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BELAGAVI, 590014

Shri. B. V. V. Sangha’s




Project Report On


Submitted By:

Under the Guidance of

Prof. Aravind Bijaragi

Assist. Professor,

Artificial Intelligence and Machine


BGMIT, Mudhol.
Shri. B. V. V. Sangha’s




This is to certify that the Project work entitled “LIBRARY
MANAGEMENT SYSTEM”, is a bonfide work carried out by Mr. Abhinav
Kora USN:2LB22AI001, Mr. Akshay VK. USN:2LB22AI002, Mr. Aryan
Nigade, in the partial fulfilment of the award of Bachelor of Engineering in
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, BGMIT, Mudhol from
Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi during the year 2023-24. The
Project work report has been approved as it satisfies the academic requirement in
respect of project prescribed for the aforesaid degree.

Guide HOD
Prof. Aravind Bijargi Prof. Vinayak A. Telsang

The sense of contentment and elation that accompanies the successful

completion of the Project work titled “LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM”,
would be incomplete without mentioning the names of those people who helped
us in accomplishing this work. People whose constant guidance and
encouragement resulted in its realization.

First and foremost, we deeply express our sincere gratitude to our guide Prof.
Aravind Bijaragi, Assistant Professor Department of Artificial Intelligence and
Machine Learning, BGMIT, Mudhol, for his able guidance and coordinator,
regular source ofencouragement and assistance throughout this work.

We would like to thank Prof. Vinayak A. Telsang, Head of the Department,

Computer Science & Engineering, BGMIT, Mudhol, fo r his valuable
suggestionsand advices.

We would like to thank Dr. Shravankumar B. Kerur, Principal, BGMIT,

Mudhol, for his moral support towards completion of our Project work.

We thank all Faculty members of Department of Artificial Intelligence and

Machine Learning for their constant support and encouragement.

Last, but not the least, we would like to thank our parents and friends who
provided us their valuable suggestions.

We, Mr. Abhinav Kora USN:2LB22AI001, Mr. Akshay VK. USN:2LB22AI002, Mr.
Aryan Nigade USN:2LB22AI003 the students of IV semester B.E in Artificial
Intelligence and Machine Learning, Biluru Gurubasava Institute of Technology,
Mudhol, affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi. Hereby declare
that we have independently carried out project title “LIBRARY MANAGEMENT
SYSTEM” , and submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of
degree in Bachelor of Engineering during the academic year 2023-24.

Mr. Abhinav Kora

USN: 2LB22AI001

Mr. Akshay VK

USN: 2LB22AI002

Mr. Aryan Nigade

USN: 2LB22AI003

A Library Management System (LMS) is a sophisticated software solution

designed to streamline the operations of libraries, making the management of books
and other resources more efficient. This system facilitates various tasks, including
cataloguing, inventory management, circulation management, and user
management. The LMS allows for the automated tracking of borrowed, returned,
and overdue items, ensuring an organized and user-friendly environment. It
integrates advanced search and retrieval functions, enabling users to locate
resources quickly. Additionally, the system provides tools for generating reports
and statistics, aiding in decision-making and resource planning. By implementing
an LMS, libraries can enhance their operational efficiency, improve user
satisfaction, and adapt to the evolving needs of their patrons.

This system serves as a central hub for managing the library's inventory, user
accounts, and transactions, integrating various tasks into a seamless workflow. The
LMS allows librarians to catalogue new acquisitions with detailed metadata,
including author, title, genre, publication date, and other relevant information. It
supports various classification systems such as Dewey Decimal and Library of
Congress, ensuring consistent organization and easy retrieval of materials.

1.1 The Role of a Library System
1.2 Core Components of Library Management System
1.3 Challenges and Opportunities
1.4 The Future of Library System Management



3.1 Entities and Attributes

3.2 Relationship

3.3 Summary


4.1 Tables and Attributes

4.2 Summary of Relationships


5.1 Normalization Process

5.2 Benefits of Normalization in Library Management

5.3 Example Schema for a Library Management System



7.1 Future Scope

7.2 Conclusion



3.1 ER diagram for Library Management System 7

4.1 Relational Database Schema 10

Library Management System

Library system management is a multifaceted discipline encompassing the administration, organization, and
supervision of library resources and services. As libraries continue to evolve from traditional repositories of books to
dynamic centres of digital information and community engagement, effective management has become crucial to
meeting the diverse needs of patrons.

1.1. The Role of a Library System

A Library Management System (LMS) plays a crucial role in streamlining and optimizing the operations of a library.
It serves as an integrated platform that manages various functions such as cataloging, acquisition, circulation, and
inventory control. By automating routine tasks, an LMS enhances the efficiency and accuracy of managing both
physical and digital collections. It enables library staff to maintain up-to-date records, track the movement of materials,
and provide quick access to information for users. Additionally, an LMS supports user services by offering features
like online catalogs, self-checkout options, and personalized account management, thereby improving the overall user
experience. With robust reporting and analytics capabilities, an LMS also aids in decision-making and strategic
planning, ensuring that library resources are effectively utilized to meet the evolving needs of the community.

1.2. Core Components of Library System Management

• Collection Development and Management: This involves selecting, acquiring, and maintaining a balanced
and up-to-date collection that meets the informational, educational, and recreational needs of the community.
It includes managing both physical and electronic resources.
• Cataloging and Classification: Effective cataloging and classification systems, such as the Dewey Decimal
System or Library of Congress Classification, enable easy retrieval of materials. This ensures that users can
locate resources quickly and efficiently.
• Circulation Services: Managing the lending of library materials, including check-out/check-in processes,
tracking overdue items, and handling reserves and renewals, is a critical function. Automation and integrated
library systems (ILS) have streamlined these processes.
• Reference and Information Services: Aiding users in locating information, offering research support, and
conducting information literacy programs are essential services that enhance user experience and education.
• Technology Integration: The integration of advanced technologies, such as digital catalogs, online databases,
e-books, and library management software, has transformed modern libraries. This includes the use of RFID
for inventory management and digital interfaces for remote access.
• User Services and Community Engagement: Libraries play a vital role in community engagement by
organizing events, workshops, and reading programs. They offer spaces for collaboration, learning, and
cultural activities, fostering a sense of community.

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Library Management System
1.3. Challenges and Opportunities

• Adapting to Digital Transformation: The shift from print to digital media presents both challenges and
opportunities. Libraries must balance traditional services with the demand for digital resources and online
• Resource Management: Budget constraints and the need for efficient resource allocation require strategic
planning and innovative approaches to collection management and service delivery.
• Information Security and Privacy: Protecting user data and ensuring privacy in an increasingly digital
environment is a critical concern for library management.
Library Management Systems (LMS) present both challenges and opportunities in modern library administration. One
significant challenge is the integration of digital and physical resources, requiring libraries to maintain a seamless
interface between traditional book collections and digital media. Additionally, the rapid pace of technological
advancements necessitates continuous updates and training, which can strain budgets and resources. Data security and
privacy concerns also pose significant challenges as libraries handle sensitive user information.
However, these challenges bring opportunities for innovation and improved service delivery. LMS can
greatly enhance user experience through features like digital catalogs, mobile access, and personalized services,
making library resources more accessible. Furthermore, data analytics provided by LMS can offer valuable insights
into user behavior and preferences, enabling more targeted and efficient resource allocation. Ultimately, while the
implementation and maintenance of LMS require careful planning and investment, they offer significant potential to
enhance library operations and user satisfaction.

1.4. The Future of Library System Management

The future of library system management is poised to be shaped by ongoing technological advancements and evolving
user needs, transforming libraries into multifaceted hubs of information and community engagement. Digital
transformation will continue to play a pivotal role, with libraries increasingly adopting cloud-based systems, artificial
intelligence, and data analytics to streamline operations and enhance user experiences. The integration of augmented
reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) could offer immersive learning and interactive experiences, broadening the scope
of library services. Moreover, libraries will likely expand their roles as community centers, offering diverse programs
that support digital literacy, lifelong learning, and cultural activities. Emphasis on sustainability and accessibility will
drive innovations in resource management and service delivery. By staying adaptable and user-focused, future library
system management will ensure libraries remain vital, inclusive, and dynamic spaces that cater to the diverse needs
of their communities.

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Department of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Library Management System


A library database needs t store information pertaining to its users (or customers), its workers, the physical locations
of its branches, and the media stored in those locations. We have decided to limit the media to two types: books and

The library must keep track of the status of each media item: its location, status, descriptive attributes, and cost for
losses and late returns. Books will be identified by their ISBN, and movies by their title and year. In order to allow
multiple copies of the same book or video, each media item will have a unique ID number.

Customers will provide their name, address, phone number, and date of birth when signing up for a library card. They
will then be assigned a unique user name and ID number, plus a temporary password that will have to be changed.
Checkout operations will require a library card, as will requests to put media on hold. Each library card will have its
own fines, but active fines on any of a customer's cards will prevent the customer from using the library's services.

The library will have branches in various physical locations. Branches will be identified by name, and each branch
will have an address and a phone number associated with it. Additionally, a library branch will store media and have

Employees will work at a specific branch of the library. They receive a paycheck, but they can also have library cards;
therefore, the same information that is collected about customers should be collected about employees.

Functions for customers:

● Login

● Search for media based on one or more of the following criteria:

○ type (book, video, or both)

○ title
○author or director
○ year

• Access their own account information:

o Card number(s)
o Fines
o Media currently checked out

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Library Management System
o Media on hold
• Put media on hold
• Pay fines for lost or late items
• Update personal information:
o Phone numbers
o Addresses
o Passwords

▪ Functions for librarians are the same as the functions for customers plus the following:

• Add customers
• Add library cards and assign them to customers
• Check out media
• Manage and transfer media that is currently on hold
• Handle returns
• Modify customers' fines
• Add media to the database
• Remove media from the database
• Receive payments from customers and update the customers'fines
• View all customer information except passwords

Library Management Systems (LMS) present both challenges and opportunities in modern library administration. One
significant challenge is the integration of digital and physical resources, requiring libraries to maintain a seamless
interface between traditional book collections and digital media. Additionally, the rapid pace of technological
advancements necessitates continuous updates and training, which can strain budgets and resources. Data security and
privacy concerns also pose significant challenges as libraries handle sensitive user information. However, these
challenges bring opportunities for innovation and improved service delivery. LMS can greatly enhance user
experience through features like digital catalogs, mobile access, and personalized services, making library resources
more accessible. Furthermore, data analytics provided by LMS can offer valuable insights into user behavior and
preferences, enabling more targeted and efficient resource allocation. Ultimately, while the implementation and
maintenance of LMS require careful planning and investment, they offer significant potential to enhance library
operations and user satisfaction.

Requirement analysis for a Library Management System (LMS) is a comprehensive process that involves several
detailed steps to ensure the final system meets the needs of its users and aligns with the library’s goals. Here is an
expanded explanation of this process:

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Library Management System
1. Stakeholder Identification:
o Identify all stakeholders, including library staff (librarians, assistants, IT personnel), patrons, and
administrators. Each group has unique needs and expectations that must be considered.
2. Needs Assessment:
o Conduct surveys, interviews, focus groups, and observations to gather detailed information on what
each stakeholder requires from the LMS. This includes understanding current challenges, desired
features, and any specific workflows that need to be supported.
3. Functional Requirements:
o Define the core functionalities that the LMS must provide. This typically includes cataloging
(classification and metadata management), circulation (check-in/check-out, renewals, holds),
acquisitions (ordering, receiving, and invoicing materials), user account management (registration,
borrowing history, fines), and reporting (usage statistics, inventory reports).
4. Non-Functional Requirements:
o Identify non-functional requirements such as performance (response time, transaction throughput),
scalability (ability to handle increasing amounts of data and users), security (data protection, user
privacy), and usability (user-friendly interface, accessibility for people with disabilities).
5. Technical Requirements:
o Determine technical specifications such as the required software and hardware, integration
capabilities with existing systems (e.g., digital libraries, online databases, third-party services), and
compatibility with different devices and platforms.
6. Regulatory and Compliance Requirements:
o Ensure the LMS complies with relevant laws and standards, such as data protection regulations
(GDPR, HIPAA), copyright laws, and standards for accessibility (ADA).
7. Data Migration Requirements:
o Plan for the migration of existing data from legacy systems to the new LMS. This involves mapping
old data structures to new ones, ensuring data integrity, and minimizing downtime during the
8. Vendor Evaluation and Selection (if applicable):
o If purchasing a commercial LMS, evaluate potential vendors based on their ability to meet the
specified requirements. This may involve reviewing product documentation, requesting
demonstrations, and checking references from other libraries.
9. Prototyping and User Testing:
o Develop prototypes or conduct user testing sessions to gather feedback on the proposed system
design. This helps identify any usability issues and ensures the system meets user expectations.
10. Documentation:

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Library Management System
o Document all requirements in a comprehensive and structured manner. This documentation serves
as a reference throughout the system development or selection process and ensures all stakeholders
are aligned on the project goals.
11. Review and Validation:
o Conduct review sessions with stakeholders to validate the requirements. This step ensures that all
needs have been accurately captured and that there is a shared understanding of what the LMS will

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Figure 3.1 ER diagram for Library Management System

An ER (Entity-Relationship) diagram for a library management system represents the relationships between various
entities within the system. Here's a detailed explanation of the ER diagram provided in the image:

3.1. Entities and Attributes:

1. Readers:

• Attributes: User_ID, Firstname, Lastname, Email, Phone_no, Address

• Relationships: Keeps track of ReserveDate, Issue/Return

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2. Books:

• Attributes: ISBN, Title, AuthNo, Price, Category, Edition, YearOfPublication

• Relationships: Publishes, reserve/return date

3. Publisher:

• Attributes: Publisher_id, name

• Relationships: Publishes

4. Authentication System:

• Attributes: LoginId, Password

• Relationships: Login

5. Staff:

• Attributes: Staff_id, name

• Relationships: Manages

6. Reports:

• Attributes: Book_No, Reg_no

• Relationships: Manages

3.2. Relationships:

1. Keeps track of:

• Entities involved: Readers, ReserveDate

• Type: One-to-Many (1:N)
• Description: A reader can keep track of multiple reserve dates.

2. Reserve/return date:

• Entities involved: Readers, Books

• Type: Many-to-Many (N:N)
• Description: A reader can reserve or return multiple books, and a book can be reserved or returned by multiple

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3. Publishes:

• Entities involved: Publisher, Books

• Type: One-to-Many (1:N)
• Description: A publisher can publish multiple books.

4. Login:

• Entities involved: Authentication System, Staff

• Type: One-to-One (1:1)
• Description: Each staff member has a unique login in the authentication system.

5. Manages:

• Entities involved: Staff, Reports

• Type: One-to-Many (1:N)
• Description: A staff member can manage multiple reports.

6. Issue/Return:C

• Entities involved: Readers, Books

• Type: Many-to-Many (N:N)
• Description: A reader can issue or return multiple books, and a book can be issued or returned by multiple

3.3. Summary:

Readers keep track of their ReserveDate.

• Books can have multiple reserve/return dates associated with Readers.

• Publishers publish multiple Books.
• Staff have a unique Login in the Authentication System.
• Staff manage multiple Reports.
• Readers can issue or return multiple Books.

The diagram effectively maps out the complex relationships in a library management system, ensuring that all entities
and their interactions are clearly defined.

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Figure 4.1 Relational Database Schema

The provided image shows a relational database schema for a library management system. Here's
a detailed explanation of each table, its attributes, and the relationships between tables:

4.1. Tables and Attributes:

1. Status:

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o Attributes: code, description
o Relationships: The code attribute is referenced by the Media table.
2. Media:
o Attributes: media_id, code
o Relationships: The code attribute is a foreign key referencing the Status table. The
media_id attribute is referenced by the BookMedia, Checkout, Hold, and Stored_In
3. Book:
o Attributes: ISBN, title, author, year, dewey, price
o Relationships: The ISBN attribute is referenced by the BookMedia table.
4. BookMedia:
o Attributes: media_id, ISBN
o Relationships:
▪ The media_id attribute is a foreign key referencing the Media table.
▪ The ISBN attribute is a foreign key referencing the Book table.
5. Customer:
o Attributes: ID, name, addr, DOB, phone, username, password
o Relationships: The ID attribute is referenced by the Card and Librarian tables.
6. Card:
o Attributes: num, fines, ID
o Relationships: The ID attribute is a foreign key referencing the Customer table.
The num attribute is referenced by the Checkout and Hold tables.
7. Checkout:
o Attributes: media_id, num, since, until
o Relationships:
▪ The media_id attribute is a foreign key referencing the Media table.
▪ The num attribute is a foreign key referencing the Card table.
8. Location:
o Attributes: name, addr, phone
o Relationships: The name attribute is referenced by the Hold and Stored_In tables.
9. Hold:

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o Attributes: media_id, num, name, until, queue
o Relationships:
▪ The media_id attribute is a foreign key referencing the Media table.
▪ The num attribute is a foreign key referencing the Card table.
▪ The name attribute is a foreign key referencing the Location table.
10. Stored_In:
o Attributes: media_id, name
o Relationships:
▪ The media_id attribute is a foreign key referencing the Media table.
▪ The name attribute is a foreign key referencing the Location table.
11. Librarian:
o Attributes: eid, ID, Pay, name, since
o Relationships: The ID attribute is a foreign key referencing the Customer table.

4.2 Summary of Relationships:

• Status: Each status has a unique code which describes it. The code is used in the Media
table to describe the status of media items.
• Media: Each media item has a media_id and is associated with a code (status).
• Book: Each book has a unique ISBN and associated details such as title, author, year,
dewey decimal number, and price.
• BookMedia: This table links media_id from the Media table to ISBN from the Book table,
creating a relationship between media items and books.
• Customer: Each customer has a unique ID and personal details such as name, address,
date of birth, phone number, username, and password.
• Card: Each card has a num (card number), associated fines, and is linked to a Customer by
the ID attribute.
• Checkout: This table records the media_id of items checked out, the num (card number)
of the card used, and the since and until dates of the checkout period.
• Location: Each location has a unique name, address, and phone number.

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• Hold: This table records holds placed on media items. It includes the media_id, num (card
number), name (location name), until date, and queue position.
• Stored_In: This table links media_id from the Media table to name from the Location
table, indicating where media items are stored.
• Librarian: Each librarian has a unique eid, is associated with a Customer by the ID, and
includes pay information, name, and the since date of employment.

This schema organizes the various aspects of a library management system, ensuring that
relationships between entities are clearly defined and maintained.

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Normalization in database management systems (DBMS) is the process of organizing data in a

database to reduce redundancy and improve data integrity. In the context of library management,
normalization ensures that the data about books, members, loans, etc., is structured efficiently.
Here’s how normalization typically applies to a library management system:

5.1 Normalization Process

1. First Normal Form (1NF):

o Ensure that each table has a primary key.
o Eliminate duplicate columns from the same table.
o Create separate tables for each group of related data.
o Identify and remove any repeating groups or arrays.


o Books Table: BookID (PK), Title, Author, Publisher, YearPublished

o Members Table: MemberID (PK), Name, Address, Phone
o Loans Table: LoanID (PK), BookID (FK), MemberID (FK), LoanDate,
2. Second Normal Form (2NF):
o Achieve 1NF.
o Ensure that all non-key attributes are fully functional dependent on the primary key.
o Remove partial dependencies (where an attribute is dependent only on part of a
composite primary key).


o If the Loans table had attributes such as MemberName or BookTitle, they should
be removed because they depend on the MemberID and BookID, not on the

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Library Management System
LoanID. Instead, these attributes should be accessed through joins with the
Members and Books tables.
3. Third Normal Form (3NF):
o Achieve 2NF.
o Ensure that all attributes are only dependent on the primary key.
o Remove transitive dependencies (where a non-key attribute depends on another
non-key attribute).


o If the Books table had an attribute PublisherAddress, this should be moved to a

separate Publishers table because PublisherAddress depends on Publisher, not on
o Publishers Table: PublisherID (PK), Name, Address
o Books Table: BookID (PK), Title, Author, PublisherID (FK), YearPublished

5.2 Benefits of Normalization in Library Management

1. Data Integrity: Ensures consistency and accuracy of data by eliminating redundancy.

2. Efficiency: Optimizes database performance by organizing data into logical units.
3. Flexibility: Simplifies database maintenance and updating, making it easier to add, modify,
or delete records.
4. Clarity: Enhances the logical structure and readability of the database schema.

5.3 Example Schema for a Library Management System

Here’s a simplified example of a normalized library management system schema:

1. Books Table
o BookID (PK)
o Title
o Author
o PublisherID (FK)

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o YearPublished
2. Members Table
o MemberID (PK)
o Name
o Address
o Phone
3. Loans Table
o LoanID (PK)
o BookID (FK)
o MemberID (FK)
o LoanDate
o ReturnDate
4. Publishers Table
o PublisherID (PK)
o Name
o Address

Example Queries

• To find all books by a particular author:

Copy code
SELECT * FROM Books WHERE Author = 'AuthorName';

• To list all books borrowed by a particular member:

Copy code
SELECT Books.Title, Loans.LoanDate, Loans.ReturnDate
FROM Loans
JOIN Books ON Loans.BookID = Books.BookID
WHERE Loans.MemberID = 'MemberID';

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• To get the details of books published by a particular publisher:

Copy code
SELECT Books.Title, Books.Author, Books.YearPublished
FROM Books
JOIN Publishers ON Books.PublisherID = Publishers.PublisherID
WHERE Publishers.Name = 'PublisherName';

Normalization is a key aspect of database design that ensures a well-structured, efficient, and
reliable library management system.

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The next step was to create the physical database and input some sample data. In order to turn the
relational design into a database, we ran the following script in Library Management System

CREATE TABLE Status ( code INTEGER, description CHAR(30), PRIMARY KEY (code) );
CREATE TABLE Media( media_id INTEGER, code INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (media_id),
CREATE TABLE Book(ISBNCHAR(14), title CHAR(128), author CHAR(64), year INTEGER, dewey
CREATE TABLE BookMedia( media_id INTEGER, ISBN CHAR(14), PRIMARY KEY (media_id),
CREATE TABLE Customer( ID INTEGER, name CHAR(64), addr CHAR(256), DOB CHAR(10), phone CHAR(30),
username CHAR(16), password CHAR(32), PRIMARY KEY (ID), UNIQUE (username) );
CREATE TABLE Checkout( media_id INTEGER, num INTEGER, since CHAR(10), until CHAR(10),
PRIMARY KEY (media_id), FOREIGN KEY (media_id) REFERENCES Media,
CREATE TABLE Location( name CHAR(64), addr CHAR(256), phone CHAR(30), PRIMARY KEY (name) );
CREATE TABLE Hold( media_id INTEGER, num INTEGER, name CHAR(64), until CHAR(10), queue INTEGER,
PRIMARY KEY (media_id, num),
FOREIGN KEY (media_id) REFERENCES Media );
CREATE TABLE Stored_In( media_id INTEGER, name char(64), PRIMARY KEY (media_id),
FOREIGN KEY (Loc_name) REFERENCES Location(name) );

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Insertion and Modifying the data into the table into the Library Management System:
INSERT INTO Customer(ID, name, addr, DOB, phone, username, password) VALUES
(60201, 'Jason L. Gray', '2087 Timberbrook Lane, Gypsum, CO 81637',
'09/09/1958', '970-273-9237', 'jlgray', 'password1');
INSERT INTO Customer(ID, name, addr, DOB, phone, username, password) VALUES
(89682, 'Mary L. Prieto', '1465 Marion Drive, Tampa, FL 33602',
'11/20/1961', '813-487-4873', 'mlprieto', 'password2');
INSERT INTO Customer(ID, name, addr, DOB, phone, username, password) VALUES
(64937, 'Roger Hurst', '974 Bingamon Branch Rd, Bensenville, IL 60106',
'08/22/1973', '847-221-4986', 'rhurst', 'password3');
INSERT INTO Customer(ID, name, addr, DOB, phone, username, password) VALUES
(31430, 'Warren V. Woodson', '3022 Lords Way, Parsons, TN 38363',
'03/07/1945', '731-845-0077', 'wvwoodson', 'password4');
INSERT INTO Customer(ID, name, addr, DOB, phone, username, password) VALUES
(79916, 'Steven Jensen', '93 Sunny Glen Ln, Garfield Heights, OH 44125',
'12/14/1968', '216-789-6442', 'sjensen', 'password5');
INSERT INTO Customer(ID, name, addr, DOB, phone, username, password) VALUES
(93265, 'David Bain', '4356 Pooh Bear Lane, Travelers Rest, SC 29690',
'08/10/1947', '864-610-9558', 'dbain', 'password6');
INSERT INTO Customer(ID, name, addr, DOB, phone, username, password) VALUES
(58359, 'Ruth P. Alber', '3842 Willow Oaks Lane, Lafayette, LA 70507',
'02/18/1976', '337-316-3161', 'rpalber', 'password7');
INSERT INTO Customer(ID, name, addr, DOB, phone, username, password) VALUES
(88564, 'Sally J. Schilling', '1894 Wines Lane, Houston, TX 77002',
'07/02/1954', '832-366-9035', 'sjschilling', 'password8');
INSERT INTO Customer(ID, name, addr, DOB, phone, username, password) VALUES
(57054, 'John M. Byler', '279 Raver Croft Drive, La Follette, TN 37766',
'11/27/1954', '423-592-8630', 'jmbyler', 'password9');
INSERT INTO Customer(ID, name, addr, DOB, phone, username, password) VALUES
(49312, 'Kevin Spruell', '1124 Broadcast Drive, Beltsville, VA 20705',
'03/04/1984', '703-953-1216', 'kspruell', 'password10');

INSERT INTO Card(num, fines, ID) VALUES ( 5767052, 0.0, 60201); INSERT INTO
Card(num, fines, ID) VALUES ( 5532681, 0.0, 60201);
INSERT INTO Card(num, fines, ID) VALUES ( 2197620, 10.0, 89682);
INSERT INTO Card(num, fines, ID) VALUES ( 9780749, 0.0, 64937);
INSERT INTO Card(num, fines, ID) VALUES ( 1521412, 0.0, 31430);
INSERT INTO Card(num, fines, ID) VALUES ( 3920486, 0.0, 79916);
INSERT INTO Card(num, fines, ID) VALUES ( 2323953, 0.0, 93265);
INSERT INTO Card(num, fines, ID) VALUES ( 4387969, 0.0, 58359);
INSERT INTO Card(num, fines, ID) VALUES ( 4444172, 0.0, 88564);

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Library Management System
INSERT INTO Card(num, fines, ID) VALUES ( 2645634, 0.0, 57054);

INSERT INTO Card(num, fines, ID) VALUES ( 3688632, 0.0, 49312);

INSERT INTO Location(name, addr, phone) VALUES ('Texas Branch',

'4832 Deercove Drive, Dallas, TX 75208', '214-948-7102');
INSERT INTO Location(name, addr, phone) VALUES ('Illinois Branch', '2888 Oak Avenue,
Des Plaines, IL 60016', '847-953-8130');
INSERT INTO Location(name, addr, phone) VALUES ('Louisiana Branch',
'2063 Washburn Street, Baton Rouge, LA 70802', '225-346-0068');

INSERT INTO Status(code, description) VALUES (1, 'Available');

INSERT INTO Status(code, description) VALUES (2, 'In Transit');
INSERT INTO Status(code, description) VALUES (3, 'Checked Out');
INSERT INTO Status(code, description) VALUES (4, 'On Hold');

INSERT INTO Media( media_id, code) VALUES (8733, 1);

INSERT INTO Media( media_id, code) VALUES (9982, 1);
INSERT INTO Media( media_id, code) VALUES (3725, 1);
INSERT INTO Media( media_id, code) VALUES (2150, 1);
INSERT INTO Media( media_id, code) VALUES (4188, 1);
INSERT INTO Media( media_id, code) VALUES (5271, 2);
INSERT INTO Media( media_id, code) VALUES (2220, 3);
INSERT INTO Media( media_id, code) VALUES (7757, 1);
INSERT INTO Media( media_id, code) VALUES (4589, 1);
INSERT INTO Media( media_id, code) VALUES (5748, 1);
INSERT INTO Media( media_id, code) VALUES (1734, 1);
INSERT INTO Media( media_id, code) VALUES (5725, 1);
INSERT INTO Media( media_id, code) VALUES (1716, 4);
INSERT INTO Media( media_id, code) VALUES (8388, 1);
INSERT INTO Media( media_id, code) VALUES (8714, 1);

INSERT INTO Book(ISBN, title, author, year, dewey, price) VALUES

('978-0743289412', 'Lisey''s Story', 'Stephen King',
2006, 813, 10.0);
INSERT INTO Book(ISBN, title, author, year, dewey, price) VALUES
('978-1596912366', 'Restless: A Novel', 'William Boyd',
2006, 813, 10.0);
INSERT INTO Book(ISBN, title, author, year, dewey, price) VALUES
('978-0312351588', 'Beachglass', 'Wendy Blackburn',
2006, 813, 10.0);
INSERT INTO Book(ISBN, title, author, year, dewey, price) VALUES
('978-0156031561', 'The Places In Between', 'Rory Stewart',

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Department of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Library Management System
2006, 910, 10.0);
INSERT INTO Book(ISBN, title, author, year, dewey, price) VALUES
('978-0060583002', 'The Last Season', 'Eric Blehm',
2006, 902, 10.0);
INSERT INTO Book(ISBN, title, author, year, dewey, price) VALUES
('978-0316740401', 'Case Histories: A Novel', 'Kate Atkinson',
2006, 813, 10.0);
INSERT INTO Book(ISBN, title, author, year, dewey, price) VALUES ('978-0316013949', 'Step on a Crack',
'James Patterson, et al.',
2007, 813, 10.0);
INSERT INTO Book(ISBN, title, author, year, dewey, price) VALUES
('978-0374105235', 'Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier',
'Ishmael Beah', 2007, 916, 10.0);
INSERT INTO Book(ISBN, title, author, year, dewey, price) VALUES
('978-0385340229', 'Sisters', 'Danielle Steel', 2006, 813, 10.0);

INSERT INTO BookMedia(media_id, ISBN) VALUES (8733, '978-0743289412');

INSERT INTO BookMedia(media_id, ISBN) VALUES (9982, '978-1596912366');
INSERT INTO BookMedia(media_id, ISBN) VALUES (3725, '978-1596912366');
INSERT INTO BookMedia(media_id, ISBN) VALUES (2150, '978-0312351588');
INSERT INTO BookMedia(media_id, ISBN) VALUES (4188, '978-0156031561');
INSERT INTO BookMedia(media_id, ISBN) VALUES (5271, '978-0060583002');
INSERT INTO BookMedia(media_id, ISBN) VALUES (2220, '978-0316740401');
INSERT INTO BookMedia(media_id, ISBN) VALUES (7757, '978-0316013949');
INSERT INTO BookMedia(media_id, ISBN) VALUES (4589, '978-0374105235');
INSERT INTO BookMedia(media_id, ISBN) VALUES (5748, '978-0385340229');

INSERT INTO Checkout(media_id, num, since, until) VALUES

(2220, 9780749, '02/15/2007', '03/15/2007');

INSERT INTO Hold(media_id, num, name, until, queue) VALUES (1716, 4444172,
'Texas Branch', '02/20/2008', 1);

INSERT INTO Librarian(eid, ID, pay, Loc_name) Values (2591051, 88564,

30000.00, 'Texas Branch');
INSERT INTO Librarian(eid, ID, pay, Loc_name) Values
(6190164, 64937, 30000.00, 'Illinois Branch');
INSERT INTO Librarian(eid, ID, pay, Loc_name) Values
(1810386, 58359, 30000.00, 'Louisiana Branch');

INSERT INTO Stored_In(media_id, name) VALUES(8733, 'Texas Branch');

INSERT INTO Stored_In(media_id, name) VALUES(9982, 'Texas Branch');

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Department of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Library Management System
INSERT INTO Stored_In(media_id, name) VALUES(1716, 'Texas Branch');
INSERT INTO Stored_In(media_id, name) VALUES(1734, 'Texas Branch');
INSERT INTO Stored_In(media_id, name) VALUES(4589, 'Texas Branch');
INSERT INTO Stored_In(media_id, name) VALUES(4188, 'Illinois Branch');
INSERT INTO Stored_In(media_id, name) VALUES(5271, 'Illinois Branch');
INSERT INTO Stored_In(media_id, name) VALUES(3725, 'Illinois Branch');
INSERT INTO Stored_In(media_id, name) VALUES(8388, 'Illinois Branch');
INSERT INTO Stored_In(media_id, name) VALUES(5748, 'Illinois Branch');
INSERT INTO Stored_In(media_id, name) VALUES(2150, 'Louisiana Branch');
INSERT INTO Stored_In(media_id, name) VALUES(8714, 'Louisiana Branch');
INSERT INTO Stored_In(media_id, name) VALUES(7757, 'Louisiana Branch');
INSERT INTO Stored_In(media_id, name) VALUES(5725, 'Louisiana Branch');

List of 20 Queries that defines the Library Management System:

List All Customers

Copy code
SELECT * FROM Customer;

Find Books by a Specific Author

Copy code
SELECT * FROM Book WHERE author = 'Stephen King';

List All Media Items and Their Status

Copy code
SELECT Media.media_id, Status.description
FROM Media
JOIN Status ON Media.code = Status.code;

Find Customers with Outstanding Fines

Copy code
SELECT, Card.fines
FROM Customer
JOIN Card ON Customer.ID = Card.ID

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Department of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Library Management System
WHERE Card.fines > 0;

List All Books Available in 'Texas Branch'

Copy code
SELECT Book.title
JOIN BookMedia ON Book.ISBN = BookMedia.ISBN
JOIN Stored_In ON BookMedia.media_id = Stored_In.media_id
WHERE = 'Texas Branch';

Check Out Details of a Specific Media Item

Copy code
SELECT * FROM Checkout WHERE media_id = 2220;

Find Books Held in 'Texas Branch'

Copy code
SELECT Book.title
JOIN BookMedia ON Book.ISBN = BookMedia.ISBN
JOIN Hold ON BookMedia.media_id = Hold.media_id
WHERE = 'Texas Branch';

List All Librarians Working in 'Illinois Branch'

Copy code
SELECT, Librarian.Pay
FROM Librarian
JOIN Customer ON Librarian.ID = Customer.ID
WHERE Librarian.Loc_name = 'Illinois Branch';

Find All Media Items Currently Checked Out

Copy code

Page | 23
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Library Management System
SELECT Media.media_id
FROM Media
JOIN Checkout ON Media.media_id = Checkout.media_id
WHERE Media.code = 3;

Find All Books Published After 2005

Copy code
SELECT * FROM Book WHERE year > 2005;

List All Customers with Their Corresponding Cards

Copy code
SELECT, Card.num
FROM Customer
JOIN Card ON Customer.ID = Card.ID;

Find Media Items Stored in 'Louisiana Branch'

Copy code
SELECT Media.media_id
FROM Media
JOIN Stored_In ON Media.media_id = Stored_In.media_id
WHERE = 'Louisiana Branch';

List All Hold Requests at 'Texas Branch'

Copy code
SELECT Hold.media_id, Hold.queue
WHERE = 'Texas Branch';

Find All Unique Authors in the Library

Copy code

Get Details of a Specific Customer by Username

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Department of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Library Management System
Copy code
SELECT * FROM Customer WHERE username = 'jlgray';

Find Books and Their Associated Media IDs

Copy code
SELECT Book.title, BookMedia.media_id
JOIN BookMedia ON Book.ISBN = BookMedia.ISBN;

List All Locations and Their Contact Information

Copy code
SELECT * FROM Location;

Find All Books in a Specific Dewey Decimal Range

Copy code

Count the Number of Media Items by Status

Copy code
SELECT Status.description, COUNT(Media.media_id) AS num_media
FROM Media
JOIN Status ON Media.code = Status.code
GROUP BY Status.description;

Find All Media Items Not Currently Checked Out

Copy code
SELECT Media.media_id
FROM Media
WHERE Media.code != 3;

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Department of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Library Management System


The future scope of Library Management Systems (LMS) in the realm of Database Management Systems
(DBMS) is extensive and transformative. With the rapid advancement of technology, LMS can evolve to incorporate
artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to predict user preferences, recommend books, and optimize
inventory management. Cloud-based DBMS solutions can provide scalable, secure, and accessible platforms for
library databases, allowing seamless integration across multiple branches and institutions. Furthermore, the
implementation of blockchain technology can enhance the security and traceability of transactions, ensuring the
authenticity and integrity of records. Enhanced data analytics capabilities can offer libraries deeper insights into user
behavior, resource utilization, and operational efficiency, enabling data-driven decision-making. Additionally, the
integration of IoT (Internet of Things) devices can facilitate real-time tracking of books and other media, streamlining
the check-in and check-out processes and minimizing losses. The use of mobile applications and digital interfaces can
further enhance user experience by providing convenient access to library resources, personalized notifications, and
interactive services. Overall, the future of LMS in DBMS promises to be more intelligent, efficient, and user-centric,
revolutionizing how libraries manage their resources and serve their patrons.

It also poised for significant advancements that will redefine library operations and user experiences. With the
integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, LMS can offer personalized recommendations based
on user reading habits, enhance search functionalities, and automate routine tasks such as cataloging and classification.
Cloud-based solutions will provide libraries with scalable storage options, ensuring data is securely accessible from
anywhere, facilitating the management of multiple branches under a unified system. Blockchain technology can
revolutionize data security, offering immutable and transparent records for transactions, memberships, and borrowing
histories, thus ensuring data integrity and trust. Enhanced analytics tools will allow libraries to gain deeper insights
into user behavior, collection usage, and trends, aiding in strategic decision-making and resource allocation. The
Internet of Things (IoT) can introduce smart shelves and RFID-tagged books, streamlining inventory management
and providing real-time updates on the status and location of resources. Mobile applications will continue to evolve,
offering users seamless access to digital libraries, personalized notifications, virtual book clubs, and interactive
interfaces. Furthermore, augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) can provide immersive educational
experiences, transforming how users engage with library content. Overall, the future of LMS in DBMS will be
characterized by enhanced efficiency, security, and user engagement, making libraries more adaptive to technological
advancements and user needs.

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Department of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Library Management System

The evolution of Library Management Systems (LMS) within the framework of Database Management Systems
(DBMS) marks a pivotal advancement in the way libraries operate and serve their patrons. By leveraging cutting-edge
technologies such as AI, machine learning, blockchain, IoT, and cloud computing, LMS can transform from traditional,
manual processes to highly automated, intelligent systems. This shift not only streamlines administrative tasks but
also enhances data security, resource management, and user engagement. Libraries can provide personalized
experiences, improve the accuracy and efficiency of inventory management, and offer robust data analytics for
informed decision-making. The integration of mobile applications and digital platforms further extends the reach and
accessibility of library services, catering to the needs of a tech-savvy user base. As libraries continue to adopt these
innovations, they will remain relevant and indispensable in the digital age, evolving into dynamic, user-centric hubs
of knowledge and learning. The future of LMS in DBMS is promising, with endless possibilities for enhancing the
efficiency, security, and overall user experience, ensuring that libraries can meet the growing demands of their
communities and adapt to the ever-changing technological landscape.

The development and implementation of Library Management Systems (LMS) within the realm of Database Management
Systems (DBMS) signify a transformative era for libraries, ushering them into a future where efficiency, security, and user
engagement are paramount. The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning can revolutionize how libraries
manage their collections and interact with users. These technologies enable sophisticated recommendation systems, predictive
analytics for resource demand, and automation of cataloging processes, thus significantly reducing the workload on library staff
and enhancing user satisfaction.

The adoption of cloud-based DBMS solutions offers unparalleled scalability and accessibility, ensuring that library data is secure,
backed up, and available from any location. This capability is particularly beneficial for libraries with multiple branches, as it
allows for centralized management and uniformity in service delivery. Additionally, blockchain technology introduces a new
level of security and transparency, providing tamper-proof records for all library transactions, from book checkouts to
membership registrations, which enhances trust and accountability.

IoT integration, with smart shelves and RFID-tagged books, streamlines inventory management by providing real-time updates
on the location and status of library materials. This reduces the incidence of lost or misplaced books and allows for more efficient
space utilization. Mobile applications extend the library's reach beyond its physical walls, offering users convenient access to
digital resources, personalized notifications, and interactive features such as virtual book clubs and forums.

Furthermore, advanced data analytics tools enable libraries to delve deeper into user behavior and resource utilization patterns,
providing valuable insights that can inform strategic planning and resource allocation. This data-driven approach ensures that
libraries remain responsive to the evolving needs of their patrons. The potential for augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality
(VR) applications also opens new avenues for immersive educational experiences, making libraries more engaging and relevant
in an increasingly digital world.

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Library Management System

[1]. Smith, A. (2022). Library Management System. Master's thesis, University of Learning.
[2]. Johnson, M. (2023). Library Management System. Project report, College of Education.
[3.] Williams, S. (2024). Library Management System. Bachelor's thesis, Institute of

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Department of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

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