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Heavy Metals Clean Up: The Application of Fungi

for Biosorption

Imlitoshi Jamir, Lipenthung Y. Ezung, Liyani Merry, Leimapokpam Tikendra,

Rajkumari Sanayaima Devi & Potshangbam Nongdam

To cite this article: Imlitoshi Jamir, Lipenthung Y. Ezung, Liyani Merry, Leimapokpam Tikendra,
Rajkumari Sanayaima Devi & Potshangbam Nongdam (2024) Heavy Metals Clean Up:
The Application of Fungi for Biosorption, Geomicrobiology Journal, 41:3, 201-212, DOI:

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/01490451.2024.2307899

Published online: 30 Jan 2024.

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Geomicrobiology Journal
2024, VOL. 41, NO. 3, 201–212

Heavy Metals Clean Up: The Application of Fungi for Biosorption

Imlitoshi Jamira, Lipenthung Y. Ezunga, Liyani Merrya, Leimapokpam Tikendrab, Rajkumari Sanayaima Devic,
and Potshangbam Nongdamb
Department of Biotechnology, Nagaland University, Dimapur, Nagaland, India; bDepartment of Biotechnology, Manipur University, Canchipur,

Manipur, India; cDepartment of Botany, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College, University of Delhi, New Delhi, India


Heavy metals are quickly becoming a primary environmental pollution concern. Though they can Received 27 October 2023
be considered rare and scarce compared to their other metal counterparts, they have a wide range Accepted 17 January 2024
of implications in the modern world. Heavy metals accumulate in our soil, water, and food chain KEYWORDS
with the rapid anthropogenic release in the ever-growing populace. These accumulations have Pollution; fungi; heavy metals;
adverse consequences on human health, with severe medical complications. Fungi belong to a biosorption; bioaccumulation
biological group considered the natural sink and the scavengers that degrade the living hydrocarbon.
They are known to thrive in adverse conditions, including tolerance to heavy metals. The organisms
offer unique advantages due to their morbid nature and the cellular construct they have grown
over years of evolution. Various structural and biological mechanisms are ascribed to their survival
in a heavy metal environment. As most of the known metal-sequestering fungi belong to yeast and
filamentous fungi, in this review, we attempted to analyze the metal-harnessing capacity of these
fungal groups.

Introduction and animal health. It is necessary to eliminate them from

the contaminated habitats to ensure a safer and pollution-free
Heavy metals, as the name indicates, are elements that have
environment. There are numerous approaches and efforts for
a higher density than water. They have a relatively high
heavy metal removal from the environment. Some costly
atomic mass with a density ranging from at least 3.5 g/cm3
efforts to remove heavy metals from wastewater include
to more than 6 g/cm (Tchounwou et al. 2012). Although
using different approaches like chemical precipitation, floc-
heavy as it sounds, the group comprises a broad range of
culation, filtration, and electrochemical methods (Qasem
disparate elements and toxic compounds that living cells
et al. 2021).
cannot usually process (Duffus 2002). Heavy metals are
non-biodegradable, and their accumulation has become a Biosorption appears to provide an appealing alternative
worldwide problem affecting human health and the environ- for heavy metal removal and processing. To this end, several
ment (Qasem et al. 2021; Zou et al. 2016). They are released plants, animals, and microbial biomass have been studied for
due to anthropogenic activities such as mining, petrochemi- potential biosorbents for heavy metals and various sorbate
cal plants, metallurgical, paper and tanning industries, and substances (Volesky 1994). Though each biomass can have
industrial waste from oil refineries and coal-employed power advantages, microbial biomass provides a strong potential for
stations (Qasem et al. 2021). Livestock manure, contami- metal removal. Using fungi as biosorbents can have certain
nated food, volcanic eruptions, and other natural phenom- benefits as they can consume diverse nutrients and acquire
ena like erosion and weathering also help produce heavy unique metabolic processes that can utilize toxic waste prod-
metals (Verma and Sharma 2017). Over the years, anthropo- ucts and organic compounds as their nutrients. Some fungi
genic and natural releases have led to the accumulation of degrade recalcitrant compounds outside by secreting special-
heavy metals in dangerous quantities, especially in water ized enzymes and later absorbing them inside the cells as
bodies. Heavy metals can also be found naturally in the nutrients (Kapoor and Viraraghavan 1995). They can also
environment as trace elements. Few heavy metals are essen- survive in diverse habitats unsuitable for other eukaryotes
tial nutrients required in trace amounts in the human body. (Selbmann et al. 2013). Moreover, high biomass yield can be
Having critical biological roles, they are present as crucial generated quickly as growing fungi is simple. The easy avail-
co-factors for metalloenzymes and as constituents of hor- ability of biomass as raw material for heavy metal biosorp-
mones and proteins (Mehri 2020). Still, most elements, even tion, primarily as a cheap byproduct of industrial
in trace amounts, are dangerous to the body. The toxic fermentation, makes fungi one of the most attractive candi-
nature of heavy metals poses an inherent danger to human dates for commercial biosorbent development (Kanamarlapudi

CONTACT Potshangbam Nongdam nongpuren@gmail.com Department of Biotechnology, Manipur University, Canchipur, Imphal - 795003, Manipur, India.
© 2024 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

et al. 2018). The present review delves into the potential uti- the maximum allowed limits (M.A.L.) in different fishes,
lization of various fungi as biosorbents for removing toxic acting as the primary source of exposure for Pb in some
heavy metals and identifies avenues for future research and coastal regions (Rubio et al. 2005). They are also the chief
application. exposure source and a health concern for Hg in humans
It provides in-depth insights into the tolerance and (Falcó et al. 2006). In the water, Hg is methylated into meth-
absorption capacities of different fungi and also attempts to ylmercury (MeHg) either by photomethylation or microbes
address the challenges in fungal bioremediation, including in the sediments. MeHg can bioaccumulate and magnify
lack of suitable fungal species, gaps in understanding bio- through the food chain, where the higher tropic level of fish
sorption mechanisms, and difficulty in translating laboratory has a higher concentration of MeHg. It collects in the fish
findings to real-world applications. Overall, the paper will muscle, and consuming mercury-laden fish has resulted in
serve as a valuable resource for many researchers interested brain damage, impaired hearing, blurred vision, and neuro-
in harnessing the potential of fungi for sustainable heavy logical disorders (Bosch et al. 2016). A consolidated source
metal remediation. of pollution and hazards to human health of the five most
commonly exposed heavy metals is given in Table 1.
Various plants, including agricultural and wild varieties,
Potential hazards of heavy metals have exhibited diverse responses to exposure to heavy metals,
ranging from deficits in stomatal conductance to photosyn-
There are numerous hazards of heavy metals in human
thetic deficiencies (Bibi and Hussain 2005; Srivastava et al.
health and the environment. Metalloids, which have a
2012). Cd toxicity in plants damages the ion channels and
half-life longer than the average life span of humans, remain
affects photosynthesis, leading to browning of roots and plant
present permanently within the body when there is exposure death. Pb accumulation and its reaction can cause water
to them (Ashrafizadeh et al. 2020). Heavy metals and their imbalance and disruption in plant nutrient uptake (Mishra
ions interact with different cellular components, nucleic acid, et al. 2019). Heavy metal accumulation, especially in aquatic
and proteins, resulting in cellular damage, cell death, and plants like rice, can disrupt the growth and yield of the plant
carcinogenesis (Beyersmann and Hartwig 2008; Wang and (Uddin et al. 2021). Besides affecting the plants, most of the
Shi 2001). Arsenic (As), lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), nickel heavy metal contaminants that remain within the plant in the
(Ni), chromium (Cr), mercury (Hg), copper (Cu), and zinc food chain get tropically transferred to the human body,
(Zn) are some heavy metals most abundantly exposed to resulting in serious health issues (Ali and Khan 2018).
humans. These elements are most related to toxicity in
human health, affecting various organs and systems, even
with low exposure (Qasem et al. 2021; Verma and Sharma
2017). Arsenic, for years, has been commonly used as a pes- Biosorption as a method of bioremediation
ticide or herbicide and is prominently present in groundwa- Bioremediation involves using biological materials, either liv-
ter. It is classified as a potential human carcinogen affecting ing or dead, to remove pollutants. There are many
many organs upon long-term exposure (Nurchi et al. 2020). physio-chemical methods by which heavy metals can be sep-
Prolonged exposure to As has also been shown to cause arated and removed within the polluted environment, like
neuropathy and cardiovascular disease (Bjørklund et al. precipitation, coagulation, ion exchange, complexation,
2020). Cadmium is classified as a Class B1 carcinogen by osmosis, and solvent extraction (Gadd 2009). Different strat-
the Environmental Protection Agency. Its continued expo- egies involving various organisms and methods are being
sure generates reactive oxygen species (R.O.S.), leading to utilized for bioremediation. Some common procedures cur-
tissue and renal injuries and osteoporosis. Epigenetic changes rently being used are indicated in Figure 1. Many species of
in the DNA expression profile may also occur due to Cd microbes, plants, algae, and biosolids that can absorb, accu-
exposure (Bernhoft 2013). Though the molecular mechanism mulate, and degrade heavy metals within their surroundings
of heavy metals like As, Cd, Cr, Pb, and Hg inducing cancer are applied for bioremediation strategies (Kanamarlapudi
is accurately not known, most of these elements are classi- et al. 2018).
fied as human carcinogens based on various epidemiological Biosorption is described as a process of removing metal
studies and further corroboration by experimental studies on ions, radionuclides, and other elements from a waste envi-
animals (Tchounwou et al. 2012). ronment using biomass. It is a physio-chemical process
There is a profound effect of heavy metals overexposure involving different biological entities and their potential to
in the environment as these elements persist and biomagnify absorb or adsorb various contaminating substances for
in the environment (Barwick and Maher 2003). Numerous removal (Mrvčić et al. 2012). Biomass, like biological sub-
pieces of evidence of contamination in water affecting strate, cell mass, and products, naturally behaves as an
aquatic life and plants have been reported over the years absorbent, accumulating varieties of metals and organics. It
(Rezania et al. 2016; Zhang et al. 2022). Fishes in freshwater can be derived from plants, bacteria, fungi, and algae and
and marine environments are widely reported to bioaccumu- can be used in either active or dead form, fixed or free, but
late heavy metals in the food chain. With the amount of fish all can naturally behave as absorbent (Fomina and
being consumed globally, the accumulated heavy metal poses Gadd 2014).
a considerable health concern for consumers (Ali and Khan The biosorption mechanism is based on the process of
2018). Cd, As, Pb, and Hg are all in concentrations above “sorption,” which is uniformly used for two different
Geomicrobiology Journal 203

Table 1. 5 Non-essential toxic heavy metals that are most habitually exposed to public health.
Sl.no. Toxic heavy metal Potential human diseases and injuries Main source of pollution References
1 Lead • gastrointestinal • Metal Plating Balali-Mood et al. 2021; Jaishankar
• disease • industries et al. 2014
• kidney damage • Smelting of ores
• CNS injury leading to • Fertilizer and
• headache, memory • pesticide industries
• loss and dullness • Battery industry
• liver damage • Automobiles
• hematologic disorder • exhaust
• -cancer(probable) • Paint and ceramics
• -Munition industry
2 Arsenic • cardiovascular • Mining and Jaishankar et al. 2014; Smith, Lingas,
• disease • processing industry and Rahman 2000; Yedjou, Moore,
• diabetes • Groundwater and Tchounwou 2006; Bjørklund et al.
• skin lesion (keratosis) • contamination 2020
• neuronal injury • by mineral deposit
• hematologic disorder • Pesticides and
• cancer of the bladder, • fertilizer
• kidneys and skin • Paint and ceramic
• industry
3 Chromium • renal damage • Metal processing Pavesi and Moreira 2020; Tchounwou
• dermatitis • Fertilizer industry et al. 2012; Deng et al. 2019
• cancer of the • Chemical and paper
• respiratory tract, • industry
• larynx and other • -Leather tanning
• organs
4 Cadmium • lung damage • Cigarette Li et al. 2019; Chen et al. 2019b; Paschal
• liver injuries • Battery and alloy et al. 2000
• renal disease • Mining and smelting
• cardiovascular • industries
• disease • -Fertilizers industry
• - osteoporosis
5 Mercury • neuronal toxicity • Metal smelting Tchounwou et al. 2003; Jaishankar et al.
• renal Injury and • industry 2014; Chen et al. 2019a; Li et al.
• disease • Electrical and 2015
• liver Injury • electronic industry
• cardiomyopathies • Gold mining
• respiratory problems • Soil erosion and
• gastrointestinal • volcanoes
• toxicity • Dental care and
• preventive medicine

phenomena of absorption and adsorption. Absorption is the and Gadd 2014). Numerous biological materials can be
uptake of a substance (absorbate) by another substance employed as biosorbents as biological materials naturally
(absorbent) of a different state and is a bulk phenomenon. tend to adhere with high affinity to organic and inorganic
Adsorption, by contrast, is a surface phenomenon where compounds present as contaminants (Volesky 2007). Animals,
molecules of a substance (adsorbate) get adhered or bonded plants, and microbial biomass have been studied for poten-
onto the surface of a solid (adsorbent) (Fomina and Gadd tial biosorbents to various sorbate substances (Volesky 1994).
2014). Many physio-chemical mechanisms are involved in Some of the materials commonly employed as bioabsorbents
the process, namely surface affinity, ligand binding, precipi- are represented in Figure 2. Most works have indicated a
tation, accumulation, ion exchange, passive uptake, and general preference for non-living cells over living cells as
complexation, which can co-occur (Gadd 1994). In general, biosorbents. The preference for non-living cells is most likely
there are two ways for a cell to capture sorbate metals: because living cells require optimal parameters, including
metabolism-dependent (active metal transport), an media, temperature, and pH. Moreover, waste material tends
energy-driven process involving the transportation through to be toxic to living cells over long exposure (Modak and
the cell membrane, and metabolism-independent (passive Natarajan 1995; Vijayaraghavan and Yun 2008).
metal transport), which includes reversible passive transport Nonetheless, heavy metal accumulation, adhesion, com-
like adsorption, ion exchange, affinity and precipitation (Saǧ plexation, and transformation under the influence of meta-
2001). Biosorption is more frequently referred to as those bolic processes in living cells that can ensure better removal
metabolic-independent surface sorption processes mainly also cannot be ruled out (Malik 2004). There can be thou-
involving dead biomass (Michalak et al. 2013). sands of biomass that can serve as potential biosorbents.
Much of such biomass has been evaluated in microbial cells
and its derivatives that have metal-sequestering properties.
Biosorbents and biosorbates
Microbes belonging to families of bacteria, cyanobacteria,
Many biosorbents are being uncovered, from the simplest fungi, and algae have all been employed as biosorbent mate-
microbes to the more complex higher eukaryotes (Fomina rials. Agricultural waste like bran, straw and hulls, industrial

Figure 1. Common strategies of bioremediation.

(Fomina and Gadd 2014). Biosorbates include a wide range

of elements and compounds that can be eliminated from the
waste environment. It includes organic compounds like dyes,
phthalates, micro-plastics, and pharmaceutically generated
chemicals (Volesky 2007). Other sorbates that can be
removed from wastewater include metalloids, fluoride, and
xenobiotics (Crini and Badot 2008; Michalak et al. 2013).
Heavy metals and radioisotope removal have also been
extensively investigated as these elements are major contam-
inants in the modern world (Dhankhar and Hooda 2011;
Gadd 2009).

Figure 2. Commonly used materials as biosorbents. Fungi, the enigmatic cell

Many fungi are scavengers that can survive in diverse sur-
roundings and are found in those habitations that might be
considered adverse environments for other eukaryotes. They
are lower eukaryotes with varied cellular morphology, phys-
iology, and a diverse range of survivability (Walker and
White 2017). Fungi have the remarkable ability to utilize
waste products and toxic compounds for their nutrition,
effectively turning compounds considered toxic for other
eukaryotic cells into their dietary sources. Fungi range from
simple unicellular organisms like Saccharomyces cerevisiae,
the baker’s yeast, to large edible mushrooms. One unique
characteristic of a fungal cell is the carbohydrate component
of the cell wall. While their cell wall components and
Figure 3. Diverse metal binding groups present in the cell wall polymers of
fungi (ImH: Imidazole; S.H.: sulfhydryl; OH: Hydroxyl; C.O.O.H.: carboxyl group; arrangement distinguish them from prokaryotes and higher
NH2: Amino group; R.C.O.O.R.: ester; PO4 3- : Phosphate; C = O: Carbonyl group). eukaryotes, the composition of polysaccharides and proteins
in fungal cell walls varies among different fungal species.
The polysaccharides comprise approximately 80% of the
waste sludges, and seaweeds have been assessed for prepar- fungal cell wall dry weight, primarily containing chitin, chi-
ing biosorbents (Michalak et al. 2013; Park et al. 2010). tosan, α/β glucans, and mannose (Latgé 2007). In the model
Some criteria that generally determine the choice of biosor- yeast S. cerevisiae, the composition of chitin is lower, about
bents include having maximum biosorption capacity for any 1-2%, while the majority of the carbohydrate component is
targeted elements, low cost, rapid growth, and abundantly made up of β [1→3]‐glucan, β [1→6]‐glucan, and mannose
availability like byproducts of industrial fermentation (Zlotnik et al. 1984). In filamentous fungi like Neurospora
Geomicrobiology Journal 205

crassa and Aspergillus fumigatus, a higher chitin composi- and molecular mechanism of eukaryotic cell interactions
tion of about 7-15% was reported (Brown et al. 2020; with heavy metals (Bahafid et al. 2017). Ram et al. (2012)
Garcia-Rubio et al. 2019). The fungal cell wall composition reported that yeast, compared to bacteria, fungi, and microal-
is of utmost importance in biosorption since it is a surface gae, has superior biosorbent capability in removing heavy
phenomenon that depends on the cell surface, especially the metal ions because of their high growth rate and cell wall
cell wall. Fungal cell wall polymers have functional groups structures. This might be because of the electrostatic inter-
like hydroxyl, carboxyl, amino, sulfhydryl, ester, carbonyl, actions between the metal ions and the cell surface of the
phosphate, and imidazole, which bind to metal ions yeast, which is negatively charged due to phosphates and
(Dhankhar and Hooda 2011) (Figure 3). Such metal ions carboxyl groups (Kordialik-Bogacka 2011). Several yeast spe-
binding to the cell wall tend to restrict the entry of toxic cies are known for their capacity to sequester heavy metals
metals into the cell (Naveena and Latha 2012). In addition and have been successfully employed to remove metals such
to cell surface sorption, various factors play a crucial role as Zn, Pb, Cd, Co, Cr, Ag, and U (Podgorskiĭ et al. 2003).
in the overall adaptation of fungal cells to polluted environ- Prominent genera, including Saccharomyces, Candida, and
ments. These processes may include mechanisms such as Pichia, are recognized for their ability to adsorb and accu-
complexation, ion exchange, and chelation, which can occur mulate heavy metals.
independently of cellular metabolism, both inside and out-
side the cell. There are also metabolic-dependent processes,
such as intracellular accumulation, precipitation, sequestra- Saccharomyces cerevisiae
tion, and biodegradation which involve a range of enzymes Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been extensively studied among
like laccase, catalase, and peroxidases, which actively break the yeast family and boasts a long and illustrious history of
down the chemicals to detoxify them or are secreted out- being employed as a model eukaryotic organism. It has been
side the cell in response to toxicity (Negi and Das, 2023) employed for different molecular studies, including the
This potential for metal binding and adsorption by fungi is molecular mechanism of metal accumulation and release
being continuously studied, which is well enforced by the find- (Perego and Howell 1997). Some characteristics that make S.
ing that metal binding is equally efficient in both dead and cerevisiae an ideal organism are its simple unicellular eukary-
living cell walls in fungi (Lu et al. 2020). Moreover, from an otic nature, nontoxic, easy to handle, fast harvesting growth,
economic view, fungal biomass is abundant, cheap, and easy to and no sophisticated equipment or media requirement
obtain, and lots of fermentation industry generates fungal bio- (Perego and Howell 1997). This genetically easy-to-manipu-
mass without posing any environmental risk (Kapoor and late organism is the first eukaryote with a complete deletion
Viraraghavan 1995; Volesky and May-Phillips 1995). mutants collection available, which has been used in differ-
ent screens and assays, and also the first eukaryote with a
complete genome sequence (Giaever and Nislow 2014).
Fungal heavy metal biosorption Many studies on metal uptake and accumulation, whether in
wild type or mutated S. cerevisiae, have provided knowledge
Microbes such as bacteria, filamentous fungi, yeast, and
to understand better the molecular mechanism of biosorp-
algae can tolerate the presence of concentrated heavy metals.
tion in fungi (Eide 1998). Given the easy availability of S.
The cells can behave as an absorbent with the potent capac-
cerevisiae as a model organism, the organism has been
ity to accumulate heavy metals from the environment
extensively utilized in various biosorption studies. The sorp-
(Coelho et al. 2020a). High metal recoveries are active in
tion capacity of S. cerevisiae has been investigated in its var-
environments where the biodiversity of microbial interac-
ious forms: living or dead cells, immobilized or free cells,
tions is diverse and rich. To this end, fungal cells rank high
raw or pretreated cells, engineered or non-engineered, wild
in environmental metal accumulation. Fungal species are
type, or mutant cells. This has provided a better understand-
known to absorb and accumulate heavy metals efficiently.
ing of the heavy metal sequestration by this model cell and
Over the years, studies have shown that notable fungal spe-
overall insight into biosorption (Marques et al. 1999; Veglio
cies like S.cerevisiae, Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus tamarii,
and Beolchini 1997; Wang and Chen 2006).
and Trichoderma atroviride have the natural capacity to
Studies on living S. cerevisiae have shown Cu sequestra-
absorb copper, lead, nickel, iron, cobalt, arsenic, cadmium,
tion in a range of about 0.163 mmol Cu/g cells, indicating a
and chromium (Dusengemungu et al. 2020; López and
possible copper-binding mechanism in the biomass (Volesky
Vázquez 2003; Saad et al. 2019). Fungi such as Penicillium
and May-Phillips 1995). The more recent commercially avail-
simplicissimum possess a high copper absorption intake and
able biomass of S. cerevisiae showed an efficient sorption
tolerate cobalt, chromium, and cadmium (Iskandar et al.
capacity to toxic Cu (II) metal ions in a range of about
2011). Most studies on fungal biosorption of heavy metals
4.73 mg g −1 (Nascimento et al. 2019). The biosorption capac-
may be classified under two common fungal groups: yeast
ity for Pb (lead) in both immobilized and free cells ranged
and filamentous fungi.
around 40- 80 mg Pb/g (Al-Saraj et al. 1999); for Cd (cad-
mium), the range is between 10-60 mg Cd/g approximately
(Wang and Chen 2009). With Pb and Cd metal sequestra-
tion, the dead cell showed a higher biosorption capacity of
Yeast, the unicellular fungi, belongs to Ascomycota. It is a about 270 mg Pb/g for Pb (Özer and Özer 2003) and about
suitable model organism for understanding the physiological 70 mg Cd/g for Cd (Volesky, May, and Holan 1993). Efficient

biosorption of both Pb (II) and Cd (II) ions had also been presence of tubular hyphae, which undergo myriad extensions
achieved by using functionalized S. cerevisiae cells with depending on the phylum (Harris 2019). Due to their versa-
CaCO3, showing a marked increase in uptake potential as tile nature, filamentous fungi have been used as cell factories
compared to the pristine cells, indicating that functionalized to produce enzymes, antibiotics, and various materials that
cells could be a promising alternative for heavy metal removal can be utilized as alternatives to plastic. They are known to
(Ma et al. 2015). The biosorption capacity of living cells for degrade organic compounds naturally and produce secondary
As was reported at 62 µg/g (Wu et al. 2012), while that for metabolites, which can be used in various applications, includ-
other heavy metals was recorded at 30 mg Zn/g, 64 mg Hg/g, ing as anti-microbials (Wösten 2019). Like most fungal fami-
5.5 mg Cr/g and 8 mg Ni/g (Al-Saraj et al. 1999; Özer and lies, filamentous fungi are cheap to grow, abundant, and
Özer 2003; Rapoport and Muter 1995; Rossi et al. 2018). environmentally friendly and have a mesh mycelium network,
Radionuclides uranium (U) can be removed efficiently by S. providing larger mass and surface retention areas
cerevisiae with biosorption capacity for U showing between (Dusengemungu et al. 2020). In Neurospora crassa, a common
150 and 300 mg U/g dry weight biomass in free-living cells filamentous fungus, a study on its heavy metals biosorption
(Chen et al. 2020; Volesky and May-Phillips 1995; Zhang and removal potential showed that accumulation and removal
et al. 2020). Overall, S. cerevisiae cells showed high affinity were achieved by a combined action of binding to the myce-
and efficient uptake of heavy metals like Pb, U, Hg, and Cd. lial cell wall and proteins involved in accumulation and efflux
The metal sequestering ability of S. cerevisiae has been uti- (Naveena and Latha 2012). Among the filamentous fungi,
lized in the application of cleaning industrial effluents (Ruta Aspergillus spp., Trichoderma spp., Rhizopus spp., and
et al. 2010) and in the food industry (Massoud et al. 2019). Penicillium spp., have been extensively studied.

Candida spp Aspergillus spp

Candida is a genus of the yeast family, and many of the spe- Aspergillus is a ubiquitous filamentous fungal genus with
cies within the genus are pathogenic. It is the most common several industrial applications and heavy metal-binding
cause of fungal infection in the human body. Candida species capacity as biosorbent tools (Bapat et al. 2003; Wang and
have been widely studied and are popular microbes for heavy Chen 2009). It is one of the most extensively investigated
metal removal (Luk et al. 2017). Luna et al. (2016) showed organisms with various applications as a bioleaching agent in
that the presence of anionic biosurfactant in the cell wall of the mining industry due to organic acid production.
Candida sphaerica could be precipitated and used for efficient Aspergillus spp. also have a good biosorption ability for Pb
extraction of heavy metals like Fe, Zn, and Pb. In a study to (30-35 mg/g) and Cu (25 mg/g) (Dursun, 2006; Wang and
assess the heavy metal uptake of Ni and Cu by Candida bio- Chen 2009). Further, studies carried out by Kapoor et al.
mass in wastewater, Mersin & Açıkel (2021) showed that all (1999), Iskandar et al. (2011), Acosta-Rodríguez et al. (2018),
tested species Candida membranaefaciens, Candida utilis, and Zhen et al. (2021) have shown the biosorption capacity
Candida tropicalis, and Candida lipolytica have the potential of Aspergillus niger for the removal of Cu, Pb, Cd, Zn, Co
for metal removal with C. lipolytica showing the highest effi- and Hg ions. Aspergillus oryzae, another member of the gen-
ciency among the species. A study by Yin et al. (2008) has era, has been employed to remove Cu, Zn, and Cd (Vianna
shown that Cr and Ni ions were removed by combining two et al. 2000). Scleriotial A. oryzae cells displayed an increased
yeast species of C. tropicalis and C. lipolytica. The efficiency functional group in the sclerotia, which increased the bio-
of removing heavy metals by the fused yeast was about 80% sorption capacity of the species to Cu ions in solution (Long
for Cr and 64% for Ni after 30 minutes. Rehman et al. (2010) et al. 2017). Significant potential for biosorption and removal
have described the multiple metal tolerance capacity of C. of uranium by Aspergillus fumigatus has also been reported
tropicalis. It could adsorb 70-90% of the Cd ions from the (Bhainsa and D’Souza 1999), though further works need to
medium, depending on the length of the incubation. The be conducted for more validation. Aspergillus tamarii can
common species of Candida albicans exhibited biosorption of recover heavy metals with adsorption capacity in the follow-
multiple heavy metals with varying efficiency, Cr with 76% ing order Cu, Pd, Co, Ni, and Cr (Saad et al. 2019).
was the highest, followed by Pb (57%), Cd (46%), As (40%), Aspergillus transmontanensis isolated along with Cladosporium
Co (37%), and Hg (36%) (Rodríguez et al. 2017). In a study cladosporioides, and Geotrichum candidum from high Cu and
to analyze the performance of free and immobilized Candida Co contaminated mining soil was able to reduce significantly
krusei, Luk et al. (2017) showed that both free and calcium the concentration of Cu, Co, Zn, Fe, Mn, and Pb from soil
alginate immobilized C. krusei have good biosorption capacity (Dusengemungu et al. 2022). A practical application of tex-
for Cu. They further demonstrated that encapsulating the cell tile wastewater treatment was executed at Kıvanç Textile,
with calcium alginate provides an advantage as it can address Turkey, employing an ultrafiltration membrane derived from
the clogging problem, which is a constant operational prob- Aspergillus carbonarius. The results were remarkable, with a
lem in waste treatment. 91% decolorization of the wastewater and achievement of a
substantial 72.3% reduction in COD (Chemical Oxygen
Demand). Significantly, the process demonstrated repeatabil-
Filamentous fungi
ity with successful multiple reused of the ultrafiltration
Filamentous fungi are hyphae-producing macroscopic organ- membrane, underscoring the membrane’s viability for
isms. The most defining feature of filamentous fungi is the real-world applications (Isik et al., 2019).
Geomicrobiology Journal 207

Trichoderma spp showing higher metal binding capacity than other represen-
Trichoderma spp. are filamentous ascomycetes. They are tative filamentous fungi (Iskandar et al. 2011; Mohammadian
commercially exploited as important biocontrol agents for et al. 2017).
plant pathogenic fungi and growth-stimulating properties
(Howell 2003). Trichoderma atroviride, a model species,
shows high tolerance and uptake of heavy metals. The spe- Other fungi
cies has been reported to be isolated from an industrial Rhizopus arrhizus has demonstrated a significant affinity for
sludge in a study showing tolerance to Cu, Zn, and Cd metal uptake, showing biosorption of heavy metals such as
(López and Vázquez 2003). A similar investigation on T. Cu (Preetha and Viruthagiri 2007), Pb (Naja et al. 2005), as
atroviride obtained from Cu-polluted water also revealed well as Ni and Cr (Bhattachayya et al. 2002). Mushrooms are
high Cu adsorption in the range of 0.8 to 11.2 mg Cu/g, sug- fungi extensively studied for its potential for metal uptake.
gesting the biosorption potential of the cell (Yazdani et al. Mushrooms are macrofungi considered a dietary delight
2010). Singh et al. (2010) showed that Trichoderma viride with vast consumption as a nutritious food source. The
could serve as a potential cost-effective biosorbent for mycelium, stalk, and other body parts display considerable
removing metal ions of Cu, Cd, and Pb. Trichoderma virens, metal uptake potential. One of the most popular mush-
another species, also displayed heavy metal tolerance to Pb, rooms, Pleurotus, commonly known as oyster mushrooms,
Cd, Cu, As, and Zn (Babu et al. 2014). Uranium recovery when grown in the vicinity of the smelting area, showed an
and removal by Trichoderma harzianum have been exam- accumulation of heavy metals thousand times more than
ined, showing good recovery. However, similar to Aspergillus those in any uncontaminated natural area (Kapahi and
spp., more work needs to be done to validate its true poten- Sachdeva 2017). High Cd, Co, Cu, and Hg uptake has been
tial as a useful biosorbent (Akhtar et al. 2007; 2009). A reported in a few Pleurotus spp. (Brunnert and Zadražil
recent study has demonstrated that Trichoderma brevicom- 1983; Purkayastha et al. 1994). Dulay et al. (2015), while
pactum isolated from the gut of earthworms, is a promising studying the lead myco-accumulation in five different
candidate for heavy metal remediation, with a very high tol- Pleurotus spp. observed that the accumulation was maxi-
erance to Pb (Zhang et al. 2020). Trichoderma ghanense iso- mum in the third flush of fructification, indicating that the
lated from gold and gemstone mines exhibited tolerance to mycelia gather metals over time, with each fruitification dis-
Cu, Pb, Fe, and As, confirming the existence of fungal spe- playing more metal content than the previous. The metal
cies in mine tailings soils and the biosorption capacity of T. distribution within the fungal mycelium was mainly uneven,
ghanense for other heavy metals (Oladipo et al. 2018) though the pileus contained more metals than the remaining
body (Oyetayo et al. 2012). Pleurotus ostreatus has been
Penicillium spp shown to have potential uses as a biosorbent for radionu-
Penicillium spp. are diverse group of fungi found in different clides uranium. Its biosorbent capacity was found to be
environments, commonly in soils, air, and food. The group about 19.9 mg/g under experimental conditions (Zhao et al.
contains many species that can remove a wide variety of 2016). The mechanism for the uptake of metals can be var-
heavy metals. Penicillium chrysogenum has been the most ied, but chemisorption and ion exchange have been the two
extensively studied species in the Penicillium genus. The most common mechanisms of metal biosorption in Pleurotus
genome sequence of P. chrysogenum is available, which has spp. (Joo et al. 2011; Kapahi and Sachdeva 2017). Fibroporia
enabled lots of fundamental and application studies to be radiculosa, a brown rot fungus grown on treated wood is
carried out on the species (Berg 2011). It displayed a varied known to increase the production of oxalate, which in turn
level of biosorption capacity of most heavy metals, with the can accumulate toxic levels of Cu from the environment as
highest capacity in Pb (116 mg/g), Cu (92 gm/g), Cd copper oxalate crystals (Akgul and Akgul 2018). A summary
(56 mg/g), and Zn (13 mg/g) (Deng and Ting 2005; Niu of some commonly studied fungi for removing 5 systemic
et al. 1993; Wang and Chen 2009). The efficiency of remov- toxicants (Pb, Cd, Cr, As, and Hg) is given in Table 2.
ing heavy metals by P. chrysogenum has been tested in
wastewater filters. The fungal-based sand filters (FSF) gener-
Factors for sustaining the efficiency of fungal
ated using P. chrysogenum showed enhanced removal of Cu
and Fe (Bello et al. 2021). P. chrysogenum and Penicillium
janthinellum have been investigated as potential biosorbents Many factors influence the capacity of the cell undergoing
for eliminating uranium and thorium (Kapoor and biosorption. Depending on the nature of the requirement, a
Viraraghavan 1995). P. chrysogenum isolated from refuse well-balanced investment of both chemical and physical
dumpsite soil showed high lead removal of 1.07 ppm, parameters might ensure sustained efficiency. The process
3.35 ppm, and 4.19 ppm at 5th, 10th, and 15th day respectively, parameters include the chemical and physical properties of
indicating the heavy metal removal capacity for both soil as absorbates, the nature of the sorbents, surface areas, reten-
well as water pollutants (Bala et al. 2020). More recently, the tion time, concentration (metals and biomass), temperature,
dead biomass of Penicillium piscarium has been shown to and pH (Singleton and Simmons 1996). Studies have revealed
remove uranium from contaminated water efficiently (Coelho that the efficiency of silver removal by Saccharomyces cerevi-
et al. 2020b). Penicillium simplicissimum also exhibited prom- siae biomass is the highest in the inert stage. The same
ising biosorption capacity to Cd, Cu, Co, Ni, and Cr, study reported decreased biosorption with increasing

Table 2. Summary of potential fungi with their removal capacity for the 5 sys- limited availability of fungal species suitable for use as bio-
temic toxicants (Pb, Cd, Cr, As, and Hg). sorbents, in stark contrast to the broader spectrum offered
Reported by plants and algae. Furthermore, while the metal removal
heavy Biosorption
metal capacity (mg/g) capacity of various fungal-metal interactions is well recog-
Sl.no Fungi species removal or % removal References nized, limited comprehensive information on the underlying
1 Saccharomyces Pb, Cd, Pb: 40-80 mg/g Dong et al. 2023; mechanisms, equilibrium dynamics, and kinetics of sorption
cerevisiae Cr, As, Cd: 10-60 mg/g Wang and Chen, 2009; and desorption hampers the full realization of biosorption
Hg Cr: 5.5 mg/g Al-Saraj et al. 1999;
As: 0.062 mg/g Özer and Özer, 2003 potential (Ramya et al. 2021). Without a profound under-
Hg: 64 mg/g standing of these aspects, the enhancement of biosorption
2 Candida Pb, Cd, Pb: 57% Baysal et al. 2009; capabilities remains an elusive goal. Another obstacle arises
albicans Cr, As, Cd: 40 % Rodríguez et al. 2017
Hg Cr: 76% from the fact that, although numerous pilot-scale batch reac-
As: 46 % tor and ex-situ studies on heavy metal removal exist, the
Hg: 36 % translation of these findings to in-situ natural ecosystems is
3 Neurospora Pb, Cr Pb: up to 95 % Sharma et al. 2021;
crassa (mixed with Tunali, Kiran, and markedly limited. Bioremediation is most effectively applied
other fungi) Akar 2004 in situ, and the scarcity of applications within natural eco-
Cr: up to 95% systems presents a formidable challenge (Negi and Das
4 Aspergillus niger Pb, Cd, Pb: 59 % Dursun, 2006; Kapoor
Cr, As, Cd: 57 % et al. 1999 ; 2023). Bridging this gap between controlled laboratory stud-
Hg Cr: 100 % Acosta-Rodríguez ies and real-world environmental conditions is crucial for
Hg: 83.2 % et al. 2018; the successful implementation of fungal biosorption on a
As: 66 - 98 % Duborská et al.
2020; Littera et al. broader scale. In short, the constrained availability of suit-
2011 able fungal species, the lack of comprehensive knowledge
5 Trichoderma Pb, Cd, Cr Cr: 94 − 100 % Singh et al. 2010; Ali regarding biosorption mechanisms, and the scarcity of in-situ
viride Pb and Cd: Not and Hashem 2007;
defined Morales-Barrera and applications collectively contribute to the underutilization of
Cristiani-Urbina fungal biosorption’s vast potential. Addressing these chal-
2006 lenges needs concerted efforts in research, encompassing a
6 Penicillium Pb, Cd, Pb: 96-116 mg/g Niu et al. 1993; Deng
chrysogenum Cr, As Cd: 21- 56 mg/g and Ting, 2005; deeper investigation of fungal-metal interactions, the refine-
As: 33- 57 mg/g Skowroński, Pirszel, ment of biosorption mechanisms, and the successful transla-
Cr: 18 - 27 mg/g and Skowrońska tion of laboratory findings to real-world ecological contexts.
2001; Loukidou
et al. 2003; Tan and
Cheng 2003
7 Rhizopus Pb, Cd, Cr Pb: 200 mg/g Fourest, Canal and Conclusions
arrhizus Cr: 64 − 78 mg/g Roux 1994; Aksu
Cd: 57.5 - 84 % and Balibek 2007; Fungi, as a diverse group of organisms, encompass various
Uslu et al. 2002; genera that can be regarded as valuable natural resources.
Tobin, L’homme, They serve as proven natural repositories for various chem-
and Roux 1993
icals, offering an environmentally friendly platform for utili-
zation. While substantial research has been conducted on
the biosorption of heavy metals, this wealth of knowledge
biomass concentration, enhanced incubation temperature, provides an economically feasible and sustainable bioremedi-
and decreasing pH (Singleton and Simmons 1996). However, ation approach utilizing a low-cost substrate. Although
more recent works in filamentous fungi have indicated numerous laboratory-scale studies have indicated the poten-
increased metal recovery with increasing biomass concentra- tial of many fungi, their practical application on a commer-
tion, pH, and temperature (Dusengemungu et al. 2020), cial scale remains elusive. The way forward necessitates
though most of the required parameters can be very specific. scaling up operations while concurrently enhancing
Investigations by Tsekova and Todorova (2002) and Cárdenas large-scale industrial applications. Advancements in the bio-
González et al. (2019) showed that rising Cu concentration technology field present an opportunity to improve micro-
in living Apergillius cells stimulated enzymatic activity, which bial organisms, either by enhancing their absorption capacity
led to an increase in Cu uptake, indicating metal sequestra- or through genetic engineering to bolster the bioaccumula-
tion potential and removal of the living cells when ade- tion of pollutants released into the environment. Research
quately stimulated. The influence of these different has demonstrated that functionalized or chemically modified
parameters on the metal recovery process largely varies with cells can increase metal accumulation capacity in certain
the species. Therefore, a more precise influence by different species. Therefore, earnest efforts should be directed toward
parameters has to be investigated for any fungal species developing alternative customized cell designs through
when used for various applications. chemical treatment or genetic engineering to create novel
Fungal bioremediation challenges An area for future exploration should involve a compre-
hensive understanding of the mechanisms underlying the
Fungal biosorption, despite its considerable bioremediation interaction between adsorbates and adsorbents. The com-
potential and minimal drawbacks, has yet to achieve wide- plexity of this interaction, involving numerous parameters,
spread application. One contributing factor may be the poses a challenge for efficient metal binding if the requisite
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