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SS2 Biology

1.Animals have different types of alimentary tract which varies in the type of a. walking b. diet c. looking
d. drinking

2.A cockroach feeds on ______ a. books b. sugar c. food d. all of the above

3.The salivary gland secrets saliva which contains an enzyme called a. pharynx b. ptyalin c. beak d.

4. The planaria is a free living flatworm that feeds on aquatic animals called a. spermatozoa b.
zooplankton c. oesophagus d. gizard

5.The digestive system of the includes the following except a. beak b. pharynx c. oesophagus d. end

6. Examples of filter feeders are a. mosquito b. mosel c. ducks d. all of the above

7.______ refers to the number, arrangements and confrontation of teeth in an organism a. amoeba b.
dentition c. mammals d. hydra

8. ______ feeding is found in both plants and animals a. parasitic b. ectopistic c. filteric d. saprophytic

9.Animals which feed on fluid particles are called a. aquatic feeders b. filter feeders c. wallower feeders
d.saprophytic feeders

10.______ are mainly non green plants that have no chloroplast and cannot manufacture their food a.
fluid feeders b. filter feeders c. wallower feeder d. saprophytic feeder

11. How many major media of transportation do we have a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5

12. There are ______ types of blood cells and corpuscles a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5

13.Transportation is responsible for every cell to obtain a. metabolism b. movement c. various part d.

14. One of these is needed to transport materials in animals a. urea b. digestion c. lymph d. flatworm

15. The circulatory system of animals could be grouped into _______ major categories a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5

16. The blood vessles which carry blood from the body to the heart is called a. veins b. tube c. line

17.______ are the tube within which the blood flows through in the body a. pipelines b. line pipe c.
heartry tube d. arteries

18.An elaborate process involving a series of fixed pattern is called a. pairing b. display c. mating d.
19. ______ involves two animals,usually a male and female which seperate themselves from others in a
group to form a mating pair a. pairing b. mating c. display d. courtship

20.fishes are unisexual and their reproduction system is found within the _______ a. chest b. tail c. fins
d. abdomen

21.The circulatory system is grouped into a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5

22.There are _______ types of blood cells in corpuscles a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5

23.Examples of filter feeders are a. mosquito b. mussel c. duck d. all of the above

24 The following includes the digestive system of a bird except a. beak b. pharynx c. oesophagus d. anele

25.The_______ are the male reproductive organs of a flower a. corolla b. gynoceium c. androecium dm

26.How many floral part is the flower made of a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5

27.The ________ consist of sepals which are usually small and green a. corolla b. calyx c. pedicel d.

28. How many types of pollinations exist in plants a. 3 b. 2 c.1 d. 5

29.The agents of pollination are called a. polli agents b. pollinators c. pollitant d. agents of pollination

30.A friut normally consist of a. pericarp b. seed c. fruit stalk d. none of the above


1.Define dispersal

1b.write any three agents of dispersal of seeds and seeds

1c. write three differences between fruit and seed

2.Define pollination

2b.Mention and explain the two types of pollination

2C.Mention 4 differences between the two types of pollination

3.Define Habitat

3b.Mention three types of habitat and explain 2

3c.Write short note on formation of marshes

4. Mention 5 characteristics of freshwater habitat and explain 2

4b.Differentiate between fresh water and estuarine habitat

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