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UNIT - 3

Yoga as Preventive measure

for Lifestyle Disease

Key Points:-
1. Obesity: Procedure, Benefits & Contraindications for Tadasana,
Katichakrasana, Pavanmuktasana, Matsayasana, Halasana, Pachimottansana,
Ardha – Matsyendrasana, Dhanurasana, Ushtrasana, Suryabedhan
2. Diabetes: Procedure, Benefits & Contraindications for Katichakrasana,
Pavanmuktasana, Bhujangasana, Shalabhasana, Dhanurasana, Supta-
vajarasana, Paschimottanasana, Ardha-Mastendrasana, Mandukasana,
Gomukasana, Yogmudra, Ushtrasana, Kapalabhati.
3. Asthma: Procedure, Benefits & Contraindications for Tadasana,
Urdhwahastottansana, UttanMandukasana, Bhujangasana, Dhanurasana,
Ushtrasana, Vakrasana, Kapalbhati, Gomukhasana Matsyaasana, Anuloma-
4. Hypertension: Procedure, Benefits & Contraindications for Tadasana,
Katichakransan, Uttanpadasana, Ardha Halasana, Sarala Matyasana,
Gomukhasana, UttanMandukasana, Vakrasana, Bhujangasana, Makarasana,
Shavasana, Nadi- shodhanapranayam, Sitlipranayam.
5. Back Pain and Arthritis: Procedure, Benefits & Contraindications of
Tadasan, Urdhawahastootansana, Ardh-Chakrasana, Ushtrasana, Vakrasana,
Sarala Maysyendrsana, Bhujangasana, Gomukhasana, Bhadrasana,
Makarasana, Nadi-Shodhana pranayama.

Meaning of yoga:-
The origin of the word 'Yoga' is from Sanskrit word 'Yuj' which means 'to join'.

Asana as preventive Measures :

 Asana in a body posture, originally a sitting pose for meditation, and later in Hatha
yoga and modern yoga adding standing (Tkionsana), sitting (Padmasana),
Reclining (Shavasana), invented (Shirasasana) Balanacing (Kukut forward bend)
(Paschimotasana) and Backward (Dhanurasana).
 The Yog sutras of Patanjali define Asana as a position that in steady and comfortable.
 As a preventive measure, more recently, studies have provided evidence that asana
improve flexibility, strength and balance, to reduce stress and conditions related to it,
andspecifically to alleviate some diseases such as asthma, and diabetes.
 One remarkable aspect of asana is anyone can practice in it.
 One can adjust the level, the intensity depending on age and capacity.
 Regular Asana practice create mental clarity and calmness increase body awareness
relieves chronic stress pattern, relaxes the mind, centers attention, and sharpens

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concentration and self awareness, Whenever Individual roll out their yoga mat and
twist theirbodiesindifferent posestheyarealso reaping countlesshealth benefits as :
Benefits of Asana for prevention of disease

Physiological Benefit Psychological Benefit Bio-chemical Benefit

 Blood pressure decrease  Mood improves and  Total white blood decrease
subjective well being
 Musculoskeletal flexibility  Self-acceptance and self-  Sodium decreases.
andjoint rate of motion actual- station increases
 Stableautonomic nervous  Social adjustment  Glucose decreases
system equilibrium increases.
 Pulse rate decreases  Triglycerides
 Anxiety and depression
 Cardiovascular efficiency  Total cholesterol
 Concentration improves
increases HDL/good
 Memory improves
 Gastrointestinal  CholesterolIincreases

 function normalizes
 Attention improves
 Endocrine function  Totalcholesterol decreases.

 improve

 Dexterityskills Improve.  Learning efficiency  LDL/bad cholesterol decreases


 Eye-hand co-ordination  VLDL cholesterol decreases


 Dexterityskillsimprove  Hemoglobin decreases

 Reaction timeimproves  Thyroxinincreases

 Energy levelincreases  Vitamin C increases

 Weight normalizes  Totalserum protein increases

 Sleepimproves

 Immunity increases

 Pain decreases

 Depth perception improves.

 Integrated functioning of
body parents improves

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3.1 Obesity
'Obesity is excess accumulation of fats resulting in increased body weight'

Now A days obesity has become a problem for the whole world obesity is a
condition in which the amount of fat in the body increase to a very large extent. If a
person is having BMI 30 he/she would be considered as obese. In other words, we
can say obesity is when a person’s weight is 20% or more than the ideal weight.


 Obesity lead many health problem like loss of physical efficiency

 Decline in physical personality
 Feeling tiredness while performing physical activity
 Cardiac problem
 Back and joint pains
 Excess fat deposition in abdomen and west
 Low confidence and self esteem
 Feeling isolated.


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Effect of obesity:-

Method to calculate BMI:

A healthy weight is a weight that lowers your risk for health problems;
generally body mass index (BMI) and waist size are good ways to achieve

𝑊𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 in Kg 𝑊𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 in Kg
Methods to calculate BMI = or =
(𝐻𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑖𝑛 𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟) 2 𝐻𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 × 𝐻𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡

The WHO Criteria for Overweight and Obesity by BMI

Category BMI Category BMI

Underweight < 18.5 Obesity class I 30 to 3.49

Normal Weight 18.5 to 24.9 Obesity class II 35 to 39.9

Overweight 25 to 29.9 Obesity class III > 40

Some asana are recommended for the obesity here as under:-

1) Tadasana 6) Pachimottansana
2) Katichakrasana 7) Ardha – Matsyendrasana,
3) Pavanmuktasana 8) Dhanurasana
4) Matsayasana 9) Ushtrasana
5) Halasana 10) Suryabedhan pranayama.

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1) Tadasana:- It is also called Posture of tree.

Procedure :

 Stand in attention position on the floor at first

 Then breath slowly and erect your hands upwards of the head and the hold
your hands together by lock them
 Stand on toes with keeping heels up and hold the whole body weight on toes.
 Pull-up your whole body and hold this pose for some time
 Breath out and back you position and then relax

Benefits :
 Beneficial for spine and back pain
 It increases flexibility
 Improve body posture and height
 Beneficial for digestive, nervous and respiratory system
 Beneficial for hypertension and high blood pressure


 In case of headache and sleeplessness avoid this posture

 Avoid if suffering from shoulder, knee and ankle problem

2) Katichakrasana
 Kati chakrasana consists of two words: Kati and Chakra.
 Here ‘Kati’ means ‘waist’ and ‘chakra’ means ‘wheel’.
 Thus, Kati Chakrasana is a waist rotating, standing yoga posture.
 In this pose, a practitioner has to twist the waist right and left, respectively.

Procedure :
 Stand straight on the ground with both feet one foot apart.
 Both the arms should be outstretched in front of the chest.
 Palms should be facing each other while inhaling.

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 Take the arms slowly towards the right side of your body.
 Simultaneously, twist your body from the waist to the right side and take
your arms back as far as possible.
 At the time of swinging towards the right side, keep the right arm straight and
left arm bent.
 During exhalation, bring the arms to the front.
 Repeat the same procedure towards the left side.
 Perform the complete cycle 5 to 10 times.

Benefits :

 It tones up the waist, hips, neck and shoulders and makes these organs more
 It strengthens the waist muscles.
 It helps in reducing stress.
 It helps in relieving constipation.
 It burns extra calories and fats and finally helps in reducing body weight.
 It is helpful for back stiffness and corrects various postural deformities.


 In case of spinal disorders, it should be avoided.

 In case of abdominal inflammation, it should be avoided.
 It should be avoided by women during pregnancy.
 If you are suffering from hernia, slipped disc, avoid this asana.

3) Pavanmuktasana :

Pre Stage: Lie flat on your back and keep the legs straight.
Procedure :
 Inhale slowly and lift the legs and bend the knees.
 Bring knee upwards to the chest till your thigh touches the stomach.
 Hug your knees and lock your fingers,

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 Touch your chin to the knee while exhaling.
 Repeat it with another leg.

Benefits :
 Strengthen the back and abdominal muscle, leg and hip.
 Intestine gets massaged; also bring fresh blood to lower abdomen.
 Helps in spondylitis.
 Remove excess fat around the lower abdomen.
 Release excess heat, toxins from organs and tissues.

 Avoid while suffering from severe back or neck pain.
 Avoid this pose completely, if having slip disc problem.
 Those with internal organs issues may find this pose difficult and painful.
 It should be avoided while pregnancy.

4) Matsyasana.
If this asana is performed in water body can float easily thats why it is called

Procedure :
 Sit in Padmasana pose.
 Take support of your elbow and lie on your back bend your neck with support
of your hands, and try to touch your fore head to the ground.
 Hold toes of the feet firmly with both hands and touch the ground with the
 Stretch the stomach as up as possible.

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Benefit :

 This asana is very useful for asthma patients

 Provide relief from indigestion and other digestive problems,
 Keep the blood clean.
 Helps is curing diabetes.
 Helps in cough and respiratory problems,
 Makes body and face attractive.


 Avoid this posture if any kind of neck injury.

 Any kind of blood pressure.
 If having migraine.
 If having spondylitis, neck or back pain.
 If pregnancy is there.

5) Halasana
 Halasana means ‘plough’.
 It involves lying on your back and placing your feet on the floor behind your
 In fact, in the final position of this pose, your body resembles the shape of a

Procedure :
 Lie on your back with your arms beside you.
 Palms should be downwards. Keeping the knees straight, raise your legs up to
90° keeping them vertical and straight.
 With the help of your hands, raise the trunk and lower the legs over the head.
 Your toes should touch the ground. Push your legs slightly beyond the head.
 Arms should be straight in the beginning position.
 Hold this position for 1 or 2 minutes according to your capacity.
 After that, lower your back, buttocks and legs slowly to the ground as in the
starting position.
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Benefit :
 It clams down the nervous system, reduces stress and tension.
 It tones the legs and improves flexibility.
 It stimulates the thyroid gland and strengthens the immune system.
 It helps in increasing height of children.
 It helps to manage diabetes
 It improves blood circulation.
 It helps in reducing/preventing obesity.

 Avoid this asana if you have any injury in your neck or suffering from high
blood pressure.
 Women should avoid this asana during pregnancy.
 Avoid it in case of sciatica problems.
 Avoid it in case of slipped discs.

6) Paschimottanasana :
Procedure :
 Sit down with your legs stretching straight in front of you.
 Keep your head, neck and spine erect and stretch hands upwards with a deep
 Now, exhale and bend your head and trunk slowly forward to catch the toes
with the thumb.
 Try to touch head, chest and stomach to the legs and elbows to the floor.

Benefits :
 It improves digestive system and much blocked gas get released.
 Improves the respiratory system.
 Improve the alignment of the vertebral column.
 Helps as a therapy for diabetic patient, with weak lever and kidney.
 Benefits women during menstrual disorder.

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Contraindications :
 Avoid of having slip disc problem.
 Someone who is suffering from hernia should avoid this pose.
 Pregnant women should avoid this pose.
 Person having spondylitis should avoid this pose.

7) Ardh Matseyendrasana : (Half Lord of the fishes pose)

Procedure :
 Sit and keep both legs straight.
 Bending the knee of right feet and put right heel below the left hip.
 Bend left leg and placed the left foot to the right side of the right knee.
 Keep Left knee closed to the chest.
 Exhale from the right nostril and turns towards the left, and touches the toe of
left leg from the right hand.
 Body and head moves towards the left.
 Repeat while changing the position of legs.
Benefits :
 Helps nervous system and strengthen the back bone, stretching improves
flexibility and tones of muscles.
 Controls menstrual cycle in women and brings shine on face.
 Also controls secretion from pancreases gland.
 Reduces fat and helps in controlling obesity.
 This pose flexes the lower part of the body making the hip stronger and
 Releases excess heat toxins from organs and tissues.

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Contraindications :
 Avoid while suffering from severe back or neck pain.
 Avoid this pose completely, if having slip disc problem.
 Those with internal organ issues may find this pose difficult and painful.
 It should be avoided while pregnancy.

8) Dhanurasana
 Dhanurasana is a Sanskrit word that means ‘bow pose’ in English.
 Dhanurasana is named so because it looks like an archer’s bow.
 This pose requires a bit of balancing ability.
Procedure :
 Lie down flat on your stomach and place your hands parallel to your torso,
with palms facing upward.
 Inhale deeply and lift your feet off the ground, bending your legs at the knees.
 Simultaneously, lift your hands off the ground and hold your ankles gently.
 Raise your thighs, head and chest as high as you can.
 Stretch and bring the toes or ankles towards your head.
 Look upward and hold this pose for at least 15 seconds.
 Then exhale and release the pose.
 Lower your head, chest, thighs and feet back towards the ground.
 Relax for few seconds and then repeat the pose
Benefits :
 It strengthens the back and abdominal muscles and improves the digestive
 It improves the strength of your thighs, chest, neck and shoulders.
 It alleviates neck strain and helps to cure neck pain.
 It alleviates stress and fatigue.
 It relieves menstrual discomfort and constipation.
 It helps to reduce excess fats around the belly, waist and hips.

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 It reduces the stiffness of muscles, ligaments and nerves in the back, arms,
legs, shoulders and neck.
 It helps in curing diabetes because it gives massage to the liver and pancreas.
 It helps in reducing back pain.
Contraindications :
 Avoid the practice of this asana in case of hernia and high or low blood
 You should not practice this pose if you have neck injury, pain in lower back
and migraine.
 Avoid it in case of abdominal surgery in recent period.
 Women should avoid practicing this pose during pregnancy.

9) Ushtrasana
 ‘Ustrasana’ is a Sanskrit word which is composed of two words ‘ustra’ and
‘asana’ which mean ‘camel’ and ‘pose’, respectively.
 This asana is understood to help open the heart chakra (Anahata Chakra).
Procedure :
 Kneel on your knees on the ground, with your legs hip-width apart.
 Place your hands on your hip.
 Your knees should be in line with shoulders and sole of your feet should be
facing the ceiling.
 While inhaling, bend backward, place the right palm on the right heel and left
palm on the left heel and exhale.
 Do not strain your neck but keep it in a neutral position.
 In the final position, your thighs will be in vertical position to the ground and
head tilted backwards.
 Body weight should be evenly distributed on your arms and legs.
 Remain in this posture for 30 to 60 seconds.
 Breathe out and slowly come back to the starting position.
Benefits :
 It helps to strengthen your back muscles, buttocks and back of thighs.
 It is beneficial in relieving back and neck pain.
 It is also helpful in reducing fats over the abdomen and hips.
 It is also helpful in various digestive problems and cardio-respiratory

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 It improves spinal mobility and improves the posture.
 It opens the heart chakra (Anahata Chakra).
 It stimulates the thyroid gland.
 Regular practice of this asana is
helpful in getting rid of menstrual
 Activates the brain cells and makes it
function better by improving blood
Contraindications :
 Those who are suffering from high or
low blood pressure should avoid
practicing this asana.
 Those who are suffering from
insomnia should avoid this asana.
 In case of migraine, it should be
 Usually, weak back or injured back
may not allow you to do this pose.
10) Suryabedhan Pranayama
 Surya Bhedana Pranayama is very effective and the most important
 The meaning of ‘Surya’ is Sun which refers to right nostril of the nose.
 It is connected to the Pingala nadi of the body.
 Bhedana means to pierce or pass through.
 By closing one nostril and forcing the prana to pass through just one side,
a warming effect is achieved on the body which is proper for correcting
imbalanced coolness in our body.
Procedure :
 Sit comfortable in Padmasana or Siddhasana.
 Keep your head and spine erect with eyes closed.
 Then focus your attention at the point between your eye brows.
 Close your left nostril with your ring finger and little finger.
 Now, start inhalation slowly and deeply through your right nostril.
 After that close your right nostril with the thumb of your right hand.
 Then exhale through your left nostril slowly.
 This is one cycle.
 Repeat the same process for 5 to 10 times.
Benefits :
 It is helpful in reducing anxiety, depression and other mental illness.
 It is helpful in awakening the kundalini shakti.
 Regular practice of this pranayama cures all diseases that are created by the
insufficiency of oxygen in the blood.
 It cleans the frontal sinuses.
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 It increases prana or vitality in the body, especially when you feel low.
 Removes the impurities of blood and cures skin diseases.
 It creates a lot of energy in the body.
 It boosts the appetite.
 It cures gas problems.
 It is the best breathing exercise for cold,
cough and other respiratory problems.
Contraindications :
 It should be avoided if you are suffering
from higher blood pressure or heart
 It should be avoided in summer.
 Its practice should be avoided in case of
 It should not be practiced in late night as
it may be difficult to fall sleep.

2. Diabetes:-
 Diabetes is commonly known as metabolic disorder characterized by high
blood sugar level over a prolonged period.
 Diabetes is due to either the pancreas not producing enough insulin or the cell of
the bodynot responding properly to the insulin produced.
 Diabetes is a metabolic disorder in which the level of sugar in the blood rises
from its normal reference value.
Symptoms of Diabetes:-
 Fatigue
 Increased Thirst
 Increased Hungers
 Blurred Vision
 Kidney Failure
 Cardio vascular Disease
 Loss of Weight
 Frequent Urination
Causes of Diabetes
 Drinking a lot of cold drinks
 Disease
 Over weight
 Obesity
 Stress & Tension
 Genetic factor
 Sedentary lifestyle
 Smoking and alcohol
 Less physical activity
 Taking lot of sweets
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Types of Diabetes:
(a) Type I Diabetes: In that type of diabetes blood sugar level rises very high due to non-
secretion of insulin hormone by pancreas. In that of diabetes effected person has to take
artificial insulin through injection.
(b)Type II Diabetes: In that type of diabetes blood sugar level rises but not as such as
high in type I diabetes. In that type of diabetes our pancreas secreting the insulin
hormone but it may be insufficient to control the blood sugar level normal or body cell
are not able to respond insulin properly.
Some asana are recommended for the diabetes here as under:-
1) Katichakrasana 6) Supta-vajarasana 11) Yogmudra
2) Pavanmuktasana 7) Paschimottanasana 12) Ushtrasana
3) Bhujangasana 8) Ardha-Mastendrasana 13) Kapalabhati
4) Shalabhasana 9) Mandukasana
5) Dhanurasana 10) Gomukasana
1) Katichakrasana :- It is already mention in above
2) Pavanmuktasana:- It is already mention in above
3) Bhujangasana : (Cobraposition)

Procedure :
 Lie down on your stomach.
 Joint the legs and stretch as much as possible.
 Place the palm near the chest facing the ground.
 Take a deep Breath and lift your upper body upwards.
 Elbow should be slightly, touch the ground, weight should be on pelvic region
 Move your head and neck backwards as much as possible. Exhale and slightly
bring the body in starting position.

Benefits :
 By doing this, digestion improve.
 A sluggish liver is also taken care of
 Thyroid gland improves.
 Kidney function improves.
 Tones the ovaries which help to remove
any disorder in connection with uterus.
Therapeutic benefits:
Relieves back ache, neck pain, stress, purifies blood, relieves constipations and addresses
gynecological disorder.
Contraindications :
 Avoid if spinal problem
 Avoid if neck problem
 Do not do if having ulcer
 Pregnant women should avoid.
 Avoid if having asthma

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 Activate pancreas to produce insulin.
 Cure acidity, digestive problem, diabetes, blood pressure, hypertension, cervical
4) Shalabhasana :
 Shalabh means Locust in Sanskrit in the end stage of the asana body shapes like a
locust that’s why it is named as Locust.
Pre Stage : Lie down on your stomach.
Method :
 Lie on your stomach.
 Place your palms under you things keep ankles close to one another.
 Breathe in and lift your legs upwards, while doing so your chin should rest on the
 Hold this position for some time after that exhale and take down your legs in
initial position.
 Repeat this for 3 to 5 times.
Benefits :
 This asana is very helpful in back pain.
 Increase flexibility
 Reducing fat,
 Helps in curing sciatica.

 In case of weak spine and any type of injury avoid this asana
 In case of weak heart, high blood pressure and coronary problem avoid this
 If suffering from hernia then also avoid this asana

5) Dhanurasana :- It is already mention in above

6) Supta-Vajarasana (Thunderbolt Pose):-
 Supta vajrasana consists of three words: Supta, Vajra and asana.

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 Supta is a Sanskrit word, where it means sleeping or ‘lying on the back’ Vajra
means’ thunderbolt and ‘asana’ is a yoga pose.
 So, it is also called sleeping thunderbolt pose.
 Sit comfortably in Vajrasana.
 Keep your palms on the floor beside the buttocks and fingers should be pointed
to the front.
 Bend your torso backwards from the waist.
 Using the support of your arms bend till you can.
 Place your head on the floor. Your hands should rest at the sides.
 Keep your legs connected to the floor.
 To release this pose, take the support of your arms and elbows to raise your body
back to the beginning position.
 Repeat this process 3 to 5 times, it can be enhanced for 8 to 10 times.
Benefits :
 It is helpful in making the supine flexible and tones the spinal nerves.
 It is helpful in correcting round shoulders which finally improves body posture.
 It helps in the regulation of functioning of the adrenal glands.
 It helps to eliminate anger, aggression and relaxes the mind.
 It provides maximum amount of the oxygen into the lungs preventing lung
 It relieves constipation and digestive ailments by massaging the abdominal
 It reduces the risk of cardio-vascular diseases.
 It improves kidney and liver functions.
 It boosts confidence and self-awareness.

 P r e g n a n t w o m e n s h o u l d
avoid the practice of this
 Those who are suffering from
sciatica, neck and knee
problems, slipped disc, etc.,
should not practice this
 You should not do this asana
if you are suffering from
ulcer or hernia.
7) Paschimottanasana :- It is already mention in above
8) Ardha-Mastendrasana :- It is already mention in above
9) Mandukasana:-
 Mandukasana consists of two words, i.e., “manduk” and ‘asana’.
 Here, manduk means ‘frog’ and asana means ‘pose’.

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 This pose is named ‘frog pose’ as your body resembles like a frog when you
practice this asana.
 Sit comfortably in Vajrasana.
 Make fists with each of your hands.
 While making fists, ensure that your thumbs should be inside with the fingers
while pressing the navel with your both fists, exhale and bend forward.
 Look forward while you are bending.
 Now, hold your breath as long as you can and maintain this pose.
 When you release this pose, you can inhale and slowly come to the starting
position (Vajrasana).
 Repeat the same process 3 to 4 times.
 It helps in improving the production of insulin in the body. Thus it helps finally in
preventing incurable diseases like diabetes.
 It helps to tone up organs which are located in the abdominal region, including
the stomach.
 It helps in relieving constipation and improves the body’s digestive functions.
 It helps in shedding excess belly fats and removes it from the waist and thighs.
 It helps in relieving any pain in your knees, legs and ankles.
 Helps in improving cardiovascular health, prevents heart ailments like stroke,
high cholesterol and blockage in arteries.
 Relieves depression, stress and anxiety.
 Helps in awakening of kundalini energy.

 Avoid this asana if you are
suffering from severe
backache, ulcers, knee pain
and ankle injuries.
 Avoid its practice in case of
insomnia and migraine.
 Avoid it if you have
undertaken surgery around
the abdomen.
10) Gomukhasana :-
 This asana gets its name because while doing this asana body resembles a cow
face pose.
 In English it is called the cow face pose.

Procedure :
 Sit in Sukhasana or Dandasana pose.
 Place the ankle of left leg near right but under the anus.
 Place the right leg over the left leg so that knees should place over left knee.

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 Sweep your left hand behind your back, facing palms upwards.
 Sweep your right hand over the right shoulder, bend your elbow and place it
behind your back.
 Now inter lock fingers of both hands behind your back.
 Now stretch both hands in their respective directions. Look straight.
 Repeat with changing leg position.

Benefits :

 Helps in curing Asthma, reduce weight makes body flexible and attractive.
 It helps to make spine strong and erect.
 Helps to make abdominal organ function well.
 Helps to reduce obesity.
 Diaphragm improves and keep away from all kinds of intoxication.
 Upper body becomes flexible and strong.
 It helps to circulate blood to the entire body.

Contraindications :
 Person having stiff shoulder should
avoid this.
 Any kind of hip problem or knee,
hamstring and quadriceps should
be avoided.
 If one has to sciatica problem, one
should avoid this pose.
 Avoid if any neck or shoulder
 Avoid performing or practicing during pregnancy.
11) Yogmudra:-
 Yogmudra asana is one of the best anti-aging poses as it helps the practitioner to
look and feel younger.
 It is a combination of three words: Yoga, mudra and asana.
 Here, yoga means ‘awareness’, mudra means ‘seal’ and asana means “pose or
 This asana is seen as a symbol that represents, a “seal of awareness” That is why
it is also known as “Yoga seal pose”
 Sit in Padmasana pose on the floor.
 Keep your eyes closed while doing this asana.
 Take a deep breath and bring your hands behind the back and hold the left wrist
with the right hand.
 Then start bending forward and try to touch the floor in front of you with the
forehead or the nose.
 Exhale while bending forward.
 Your spine should be kept straight.
 Focus on relaxing your whole body.
 Remain in this position as long as you can.
Yoga as Preventive measure for Lifestyle Disease Page 19
 Then return slowly to the starting position.
 Practice this asana 3 to 4 times
 It makes the body strong and the will power
is increased.
 It helps to strengthen the digestive organs.
 It helps to get rid of dysentery and stomach
 The hip and stomach get the most proper
shape with this asana.
 It helps to bring enhanced flexibility to
spine, back and the hips.
 It helps to activate Manipura chakra which
can improve overall energy levels of the
 It helps to relieve constipation.
 It improves body’s flexibility and mobility.
 It reduces diabetes, hypertension, asthma and cardiac diseases.
 It can also treat lower back pain, sciatica pain and shoulder disorders.
 Do not overstretch or overbend your body if it causes you pain.
 Pregnant women should avoid the practice of this asana.
 Avoid the practice of this asana if you are suffering from severe hip and knee
 If you have chronic heart problems, you should not practice this asana.
 Do not practise this asana if you have low blood pressure.
12) Ushtrasana:- It is already mention in above

13) Kapalabhati
 The word kapalabhati is derived from Sanskrit.
 Kapal means ‘forehead’ and bhati means ‘shining’.
 Thus, kapalabhati refers to shining face with inner radiance.
 It is highly energising abdominal breathing exercise.
 In this pranayama, quick exhalation and normal inhalation are performed which
follow each other.
 Sit in a cross-legged position with back straight.
 Let your hands rest on knees.
 Relax your body and mind.
 Slowly and deeply inhale through both nostrils while expanding abdomen.
Exhale through nose while pulling the abdomen in.
 Again inhale effortlessly.
 Just relax and the lungs will automatically be filled with air.
 Having performed 10 to 15 quick exhalation and natural inhalation, inhale and
exhale deeply.

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 Repeat 4 to 5 rounds per day
 Kapalbhati increases the capacity of lungs and strengthens them.
 It is also known to remove toxins as well as other waste products from the body.
Regular as well as advanced practice of kapalbhati helps to reduce CO2 levels in
the blood, which results in increasing the level of oxygen in the body.
 Kapalbhati helps in increasing pitta and enhances the metabolic rate which is
ultimately helpful in reducing body weight.
 It relieves anxiety and tension.
 It is helpful in good skin health. It also gives the radiant glow and keeps the face
young and vibrant.
 Kapalbhati helps to cure asthma and sinus.
 It is beneficial for curing insomnia.
 It increases endorphins which is a mood elevator.
 It improves digestive process and helps in reducing gastric problems. Its regular
practice helps in relieving gas, heart burn and constipation.
 It enhances the capacity of lungs and makes them stronger
 It activates chakras in your body
 Pregnant women should avoid practising Kapalbhati.
 If you have ulcers, you have to be very careful while practising Kapalbhati.
 If you are suffering from low back pain or slipped disc, the practice of
 Kapalbhati should not be done.
 Kapalbhati should not be done if you have a weak digestive system.
 It should not be done in case of giddiness, hypertension and stroke.

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3. Asthma
 Asthma, a disease associated with the respiratory tract swelling occurs, which makes
the tracts very sensitive and makes this process pungent with the touch of any
effective thing.
 These reactions cause contraction in the tubes this reduces the amount of air in the
lungs. Due to which itbecome difficult to breath.

Symptoms of Asthma:-
 Coughing,
 Heavy breathing.
 Chest tightness caused by dust
 Early fatigue,
 Pain in hands, feet, shoulders and back.
 Animal skin

Cause of Asthma:-
 Pollution
 Smoking
 Dust and fumes
 Sometime any allergy
 Chemicals
 Genetic
 Pet danger
 Stress
 Reparatory Infections

Management of Asthma:-
Some asana are recommended for the Asthma here as under:-
1) Tadasana
2) Urdhwa Hastottansana
3) UttanMandukasana
4) Bhujangasana
5) Dhanurasana
6) Ushtrasana
7) Vakrasana
8) Kapalbhati
9) Gomukhasana
10) Matsyaasana
11) Anuloma-Viloma

Yoga as Preventive measure for Lifestyle Disease Page 22

1) Tadasana:- It is already mention in above
2) Urdhwa Hastottansana:-

Procedure :
 First of all stand erect on the surface of the ground.
 Both the feet should be together.
 Then start inhalation slowly and raise both the arms over the head with
palms facing up and interlock your fingers.
 After that start exhalation and bend from the waist towards the right side.
 Then maintain this position/postures for 5 to 10 seconds comfortably.
 After that start inhalation and come to the center position. Then repeat the
same procedure towards the left side

Benefits :
 This asana helps in increasing the height of children and adolescents. That is
why is usually practised by those who have desire to increase height.
 This asana helps in reducing body weight. It removes fats from hips and
buttocks due to adequate stretch in these positions.
 It helps to improve spinal curvature. That is why it is beneficial for spinal
 It relieves the muscle pain in the neck, shoulders and arms.
 It helps in relieving constipation as it ensures proper movement of stomach
and intestines.
 It also helps in relieving back pain.
 Up to some extent, sciatica pain can be reduced.
 It relaxes the whole body.
 It also improves digestion

 In case of dizziness, it should not
be performed.
 This asana should not be practised
during the period of pregnancy.
 Before practising this asana, a yoga
expert must be consulted if
someone is having insomnia.
 In case of leg pain, it should be
 In case of injury of neck or
shoulders, the practice of this
asana should be avoided.
3) Uttan Mandukasana
 Uttana Mandukasana is composed of three words: Uttana means ‘upright’
Manduka means ‘frog’.
 The position of Uttana Mandukasana resembles an upright frog that is why it
is called Uttana Mandukasana

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Procedure :
 Sit in Vajrasana and spread your knees wide apart while big toes should
remain together.
 Raise your right arm.
 Fold it and take it backward from above the right shoulder.
 Place palm below the left shoulder. In the same way, raise your left arm.
 Fold it and take it backward from above the left shoulder.
 Place your palm below the right shoulder.
 Keep back and neck straight. Maintain this position for some time.
 Then come back slowly in the reverse order.
Benefits :
 It relieves throat pain.
 It makes back muscles flexible, relieves back pain and strain
 It helps to cure sciatica.
 Strengthens the spines.
 Removes extra accumulated fat in the belly region, which enables you to
become slim and keeps you healthy and fit.
 Improves functional efficiency of pancreas.
 Helps in relieving stress and anxiety.

 Avoid the practice of this asana if you are suffering from arthritis, hernia,
chronic and severe back problems and elbow pain
 Women should avoid this asana during pregnancy

4) Bhujangasana :- It is already mention in above

5) Dhanurasana :- It is already mention in above
6) Ushtrasana :- It is already mention in above
7) Vakrasana:-
 Vakrasana is dong while sitting: In this asana back bone is twisted, that’s why
it named as Vakrasana.

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 Keep both feet in front and sit straight.
 Sit down stretching your legs forward on the ground.
 Bend your left leg and place it around the right knee.
 Keep spine straight, while exhaling bend towards left.
 Now place the right arm by the outer side of left knee and pull the left knee
towards the body.
 Pull the knee so that it pressures on the stomach.
 While exhaling, return to the initial position.
 Repeat it from the other side its one complete cycle do it 3 to 5 times.
Benefits :
 It brings flexibility in back bone and makes it healthy.
 Relieves stiffness from the back.
 Help in relieving back pain.

 Avoid the asana if suffering from high blood pressure
 In the condition of acute back pain or any type of injury avoid this posture
 If suffering from peptic ulcer and hernia then also avoid this asana

8) Kapalbhati:- It is already mention in above

9) Gomukhasana :- It is already mention in above
10) Matsyaasana:- It is already mention in above
11) Anuloma-Viloma
 Anulom-vilom is a breathing exercise. Here, ‘Anulom’ means ‘towards’ and
‘Vilom’ means ‘reverse’.
 In this type of pranayama, nostrils are alternatively used in reverse order for
each inhalation and exhalation.
 In fact, it involves holding of one nostril while inhaling and after that holding
the other nostril closed while exhaling

Procedure :
 Sit down in Padmasana or in any one of the meditative pose and close your
 Your spine should be straight.
 Keep your hands on the respective knees.
 Then raise your right hand and place your thumb on the right nostril and the

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ring finger on your left nostril.
 Close your right nostril with the right thumb and slowly begin to inhale with
your left nostril.
 After the complete inhalation, close your left nostril with the ring finger
while keeping the right nostril closed.
 Hold you breath for as much as you can.
 Then move your thumbs away from your right nostril and start exhalation
 Now practice it in reverse, this time inhale through the right nostril and
exhale through the left nostril.
 After finishing this cycle, repeat it for another 3 to 5 times.
Benefits :
 It helps in managing stress, tension, anxiety and depression.
 It improves focus and concentration.
 It helps in boosting immunity.
 It provides oxygen to the whole body in ample amount.
 It helps in improving memory and retaining information for longer periods of
 Regular practice of anulom-vilom improves the functioning of the lungs and
also enhances the endurance level
 It ensures sound sleep

 The practice of anulom-vilom is to be done only under the guidance of an
expert yoga teacher.
 Do not do anulom-vilom if your stomach is full, because it may be harmful for
your digestive system.
 In the beginning, retaining of breath for maximum time should be avoided.
 The patients of heart diseases and hypertension should be very careful about
retaining breath for long time

4. Hypertension
 High blood pressure. A condition in which the strength of blood against the
walls of the artery is very high.
 The main function of the heart is to supply pure blood to the various parts of
the body through different arteries.
 when the heart contract it pushes the blood through blood vessels and
Yoga as Preventive measure for Lifestyle Disease Page 26
consequently the blood pressure increases in arteries this pressure is known
as systolic blood pressure
 It is represented by the first number the pressure between two heartbeats is
called diastolic blood pressure
 it is represented by bottom or second number these two number of blood
pressure are measured in mm/Hg. Unit means millimeter of mercury.
 The normal blood pressure of an adult is considered 120/80mm/ Hg.
 The person whose blood pressure readings are beyond 140/90 mm/Hg are
said to be having hypertension.

Symptoms of Hypertension:-
 Head heaviness
 Headache
 Chest palpitation
 Nose bleeding
 Shortness of breath
 Irritation and getting irritated ea sily
 Face turning red
 Visual problem
 Disturbed sleep (Insomnia)

Causes of Hypertension:-

 Increased with age

 Genetic
 Obesity
 Lack of physical activity
 Smoking
 Alcohol
 More intake of salt in food
 Tension or mental stress
 Diabetes
 Pregnant women are
 more prone to high B.P.
Management of Asthma:-
High blood pressure can be controlled by doing the following yoga asanas:-
1) Tadasana 6) Gomukhasana 11) Shavasana,
2) Katichakransan 7) UttanMandukasana 12) Nadishodhanapranayam
3) Uttanpadasana 8) Vakrasana 13) Sitlipranayam.
4) Ardha Halasana 9) Bhujangasana
5) Sarala Matyasana 10) Makarasana

1) Tadasana:- It is already mention in above

2) Katichakransan:- It is already mention in above
3) Uttanpadasana
 Uttanpadmasana is composed of Uttana, Pad and asana.

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 Here, Uttana means ‘to raise’, Pad means ‘leg’ and asana means ‘pose’ so, it is
also known as “Raised leg pose

Procedure :
 Lie flat on your back and breath slowly.
 Place your hands on either side and your palms should be facing downward.
 Start inhaling slowly and raise your legs to approximately 30° from the
 Maintain this position for 15 to 30 seconds to feel pressure in lower
 While breathing out, relax your posture by lowering your legs, i.e., back to the
starting position.
Benefits :
 It is helpful in reducing weight.
 It curves back pain.
 It strengthens the abdominal muscles.
 It is good for diabetic persons.
 It helps in increasing blood circulation around the body.
 It helps in relieving depression and anxiety.
 It cures stomach disorders such as acidity, constipation and indigestion.
 It is effective in boosting the health of the heart, lungs, liver, pancreas and
 It gives strength and balance to the body.
 It is helpful for those suffering from gas problem, acidity, arthritis, heart
diseases and waist pain

 Whenever you begin to feel discomfort, release from the pose.
 Those suffering from high blood pressure, slipped disc and ulcer should avoid
this asana.
 Avoid it in case of severe lower back pain.
 Women should avoid it during pregnancy.
 Avoid it in case of injury to hamstrings, calves and core muscles

4) Ardha Halasana
 Ardha Halasana is composed of the words: Ardha Hala asana where Ardha

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means ‘half’ Hala means ‘Plough’ and Asana means ‘Pose’.
 That is why it is called as ‘half plough pose’

Procedure :
 Lie down in supine position. Join both the legs and keep your hands with the
 Breathe in slowly and raise your legs together, perpendicular to the ground.
 Your knees should be straight. Maintain this position comfortably as long as
 Breathe out slowly and bring your legs to the ground.
 Relax for some time and repeat the same process for 3 to 5 times

 It improves blood circulation.
 It is beneficial for hypertensive patients under the guidance of yoga expert.
 It helps in relieving constipation.
 It strengthens thigh and calf muscles.
 It helps in reducing weight especially belly fat.
 It stimulates abdominal organs.
 It improves digestion and appetite.

 It should be avoided by those who have undergone any recent stomach
 Persons with enlarged thyroid, spleen and liver should avoid the practice of
 ardha halasana.

5) Sarala Matyasana
 It is also known as easy fish pose.

 Lie down on your back. Feet should be together.
 Keep your hands under the hips.
 Palms should be facing downward. Bring your elbows closer toward each
 While breathing in, lift the head and chest up.
 Keeping the chest elevated, lower your head backward and touch the top of
Yoga as Preventive measure for Lifestyle Disease Page 29
the head to the floor.
 Place the weight on the elbows and not the head.
 Maintain this pose as long as you comfortably can.
 Take gentle long breaths in and out.
 Then lift the head up, lowering the chest and head to the floor.
 Bring your hands back along the sides of the body and relax.
 It helps in relieving tension in the neck and shoulders.
 It provides relief from respiratory disorders by encouraging long and deep
 It is beneficial in case of constipation, indigestion and piles.
 It improves the functions of pelvic region.
 This pose is excellent remedy for back-pain.
 It is beneficial for asthma and bronchitis.
 It boosts the functions of the thyroid and thymus glands and finally improves
 The regular practice of this asana helps, i.e., conditions like disorders of
 The practice of this asana should be avoided in case of spinal injuries
osteoporosis, knee injury or pain in the knee joints and cardiovascular
 It should be avoided in case of migraine and insomnia.

6) Gomukhasana :- :- It is already mention in above
7) UttanMandukasana:- It is already mention in above
8) Vakrasana:- It is already mention in above
9) Bhujangasana :- It is already mention in above
10) Makarasana:-
 Makarasana is composed of two words: ‘Makara’ and ‘Asana’.
 Here ‘Makara’ means ‘crocodile’ and ‘Asana’ means ‘pose’.
 In fact, it is called Makarasana because it is this asana and body shape that
resembles ‘makara’ or ‘crocodile’.
 Lie down on your stomach with feet slightly apart.
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 Toes should point outward.
 Bend both the arms and keep the right palm on the left arm.
 Keep your head on your left or right arm.
 Keep your eyes closed. Relax in this pose for up to 10 minutes.
 It provides deep relaxation to body and mind.
 It releases stress and anxiety.
 It helps to reduce back pain.
 It helps in relaxing the spine and reduces tension.
 It helps in curing asthma and knee pain.
 It helps in curing slipped disc, spondylitis and sciatica.
 It helps in curing hypertension, heart diseases and mental disorders.
 It is beneficial for respiratory organs.

 In case of serious back injury, it is best to avoid the practice of this asana.
 Pregnant women should avoid the practice of this asana.
 It should be avoided if you have neck injury.
 Severe abdominal disorders may bring more discomfort from the practice of
this asana.

11) Shavasana :

Procedure :
 Lie flat on your back.
 Keep your arms at your side and your palms facing up. Legs should be
separated and just relax.
 Start concentrating from your head to your feet and relax each part of your
body and feels that you are just like a dead body.

Benefits :

 Relax whole body.

 Release stress,
 Release fatigue, depression & tension.
 Calms the mind and improves mental health.
 It increases energy levels.

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 It strengthens the nervous system.
 It controls high blood pressure.
 It gives new vigour to both mind and body simultaneously.
 It regulates blood circulation and gives relief in various aches and pains.
 It cures many psychosomatic problems.
 It helps to cure many cardiac problems.
 It relaxes and calms the complete body.
 It improves concentration and memory.
 It increases energy levels.
 The body relaxes and goes into a deep meditative state, which in turn repairs
the cells and tissues and releases stress.

 Do not perform this asana on uneven place.
 Do not overstretch your body while doing this asana
 It is not advisable to do this asana in case of recent spinal injuries or head

12) Nadishodhana pranayam

 Nadi Shodhana pranayama is a combination of two words: Nadi and
Shodhana. Here, nadi means ‘channel’ and shodhana means purification. So,
its meaning is to purity or clear the channels of physical body.
 Sit comfortably. Raise the right hand and place the right thumb on the right
nostril and close it.
 Inhale through the left nostril.
 Release right nostril and exhale.
 Then block the left nostril and inhale from the right nostril.
 This completes one cycle. Repeat 10-12 cycles.
 In this pranayama, after inhalation, breath is held for a brief period of time,
which differentiates it from anulom-vilom pranayama.

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 It clears and releases toxins.
 It reduces stress and anxiousness.
 It helps to balance hormones.
 It balances solar and lunar energies.
 It enhances the ability to concentrate
 It keeps the balance between right and left side of the brain.
 It regulates the nervous system.
 It helps in lowering the blood pressure.
 It improves breathing.
 It lowers fear and anxiety.

 It should be avoided in case of high vata, heart problem, high anxiety or
 During menstruation its practice should be avoided.
 Avoid its practice if your sinuses are blocked.
 Avoid it in case of cold and fever.

13) Sitli Pranayam
 It is a part of Hatha Yoga. Sheetal means calmness.
 It is a breathing exercise that reduces internal heat and restores mental,
physical and emotional equilibrium
 Sit cross-legged comfortably on the floor with your feet on your thighs and
the soles facing upwards.
 Straight your spine and head, join the tips of index fingers to the tips of the
thumbs and let the other fingers remain either extended or loose.
 Gently, close your eyes and relax your mind and body.
 Open your mouth and try to fold your tongue slowly while stretching it out.

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 Inhale gently with the hissing sound to feel the coolness of intake of air.
 Then take your tongue inside and hold your breath as long as possible with
closed eyes.
 Next feel the breath penetrating into your brain and spreading into your
nervous system.
 Feel the coolness while gradually exhaling through your nose.
 This is just one round of ‘Sheetli Pranayama’.
 Repeat it 10 to 15 times regularly.

 It purifies blood and refreshes body and mind.
 It is useful for those who feel tired, sleepy and lazy while getting up in the
morning or during the day.
 It reduces anger, anxiety and stress.
 It does not only improve digestion but also good for high blood pressure and
 It keeps body and mind cool and clears excess heat.
 It balances excess pitta.
 It soothes inflammatory skin conditions.
 Helps to calm inflammation throughout the body.
 It balances the function of endocrine system.
 It helps in case of insomnia.
 It alleviates heat related skin problem like acne, rashes and redness

 Sheetli pranayama should be avoided in case of the following conditions:
1. Asthma, bronchitis and respiratory diseases.
2. Congestion or excess mucous or phlegm.
3. Lower blood pressure and constipation.
4. Cold weather


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5. Back Pain and Arthritis:
 Back pain is a wide spread problem people around the world are suffering from
various problems due to changing habitat and changing lifestyle.

 Back pain is one of them about 95% of the people who sit in one place and 60% of
the rest of the people are upset with back pain and number of women are more in

 Back pain is pain felt in the back any may be neck pain (cervical), middle back
pain (thoracic), lower back pain (lumber), or may be in the coccydynia (tailbone)
Symptoms of Back Pain:-
 Muscle ache.
 Shooting or stabbing pain.
 Pain that radiates down your leg.
 Pain that worsens with bending,
lifting, standing or walking.
 Pain that improves with reclining.
 Loss of appetite
 Nausea
 Thirst
 Tiredness
 Constipation
Causes of Back Pain:-
 Increased with age
 Wrong Working Posture
 Obesity
 Weak Muscle
 Wrong Habit
 Spondylolisthesis
 Cancer
 Facture
 Sedentary Life style
 Pregnant women
 Wrong Physical Activity
 Arthritis
 The habit of modern equipment
 Wrong way of sleeping
 Weight lifting

Yoga as Preventive measure for Lifestyle Disease Page 35

Management of Back Pain:-
Back Pain can be controlled by doing the following yoga asanas:-
1) Tadasan 5) Vakrasana 9) Bhadrasana
2) Urdhawahastootansana 6) Sarala Maysyendrsana 10) Makarasana
3) Ardh-Chakrasana 7) Bhujandgasana 11) Nadi-Shodhana
4) Ushtrasana 8) Gomukhasana pranayama

1) Tadasana:- It is already mention in above

2) Urdhawahastootansana :- It is already mention in above
3) Ardh-Chakrasana:-
 In Sanskrit, Ardha means half, Chakra means wheel and Asana means a pose.
 Therefore, Ardha-chakrasan means half-wheel postures.
 It is a simpler version of chakrasana.
 Stand straight and bring your hands together in a clasped position.
 Raise and rotate your hands above the shoulders.
 Slowly bend the upper part of your body along with the hands, as far as possible.
 Remain in this position for some time according to your capacity.
 To release the pose, bring back slowly to the standing position with hands on your
 There is a variation of Ardha Chakrasana, where the hands are placed behind the
hips and then the back bending is attempted

 Strengthens the back and abdominal muscles.
 Tones the organs in the abdomen including the digestive, excretory and
reproductive organs.
 Relief from back problems and postural defects.
 Opens the chest and strengthens the arms and shoulder muscles.
 Posture prepares beginners for the more difficult full wheel pose or Chakrasana.

 Ardha Chakrasana should not be done by those suffering from any neck, hip or
spinal injury.
 Those suffering from high blood pressure should avoid this pose.
 Pregnant women should avoid all poses that puts any strain on the fetus.


Yoga as Preventive measure for Lifestyle Disease Page 36

4) Ushtrasana:- It is already mention in above.
5) Vakrasana:- It is already mention in above.
6) Sarala Maysyendrsana:- It is already mention in above.
7) Bhujandgasana:- It is already mention in above.
8) Gomukhasana:- It is already mention in above.
9) Bhadrasana
 Bhadrasana means Gracious Yoga, it consists of two words –Bhadra and Asana.
 Bhadra is a Sanskrit word, which means Auspicious or Gracious, while asana
indicates Yoga pose.

 Sit on the mat with legs fully stretched forward.
 Bring the feet, with the toes pointing outward, close to the generative organ, the
heels touching the perineum very closely.
 If required, clasp the feet to bring the heels as close to the body as possible
 Once this position is secured, place the hands on the respective knees pressing
them down.
 Keep the neck straight, upper body (chest) forward, stomach held in normal
contour, focus eyes at one point straight ahead.
 Helps to loosen the joints by flexing and stretching the tendons. The muscles of the
pelvis, knees and ankles become more supple.
 Relieves tension from the spinal region.
 Provides relief in cases of sciatic, varicose vein and menstrual disorders.
 Prevents Arthritis
 Improves posture
 Promotes concentration
 Bhadrasana is a good for those who find it difficult to sit in more classical posture
like Padmasana and Vajrasana.
 Although beneficial for prevention from arthritis, practitioners with serious
arthritis should consult yoga expert before practicing this asana.


Yoga as Preventive measure for Lifestyle Disease Page 37

10) Makarasana:- It is already mention in above
11) Nadi-Shodhana pranayama:- It is already mention in above

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