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Ref: MaDeIT/EIR/2024/ 06.6.



Candidate Name
& Address


With reference to your application and subsequent screening, we are pleased to appoint you as a
– Entrepreneur-In-Residence under the NIDHI – EIR program at MaDeIT Innovation
Foundation, Chennai 127


1. This appointment letter is valid subject to your joining the Program on/before 00.00.2024

Designation : NIDHI-Entrepreneur In Residence (NIDHI-EIR)

Stipend : Rs.30,000/- per month (Rs. Thirty Thousand only)

Project title : Design and development of context-aware chat

2. The terms and conditions of this offer are strictly confidential and should be treated as
privileged information between you and the Company.

3. You are engaged for a specific period of Fellowship Program and will be up to 01.03.2024
or till the completion of the assignment, whichever is earlier.

Duties and Responsibilities:

1. Carry out the activities of the Project and conform to the specified objectives, outputs,
milestones, and targets;

2. Acknowledge the assistance of the EIR program by DST while publishing or presenting in
any manner the details of the Project, its progress or its success.

3. In the case of any ambiguity or conflict or inconsistency between this Agreement and any
other associated agreement(s) entered into between you and MaDeIT Innovation
Foundation on the same subject matter, the provisions of this Agreement shall take

4. Description of your technology or business idea is as given in Appendix 1 which forms part
of this appointment letter.
5. Appendix 2 outlines the responsibilities of MaDeIT Innovation Foundation.

6. You shall report to the Program Manager, NIDHI-EIR at MaDeIT Innovation Foundation

7. Fellows will pay MaDeIT Innovation Foundation every month the actual amount for the
various incubation services offered by MaDeIT Innovation Foundation to them. Appendix 3
outlines the paid cost of various incubation services offered by MaDeIT Innovation

8. You shall be governed by the rules of discipline of MaDeIT Innovation Foundation

applicable to your category and shall abide by the rules and regulations with regard to
general conduct, discipline and performance of work, existing and / or framed from time
to time whether they are individually notified to you or not.

9. You agree and accept that during the fellowship period, you shall not undertake any job,
employment or enter into any business independently and / or in association with any
competitor of the MaDeIT Innovation Foundation or it’s partners for the EIR program and
it’s businesses directly or indirectly and / or also not to advise or render consultancy
or services in any manner to the competitors of the MaDeIT Innovation Foundation or
it’s partners for the EIR program and / or with the associates or competitors.

A. Leave and other benefits:

1. You are not entitled to any earned leave.

2. As a “NIDHI-EIR”, you will not be entitled to any benefits, privilege available to regular
employees of the MaDeIT Innovation Foundation.

3. You shall not have any lien on the job nor shall have any claim to be appointed against
permanency or regular vacancy, if so accrues in either MaDeIT Innovation Foundation or
its associated businesses.

B. Medical fitness and verification of particulars:

1. Your appointment is substantially based on information, testimonial, documents

submitted by you, which you were required to submit while joining the fellowship or may
be called upon to do so subsequently. The MaDeIT Innovation Foundation shall be within
its right to verify the correctness of such information at any time now or in future. If it is
found at any stage that the information provided by you is incorrect or some information
is suppressed, then your fellowship will be automatically concluded.
2. Your appointment and fellowship will be subject to your being and remaining medically
fit. It is necessary for you to get medically examined by the Medical Officer appointed by
MaDeIT Innovation Foundation as and when required by the MaDeIT Innovation
Foundation. If at any stage, you are found to be unfit by the Medical Officer for the
assignment currently being done by you, then you are liable to be terminated on medical

C. Termination/Separation:

1. Your appointment as a “NIDHI-EIR” shall be terminated on 00.00.2024.

2. During the stipulated fellowship period, if your progress, conduct and performance are
found unsatisfactory, your fellowship shall be discontinued without any notice and
without assigning any reason thereof or may be extended further at the discretion of the

3. In the event of breach of any of the terms & conditions of your fellowship and/or service
conditions & rules, the MaDeIT Innovation Foundation reserves the right to claim
liquidated damages from you, apart from other damages. MaDeIT Innovation Foundation
also reserves the right to terminate your fellowship without giving notice.

4. Upon completion of your fellowship you shall return to MaDeIT Innovation Foundation
forthwith all the property, documents, drawings, designs, programs, data in whatever
form, hardware, software, records etc belonging to MaDeIT Innovation Foundation or its
associates, subsidiary, clients, or customers.

D. General Conditions:

1. All the correspondence, communications by MaDeIT Innovation Foundation herein after

shall be made either personally at work place or at the residential address given by you,
at any one of the places at the discretion and convenience of MaDeIT Innovation
Foundation. Should you change your residence, you shall forthwith inform the address in
writing to MaDeIT Innovation Foundation. You shall also keep us informed of any changes
in your personal particulars relevant to your employment.

2. During the period of your fellowship with the MaDeIT Innovation Foundation, you shall at
all times observe secrecy in respect of any information of whatever nature be it technical,
trade, business data, information or systems, existing programs or programs developed,
Software, inventions made by you or any other employee of the MaDeIT Innovation
Foundation, which you may acquire or which may come to your knowledge while during
the currency of your fellowship. You shall not disclose the same to anybody except a
MaDeIT Innovation Foundation's
Officer authorized in that behalf. Even after you cease to be in this fellowship, you shall
not disclose the same to anyone.

3. You have been appointed as a “NIDHI-EIR” by the MaDeIT Innovation Foundation under
the Entrepreneur in Residence program funded by Department of Science and Technology
under the National Initiative for Developing and Harnessing Innovation (NIDHI). Nothing
in this appointment letter shall be deemed to create any employer – employee
relationship between MaDeIT Innovation Foundation and you. Your terms & conditions
shall be governed purely by this appointment letter, Service Rules, Regulations, HR Policy
framed by MaDeIT Innovation Foundation from time to time.

4. Notwithstanding anything in this offer letter /the appointment letter, no claim for any
employment with DST/Venture Center shall be made by the fellow nor any facilities, staff
quarters; medical assistance provided to DST/ Venture Center shall be available to the
fellow. The fellow shall neither raise any dispute regarding employment with DST/
Venture Center nor institute any proceedings, suits implicating DST/ Venture Center. Any
dispute in respect of the fellows’ employment shall be deemed to be only with MaDeIT
Innovation Foundation and under no circumstances with DST/ Venture Center.

5. Decision of the Head of the MaDeIT Innovation Foundation shall be final and binding in
case of any dispute between yourself and MaDeIT Innovation Foundation, concerning or
relating to or arising out of your appointment and shall be subject to the jurisdiction of

6. Please submit the following documents, if not submitted earlier:

a) Qualification Certificates as mentioned on the resume

b) One recent (less than 6 months) passport size photograph
c) Proof of age (preferably driving license)
d) Copy of Aadhar Card
e) Address Proof (Copy of Aadhaar Card / Passport having the permanent
residential address)
f) Relieving certificate from the earlier organization if applicable

You need to signify your acceptance of the terms and conditions as mentioned in this
appointment letter by returning the duplicate copy duly signed.

Disclaimer: DST, IIITDM Kancheepuram and MaDeIT Innovation Foundation will not be directly or
indirectly responsible or liable for any damages during the execution of this 12 months Nidhi EIR
program at our campus and Incubates needs to take all the responsibilities to work safely as well
as to ensure that all the equipment’s and assets of MaDeIT are used with proper care to avoid
any Follow the SOP/instruction laid by MaDeIT then and there during this program. All the
incubates shall follow the Covid SOP and other rules and regulations of IIITDM/MaDeIT
Innovation Foundation while working in our campus or classes or labs.
We look forward to your joining us at the earliest and wish you all success in your new
appointment as “NIDHI-Entrepreneur In Residence”

Yours truly,

Head of MaDeIT Innovation Foundation

I have Carefully read and fully understood the terms and conditions of my appointments as “NIDHI
– Entrepreneur-In-Residence” and hereby accept the same. I shall join the fellowship on or before



Date: 00.00.2024.

I, [Candidate's Full Name], acknowledge and agree to the following terms and conditions
related to the NIDHI Entrepreneur-in-Residence (EIR) Program at MaDeIT Innovation

1. I understand that the NIDHI EIR Program is designed to support entrepreneurs and
innovators in refining their business ideas & developing proof of concepts leading to
IP generation and venture formation. I am committed to achieving these milestones
during the program.

2. I commit to pursue the proposed business idea under NIDHI EIR full time.

3. I don’t have any other remuneration or fellowship or employment at the time of

pursuing this NIDHI EIR program.

4. I acknowledge that my physical presence in the incubator is mandatory during the

entire duration of the program.

5. I commit to actively participate in all program activities, including workshops,

mentoring sessions, and meetings, as outlined in the program schedule. I will ensure
regular attendance at the incubator.

6. I agree to maintain strict confidentiality regarding any proprietary information or

intellectual property belonging to MaDeIT Innovation Foundation or any incubating
startups during and after my participation in the program.

7. I will provide regular updates and reports on the progress of the work I am involved
in during the program. I commit to participating in regular reviews with program

8. I agree that the intellectual property rights for the product developed during my
tenure in the NIDHI EIR Program shall reside with me.

9. I declare that have not availed NIDHI-EIR grant in the past. I have not received a
similar grant to that of NIDHI EIR for the proposed idea.

10. I declare that I am not engaged in any collaboration with startups or innovators who
have received support from NIDHI – PRAYAS or NIDHI – EIR programs offered by any

11. I acknowledge that my performance in the NIDHI EIR Program will be evaluated
periodically by MaDeIT Innovation Foundation. I also acknowledge that failure to
meet performance expectations may result in the termination of my NIDHI EIR
12. In case I decide to withdraw from the program for any reason, I will inform MaDeIT
Innovation Foundation in writing with at least a week’s notice.

13. In the event of non-performance, violation of program policies, or any other

justifiable reason, MaDeIT Innovation Foundation reserves the right to terminate my
NIDHI EIR fellowship.

I have read, understood, and agree to abide by the terms and conditions outlined in this
declaration form. I am committed to making the most of the NIDHI EIR Program and
contributing to the successful outcome of the program.

Candidate's Full Name:

Candidate's Signature:

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