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• Babalao food storage container is a plastic container company, it was

founded by JUPSON MUNEMEH NGONGO in June 10 2011. It produces
plastic containers for food. Babalao food storage container is used to
hold food at room temperature, in the refrigerator, or in the freezer.
Plastic containers are also available in many sizes, shapes, and styles.
They are found in different degrees of sturdiness, from light weight
disposable containers to heavy duty rigid plastic container. They are
manufactured with clear, frosted, and colored plastic and most have
airtight lids. They work great for storing food in the refrigerator and
freezer, where the airtight lids prevent moisture loss. The airtight lids keep
foods, such as cookies, crackers, chips, and cereals from becoming stale
for a longer period of time when stored at room temperature. The Plastic
containers work well for all types of storage. They store well together and
can really help organize a storage area. They are available in so many
shapes and sizes that it is easy to find one to fit your special needs.

• . The Babalao food containers are sturdy enough to be easily stacked

on each other when storing food in the refrigerator, freezer, and in the
cupboard. Because of the plastic material, breakage is not as much
of a concern as it is with glass containers. This project report includes
the manufacturing of food container having average weight up to
200 grams using a single injection moulding machine. The project cost
may vary with the production capacity and as per the shape and
design of the output product.

• MEDIA OBJECTIVES: The media objectives of the Babalao food storage container company in Northern
Cyprus are to increase brand awareness, promote the benefits and features of their products, generate leads
and sales, and establish a strong brand presence in the market. The media plan will focus on reaching the
target audience effectively through various channels.

• TARGET AUDIENCE: The target audience for Babalao food storage container company includes
households, restaurants, cafes, catering businesses, and other food-related establishments in Northern
Cyprus. The primary target audience would be individuals who are responsible for food storage and
preservation, such as homemakers, chefs, and business owners.
• COMPETITORS: It is important to analyze competitors in the sector to understand their marketing
strategies and identify areas where the food storage container company can differentiate itself. Some
our potential
competitors in Northern Cyprus may include plasticos kyrenia, starplast, and local kitchenware stores offering
similar products.


• The key messages of the brand will revolve around the quality,
durability, functionality, and convenience of the food storage
containers. The messages will emphasize the importance of proper
food storage to maintain freshness, reduce waste, and promote a
healthy lifestyle. The brand will also highlight any unique features or
benefits that differentiate the products from competitors..


• The slogans for Babalao food container company will be “Keeping

your products fresh, always”. This emphasizes the hands free operation
of the product and reinforces the message of the marketing
campaigns. The slogans will be used in all marketing promotional
materials .

• Nielsen - Nielsen is a global measurement and data analytics company that

provides insights into consumer behavior, media consumption patterns, and
advertising effectiveness.
• Kantar Media - Kantar Media offers comprehensive media intelligence
services, including audience measurement, advertising expenditure data,
and media planning tools.
• The Cyprus Mail - A reputable English-language newspaper in Cyprus
providing news and information about various aspects of the country’s
economy, business, and society.
• Channels to Use:

• Print Media:

• Kıbrıs Newspaper: Place a 3-quarter page advertisement to reach a wide audience in

Northern Cyprus.
• Food-related magazines: Advertise in magazines targeting homemakers, chefs, and food
enthusiasts to reach the target audience effectively.
• Television:

• Local TV channels: Run commercials during prime time slots to create brand awareness
among a broad audience.
• Online Advertising:
• Social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram): Utilize targeted ads to reach specific demographics based
on interests, location, and behavior.
• Google Ads: Display banner ads on relevant websites and search engine results to capture potential
customers actively searching for food storage solutions.
• Influencer Marketing:

• Collaborate with food bloggers, chefs, or lifestyle influencers in Northern Cyprus to promote the brand and
its products through sponsored content, reviews, or giveaways.
• Public Relations:

• Press releases: Distribute press releases to local media outlets highlighting new product launches, innovative
features, or any significant company updates.
• Sponsorship: Support local food-related events, cooking competitions, or charity initiatives to enhance
brand visibility and goodwill.

• Timings: Consider the following important dates and timings while planning media

• National holidays and festive seasons when people are more likely to engage in
cooking and food preparation.
• Seasonal changes that may influence food storage needs (e.g., summer picnics,
winter holiday gatherings).
• Launch new product campaigns around key dates like World Food Day (October
16th) or Earth Day (April 22nd).
• Introduction
• In this media audit/analysis, we will examine a Babalao food container company, analyzing their brand, product, sales,
consumers/customers/donors, targets, mission, and values. Additionally, we will assess their current media strategy,
including advertising channels, target audience reach, strengths, weaknesses, and potential areas for improvement.

• Company Background
• Babalao Food Container Company is a leading provider of food storage and packaging solutions. They specialize in
manufacturing high-quality containers that ensure food safety and freshness. The company has been operating for over a
decade and has established a strong reputation in the industry.

• Brand and Product

• Babalao Food Container Company prides itself on its commitment to quality and innovation. Their brand represents
reliability, durability, and convenience in the food packaging sector. The company offers a wide range of products
including plastic containers, glass jars, aluminum foil wraps, and biodegradable packaging materials.

• Sales and Consumers

• Babalao Food Container Company caters to various segments within the food industry. Their clients include restaurants,
cafes, catering services, grocery stores, food manufacturers, and individual customers. With a diverse customer base, the
company enjoys steady sales throughout the year.. With a diverse customer base, the company enjoys steady sales
throughout the year.
• Mission and Values
• Babalao Food Container Company’s mission is to provide safe and reliable food storage solutions
while minimizing environmental impact. They prioritize sustainability by offering eco-friendly
packaging alternatives to reduce waste. The company values integrity, innovation, customer
satisfaction, and environmental responsibility.
• Strengths and Weaknesses
• Strengths
1. Established Reputa on: Babalao Food Container Company has a strong reputa on in the food packaging industry due to
their commitment to quality.
2. Diverse Product Range: The company offers a wide variety of containers catering to different customer needs.
3. Effec ve Adver sing Mix: By u lizing both tradi onal and digital adver sing channels, they maximize their reach to the
target audience.
• Weaknesses
1. Limited Sustainability Focus: While Babalao Food Container Company offers some eco-friendly packaging op ons, there
is poten al for further emphasis on sustainability.
2. Narrow Environmental Messaging: The company could enhance their communica on regarding the environmental
benefits of their products to a ract more environmentally conscious customers.
3. Limited Social Media Engagement: Although they maintain an ac ve presence on social media pla orms, there is room
for improvement in terms of engaging with their audience more effec vely.

• Recommendations for Improvement
• Enhanced Sustainability Efforts: Babalao Food Container Company should invest in
research and development to expand their range of sustainable packaging options.
This would appeal to environmentally conscious customers and align with their
mission and values.
• Strengthen Environmental Messaging: Babalao food container company will
emphasize the environmental benefits of their products in their marketing materials,
highlighting their commitment to reducing waste and promoting eco-friendly
• Improved Social Media Engagement: Babalao Food Container Company should
enhance their social media strategy by actively engaging with customers,
responding to inquiries, and sharing user-generated content. This would foster a
sense of community and strengthen brand loyalty.






RADIO 25,000 TRY


TOTAL 165,000 TRY

• In conclusion, Babalao Food Container Company has a strong media strategy that
effectively reaches its target audience within the food industry. However, there are
areas where they can improve, such as expanding
sustainability efforts, strengthening environmental messaging, and
enhancing social media engagement

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