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Minenhle Xulu 266386 19/04/24

1.What is fast fashion and anti-consumption?

2.What is anti-consumption of fast fashion?

Anti-consumption of fast fashion refers to a set of behaviours focused on deliberately lowering one's consumption of fast
fashion. It involves a conscious effort to limit the demand for fast fashion products, via reducing the wide variety of new gadgets
purchased, shopping for second-hand or vintage clothing, trading or repairing clothing, and adopting low-consumption lifestyles.
3.Advantages of fast fashion:
● Affordability
● Quick turnaround time
● Job creation
4.Disadvantages of fast fashion:
● Low quality
● Labour rights abuses
● Negative impact on environment
● Ethical concerns

5.How to prevent or stop over-consumption of fast fashion?

● Rent clothing
● Donate or recycle old clothes
● Support slow fashion like the Levi's brand
● Shop second-hand
● Shop less frequently
● Shop from sustainable and ethical brands

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