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Applied Corpus Linguistics 3 (2023) 100074

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Applied Corpus Linguistics

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Data-driven Learning Meets Generative AI: Introducing the Framework of

Metacognitive Resource Use
Atsushi Mizumoto *
Kansai University, Japan


Keywords: This paper explores the intersection of data-driven learning (DDL) and generative AI (GenAI), represented by
data-driven learning (DDL) technologies like ChatGPT, in the realm of language learning and teaching. It presents two complementary
Generative AI perspectives on how to integrate these approaches. The first viewpoint advocates for a blended methodology that
synergizes DDL and GenAI, capitalizing on their complementary strengths while offsetting their individual
limitations. The second introduces the Metacognitive Resource Use (MRU) framework, a novel paradigm that
positions DDL within an expansive ecosystem of language resources, which also includes GenAI tools. Anchored
in the foundational principles of metacognition, the MRU framework centers on two pivotal dimensions: met­
acognitive knowledge and metacognitive regulation. The paper proposes pedagogical recommendations designed
to enable learners to strategically utilize a wide range of language resources, from corpora to GenAI technologies,
guided by their self-awareness, the specifics of the task, and relevant strategies. The paper concludes by high­
lighting promising avenues for future research, notably the empirical assessment of both the integrated DDL-
GenAI approach and the MRU framework.

1. Introduction by presenting two perspectives on the relationship between DDL and

GenAI. The first aligns with Crosthwaite and Baisa’s (2023) suggestion
In a recent article for this journal, Applied Corpus Linguistics for an integrated model that melds DDL and GenAI, thereby expanding
(ACORP), Crosthwaite and Baisa (2023) asserted that data-driven the scope of potential research topics within the DDL paradigm. The
learning (DDL) techniques—which utilize concordance lines and second perspective, which constitutes the central focus of this paper,
corpus-aided resources—are unlikely to be overshadowed or marginal­ proposes a reconceptualization of DDL as an element within a broader
ized by AI technologies like ChatGPT in the immediate future. While approach. This leads to the introduction of a new framework named
Generative AI (GenAI), exemplified by ChatGPT, can generate texts “Metacognitive Resource Use.” Grounded in the concept of metacogni­
across a wide range of registers, domains, or languages, corpora offer a tion, this framework aims to guide the effective utilization and evalua­
more nuanced analysis of language patterns. Crosthwaite and Baisa tion of diverse language resources. Importantly, it places users and
contended that integrating these two approaches could yield a learners at its core, adding a pragmatic dimension to its theoretical
comprehensive understanding of language use in diverse contexts, and foundation. The rationale for proposing this framework is to enhance the
highlighted the potential for GenAI to address some of DDL’s limitations. robustness and adaptability of both DDL and GenAI.
With its capacity to tackle any language task, ChatGPT is poised to
make a significant impact on both language learners and teachers 2. DDL and GenAI: Apples and Oranges?
(Kohnke et al., 2023). Although its user-friendly nature raises concerns
about potential misuse, such as straightforward copy-pasting without Within the realm of DDL literature, the first element of the acronym
understanding, when used judiciously, it can become an invaluable tool. DDL (i.e., Data), has consistently been a point of contention since its
It could empower learners to engage in independent language learning, inception (Johns, 1991). The prevailing view of DDL applications as
thereby fostering their autonomy. “data-driven” rather than “corpus-driven” has given them an inclusive
This paper explores the intersection of corpus linguistics and GenAI character (Boulton, 2012). This is evidenced by the common practice of

* Corresponding Author.
E-mail address: mizumoto@kansai-u.ac.jp.

Received 29 July 2023; Received in revised form 4 September 2023; Accepted 6 September 2023
Available online 7 September 2023
2666-7991/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-
A. Mizumoto Applied Corpus Linguistics 3 (2023) 100074

using the Google search engine as a data source for DDL (e.g., Geluso, 3. Framework of Metacognitive Resource Use
2013; Sha, 2010). Nevertheless, the term DDL inherently suggests a
learner’s interaction with corpus data (concordancing) and the utiliza­ Fig. 1 illustrates the concept of Metacognitive Resource Use (MRC)
tion of corpus-based tools (concordancers). This nuance presents a that I propose in this paper. The framework is deeply rooted in the
considerable hurdle for many practitioners and learners (Crosthwaite & construct of metacognition (Flavell, 1979). Metacognition refers to the
Baisa, 2023). ability to think about one’s own thinking. In other words, it represents
Large Language Models (LLMs), utilized in GenAI platforms such as “the third-person point of view of one’s own knowledge and thoughts
ChatGPT, are trained through machine learning. Specifically, they that one possesses” (Sato, 2022, p. 96). In the proposed framework,
employ deep learning techniques on extensive web-collected text data (i. metacognition plays a crucial role because it is the users (or learners),
e., corpus). As such, their development is inherently linked to the use of empowered by active agency, who utilize these resources to address the
a corpus, which could qualify as “data” in the context of DDL. Yet, task at hand. Of various taxonomies available, the most commonly
certain elements crucial to learning and acquisition, such as attention to employed in L2 (second or foreign language) studies posits that meta­
form, noticing, salience of input, and learner involvement—all of which cognition has two primary dimensions: metacognitive knowledge and
are theoretically endorsed in Second Language Acquisition (SLA) (Lee metacognitive regulation (Sato, 2022).
et al., 2019; O’Keeffe, 2021)—are somewhat diminished in the Metacognitive knowledge, also known as metacognitive awareness,
straightforward, user-friendly interactions with ChatGPT. Interestingly, is comprised of the understanding of three key domains: (a) person, (b)
Lin (2023) explores the potential of ChatGPT as a concordancer, high­ task, and (c) strategy, as categorized by their nature (Flavell, 1979).
lighting its ability to generate concordance lines. This novel viewpoint, “Person” refers to an individual’s understanding of their own cognitive
however, may incite debate among DDL purists who traditionally equate capacities and unique attributes as a cognitive processor—essentially,
DDL solely with concordancing “authentic” texts. self-knowledge. “Task” involves understanding the particular re­
Despite a robust body of primary studies and meta-analyses (Boulton quirements, goals, resources, and constraints associated with a specific
& Cobb, 2017; Lee et al., 2019) affirming the advantages of DDL in the activity. “Strategy” includes the comprehension of the various strategies
acquisition of lexico-grammatical items, its integration into mainstream available for task completion, as well as when and how to apply them.
classroom instruction remains limited (Pérez-Paredes, 2022). Quan When selecting resources, learners make choices informed by their
et al. (2022) have identified three primary obstacles to the widespread metacognitive knowledge in these areas: their self-assessed capabilities
adoption of DDL: technical, pedagogical, and attitudinal. These chal­ (person), the anticipated complexity of the task (task), and the suitable
lenges manifest themselves in real-world case studies. For example, strategies at their disposal (strategy). This triad of metacognitive com­
Frankenberg-Garcia et al. (2022) observed that workshop participants ponents collectively facilitates effective resource use. Often referred to
who engaged with corpora directly found it more convenient than using as metacognitive awareness, enhancing metacognitive knowledge has
traditional reference materials. Yet, only a year later, these same par­ been shown to contribute to improved L2 learning (Teng & Zhang,
ticipants predominantly reverted to using less demanding resources like 2021). Therefore, increasing such awareness is likely to deepen under­
online dictionaries. While DDL researchers stress the need for research standing in the realms of person, task, and strategy, thus optimizing
to be conducted by non-expert, corpus-using language teachers resource use as well.
(Chambers, 2019; Pérez-Paredes, 2022; Poole, 2022), the rising popu­ In contrast to metacognitive knowledge (or awareness), which serves
larity of intuitive GenAI platforms like ChatGPT suggests that DDL ad­ as a foundational knowledge base, metacognitive regulation (the right
vocates aiming to mainstream DDL as a teaching and learning section of Fig. 1) involves the active management of that knowledge. It
methodology may face an uphill, if not losing, battle. encompasses practices such as planning, monitoring, and evaluating
Recognizing the clear advantages of GenAI over traditional, one’s learning strategies and cognitive processes. In the context of
concordancer-dependent DDL, Crosthwaite and Baisa (2023) advocated metacognitive resource use, this regulation is centered around the
for the integration of GenAI into the DDL framework. This proposal aims selected resource. Metacognitive regulation functions as the mechanism
to ensure that DDL research remains relevant in the field of language enabling individuals to adapt and optimize their approach to problem-
learning and teaching, reflecting the philosophy of “if we can’t beat solving, comprehension, or learning strategies based on ongoing per­
them, join them.” DDL, when combined with a concordancer, proves formance assessment. Essentially, while metacognitive knowledge
remarkably effective for teaching, learning, and analyzing equips learners with the necessary tools, metacognitive regulation is the
lexical-grammatical items—such as collocations—that follow discern­ real-time application of those tools to enhance learning and problem-
ible patterns. Consequently, pending further empirical research, the solving outcomes. The various stages of metacognitive regulation are
DDL approach could potentially outperform methods that rely on depicted in the right section of Fig. 1, beginning with “Seeing a problem”
GenAI-led noticing. Conversely, GenAI could potentially augment areas and concluding with “Problem solved.” At each stage, learners under­
where DDL falls short, such as assisting learners in correcting highly stand the issue at hand, formulate a plan, monitor their progress, and
context-dependent grammatical errors in writing (Crosthwaite et al., evaluate the outcomes while utilizing resources.
2020), where semantics plays a crucial role. Particularly within the DDL The bottom section illustrates the array of resources that can be
context, where learners often struggle to identify appropriate search leveraged alongside metacognitive regulation. These resources encom­
terms, GenAI’s capacity to respond to any query could significantly pass a variety, most of which are corpus-based. They range from online
enhance the user experience. For these reasons, I concur with the dictionaries and DDL-related tools like concordancers and web apps, to
proposition made by Crosthwaite and Baisa (2023). Indeed, researchers search engines and GenAI systems like ChatGPT. Additionally, the sec­
have already begun exploring the integration of GenAI into corpus tion includes machine translation tools such as Google Translate and
analysis (Anthony, 2023). DeepL, as well as grammar correction tools like Grammarly. This reflects
Given the respective strengths and limitations of both DDL and the real-world usage of tools by learners when they turn to consultation
GenAI, it becomes evident that an integrated approach could potentially resources for task engagement.
harness the benefits of both, as suggested by Crosthwaite and Baisa As articulated by Boulton and Vyatkina (2021, p. 82), “We now have
(2023). Beyond this integrated approach, I propose an alternative far greater choice of tools and corpora, which are faster, more aesthetic,
framework that calls for a reevaluation of DDL’s role. This alternative and user-friendly . . ., and our hope is that they will attract the attention
positions DDL as a vital component within the overarching framework of of future DDL researchers.” Indeed, DDL researchers have begun to
metacognitive resource use. explore a range of tools that extend beyond conventional concordancers.
These include Yoon’s (2016) suite of online reference resources, the
corpus-aided English for Academic Purposes (EAP) writing workshops

A. Mizumoto Applied Corpus Linguistics 3 (2023) 100074

Fig. 1. Framework of Metacognitive Resource Use.

Note. The figure labelled “Metacognitive Regulation” is adapted from Gu (2012, p. 337) and previously appeared under the title “What is in a strategy?” It is
reproduced here with permission. The resources shown at the bottom of the figure are merely examples; numerous other resources can also be incorporated into
the framework.

highlighted in Frankenberg-Garcia et al. (2022), and Friginal’s (2018) the realm of possibilities for learner autonomy and strategic resource
seminal book, which introduces an array of corpus-based tools and re­ use. As a result, the MRU framework is well-positioned to advance both
sources available to English teachers. However, these previous en­ research and practice focused on the learner’s experience with resource
deavors lack a unified framework and focus mainly on the utility of these utilization. Additionally, by integrating DDL into its scope, the frame­
tools. Therefore, a guiding model like MRU is critically needed. work ensures that the valuable insights gained from existing DDL
Regarding the resources illustrated at the bottom of Fig. 1, it is research remain relevant and are not marginalized.
crucial to note that these resources do not comprise a comprehensive Grounded in the theory of metacognition, the MRU framework serves
list. The key lies in selecting resources that best suit a specific task, based as a promising theoretical model for assessing the choices learners make
on learners’ metacognitive knowledge or awareness. As a result, learners regarding resource use. However, the framework is primarily descrip­
are encouraged to actively explore, choose, and coordinate their re­ tive. While it identifies available resources, it leaves the choice and
sources. Teachers, in turn, bear the responsibility to introduce these engagement with these resources to the learner’s discretion, underlining
resources and demonstrate their practical applications within their their active role in the learning process. This leads to a crucial question:
instructional framework (see Section 4). Resource use is not one-size- How can learners determine which resources to choose? The subsequent
fits-all; individual learners will utilize the same resources in their own section will explore methods for effectively introducing resources to
unique ways. learners within the context of MRU, drawing from both DDL and strat­
The MRU framework provides a structured methodology for evalu­ egy instruction methodologies.
ating how reference and consultation tools are used, grounded in
established metacognitive constructs, which include both metacognitive 4. Instruction on Metacognitive Resource Use
knowledge and regulation. While the MRU framework may not be
groundbreaking in the wider realm of metacognition research, it fills a While the utilization of various resources—such as dictionaries, the
specific gap in DDL studies. Although DDL research has deeply explored Internet, and other reference materials—is acknowledged as a valuable
corpus utilization, it has often neglected to consider the learner’s agency strategy for language learners (Chamot, 2009, p. 63), this area remains
in effectively leveraging these resources. Additionally, while research relatively unexplored in strategy instruction literature. The MRU
focused on the learner does exist—especially in the context of language framework aims to address this gap. Within the framework, the most
learning strategies—such studies have not specifically addressed the effective instruction would integrate a diverse array of resources,
effective use of corpus-based tools in the way that DDL research has. customized to suit both the individual learner and the specific task they
The advent of Generative AI (GenAI), such as ChatGPT, has expanded are facing. This multi-resource strategy stands in contrast to methods

A. Mizumoto Applied Corpus Linguistics 3 (2023) 100074

that rely exclusively on a single tool, like DDL approaches limited to Mark (2022) can guide the types of data presented to learners. Addi­
concordancers. tionally, one could refer to existing categorizations of “hard” and “soft”
In the quest to elevate learners’ metacognitive skills, standard DDL (Gabrielatos, 2005; Mizumoto & Chujo, 2016) to make
instructional models typically focus on boosting metacognitive knowl­ better-informed decisions.
edge (or awareness) and imparting particular metacognitive and related When evaluating the effectiveness of teaching resource use for spe­
cognitive strategies. These elements are crucial to the overarching pro­ cific tasks, the focus should be on “how well” learners utilize resources
cess of metacognitive regulation. In this scenario, learning strategy in­ rather than “how often,” “how many times,” or the “number of types” of
struction (Chamot & Harris, 2019) can serve as a foundational resources used. This principle comes from decades of research on
framework for teaching metacognitive resource use. learning strategies ( Mizumoto, 2018). Therefore, metacognitive
The MRU framework enables targeted efforts to enhance learners’ resource use is best evaluated by examining how well a learner employs
understanding and awareness of the individual, the task, and the stra­ and coordinates their personalized set of resources. While identifying
tegies in play. This is accomplished by providing concrete guidance on which resources different demographic groups use is important, the
resource selection and application within classroom activities. For primary emphasis should be on assessing the efficacy of resource
example, when mastering lexico-grammatical elements, learners could deployment. To investigate effective resource use, potential research
be guided to employ both online dictionaries and concordancers. When avenues include, but are not limited to:
addressing writing errors, they might be instructed to utilize grammar
correction tool like Grammarly, and possibly even GenAI tools like • Comprehensive descriptions detailing how learners synergize
ChatGPT. This educational approach involves scaffolding the learners various resource types effectively (e.g., Wang & Cohen, 2022).
through hands-on engagement with these resources, steering them • Analyzing error reduction (e.g., Crosthwaite, 2017) enabled by the
through the processes of planning, executing, evaluating, and adapting strategic use of resources.
their strategic resource use to meet specific goals. • Assessing a learner’s self-efficacy regarding the strategic application
In teaching metacognitive resource use, educators can draw upon a of resources.
well-established learning strategy instruction framework (e.g., Chamot, • Measuring changes in a learner’s metacognitive knowledge (i.e.,
2009), which is grounded in years of research and has been shown to be person, task, strategy) or self-regulatory capacity (Tseng et al., 2006)
effective in meta-analyses (Plonsky, 2011; 2019). For comparison, the after receiving instruction on metacognitive resource use.
methods of guided induction used in both DDL and strategy instruction
(specifically the Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach, or Boulton (2009, p. 51) emphasized the potential benefits of explicit
CALLA) are outlined in Table 1. A close examination of these instruc­ training in using concordancers, suggesting it might be as valuable as
tional models reveals significant similarities. dictionary use for many learners. This concept is directly applicable to
In teaching effective resource use, it is crucial to expose students to a the instruction of resources, including GenAI, within the MRU frame­
diverse array of tools. This approach not only offers multiple avenues for work. Through this framework, it is expected that instructors can foster
metacognitive engagement but also accommodates various learning learners who are self-directed, self-regulatory, and autonomous. These
preferences and needs. Teachers themselves must have a deep under­ attributes are in line with the core objectives of both learning strategy
standing of these resources to help their students maximize the benefits. instruction and DDL methodologies. The cultivation and development of
Chamot (2009) provides the following guidelines for selecting which such learners can now be effectively guided by the new MRU framework.
strategies to teach:
5. Conclusion
1 Determine the task and curriculum requirements.
2 Begin with a small number of strategies before introducing strategy The influence of GenAI, such as ChatGPT, on research and education
combinations. has reached a level that cannot be ignored. In this paper, I have pre­
3 Use challenging but achievable tasks. sented two perspectives to ensure that research in DDL remains relevant
4 Begin with easy-to-demonstrate tasks. and continues to offer valuable insights.
Firstly, I echoed the proposal from Crosthwaite and Baisa (2023),
5. Teach strategies that apply across content subjects who suggested that the integration of DDL and GenAI approaches could
provide a more comprehensive understanding of language use in
As there is no optimal number or order for teaching strategies, the different contexts. This paper furthered their argument by providing
same holds true for instructing students in resource use. In this context, reasons why we should aim for the synergy between DDL and GenAI in
researchers and practitioners might consider various guiding frame­ language learning and teaching.
works. For example, the curation principles outlined by O’Keeffe and Secondly, I proposed a reevaluation of DDL’s role, positioning it as a
vital component within the overarching framework of Metacognitive
Resource Use (MRC), which is derived from the construct of metacog­
Table 1 nition. This approach aims to leverage the strengths of both DDL and
Comparison of Guided Induction (DDL) and Strategy Instruction Steps. GenAI while mitigating their weaknesses. Adopting this comprehensive
Steps DDL (Guided Induction) approach could offset the limitations of DDL, highlight its strengths,
uphold the cumulative findings of past DDL research, and eliminate the
1 Illustration: Look at data.
2 Interaction: Discuss and share observations and opinions. risk of discarding valuable DDL insights—akin to “throwing the baby out
3 Intervention: Provide learners with hints or clearer guides for induction. with the bathwater.” For these compelling reasons, future research
4 Induction: Make one’s own rule for a particular feature. should subject the proposed framework to empirical verification.
Steps Strategy Instruction (CALLA) Moving forward, several promising research directions emerge. One
1 Preparation: Activate background knowledge.
avenue is to empirically assess the efficacy of the proposed integrated
2 Presentation: Explain and model strategies. approach of DDL and GenAI. This could involve experimental designs
3 Practice: Prompt use of strategies and give feedback. that evaluate learner outcomes, such as language learning gains, pattern
4 Evaluation & Expansion: Assess and support transfer of strategies. recognition abilities, and overall engagement with the instructional
Note. Guided induction (DDL) is illustrated in Flowerdew (2009), Godwin-Jones process.
(2017), and Smart (2014). The strategy instruction model (Cognitive Academic Another promising avenue for research centers on a deeper explo­
Language Learning Approach, CALLA) is presented in Chamot (2009). ration of the MRU framework. This might include a multifaceted

A. Mizumoto Applied Corpus Linguistics 3 (2023) 100074

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