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4, DECEMBER 2003

A 3-D Space Vector Modulation Generalized

Algorithm for Multilevel Converters
MªÁngeles Martín Prats, L. G. Franquelo, Senior Member, IEEE, R. Portillo, J. I. León, E. Galván, and
J. M. Carrasco, Member, IEEE

Abstract—A three-dimensional (3-D) space vector algorithm The three-dimensional (3-D) algorithm presented in this work
of multilevel converters for compensating harmonics and zero se- is a generalization of the well known 2-D space vector tech-
quence in three-phase four-wire systems with neutral is presented. nique. The replacement of conventional two-level converters
The low computational cost of the proposed method is always the
same and it is independent of the number of levels of the converter. by multilevel converters in active filters improves the harmonic
The conventional two-dimensional (2-D) space vector algorithms content of the output signal of the converter. Most of the active
are particular cases of the proposed generalized modulation filter control techniques found in the bibliography are based on
algorithm. In general, the presented algorithm is useful in systems current control PWM or bang-bang [4] where each leg of the
with or without neutral, unbalanced load, triple harmonics and converter is independently controlled. It is desirable to use an
for generating 3-D control vectors.
effective 3-D space vector modulation for this kind of applica-
Index Terms—Multilevel converters, natural coordinates, states tion, because it can drastically reduce the control complexity
sequence and switching times, tetrahedrons, three-dimensional and the computational load. The space vectors will be in a plane
(3-D) space vector.
if the system is balanced without triple harmonics. However, it
is necessary to generalize to a 3-D space if the system is un-
I. INTRODUCTION balanced or if there is a zero sequence or triple harmonics, be-
cause the reference vectors are not on a plane. The proposed
M ULTILEVEL converters are becoming increasingly
popular in high-power applications, thanks to their
ability to meet the increasing demand of power ratings and
algorithm is the first 3-D space vector modulation technique for
multilevel converters which permits the on-line calculation of
power quality associated with reduced harmonic distortion and the sequence of the nearest space vector for generating the ref-
lower electromagnetic interference (EMI). They can increase erence voltage vector [5]. This generalized method provides the
output voltage magnitude and reduce output voltage and current nearest switching vectors sequence to the reference vector and
harmonic content, switching frequency and voltage supported by calculates the on-state durations of the respective switching state
each power semiconductor. Recently, several two-dimensional vectors without involving trigonometric functions, look-up ta-
(2-D) multilevel converter modulation algorithms have been The bles or coordinate system transformations which increase the
pulse width modulation (PWM) techniques’ complexity and computational load corresponding to the modulation of multi-
computational cost increase proposed [1]–[3]. with the number level converters. In this letter, a very simple and fast 3-D mod-
of levels of the converter. Most of the presented modulation ulation algorithm based on geometrical considerations is pre-
algorithms use trigonometric functions or precomputed tables. sented. The computational cost of the proposed method is very
The space vector algorithm proposed in [3] is the first one that low and it is independent of the number of levels of the con-
calculates the switching vectors and the times without using verter. This technique can be used as a modulation algorithm in
angles, trigonometric functions or tables. In addition, the com- all applications which provide a 3-D vector control. The 3–D
plexity and the computational cost are very low. This efficient vectors space of a three-level converter is shown in Fig. 1.
modulation algorithm is very useful to readily calculate the In this figure, 0, 1, and 2 represent the different dc levels that
online computation of the switching sequence and the on-state we can connect to each phase of the converter. Where 0 is the
durations of the respective switching state vectors corresponding lower dc voltage level, 1 indicates the connection between the
to the modulation of a three-level inverter without physically af- neutral point and each phase and 2 is la connection of the higher
fecting the load connected to the multilevel converter. The vector dc voltage level and the corresponding phase.
selection is adjusted according to the input reference to improve
the voltage generation balancing the dc-link capacitor voltage. II. MODULATION TECHNIQUE DESCRIPTION
Moreover, the numeric evaluation of the on-state durations is
reduced to a simple addition and the method uses the minimum A. Reference Vector Synthesis
number of possible comparators. Since the switching of any power topology stays at discrete
states, space vector modulation is used to approximate a reference
Manuscript received October 24, 2003. Recommended by Associate Editor voltage vector , calculating the time to its closest state vectors.
P. Chapman. Four vectors , , , and are used to approximate the de-
The authors are with the Electronic Engineering Department, University of
Seville, 41092 Sevilla, Spain ( e-mail: sired voltage vector in a control cycle . The modulation law
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LPEL.2004.825561 requires the current voltage vector to equal its reference value
1540-7985/03$17.00 © 2003 IEEE2003

Fig. 2. Origin of the subcube where the reference vector is supposed to be


Fig. 1. Three–dimensional space vectors of a three-level converter.

which is represented in the stationary reference frame. During

each modulation subcycle of duration , a switching sequence Fig. 3. Planes used for calculating the tetrahedron where the reference vector
is generated. It is composed of four switching state vectors , is pointing.
, , and , where , , , and are the on-state
durations of the active switching state vectors. The four vectors corresponding to the reference system of the subcube
nearest to the reference vector must be identified. The proposed where the reference vector is pointing. This is shown
3-D space vector modulation (SVM) algorithm easily calculates in Fig. 2.
the four state vectors which generate the reference vector. In gen- Step 2) As six tetrahedrons are considered in each subcube, it
eral, with unbalanced systems or with triple harmonics, the refer- is necessary to define the tetrahedron where the ref-
ence vector could not be placed in the 2-D plane of the multilevel erence vector is pointing. This tetrahedron is easily
converter. In this way, it is necessary to use a switching sequence found using comparisons with the three planes in the
with four state vectors. Thus, the reference vector will be pointing 3-D space which define the six tetrahedrons inside the
to a volume which is a tetrahedron. The vertexes of that tetrahe- subcube. The three planes which define the six tetra-
dron are the state vectors of the switching sequence. In addition, hedrons are shown in Fig. 3. A maximum of only three
the algorithm permits one to obtain the corresponding duty cycles comparisons is needed.
without using tables or trigonometric functions. The modulation Step 3) Once ( , , ) coordinates are known, the main step
algorithm input is the normalized voltage vector. Normalization of the algorithm consists of calculating the four space
only depends on the number of levels of the multilevel converter, vectors corresponding to the four vertices of a tetrahe-
, and the voltage level value of the dc-link capacitors, [4]. dron in the selected subcube (in step 1). These vectors
The reference vector must be scaled by the normalization con- will generate the reference vector. Configurations of
stant: the 3-D space with different numbers of tetrahedrons
Step 1) Find the subcube where the reference vector is in the cube have been studied. However, the minimum
pointing. number of comparisons is obtained using the six tetra-
The space vectors of a multilevel converter form a hedrons shown in Fig. 4.
cube in a 3-D space. This space can be split up into Step 4) Calculation of the switching times.
several tetrahedrons which generate the cube’s total The new algorithm calculates the four state vectors on-line
volume. For a certain reference vector in three-phase into the 3-D space and the corresponding duty-cycles using only
coordinates ( ), the integer part of each com- sixty-nine instructions and a maximum of three comparisons for
ponent ( , , ) is calculated, where calculating the suitable tetrahedron. The computational load is
always the same and it is independent of the number of levels.
In addition, the algorithm provides the switching sequence that
minimizes the total harmonic distortion and the commutation
(1) number of the semiconductor devices.

The 3-D space is formed by a certain number of sub- B. General Structure of the Algorithm
cubes depending on the number of the levels of the The flow diagram of the new 3-D-modulation algorithm for
converter; one subcube for two-level converters, eight choosing the tetrahedron where the reference vector is pointing
subcubes for three-level converters, etc. (see Fig. 1). is shown in Fig. 5.
The coordinates ( , , ) are the origin coordinates Notice that the algorithm is extremely simple.

Fig. 4. Tetrahedrons into the cube with the corresponding state vectors.

III. CALCULATION OF DUTY-CYCLES The state vectors are the vertexes of the corresponding tetra-
hedron which generates the reference vector. The equations to
Once the state vectors which generate each reference vector be solved are the following:
are known, the corresponding duty-cycles are calculated. The
algorithm generates a matrix with four state vectors and the
corresponding switching times . Where and with
, are natural coordinates of each state vector, and
is the corresponding duty cycle

The numeric evaluation of the duty cycles or on-state durations

of the switching states are reduced to a simple addition as it is
shown in Table I. The coordinates ( , , ) represent the different
(2) voltage levels of the dc link. They take values between zero and
where is the sample time. where is the number of levels of the multilevel converter.

Fig. 5. Three–dimensional algorithm for the selection of each tetrahedron with the corresponding state vectors.

TABLE I to minimize the switching number. The space vectors sequence

STATES SEQUENCE AND SWITCHING in the first half cycle are , ,
and . In the second half
cycle the space vectors are in the reverse sequence.
The proposed 3-D technique is the generalization of the 2-D
space vector algorithms. In this sense, the behavior of a balanced
system without triple harmonics using the 3-D algorithm makes
zero the switching time of one of the four active vectors given by
the algorithm. Then, the problem is reduced to the well known
2-D situation.
The algorithm has been successfully implemented with a
micro controller [5] in order to prove the technique using a
reference vector with triple harmonics and zero sequence. The
modulation is the output signal of the micro controller and it
has been digitally filtered with a low pass filter that eliminates
the higher frequencies. Thus, we can get the output signals of
the diode clamped inverter ( , , and ) obtaining signals
that follow the input reference signals.

The 3-D space vector modulation algorithm presented in this
work is very useful to readily calculate the switching sequence
and the on-state durations of the respective switching state
vectors corresponding to the space vector modulation used in
multilevel converters. The proposed technique allows directly
compensating a zero sequence in systems with neutral and
optimizing the switching sequence minimizing the number
of switchings. The computational complexity is very low and
independent on the number of levels of the converter. This
algorithm does not use trigonometric functions or look-up
The duty cycles are only functions of the reference vector com- tables. It has been satisfactorily implemented in very low-cost
ponents and the integer part of reference vector coordinates. In micro controllers. This technique can be used as a modulation
addition, the optimized switching sequence is selected in order algorithm in all applications needing a 3-D control vector such

as active filters with four-wire with single-phase distorting [2] N. Celanovic and D. Boroyevich, “A fast space-vector modulation algo-
loads which generate large neutral currents, where the conven- rithm for multilevel three-phase converters,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Applicat.,
vol. 37, pp. 637–641, Mar./Apr. 2001.
tional 2-D space vector modulation can not be used. [3] M. M. Prats, J. M. Carrasco, and L. G. Franquelo, “Effective algorithm
for multilevel converter with very low computational cost,” Electron.
Lett., vol. 38, no. 22, pp. 1398–1400, 2002.
[4] S. Buso, L. Malesani, and P. Mattavelli, “Comparison of current control
REFERENCES techniques for active filter applications,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol.
45, pp. 722–729, Sept./Oct. 1998.
[1] Carrara, S. Gardella, M. Marchesoni, R. Salutari, and G. Sciutto, “A new [5] M. M. Prats, L. G. Franquelo, J. I. León, R. Portillo, E. Galván, and J. M.
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