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2023- 2024
Theory Max. Marks 70

Unit I Management of Sporting Events

 Functions of Sports Events Management (Planning, Organising, Staffing, Directing &
 Various Committees & their Responsibilities (pre; during & post)
 Fixtures and its Procedures – Knock-Out (Bye & Seeding) & League (Staircase, Cyclic &
Tabular method) and Combination tournaments
 Intramural & Extramural tournaments – Meaning, Objectives & Its Significance
 Community sports program (Sports Day, Health Run, Run for Fun, Run for Specific Cause
& Run for Unity)

Unit II Children & Women in Sports

 Exercise guidelines of WHO for different age groups.
 Common Postural Deformities - Knock Knee; Bow Legs; Flat Foot; Round Shoulders;
Lordosis, Kyphosis, and Scoliosis and their corrective measures
 Women’s participation in Sports – Physical, Psychological, and social benefits.
 Special consideration (Menarche & Menstrual Dysfunction)
 Female Athletes Triad (Osteoporosis, Amenorrhea, Eating Disorders)

Unit III Yoga as Preventive measure for Lifestyle Disease

 Obesity: Procedure, Benefits & Contraindications for Tadasana, Katichakrasana,
Pavanmuktasana, Matsayasana, Halasana, Pachimottansana, Ardha – Matsyendrasana,
Dhanurasana, Ushtrasana, Suryabedhan pranayama.
 Diabetes: Procedure, Benefits & Contraindications for Katichakrasana, Pavanmuktasana,
Bhujangasana, Shalabhasana, Dhanurasana, Supta-vajarasana, Paschimottanasana, Ardha-
Mastendrasana, Mandukasana, Gomukasana, Yogmudra, Ushtrasana, Kapalabhati.
 Asthma: Procedure, Benefits & Contraindications for Tadasana, Urdhwahastottansana,
UttanMandukasana, Bhujangasana, Dhanurasana, Ushtrasana, Vakrasana, Kapalbhati,
Gomukhasana Matsyaasana, Anuloma-Viloma.
 Hypertension: Procedure, Benefits & Contraindications for Tadasana, Katichakransan,
Uttanpadasana, Ardha Halasana, Sarala Matyasana, Gomukhasana, UttanMandukasana,
Vakrasana, Bhujangasana, Makarasana, Shavasana, Nadi- shodhanapranayam,
 Back Pain and Arthritis: Procedure, Benefits & Contraindications of Tadasan,
Urdhawahastootansana, Ardh-Chakrasana, Ushtrasana, Vakrasana, Sarala Maysyendrsana,
Bhujandgasana, Gomukhasana, Bhadrasana, Makarasana, Nadi-Shodhana pranayama.

Syllabus PHE 2023-2024 Page 1

Unit IV Physical Education & Sports for CWSN (Children with Special Needs -
 Organizations promoting Disability Sports (Special Olympics; Paralympics; Deaflympics)
 Concept of Classification and Divisioning in Sports;
 Concept of Inclusion in sports, its need, and Implementation;
 Advantages of Physical Activities for children with special needs.
 Strategies to make Physical Activities assessable for children with special needs.

Unit V Sports & Nutrition

 Concept of balance diet and nutrition
 Macro and Micro Nutrients: Food sources & functions
 Nutritive & Non-Nutritive Components of Diet
 Eating for Weight control – A Healthy Weight, The Pitfalls of Dieting, Food Intolerance and
Food Myths
 Importance of Diet in Sports-Pre, During and Post competition Requirements

Unit VI Test & Measurement in Sports

 Fitness Test – SAI Khelo India Fitness Test in school:
 Age group 5-8 yrs/ class 1-3: BMI, Flamingo Balance Test, Plate Tapping Test
 Age group 9-18yrs/ class 4-12: BMI, 50mt Speed test, 600mt Run/Walk, Sit &Reach
flexibility test, Strength Test (Abdominal Partial Curl Up, Push-Ups forboys, Modified
Push-Ups for girls).
 Measurement of Cardio-Vascular Fitness – Harvard Step Test – Duration of the Exercise in
Seconds x100/5.5 X Pulse count of 1-1.5 Min after Exercise;
 Computing Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)
 Rikli & Jones - Senior Citizen Fitness Test
I. Chair Stand Test for lower body strength
II. Arm Curl Test for upper body strength
III. Chair Sit & Reach Test for lower body flexibility
IV. Back Scratch Test for upper body flexibility
V. Eight Foot Up & Go Test for agility
VI. Six Minute Walk Test for Aerobic Endurance
 Johnsen – Methney Test of Motor Educability (Front Roll, Roll, Jumping Half-Turn, Jumping

Unit VII Physiology & Injuries in Sports

 Physiological factors determining components of physical fitness
 Effect of exercise on Muscular System
 Effect of exercise on Cardio-Respiratory System

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 Physiological changes due to ageing
 Sports injuries: Classification (Soft Tissue Injuries -Abrasion, Contusion, Laceration,
Incision, Sprain & Strain; Bone & Joint Injuries - Dislocation, Fractures - Green Stick,
Comminuted, Transverse Oblique & Impacted)

Unit VIII Biomechanics & Sports

 Newton’s Law of Motion & its application in sports
 Types of Levers and their application in Sports.
 Equilibrium – Dynamic & Static and Centre of Gravity and its application in sports
 Friction & Sports
 Projectile in Sports

Unit IX Psychology & Sports

 Personality; its definition & types (Jung Classification & Big Five Theory)
 Motivation, its type & techniques;
 Exercise Adherence: Reasons, Benefits & Strategies for Enhancing it;
 Meaning, Concept & Types of Aggressions in Sports
 Psychological Attributes in Sports – Self Esteem, Mental Imagery, Self-Talk, Goal Setting

Unit X Training in Sports

 Concept of Talent Identification and Talent Development in Sports
 Introduction to Sports Training Cycle – Micro, Meso, Macro Cycle.
 Types & Method to Develop – Strength, Endurance and Speed
 Types & Method to Develop – Flexibility and Coordinative Ability
 Circuit Training - Introduction & its importance

Practical Max. Marks 30

1. Physical Fitness Test: SAI Khelo India Test, Brockport Physical Fitness Test (BPFT)* 6 Marks
2. Proficiency in Games and Sports
(Skill of any one IOA recognised Sport/Game of Choice)** 7 Marks
3. Yogic Practices 7 Marks
4. Record File *** 5 Marks
5. Viva Voce (Health/ Games & Sports/ Yoga) 5 Marks
 *Test for CWSN (any 4 items out of 27 items. One item from each component: Aerobic Function, Body
Composition, Muscular strength & Endurance, Range of Motion or Flexibility)
 **CWSN (Children With Special Needs – Divyang): Bocce/Boccia , Sitting Volleyball, Wheel Chair
Basketball, Unified Badminton, Unified Basketball, Unified Football, Blind Cricket, Goalball, Floorball,
Wheel Chair Races and Throws, or any other Sport/Game of choice.
 **Children With Special Needs can also opt any one Sport/Game from the list as alternative to Yogic

Syllabus PHE 2023-2024 Page 3

Practices. However, the Sport/Game must be different from Test - ‘Proficiency in Games and Sports’
***Record File shall include:
❖ Practical-1: Fitness tests administration.
❖ Practical-2: Procedure for Asanas, Benefits & Contraindication for any two Asanas for each
lifestyle disease.
❖ Practical-3: Anyone one IOA recognised Sport/Game of choice. Labelled diagram of Field &
Equipment. Also mention its Rules, Terminologies & Skills.



UNIT 1 Management of Sporting Events 05 + 04b*
UNIT 2 Children and Women in Sports 07
UNIT 3 Yoga as Preventive measure for Lifestyle 06+01 b*
UNIT 4 Physical Education & Sports for (CWSN)04+04 b*
UNIT 5 Sports & Nutrition 07
UNIT 6 Test and Measurement in Sports 08
UNIT 7 Physiology & Injuries in Sport 04+04 b*
UNIT 8 Biomechanics and Sports 10
UNIT 9 Psychology and Sports 07
UNIT 10 Training in Sports 09
PRACTICAL (LAB)# Including 3 Practical 30
TOTAL Theory 10 + Practical 3 Theory 70 + Practical 30 =
Note: b*are the Concept based questions like Tactile diagram/data interpretation/case base
study for visually Impaired Child

Syllabus PHE 2023-2024 Page 4

UNIT - 1
Management of Sporting Events
Key Points: -
1. Functions of Sports Events Management (Planning, Organising, Staffing, Directing &
2. Various Committees & their Responsibilities (Pre, During & Post)
3. Fixtures and their Procedures – Knock-Out (Bye & Seeding) & League (Staircase, Cyclic,
Tabular method) and Combination tournaments
4. Intramural & Extramural tournaments – Meaning, Objectives & Its Significance
5. Community sports program (Sports Day, Health Run, Run for Fun, Run for Specific Cause
& Run for Unity)

1. F u n c t i o n s o f S p o r t s E v e n t s M a n a g e m e n t
Concept of Sports Management
 The term " Management" is derived from the French word ‘manager’ which means to
use things carefully.
 Management is a problem-solving process of effectively achieving organizational
objectives through the efficient use of scarce resources in a changing environment.
 Management is an art of getting things done through and with the people in formally
organized groups.
 According to J Desensi "Management is the process of involving planning, organizing,
evaluating and controlling human efforts to achieve stated objectives an organization."
 According to Desensi, Kelley, Blanton and Beitel : "Sport management involves any
combination of skills related to planning, organizing, directing, controlling, budgeting,
leading, and evaluating within the context of an organization or department whose
primary product or service is related to sport or physical activity."
 Sport management is the field of business that focuses on the conduct and organisation
of sports event or tournament.
 It considers the Planning, Organisation, Staffing, Directing, Controlling processes for
conducting it.
 In other words, it consists of administration, finance, law and ethics for conducting
sports event.
Parts of Sports Management
 Planning is one of the main part of the Sports management
 “Planning is a way to systematize, direct and organize the sports events or competitions
and extract the advantage and benefit of the available resources.
Management of Sporting Events Page 1
 “Planning is the process of making a sequence of work for a future line of action”.
 The success of Physical education programmes depends upon efficient staff, food,
direction, proper control, well super vision, good co-ordination and minimize the
chances of lapses.
Importance of Planning
 Planning gives direction
 Planning reduces the risks of uncertainty
 Planning reduces overlapping and wasteful activities
 Planning promotes innovative ideas
 Planning facilitates decision making
 Planning establishes standards for controlling
Process of Planning
 Setting Objectives/Goals
 Developing Premises
 Identifying alternative courses of action
 Evaluating alternative courses
 Selecting an alternative
 Implementing the plan
Process of Organising
 Organising is arranging the require resources event for smooth conduct of sports under
various heading or committees.
 In thus; the resources are arranged consisting of human as well as material resources;
and using them in best possible way.
 The proper schedule is drafted considering the resources.
 In other word organizing in sports event is the process of identifying and grouping
 In this process the prime work or duties are assigned and their authority is chalked
Importance of Organising
 Benefits of specialisation
 Clarity in working relationships
 Optimum utilization of resources
 Adaptation to change
 Effective administration

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 Development of personnel
 Expansion and growth
 The requirements of each committee noted and arranged accordingly.
 Concerned in-charges are informed how to implement the plan while fulfilling the
objectives of the tournament.
 The prime works or duties of various committee are assigned and concerned are
 After planning and selection of the organisation structure, the next step in the
management process is to fill the various posts provided in the organisation
 Staffing means the working force which is responsible for attaining the objectives of the
 In sports event management, the staffing is grouping the human resources and assigning
them their duties.
Importance of Staffing
 Staffing makes for higher performance, by putting right person on the right job.
 Staffing ensures the continuous survival and growth of the enterprise through the
succession planning for managers.
 Staffing helps to ensure optimum utilisation of the human resources.
 Staffing improves job satisfaction and morals of employees through objective
assessment and fair reward for their contribution.
 It helps to divide the work under various heading and forming various committees
 Staffing is done according to the talented, capable, dutiful, and responsible and
leadership ability people.
 Staffing helps is assembling and connecting resources of man and material.
 The leadership ability persons are considered in this process.
Process of Staffing
 Estimating the Manpower Requirements
 Recruitment
 Selection
 Placement and Orientation
 Training and Development
 Performance Appraisal
 Promotion and career planning

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 Compensation
 Directing initiates action
 Directing takes place at every level of management
 Directing is a continuous process
 Directing flows from top to bottom
Importance of Directing
 Directing is defining or explaining the duties and responsibility to the concerned staff
under various committees.
 In sports event management, the staff members are guided to use authority as per
guidelines/instruction under rules moreover use the available resources efficiently and
 The staff is also guided to tackle all types of situations in best possible way.
 Proper directing helps to conduct sports event without hindrance while full fitting the
objectives of the tournament.
 Direction initiates the actions of the staff. It guides to use the human resources
efficiently; It should be done by experienced or expert person.
Process of Directing
 Maximum individual contribution
 Use of informal organisation
 Leadership
 Follow through
 Harmony of objectives
 Unity of Command
 Appropriateness of direction technique
 Managerial communication
 It is done during the progress of the tournament.
 It is done to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the tournament.
 It helps to achieve the purpose of the tournament.
Importance of Controlling
 It is gained by proper coordination between various committees.
 It can be done by increasing or decreasing the work as per requirement of the
 It provides tailoring work to different committees where-ever required.

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Process of Controlling
 Controlling in sports event management fulfills the immediate requirement or need
during the progress of the tournament.
 Continuous evaluation and effectiveness of the tournament is done and corrected as per
 The staff is guided or supervised accordingly.
 Setting performance standards
 Measurement of actual performance
 Comparison of actual performance with standards
 Analysing deviations
 Taking corrective action
Functions of Sports Event Management
 To create good coordination,
 To keep good control over activities
 To reduce unnecessary pressure immediately,
 To minimize the chances of mistake,
 To avoid wastage of money, time & resources,
 To utilize the resources effectively and economically,
 To improve the effectiveness of the organization.
 To achieve the aim of programme
 To make Proper Schedule
 To use the available resources
 To arrange resources
 To make the schedule of programme
 Develops Creative Ideas

Management of Sporting Events Page 5

1.2 Various Committees & their Responsibilities (Pre, During & Post)

SN Committees Responsibilities
Name Pre-competition During-competition Post-competition
1 Chairperson or To plan for the To look after the To summarise the success
success of the overall arrangements and value of the
chief Patron or
tournament, to welcoming the tournament.
tournament arrange the finances
Director distinguished guests,
and fund etc.
(Usually Head of to check the smooth
Institution) conduct of the
2 Chief technical To check the technical To supervise the To make the report of the
aspects of the various committees , to tournament ,to inform the
advisor (Usually
tournament like play check the progress of success of tournament to
Well Qualified, field and its marking, the concerned game
Experienced and the tournament as per
equipment's, help in federation / association
expert the making fixture . rules of the game
related games)

Management of Sporting Events Page 6

SN Committees Responsibilities
Pre-competition During-competition Post-competition
3 Organizing To do all the planning To co ordinate with To give vote of thanks to
for the tournament. different committee the concerned, to make
(Usually Physical for smooth conduct the final report, budge report.
Education tournament
4 Publicity Spread information To make daily report To high light main features
about the players / for press notes and of the tournament in an
Committee: teams / official's /
(Usually coordinate with media impressive way.
event prior to the
Language persons.
tournament, by T.V.,
Teacher) Radio, Newspapers,
poster etc.
5 Finance Prepares budget and To provide funds for Maintain a report of the
various activity and total expenditure and
Committee: estimates possible budget for the
(Usually committees to collect
expenditure during the funds for meals of the tournament.
tournament team
6 Transport Ensures proper Ensuring proper Provide information
transport facilities for transportation of regarding the proper use
Committee: the tournament for all athletes between of vehicles after the end of
the concerned persons accommodation sites, the tournament.
those directly or stadium/playing sites,
indirectly participating training centers etc.
in the event.
7 Food and Prepares Providing food to all Repair work for any
accommodation and officials and athletes damage at accommodation
accommodation food for athletes, VIPs during the tournament site and providing
Committee: and officials. as their demand of information of report of
work and also players, official's regarding
managing the proper lodging & boarding
accommodation site. expenditure to organizing
8 Committee for Hires officials required Providing food to all Giving payment and thanks
to preside over the officials and related letter to all officials.
officials matches in the equipment
tournament Engage
qualified officials for
tournament in
required nos.

9 Ground and Prepares the ground Ensuring the proper Repair work for any
for the tournament few condition of the damage to ground and
Equipment days prior or it. To grounds and all submitting all equipment
Committee arrange scientific equipment throughout to organizing committee.
equipment’s and well- the tournament.
marked grounds
(courts, halls, rings
etc.) fortournament

Management of Sporting Events Page 7

SN Committees Responsibilities
. Name Pre-competition During-competition Post-competition

10 Program To prepare the whole Focus on the problems Providing information

programme of of the participating about all participating
Committee: reception, ceremony, team to organizing
teams, athletes, official
decoration, prize committee and
& try to solve it officials
distribution of the distributing certificates to
tournament. Keeps the or the concern injured all participants and
records of the persons officials with thanks.
participating teams
and prepares fixture.
11 First Aid To arrange qualified Treating the injuries Submitting all first aid
doctors, other helpers sustained by athletes equipment and
Committee: information to organizing
and maintain proper and taking the injured
first aid kits for all players to hospital if committee
possible situations and injury is serious
conditions of the
12 Prize To prepare the list of Display of prize in Co-coordinating with
prize and there stage decoration ceremony
Distribution quantity committee to submit all
Committee: information and
equipment to organizing
13 Organizing R e s p o n s i b l e f o rManaging all Collecting reports from all
organizing and smooth committees and committees, taking note of
r u n n i n g o f t h e ensuring all all the important
committees are doing information and
tournament. It
their work properly. submitting it to the
instructs other administrative director.
committee one month
prior to the
tournament and
assigns tasks and
responsibilities to
14 Marketing
Purchasing all Proper provision of all
Committee:- equipment’s and other equipment’s will be
items required for the required, during the
tournament and tournament
ensuring their quality
& quantity.

15 Decoration To arrange the Ensuring the To return the equipment

Ceremony required equipment's, decoration of all the
Committee for decoration of ceremony– opening,
stage/ pandal/ arena closing, prize
distribution etc. is
proper during the

Management of Sporting Events Page 8

SN Committees Responsibilities
. Name Pre-competition During-competition Post-competition

16 To arrange and check Announce important

the public address information like the
Committee:- system. participants of the next
match, time, court and
date from the stage.

3. Fixtures and their Procedures – Knock-Out (Bye & Seeding) & League (Staircase, Cyclic,
Tabular method) and Combination tournaments
Tournament :
 A series of sports competitions, in which, a team finally wins and rest of the participating
teams lose the matches. It depends on various factors
 i.e. - No. of participating teams, availability of grounds and equipment’s, No. of days and
Types of Tournament:-
A. Knock out Tournament:
 In this type of tournament, the team once defeated, gets eliminated from the tournament.
Only the winning teams contest in the next rounds. Opportunities are given to the winning
players/ teams.
Types of Knock out Tournament
a) Single Knock out Tournament:-
 Teams once loosing the match have no second chance in the tournament.
b) Consolation Tournament:-
 In this type tournament there is another chance for the loosing team play again and
show their skill and performance. there also two type:
 Type I:- In this type each team is given two chances so that a team can still play
another round after being defeated the first time. Byes are allotted to those teams
that did not get byes in the regular knockout.
 Type II:- In this type the team that are defeated in all the round get a second
opportunity to participate in the competition.
c) Double Knock out Tournament:-
 This is extension of consolation tournament. In this winner of tournament plays with
the consolation winner to decide the true winner.
Advantages of Knock out Tournament:-
 less expenditure
 Enhancing standards of sports
Management of Sporting Events Page 9
 To requires less time
 Minimum number of official required
 Spectators interest
 Less tiredness of players and official
Disadvantages of Knock out Tournament:-
 Chances of elimination of good team
 Chances of good weak team in the final round
 Spectators may not have interested due reach weak team in the final round
B. League/ Round Robin Tournament:
 In single league tournament all participating teams compete, with each other, where-
as in double league, each team play with every other team twice, without any
consideration of victory or defeat.
Types of League/ Round Robin Tournament:-
a) Single League Tournament
b) D o u b l e L e a g u e T o u r n a m e n t
Advantages of League/ Round Robin Tournament:
 Only real player/ team that have best potential will be the winner of the tournament.
 Charm of the tournament still maintained throughout the tournament.
 Good team/ player will continues throughout the tournament so the chance of selection
of good players is still alive.
 Improves the performance
 Good challenge
Disadvantages of League/ Round Robin Tournament:
 Funds are required more
 Time is required more
 Result comes late
 Requirement of more no of officials and more no of grounds.
 Equipment's are needed more.
 Large Arrangement
B. Combination Tournament:
 These are the Tournament is which some rounds are played on the basis of knock out
& some are played on the Basis of league examples.
 Such type of tournament are organized when the number of teams are more.

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Types of Combination Tournament:-
a) Knock Out Cum Knock Out Tournament
b) Knock Out Cum League Tournament
c) League Cum League Tournament
d) League Cum Knock Out Tournament
Advantages of Combination Tournament:
 There is maximum opportunity to show their skill for all teams
 No fear to eliminated
 Only strong and deserving team win
 Popularity of game
 Spectator to enjoy more game
Disadvantages of Combination Tournament:
 Some time a bad performance can eliminate the team from tournament.
 These are time taking tournament
 too expensive
 lot of arrangement
D. Challenge Tournament:
 This type of tournament is the used to give ranking.
 If a team or player are not satisfied by their ranking they have to challenge upper
ranked team and has chance to replace.
 In this way they have to proceed step by step to improve their ranking.
Types of Challenge Tournament: -
a) Ladder type Challenge Method
b) Pyramid/ cobweb type Challenge Method
 In sports, the term fixtures refer to the programme listing which team (Team A) will play
whom (Team B), where (venue), and when (time).
 A sports match that has been arranged for a particular time and place.
 Fixture is a process of arrangement the team in systematic order in various groups for
competitive fights for physical activity.
 The advantage given to a team usually by drawing a lot, and exempting it from paying a
match in the first round is known as Bye.

Management of Sporting Events Page 11

 The position of a participant in a tournament who is not paired with an opponent, usually
in the first round, and advanced to the next round without playing.
 In this method try keep the team in upper half and lower half on the basis of their previous
performance to avoid that situation of elimination of good team in first round.
 In this the participant team directly goes in quarter final or semifinal.
1.4 Procedure to Draw Fixture for Knockout Tournament
Step 1. Divide the total no teams in to two half if total no teams are
more than 16 divided than also in quarter.
Step 2. Check if total no of teams are in power of two i.e.
(2,4,8,16,32,64. ......) or not.
Step 3. If total no of teams are not in power of two then byes will be given.
Step 4. Calculate the byes & place them according to the formula.
Step 5. Arrange the match. It should be remembered that match can be arranged between the
teams in the same round.
Step 6. It should be remembered that if the total no teams are more than 16 the byes of upper
half will be placed separately my lower half will be separately.

Formula No. 1. Total no matches = Total no of team –1.

Formula No. 2. To calculate total no of rounds multiply 2 with 2 continuously (2×2×2×....)
unit the multiplication value reaches equal to or more than the total no. of teams
than calculate the repetition of digit 2 multiplication which will be equal to total
no of rounds.
Formula No. 3 Total byes = Next power of two - total no of teams
Formula No. 4 If total no teams are even. 2,4,6,8 team in upper
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑛𝑜 𝑜𝑓 𝑇𝑒𝑎𝑚
Teams in upper half = 2

𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑛 𝑜 𝑜𝑓 𝑇𝑒𝑎𝑚
Teams in lower half = 2

Total no teams areodd (1,3,5,7,9......... )

𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑛 𝑜 𝑜𝑓 𝑇𝑒𝑎𝑚 + 1
then Teams in upper half = 2

𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑛 𝑜 𝑜𝑓 𝑇𝑒𝑎𝑚 − 1
Teams in lower half = 2

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Formula No. 5
If total no of byes are even (2,4,6,8)

𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑛𝑜 𝑜𝑓 𝑏𝑦𝑒
Then byes in upper half = 2
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑛𝑜 𝑜𝑓 𝑏𝑦𝑒
Bye in lower half = 2

If total no of bye are odd (1,3,5,7) then

𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑛 𝑜 𝑜𝑓 𝑏𝑦𝑒 − 1
Then byes in upper half = 2

𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑛 𝑜 𝑜𝑓 𝑏𝑦𝑒 + 1
Bye in lower half = 2

Formula no. 6.


 If the number of teams is more, teams are divided into upper halves and lower halves are
further sub-divided into two parts.
 It means upper half has two quarters i.e. Ist quarter and IInd quarter and lower half has IIIrd
quarter and IVth quarter.
 For determining number of teams in each quarter: Total number of teams divided by 4
 If the remainder remains zero , there will be four quarters with equal number of teams
 If the remainder is one, the first quarter will comprise of one extra team , whereas the
remaining quarter will have equal number of teams.
 If the remainder remains two , each quarter (Ist and IIIrd) will have one extra teams and
IInd and fourth will comprise of same number of teams.
 If the remainder remains three , each quarter (Ist , IInd and IIIrd) will have one extra teams
and fourth will comprise of same number of teams.

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Formula no - 7 Placement of bye :-
 1st bye will be given to last team of lower half
 2nd bye will be given no. 1st team of upper half
 3rd bye will be given to 1st team of lower half
 4th bye will be given to last team of upper half
 5th bye comes besides bye no. 1
 6th bye besides bye no. 2
 7th besides bye no. 3
 8th bye near to bye no. 4 then
 9th bye near bye no. 5
 So on Seeding placement will follow the same sequence as bye

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Procedure to draw the fixture for League Tournament
 Cyclic Method
 Staircase Method
 Tabular Method

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Prepaire A Fixture of Combination Tournament

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The decisions for deciding on what type of tournament depends on:
 Number of teams in each zone
 Suitability of activity
 Availability of time
 Areas and distance from which they come to participate
 Availability of resources (money, personnel, fields)

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1.4 Intramurals and Extra murals Meaning, Objectives and its significance
Meaning of Intramurals:-
 Intramural is derived from the Latin word “Intra” means “within” and “murals” means

 So we can say that the activities, which are performed within the walls or within the campus
of an institution are called ‘Intramurals”

 These activities are organized only for the students of a school or institution.
 No students of other school can participate in these activities intramural competition is one of
the best means to motivate.
Activities for the intramural tournament.
 Major games: - hockey, football, Kho-Kho, Kabaddi etc.
 Minor games: - Shuttle run, sag race, triple leg race, Lemon race etc.
 Rhythmic Games: - P.T.Lazium, dumbal, dance.
 Creative games: - drawing, painting, craft etc.
 Combat games: - Judo, Wrestling, boxing etc.

Objectives / Importance of intramural tournaments

1. To bring mass participation

2. To create interest
3. Physical development
4. Mental development
5. Socialdevelopment
6. To develop organization skill
7. Todevelop good leadership quality
8. To provide recreation to the child
9. To control aggression
10. To bring creativity
11. Toprovide platform to show himself
12. Toincrease the sources of competitions
13. Todevelop the qualities of a good leader
14. To give the knowledge of the rules of various game
15. Tofind out the talented sport man

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16. Provides opportunity to compete in controlled Environment
17. Todevelop good personality

Significance of Intramural:-
 Intramurals are very significant for physical mental emotional and social development of
 These programmes also lay stress on moral and ethical values of students.
 Intramurals are necessary for the development of health of children.
 These programmes are also important to calm down the fighting instinct of children.
 These programmes refresh the children and make them agile.
 Intramurals provide maximum recreation to the students.
 Intramurals provide ample opportunities to the students to participate in game and sports.
 Intramurals are also essential for development the leadership qualities among the students.
Extra murals:-
 Extramural is derived from the Latin words “Extra” and “Murals”.

 Here extra means “outside” and murals means “wall”.

 So, We can say that the activities which are performed outside the walls of an institution or
school, are known as “extramurals”.

Objectives / Importance of extramural tournaments

1) Help in the physical development.
2) Helpin the mental development.
3) Help in the social development.
4) Help in the personality development.
5) Reduce the level stress anxiety.
6) Develop in leadership qualities.
7) Understand the Rules and Regulations of various games.
8) Help to control the level of aggression in an individual.
9) Help for recreation of children.
10) Help to develop the sense of competitiveness.
Significance of extramural:-

 Extramurals bring much needed exposure to school and students

 Extramurals boost the popularity of physical education by bulding the interest of students.
 Extramurals improve the knowledge of sports due to keener interest in the game.

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1.5 Specific Sports Programme:
 Sports and games programmes are arranged in the world as well as in our country to promote
the games and sports for a specific cause.
 Every country in the world has some or the other cause for promoting specific sports
 The programmes motivate and create the feeling to take part in these sports programmes.
 People become health-conscious and try to remain fit and stay healthy for as long as possible.
 These specific sports programmes are usually organized by the federations, state government,
NGO etc.
 To create health consciousness among the people and take part in health related sports
 Specific sports programs are those programs of sports which are often not related to the
competition these programs are designed with multiple objectives with their focus on the well
being of an individual.
 The aims of programme is to create awareness among the common people regarding unity
& integrity prevention & protection against various diseases social positive & negative ideas,
policies etc.
 More and more people of all age groups should take part in such sports programmes. The
various important specific programmes are :-

1. Sports Day - A. School - Annual Sports Day

B. National Sports Day
2. Health Run
3. Run For Fun
4. Run for Specific Cause
5. Run for Unity.

Sports Day :-

 Sports day is organized in the school once in the year so that the all-round development of
children could be done various physical and recreation activities are conducted on sports day.
 It is organized by almost each and every school on sports day every child gets ample
opportunities to take part in activity of their choice.
 Due to these days most of students get experience as organizer as well as administrator sports
day also provide opportunity to select talent for future.
Health Run :-

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 These programmers are organized by health and sports department to raise the standards of
health and to make people aware about good health & to maintain good health.
 People of any age can take part.
 There is no competition.
 These provide significant health benefits.
 But precautionary measures must be taken before participating i.e. proper sports kit health
status of individual.
Run for Fun :-
 This is to create awareness among people to keep fit and healthy.
 A run for fun is friendly event which is organised for enjoyment & fitness of whole society.
Run for Unity :-
 This is to inculcate peace and harmony among the people of different religion of faith.
 Main purpose of run to develop botherhood among the different societies group.
 Winners of run are generally. Awarded by cash trophies certificate etc.
 Generally runs are organised on 31st October on birth day of Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel.
Run for Specific Cause :-
 For specific cause run is a run related to good and generous cause.
 The purpose of this is to earn the funds for a specific cause but the reason should, be good it
is after organized by the social organization in order to make the run attractive player, artists
and actors are asked to participate in it.
Factors for specific sports programmes:-
 Purpose of programme
 To decide date and venue
 Chalking out schedule
 Path of event
 Arranging the Requirements
 Making of Budge
 Information of Participants
 Safety Arrangement
 Reward to Winners

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