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Department : EEE Year/Sem : II / II Course Name : Digital System Design A.Y.

: 2023-24

Faculty Name : Mr.K.Purushotham

Text Date Date
S.No. Unit Topic Session Objectives L. No. Methodolog
Book Planned Conducted
Representation of numbers of different
1 Able to represent numbers in different radix L1 T1 chalk & talk 27-Feb
Conversion of numbers from one radix to Able to do conversions from one number system to
2 L2, T2 chalk & talk 28.2.24
another radix other
Able to find 1's, 2's, 9's & 10's complement of a
3 Complements of Numbers L3 T2 chalk & talk 1-Mar
Problem solving for addition and
1. Review of Number Systems

4 Able to perform binary addition & binary subtraction L4 T2 chalk & talk 2-Mar
5 4-bit codes: BCD Able to classify different codes L5 T2 chalk & talk 4-Mar
6 BCD Addition Able to perform BCD addition L6 T2 chalk & talk 5-Mar
BCD Subtraction, BCD 9's & 10's
7 Able to perform BCD subtraction L7 T2 om/watch?v 7-Mar
complement subtraction
Is Time:1.35
8 Excess 3 Addition & Subtraction Able to perform XS-3 addition & subtraction L8 T2 chalk & talk 9-Mar
Excess 3 9's & 10's complement Able to perform excess 3 9's & 10's complement
9 L9 T2 chalk & talk 11-Mar
subtraction subtraction
Error Detecting and correcting codes, Able to classify different error detecting &
10 L10,L11 T2 chalk & talk 14-Mar
parity checking correcting codes
11 Hamming Code Able to perform problems on hamming code L12 T2 chalk & talk 15-Mar
12 Active Learning Strategy- Group writing L13 16-Mar
Boolean algebra: Boolean theorems and
13 Able to understand boolean theorems and properties L14 T1 chalk & talk 18-Mar
Minimization of logic functions using
14 Able to minimize logic functions using theorems L15, L16 T1 chalk & talk 19/3, 21/3
Complement and dual of logical Able to find complement and dual of logical
15 L17 T1 chalk & talk 22-Mar
expressions expressions
Able to represent expressions in canonical and
16 Canonical and Standard Forms L18 T1 chalk & talk 23-Mar
2. Boolean algebra and Combinational Circuits
standard forms
Digital Logic Gates, Universal Logic
17 Able to understand the operation of logic gates L19 T1 chalk & talk 26-Mar
Able to realize functions using NAND/NOR
18 Multilevel NAND/ NOR realizations L20,L21 T1 chalk & talk 28/3, 30/3
Minimization of logic functions using K-
19 Able to minimize logic functions using K-maps L22 T1 om/watch?v 1-Apr
Is Time:1.35
Combinational Circuits: Combinational Able to understand the design of combinational
20 L23 T1 chalk & talk 2-Apr
Design, Arithmetic Circuits circuit
Able to understand the operation of arithmetic
21 Comparator L24 T1 chalk & talk 4-Apr
circuits and comparator
Able to understand the operation of encoder and
22 Decoder, Encoder L25 T1 chalk & talk 6-Apr
23 Multiplexers, De-Multiplexers Able to understand the operation of mux and de-mux L26,L27 T1 chalk & talk 8/4, 10/4
Implementation of Higher Order
Able to implement higher order mux/decoder using
24 Multiplexers/ Decoder Using Lower L28 T1 chalk & talk 4/11/2024
lower order mux/decoder
Order Multiplexers/ Decoder
25 Active Learning Strategy- Flip class room L29 4/12/2024
Introduction, Basic Architectural
Distinctions between Combinational and Able to differentite combinational and sequential
26 L30 T1 chalk & talk 4/15/2024
Sequential circuits, Classification of circuits
sequential circuits

3. Sequential Machines Fundamentals
The binary cell, The S-R-Latch and Flip- om/watch?v
27 Able to understand the operation of SR latch & FF L31 T1 4/16/2024
Flop =nwIEgd8uA
Is Time:1.35

The D-Latch and Flip-Flop, The

28 Able to understand the operation of D latch & FF L32 T1 chalk & talk 4/18/2024
“Clocked T” Flip-Flop
29 The “Clocked J-K” Flip-Flop Able to understand the operation of JK FF L33 T1 chalk & talk 4/19/2024
30 Master-slave flipflop Able to avoid race condition L34 T2 chalk & talk 4/20/2024
31 Flip-flop truth and excitation tables Able to convert from one FF to another L35 T2 chalk & talk 4/29/2024
Conversion from one type of Flip-Flop to
32 Able to convert from one FF to another L36 T1 chalk & talk 4/30/2024
Conversion from one type of Flip-Flop to
33 Able to convert from one FF to another L37,L38 T2 chalk & talk 5/1, 5/3
Timing and Triggering Consideration,
34 Able to understand timing and clock skew L39,L40 T1 chalk & talk 5/4, 5/6
Clock Skew
35 Class test/Activity L41 5/7/2024
36 Revision L42 5/10/2024
37 Active Learning Strategy- Jigsaw L43 11-May
Sequential Circuit Design and Analysis:
38 Able to understand the design of sequential circuit L44 T2 chalk & talk 5/27/2024
State Diagram, State Reduction, Design
39 Able to draw state diagram L45 T2 chalk & talk 5/28/2024
Analysis of Synchronous Sequential
40 Able to analyse synchronous sequential circuit L46,L47 T2 chalk & talk 5/30, 5/31
Approaches to the Design of
Able to design synchronous sequential finite state
41 Synchronous Sequential Finite State L48 T2 chalk & talk 6/1/2024
Machines, Design Aspects
Realization using Flip-Flops Counters -
4. Sequential Circuit Design and Analysis

42 Able to understand the design ripple counter L49 T2 chalk & talk 6/3/2024
Design of Ripple Counter
43 Design Of Counters, Up-Down Counters Able to understand the design ripple counter L50,L51 T2 chalk & talk 6/4, 6/6

44 Synchronous counter Able to understand the design synchronous counter L52 T2 chalk & talk 6/7/2024
Able to contrast architectural differences of om/watch?v
45 Synchronous & Asynchronous Counters L53,L54 T2 6/8, 6/10
counters =yqg1sqhZG
46 modules counter Able to understand the design of counter L55 T2 chalk & talk 6/11/2024
47 Shift Register Able to understand shift register L56 T2 6/13/2024
48 Ring Counter an johnson Counter Able to understand the operation of ring counter L57 T2 chalk & talk 6/14/2024
49 Class test/Activity L58 6/15/2024
50 Revision L59 6/18/2024
51 Active Learning Strategy- Think-Pair-Share L60 20-Jun
Sequential Circuits: Finite state machine- Able to understand the capabilities and limitations of
52 L61 T1 chalk & talk 6/21/2024
capabilities and limitations finite state machine
53 Mealy model Able to undertand mealy model L62 T1 chalk & talk 6/22/2024
54 Moore model Able to undertand moore model L63 T1 6/24/2024
5. Finite state machine and Algorithmic State Machines

Minimization of completely specified Able to minimize completely specified sequential

55 L64 T1 chalk & talk 6/25/2024
sequential machines machines
Minimization of incompletely specified Able to minimize incompletely specified sequential
56 L65 T2 chalk & talk 6/27/2024
sequential machines machines
57 Partition techniques Able to understand partition technique L66 T1 chalk & talk 6/28/2024
58 Merger chart methods Able to understand merger chart method L67 T1 chalk & talk 6/29/2024
59 Merger chart methods Able to understand merger chart method L68 T1 chalk & talk 7/1/2024
60 Concept of minimal cover table Able to understand concept of minimal cover table L69 T1 chalk & talk 7/2/2024

61 Concept of minimal cover table Able to understand concept of minimal cover table L70 T1 chalk & talk 7/2/2024
Algorithmic State Machines: Salient
62 Able to understand the features of ASM chart L71 T1 176&list=PL 7/3/2024
features of the ASM chart
63 Simple examples- Weighing machine Able to understand the operation weighing machine L72 T1 chalk & talk 7/3/2024
64 Binary multiplier Able to understand the operation binary multiplier L73 T1 chalk & talk 7/4/2024
65 Active Learning Strategy- TAPPS L74 5-Jul
66 Revision L75 7/6/2024
67 Revision L76
68 Revision L77

1.Digital Design- Morris Mano, PHI, 3rd Edition.
2.Switching Theory and Logic Design-A. Anand Kumar, PHI, 2nd Edition.
3.Switching and Finite Automata Theory- Zvi Kohavi & Niraj K. Jha, 3rd Edition, Cambridge.

1.Introduction to Switching Theory and Logic Design – Fredriac J. Hill, Gerald R. Peterson, 3rd Ed,John Wiley & Sons Inc.
2.Digital Fundamentals – A Systems Approach – Thomas L. Floyd, Pearson, 2013.
3.Switching Theory and Logic Design – Bhanu Bhaskara –Tata McGraw Hill Publication, 2012
4.Fundamentals of Logic Design- Charles H. Roth, Cengage LEanring, 5th, Edition, 2004.
5.Digital Logic Applications and Design- John M. Yarbrough, Thomson Publications, 2006.
6.Digital Logic and State Machine Design – Comer, 3rd, Oxford, 2013.


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