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Cats are fascinating creatures with many interesting characteristics.

They share
95.6% of their genetic makeup with tigers 13. The oldest known pet cat existed
9,500 years ago 2. A cat was even the Mayor of an Alaskan town for 20 years 2.
They have 26 deciduous teeth as kittens 3. Cats are highly specialized and
adaptable carnivorous mammals, being digitigrade, meaning they walk on their
toes 8. They are also obligate carnivores, requiring a diet rich in protein 7. In the
United States, cats are found in approximately 45.3 million households 7.
Additionally, they have fewer taste buds than dogs or humans 6. Despite the myth,
cats do not have nine lives, but their keen senses and quick reflexes help them
survive dangerous situations 5. Information is missing on the average lifespan of

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