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pas Micah 7. 6 pms f, 30a, 50 MATTHEW X. 34—XI. 3 things come to pass, His disciples and others should not suppose that because He did not know the things that would happen, therefore He did not reveal them to us, He shewed them future things suitably, to shew that He is acquainted with things secret and things far off, that is to say, that a man's foes shall be they of kis household, It is written in Joel the prophet. This, that whosoever taketh not up his cross, and followeth after Me, is not worthy to be My disciple, that is to say, he who counts not himself to this world as one who is already crucified to it by means of his love, is of no use to My discipleship. The Cross is spoken of in three ways; one that if there happen reproaches and afflictions and torments and murders for His sake he bears them ; second, it is used of labours and sufferings and sweat and tears, etc., of righteous and virtuous men; third, it is said of those spoliations and deprivations of the world, as a man already crucified cannot carry away anything under his arm, This, Ae that findeth his soul shall lose it, and he that loseth his soul, for My sake, shall find it, that is to say, that he who is careful of his life here rejects his true life, but he who strengthens himself and gives his life readily to these [foes], that they may do to him all they wish, he shall receive a great reward on account of this, for He calls the life that is here the soul. This, that Ae that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet, etc.; that is to say, he that shares with them openly what is prepared for them, not because of human glory nor for worldly advantages, for many because of these things divide even their goods, but because he is a prophet or righteous, and not for any other reason, but because of the honour of the Christ alone. Others say that it is because many shrink lest he be an impostor, but he will receive the reward of the righteous. This, that John sent two of his disciples, who were Andrew and John, to ask Him, Art thou he that should come, or do we look for another? Some say that because the time had come that John should be released through death, he wished to know from our Lord if it was He that should make a resurrection, that he might preach about Him to the dead, as he had preached to the living. They err greatly from the truth, for if he had not known, how could he use the testimony of the Lamb, etc. about Him? nevertheless this was the custom, not only of the Saints, but also of our Lord, when He acted otherwise to speak otherwise, as He did with the fig- tree, and the issue of blood, and the Kanaanite woman. Thus John also did, because he feared lest after his death his disciples should raise heresies in his name, as with Plato and Aristotle, etc., he wished in his life to send

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