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N Teacher Learning SCIENCE
LOG Area
Teaching Dates March 22, 2024 Quarter THIRD
and Time 11:00 AM – 12:00 NN

A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding on the factors that affect
climate, and the effects of changing climate, and how to adapt
B. Performance Standards The learners should be able to:
 participate in activities that reduce risks and lessen effects of
climate change.
C. Learning Competencies/ The learners should be able to:
Objectives  identify the different ocean currents around the world;
 explain how ocean surface and circulation directly affect the
pattern of climate around the world; and
 appreciate the importance of oceans.
II. CONTENT Factors that Affect Climate - Ocean Current
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages Science 9 TG pages 150-151
2. Learner’s Materials Pages Science 9 LM pages 194-195
B. Other Learning Resources YouTube video links:,
PowerPoint Presentation, Learning Activity Sheet
A. Reviewing previous lesson Preliminary Activities
(ELICIT) - Prayer
- Greetings
B. Establishing a purpose for the - Checking of attendance
lesson (ENGAGE) - Classroom rules
Arrange the jumbled letters to form the word.
C. Presenting examples/ The teacher will present two pictures then let the students infer what
instances of the new lesson factor is depicted from the picture.

The teacher will discuss the topic using the following guide questions:
1. What are ocean currents?
- Ocean Currents are the continuous, predictable, directional
movement of seawater driven by gravity, wind and water
2. What causes the direction of ocean currents in northern and
southern hemisphere?
- In the northern hemisphere, the current flows in a clockwise
direction. In the southern hemisphere, the current flows in
counterclockwise direction. These clockwise and
counterclockwise of ocean currents are caused by the Coriolis
3. What is the general temperature of ocean currents that flow
away from the equator?
- Ocean currents that flow away from the equator carries warm
water. The air above the warm water has higher temperature.
D. Discussing new concepts and Pre-Activity
practicing new skills #1 - The class will be divided into eight groups. Each group will be
(EXPLAIN) given an activity sheet to answer.
- Instruct the learners to write their answers in the activity sheet
provided within 15 minutes.

Activity Proper
Let the learners perform Activity 6: Ocean Currents (See the attached
activity sheet)
Post Activity
Guide questions will be answered by asking a representative in each
group to discuss or present their answer.
Q1. Identify the different ocean currents in the world.
- Kuroshio Current, Gulf Stream, Agulhas Current, North
Equatorial current, Labrador current, Kamchatka current, East
Australian current, Greenland current.
Q2. What are the different ocean currents that carry warm water?
Give at least three examples.
- Kuroshio Current, Gulf Stream, Agulhas Current, North
Equatorial current
Q3. What are the different ocean currents that carry cold water? Give
at least three examples.
- Labrador current, Kamchatka current, East Australian current,
Greenland current.
Q4. What kind of air does Greenland Current take along? Explain.
- Cold air because it carries cold water from the pole towards
the equator.
Q5. How do the Kamchatka Current and Kuroshio Current affect the
northeastern part and southern part of Japan?
- Kamchatka Current brings cold water to the northeastern part
of Japan making the temperature lower. Kuroshio Current
brings warm water towards southern part of Japan making the
temperature higher.
E. Finding practical applications Values Integration
of concepts and skills in daily
Show the learners a picture of
living. (EXPLAIN)
The Pacific Garbage Patch.

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch

is the largest accumulation of ocean
plastics in the world

As a student, how can you help in minimizing plastic waste?

F. Making generalization and How do ocean currents affect climate?

abstraction about the lesson  Ocean currents that bring along cold water to coastal areas
(ELABORATE) make the climate cold.
 Ocean currents that take along warm water to inland make
the climate warm.
I. Evaluating Learning EVALUATE
True or False. Write T if the statement is correct, otherwise F.
__F__1. Ocean currents that bring along cold water inland make the
climate warm.
__F__2. Ocean currents that take along warm water to coastal areas
make the climate cold.
__T__3. When warm ocean currents that take along warm water go to
a land mass, the temperature of that place increases.
__T__4. When ocean currents that bring cold water move towards a
coastal region, the temperature of that area decreases.
__T__5. Kuroshio Current that comes from the northeastern part of
the Philippines brings warm water.
__F__6. In the northern hemisphere, the current flows in a
counterclockwise direction.
__F__7. In the southern hemisphere, the current flows in clockwise
__T__8. The clockwise and counterclockwise of ocean currents are
caused by the Coriolis Effect.
__T__9. Ocean currents is one of the factors that affects climate.
__F__10. Ocean currents that flow away from the equator carries cold

A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lesson work?
No. of learners who caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which
I wish to share with other

Prepared by: Checked by:


Teacher III MT-I, OIC, Science Dept.

Group No.: _____________ Grade & Section: ______________

Date: __________________ Score: ______________________

Activity 6: Ocean Currents

- explain how ocean currents affect climate

Pen or pencil, map that illustrates ocean currents

1. Study the map below.

Guide Questions:
Q1. Identify the different ocean currents in the world.

Q3. What are the different ocean currents that carry cold water? Give at least three examples.

Q4. What kind of air does Greenland Current take along? Explain.

Q5. How do the Kamchatka Current and Kuroshio Current affect the northeastern part and
southern part of Japan?

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