle user
interactions, display product listings, and process orders.

5. How do you handle errors and exceptions in your code?

To handle errors and exceptions, you should use try-catch blocks to catch exceptions and
handle them gracefully. Logging the errors, showing user-friendly error messages, and
ensuring the program can recover or fail gracefully are essential practices. In the context of
Flipkart, robust error handling ensures that users have a seamless experience even when
something goes wrong.

Soft Skill Questions

1. Describe a time when you worked in a team and faced a conflict. How did you resolve it?
In a college project, our team disagreed on the design approach. I facilitated a meeting
where each member presented their ideas, and we weighed the pros and cons together. By
encouraging open communication and focusing on our common goal, we reached a
consensus. At Flipkart, teamwork and conflict resolution are crucial for collaborative

2. How do you prioritize tasks when you have multiple deadlines?

I prioritize tasks based on urgency and importance, using tools like to-do lists and project
management software. I break down large tasks into smaller, manageable parts and set
milestones. Regularly reviewing and adjusting priorities helps me stay on track. At Flipkart,
managing deadlines effectively is key to meeting project timelines and delivering quality

3. Can you describe a situation where you had to learn something new quickly?
During an internship, I was tasked with using a new framework I hadn’t encountered
before. I dedicated time to study the documentation, followed tutorials, and applied my
learning to small projects. This approach helped me quickly become proficient. At Flipkart,
the ability to learn new technologies rapidly is essential due to the fast-paced tech

4. How do you handle feedback and criticism?

I view feedback and criticism as opportunities for growth. I listen carefully, ask for specific
examples, and reflect on the feedback to understand how I can improve. Implementing
constructive criticism has always helped me enhance my skills and performance. In a
dynamic workplace like Flipkart, being receptive to feedback is vital for continuous

5. What motivates you to work in the tech industry?

I am motivated by the constant evolution of technology and the opportunity to solve real-
world problems through innovative solutions. The impact of technology on improving
people's lives and driving business success excites me. At Flipkart, being part of a leading e-
commerce company that leverages cutting-edge technology to enhance customer
experiences aligns with my passion and career goals.

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