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MATTHEW X. 23—25 47 the easiness of wavering; for the persecutors, on the other hand, diminishing their evil deeds, because as much as they increase doing evil so much will their torment increase ; so therefore He commanded, that when persecutions are near, they should stand risk for the sake of Truth, and not betray the fear of God by cowardice. As much as possible they should not invite the danger in advance, for the reasons that are told ; for even our Lord, on account of envy, removed to the town of Ephraim, and sometimes He went out of the Temple secretly, and sometimes He departed to a mountain, softening the vehemence of the storms, and giving occasion for the Gospel at the same time to restrain the persecutors from future punishment. But again in their circuits and their changes from one place to another, this preaching would also be accomplished, and all nations should hear. This, that ye shalt not finish alt the citées of Israel, until the Son of Man shall come, Twice our Lord sent the Twelve and the Seventy to evangelize first among the Jews especially, but afterwards, to all the world. Go and make disciples of all the nations, inasmuch as He came for the salvation of all and not of a part, so that therefore this, that ye shall not finish all the cities of Isracl, is suitable only for confirmation to the Jews, a thing that happened quickly, when our Lord shewed on Mount Tabor a type of His last coming ; for He called this sight the coming, naming the type by the name of the prototype; again this that the Son of Man shall come, instead of this, that I explain to you a sign, that is to say, I make you understand at once, that before ye have gone round all the cities of Judah. But this I say, comforting them, before they should suffer any evil, He should rise recognized as the Redeemer, which also happened ; for those who were sent returned with joy and without hurt, relating the mighty deeds that were done by their means, Again this, that He should come, is like that which God said to Israel, that in every place where thou recordest My name I will come to thee and bless thee ; it being evident that He calls His help a coming. Again, when He advised them not to be grieved nor offended by the curses of strangers, inasmuch as He also bore bitter curses, He said, There ts no disciple that is greater than his lord, and no servant than his master. It is enough for the disciple that he be as his master; and the servant as his lord; Sor if they have called the master of the house Beelzebub, how much more them of his household? that is to say, that if 1, who am Master and Lord, according as ye call Me our Master and our Lord, and ye say well, for so I am, 1 have borne curses and afflictions, and I am going to p> Jobn 11.64 f 28a ‘Matt.28.19 ps Ex. 20, 28 Jobn 13.19

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