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First and foremost, I would like to praise and thank the Almighty God for giving me the
strength and because of His blessing, I finally managed to accomplish this assignment.
Without his blessing, I couldn’t have gone this far. This assignment cannot complete without
effort. Therefore, I would like to acknowledge with thanks to my lecture Dr. Kardina binti
Kamaruddin because without her guide my assignment cannot be done properly like this.
She always gives us supports and guide on how to do my assignment in purpose.

Last but not least, I would like to express my thankfulness to University Technology Mara
(UiTM) campus Merbok for giving me opportunity to conduct this writing article review.
Finally, an honourable mention goes to my friends for the support and willingness to help me
in this assignment.


In this research, the researchers performed research into how the training and
development can impact on employee performance. Following that, the researchers use a
convenience sampling technique by using self-administered questionnaire and the
participation was chosen by randomly. From this research, the participants was give the
response totally agree answer from the questionnaire. Based on this review on this article, I
have found out that mostly the participate are agree with the title of this questionnaire. This
questionnaire are distributed among the different workers in an organization. There are two
variables they were used in this research which are about the training and development,
employee development and job satisfaction.

Mostly, the respondent strongly believed that the training can improve their
performance in their work. From this research, I can say that the training are so important to
workers before they start do something especially skills jobs. Here, I can say that the training
can give the positive impact towards training and development and their passion on doing
their job increase. Other than that, I believe that the if the company give some training to
their worker, they can improve their worker’s job quality. The workers can enhance their
performance also productivity.

With this training, the company also can boost their input where the training can give
more benefit to the company if they are not pay no attention about one of the important step.
With this training, the company can control on both of individuals (workers) also the
organization. This finding can give solution to other company how improve the workers skills,
about their knowledge, and other abilities and this step also can create the job satisfaction
among the workers and the company will be satisfied with their achievement to the
company. Primarily, for the better productivity depends on proper training to the employees.

With this research, many company can take an opportunity to take an action in their
company. Many organizations come to realization of how dominant of the training and
development programs in their company. This research shown there are powerful effect of
training and development on employee performance. The organization need to know their
employee’s ability with their skills. The training and development can give more beneficial to
the company if they apply this steps.

The organization can save time and cost if they do the training and development into
their company. The organization need to do some investment in training which they can
improve their company’s financial standing. If they are no training in their work, the result of
their performance are drop when the employees does not know how to do their jobs. With
this training, this can give solution the employees and solve the problem by explaining more
detail with the job scope.

Other than that, the training and development can cut off the simulation of effort in
the workplace, the time for fixing staff mistakes and problem solving can take as fast as can
to fix the problem occurs. When the performance of workers increases, the employee
training can reduce staff turnover in the organization. The organization also can cut the cost
of maintenance by reducing the failure of equipment and also customer complaints about the
products. When the performance are improved, the less supervision need to focus also the
output will increase.

In my opinion, the training and development are important can give increase the
employee satisfaction and self-esteem between the workers. Training and development can
support companies gain and preserve top talent, increase job satisfaction and spirit, improve
productivity and the company can earn more profit within year to year also can achieve the
company goals. The workers believe when the company can give effort on them, they willing
to work as they want. Commonly, the workers who believe when the company attempt the
outstanding training and development, they will incline to leave their company within a year
of training than the workers with poor training.

When the company want to target the employee with of full skills for future leadership
in organization, they need to establish the training and development. Other than that, this
steps also can build workplace relationship between workers and organization. By providing
the opportunity for workers to seek new skills and expand their knowledge can helps in
increase their team members connection. They also can build on together for various
learning opportunities by collaborating with other members who have specific areas of



1. Effects of Training on Employee Performance. Retrieved on
2. Md.Mubarak Karim, Musfiq M. Choudry, Wasib Bin Latif. (2019). The Impact of
Training And Development On Employees’ Performance: An Analysis Of Quantitative
3. 5 Benefits of Training and Development – Ottawa University. Retrieved on



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