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In ehetrobyis of water, wkhy k the volume of g coteted over one eleetrsde dvuble that of
e enlleeted over the vther eleetrode?
Anewer h i becese water comsine hyrogen snd oxygen in the ratis of 2

Ratanee the olewing themicnl eqstons

PhNO HO+ NO, + 0,
PhNO, 2PbO+ 4NO, + 0,

What happens chemicnly wben quicklime is ndded to water filled in s backet?

Anmer Quicklimerencts with water to form slaked lime and produces lot of heat and hiesing
CeO)+ H,O0 Ca(OH))
Slaked lime
heatt ising sound
Quicklime Water
(Caiciom oxide) (Caldum hydroxide)

On what basis is n chemical equation balanced?

Answer. A chemical reaction is balanced on the basis otakpfconservation of mass.
What change in colour is observed when white silver chloride is left exposed to sunlight?
State the type of chemical reaction in this change
Answer. Silver chloride becomes grey. It isa hhotochemical decomposition reaction.
Write a balanced chemical equation for the rcaction between sodium chloride and silver
nitrate indicating the physical stafeof the reactants and the products.

AgNO,(aq) + NaClag) ACI)NaNO,(a2)

State one basic a change.

differencebetween physical change and chemicalchemical a
7 change, new
new substance is formed, whereas in a
Answer. In physical change no

substance(s) is/are formed.

8. What is meant by a chemical reaction?

called a chemical reaction
Answer. 1he reaction representing a chemical change is

9 AgNOs(aq) + NaClaq)- AgCls)4! + NaNOs(aq)

FeS + HaS0- FeS0, + HS1
two chemical equations with two different kinds of arrows
Consider the above mentioned
What do these two different arrows indicate?
(and ) along with product.
whereas Jshows insoluble substance (precipitate) is formed
Answer. 1shows the gas is evolved

highly inflammable gas and oxygen being a supporter of combustion, yet

10.Hydrogen being a
compound made up of hydrogen and oxygen is used to extinguish
water which is a

Why? different from properties of its

Answer. It is because properties of compound

and O.
constituting clements, i.e. H;
e theprebete tomd on strongly besingfervoe stphseeyrle
themal teReton oe n thi ehNge
PeO0 80) 0y
ren (11 Selphor iulphae
his decompesition renction

resetion i osidatn
Bt an oxidation renction? Gve an eample of sidatflon
exothermie or an endothermic rection?
element is added or hydroger
Aher The reaction in which oygen or electronegative reseton
ciectropositive element is removed or loss of electrons takes place, ie éalled an otidation

e"+r dos of electron)

Oxidation reactions are mostly exothermic in nature because heat is eyolved in this proeess

13.Describe an activity to demonstrate the change that takes plade e white silver chloride 1
kept in sunlight. State the type of chemical reaction which akes plice.
reehloride is kept in sunlight.
Aim: To demonstrate the change that takes place
Materials Required: AgNO:(aq), NaCI(aq), test pbes

Sun light

Silver chloride
China dish

Dcomposition of sllver chlorlde

1. Take 5 ml of silver nitrate solution in a test tube
2. Prepare sodium chloride solution in another test tube.
3. Add sodium chloride solution into test tube containing silver nitrate solution.
4.Observe the colour ofsilver chloride fomed chloride to grey silver metal Dry it with the heip
of filter papers and place it on the watch glass.
5. Place the watch glass under sunlight for sometime.
6. Observe the colour of the silver chloride after sometime. Observation: White silver chloride
turns grey in sunlight because silver metal is formed.
ht 2Ag(s)+ Clu(g)
Explanation: Silver chloride is photosensitive. It decomposes in presence of sunlight to fom
silver metal and chlorine gas.
Conclusion: Decomposition of silver chloride in presence of sunlight is photochemical
decomposition reaction.
14.When nmagnesium ribbon burns in air or oxygen, a product is formed. State thetype of
chemical reaction and name the produet formed in the renetion. Write balanced ehemiecal
cquation of this reaction.

2Mgo)+O,) Ig2MgO)
The type of reaction is combination reaction and the product formed is magnesium oxide

15.Distinguish between a displacement reaction and a double displacement reaction. Identify

the displacement and the double displacement reaction from the following reactions.

)HClag)+NaOl(ag) NaClag) +H,O()
(i) Fe()+ CuSO,lag)FesO,(aq) +Cu()
reactive metal
Displacement reaction is a reaction in which more reactive metal can displace less
from its salt solution.
Double displacement reaction are those reactions in which compounds exchange their ions to
form two new compounds (i) Double displacement reaction (ii) Displacement reaction

16. When you have mixed the solutions of lead(II) nitrate and potassium iodide,
) what was the colour of the precipitate formed and can you namehe precipitate?
(i) write the balanced chemical equation for this
is this also a double displacement reaction?
The name ofcompound formed as a precipitate is Pbl2
0 The colour of the precipitate is yellow.
(lead iodide).
(i) Pb(NO)g(aq) + 2KI(ag) > Pbl,(6)+2KNO,Pg)
(ii) Yes, it is also a double displacement reacon.
17. What do you mean by exothermjc and endothermic reactions? Give examples.
Answer. Exothermic reactions are those in whioh heat is evolved, e g

C(o)+Op8)- COg) heat

CH g)+20,(g)- C O c 2 H , O ) + heat
is absorbed, e.g.
Endothermic reactiopsace thgseráctions in which heat
CaCO,)beteo+ co,g)
solution of sodium sulphate reacts with
an aqueous
18. What happens when an aqueous reaction
conditions of reactants in which the
solution of barium chloride? State the physical reaction and
balanced chemical equation for the
between them will not take place. Write the
name the type of reaction.
Answer. White precipitate of barium sulphate is
in solid state, then the reaction will place between them
not take
If both reactants are

BaClaq) + Na,SO,(aq) BaS0,0) + 2NaCl(aq)

It is a double displacement as well as a precipitation reaction.

dazzling flame and
magnesium ribbon burns in air with a
19. What is a redox reaction? When a
reduced? Why?
forms a white ash, is magnesium oxidised or
of electrons) and reduction (gain of electrons)
Answer. 1The reactions in which oxidation (loss
take simultaneously are called redox
Mgo) +O,) 2MgO0)
Magnesium oxide
Magnesium Oxygen and oxygen ga
because it is losing electrons to
form Mg'
e s u m is getting oxidised
electrons to fom O, therefore it is getting reduced
that a chemical reactio n
20 Write any two observations in an activity which may suggest
taken place. Give an example in support of your answer
chemical reaction has taken place
two of these observations will suggest
Answer. Any
) Change in state.
(i)Change in colour.
(i) Evolution of gas
(iv)Change in temperature. brown solid
solid which on heating gives yellowish
For example, lead nitrate is white crystalline reaction
is also evolved. It shows chemical
(lead monoxide). A brown gas and a colourless gas
has taken place.
beat 2PbO(¢) + 4NOg) + Og)
2Pb(NO,),6) (Yellowish brown) (Brown) (Colourless)
turns black.
the powvder of a commonmetal is heated in an open chjna dish, its colour
21. When black substanee o formed, it regains its
However, when hydrogen is passed over the hot
original colour. Based on the above in formation, answer the followipg questions.
of the tyo given steps?
(i) What type of chemical reaction takes place in each
Gi) Name the metal initially taken in the powder form. Wite balanced chemical equations
for both reactions.
(i) In first step, oxidation takes place. In second Step Fedoxreaction takes place.
(i)Metal in the powder form is copper.

2Cu()+ Ogg) 2CuO()

CuO()+ H,)- hestCu) H,O
22. Using a suitable chemical equationjustify that some chemical reactions are determined by:
(i) change in colour, (ii) changéin temperature.
)Pb(NO ),(ag)2KI(aqy Pbl()+2KNO,(aq)
Colourless Coloufiess Yellow Ppt.

Ca(OH), heat
Gi) CaO() +
H,OU +

23. (a) A solution of substance X is used for white washing. What is the substanee 'X*? State
the chemical reaction of 'X* with water.
(b) Why does the colour of copper sulphate solution change when an iron nail is dipped in
Answer. (a) 'X' is calcium oxide (CaO).
CaO(s)+ H2O(1)>Ca(OH):(aq) + heat
() It is because iron displaces copper from CuSO4 to form FeS04 which is pale green
Fe(s) + CUS04 (aq)>FeS04(aq) + Cu(s)
Blue Pale green

24. Balance the following chemical

(a) BaCh + HSO BaSO + HCI
(b) Ca(OH) + HNO Ca(N0s)2 + H20
(c) Pb(NO) PbO+ NO + O2
(d) MnO2 + HCI MnClh + H 0 + Ch
Answer.(a) BaCl +HSO BaSO +211C
(b) Ca(OH) +2HNO Ca(NO)) 2H 0
(c) 2Pb(NO)2PbO +4NO, + 0
(d)MnO +4HC1 MnClh +2H,0+ Cl

25.Write the balanced cquation for the. following reaction and identity the type of reaction in

cach case.
(a) Potassium bromide + Barium iodide Potassium iodide + Barium bromide
(b) Hydrogen (g) + Chlorine(g) Hydrogen chloride (g)
Answer. (a) 2K Br(aq) + Bal;(aq) 2KI(aq) + BaBr(aq)
(6) H:(g) + Cl(g) 2HCI(8)

It was
26. A zinc plate was solution of copper sulphate kept in a glass container.
put into a
and fader with the of time. After
found that blue colour of the solution gets fader
number of holes were observed on
few days, when zinc plate was taken out of the solution,

it. (i) State the reason for changes observed on the zinc plate.
Write the chemical cquation for the reaction involved.
metal has been used to form zinc
) It is because zinc has displaced copper from CuSO4. Zinc
sulphate, therefore, number of holes were
+ Cu(s)
(i) Zn(6)+CuSO(aq) ZnSO,(aq)
Blue Colourless

left behind.
27. A white salt on heating decomposes to give brown fumesanda residue is
(i) Name the salt.
i) Write the equation for the decom-position reaction.
i) Lead nitrate is white salt.
(i) 2Pb(No)a0) 2PbO()4NO,(g) + O,g)
solution of potassium iodjde is added to a solution of lead nitrate in a test tube, a
28. When a
reaction takes place.
(a) What type of reaction is this?
(b) Write a balanced chenfcal eguation to represent the above reaction.
Answer. reactuon.
(a) Double displacement as well as preciptation
(6) Pb(NO)z(ag) + 2KHaq)- PbI,)+ 2KNO,(aq)
Yellow ppt.
of a combination reaction which is also
29. Define combination reaction. Give one example
combine to form a single compound is
Answer. A reaction in which two elements or compounds
called combination reaction.
Ca(OH),(aq) + heat
CaO(6) + H,O()
combination reaction because heat is evolved.
It is also an exothermic reaction along with a


30. Classify the following reactions into different types.

) AgNO,(aq) + NaCl(aq) AgCI6) + NaNO,(aq)

(Gi) CaO() + H,O() Ca(OH),(aq)-
(ii) 2KCIo,() 2KCl(aq) +30,(g)
Why is reaction called
(6) Which of the above reaction(s) is/are precipitation reaction(s)?

precipitation reaction?
(a) ( Precipitation reaction (Double displacement reaction)
) Combination reaction (in) Decomposition reaction
(0) Keaction () is a precipitation reaction because one of the product formed is insoluble in water.

31. Write balanced equations for the following mentioning the type of reaction involved.
) Aluminium + Bromine>Aluminium bromide
() Calcium carbonate>Calcium oxide + Carbon dioxide
ii) Silver chloride- Silver +Chlorine
6) 2A1() + 3Br,g) 2AlBr,(6)
(i) CaCOg6) CaO(0) + CO,g)
(in) 2AgCIs)Sunlgh 2Ag(s) + Cl,g)
32. (a) Why is respiration considered as an exothermic reaction?
(b) Define the terms oxidation and reduction.
()Identify the substance that is oxidised and reduced in thefollowing reaction.
CuO()+ Zn(s) Cu(s) + ZnO(s)
Answer. (a) It is because heat is evolved during
(6) Oxidation is a process in which O2 is added or Hais renfoyedorloss of electrons take place.
Reduction is a process in which H: is added or O is fenoved orgao f electrons take place.
(c) Zn is getting oxidised, CuO is getting reduced

33. What is meant by

) precipitation reaction,
(ii) exothermic reaction,
(ii) oxidation reaction?
Write balanced chemical equations for an exámple of each.
Answer.(i) Precipitation reactiopheteaction in which two compounds exchange their ions and
the product formed is insoluble water is called precipitation reaction.
AgNO,aq) + Klaq)6gIOKNO aq)
(i) Exothermic reaction The reaction in which heat is evolved is known as exothermic reaction.
C+Og CO, +heat
(ii) Oxidation reaction: The reaction in which O2 is added or H2 is removed or loss of electrons
takes place is called oxidation reaction.
2Cu + Og 2CuO

34. You might have noted that when copper powder is heated in a china
dish, the surface of
copper powder becomes coated with a black colour substance.
(i) How has this black coloured substance formed?
(ii) What is that black substance?
(ii) Write the chemical equation of the reaction that takes place.
i) Copper reacts with oxygen to form copper oxide which is black, i.e. oxidation of
place. copper takes
(1)Copper oxide
(ii) 2Cu) + O,g) 2Cu0(s)
35. "We necd to balance a skeltal
chemical cquation." Give reason to
Answer. Skeltal chemical justify the statement,
because of law of conservation of
are unbalanced. We need to
balance chemical equation
mass. It states that 'matter can neither
be created nor be
destroyed. Therefore chemical equation must be balanced in each and
every chemical reaction.
36. Giving an
example list two information which make a chemical
(informative). equation more useful
Answer. (1) Physical state of reactants must be
mentioned, e,g
2H2 (g)+O, (g)
2H,0 ()
(1i) Condition in which reaction takes place are written on the
arrow head, c.g.
2H, (g)+ O, (g)Durng, 2H,O ()
37. Consider the following chemical reaction
Barium chloride Y+ Sodium chloride
(White ppt)
(a) Identify X' and 'Y' (b) The type of reaction
Answer. (a) 'X' is Na2SO4 and Y is BaSO4.
(b) The type of reaction
Na2SO4 + BaClh>BaSO4 + 2NaCl
(White ppt)
The reaction is
precipitation reaction. It is also called double
displacchment reaction.
38. Name the reducing in the following reaction:
agent i n g

3MnO + 4AI- 3Mn + 2ALO

State which is more reactive, Mn or Al and why?
Answer. 'Al is reducing agent,
"Al is more reactive than Mn v Al displaces Mn frop/its oxide
39. (i) Write a balanced chemical equation forprocess of photosynthesis.
i )When do desert plants take up catbpn dioxjde and perform photosynthesis?
() 6CO, (g) + 6H,O ()SD H,0, ) + 60,)
(Gi) In desert plants thestonaaryopenat night. They take CO; at night and is stored in the form
of acid and is used dúringday tine for photosynthesis.

40. What is observed whengsolution of potassium iodide solution is added toa solution of lead
nitrate? Name the type of reaction. Write a balanced chemical equation to represent the
above chemical reactión.
Answer. Yellow precipitate of lead iodide is formed. It is precipitation
Pb( NOs)2 (aq) + 2KI (aq)->Pblh (s) + 2KNO, (aq)
It is also called double displacement reaction.

41. Write chemical equation reactions taking place when carried out with the help of
(a) Iron reacts with steam
(b) Magnesium reacts with dil HCI
(c) Copper is heated in air.

(a) 3Fe ()+ 4H,0 (g) FeO, 6) + 41, (g)

(b) Mg + 2HCI MgCl, + H,

2Cu + O, 2CuO ()
Write balanced chemical equations for the following reactions.
) Silver bromide on exposure to sunlight decomposes into silver and bromine,
(i) Sodium metal reacts with water to form sodium hydroxide and hyd rogen gas.
() 2AgBr()Sunlight2Ag() + Br,(g)
(i) 2Na(s) + 2H,O() 2NaOH(aq) + H,)

43. Identify the type of reaction(s) in the following equations.

( ) CH + 2 0 - >CO2 + 2 H;O

(ii) Pb(NO:)2 +2KI > P b l + 2KNO

(ii) CaO+ HO -> Ca(OH)

(iv) CuSO, + Z n - > ZnSO4 +Cu
) Combustion reaction and oxidation reaction.
i)Double displacement reaction and precipitation reaction.
(ii) Combination reaction.
(iv) Displacement reaction.

44. Write balanced equation for the reaction between magnesiurm

andhydrochloric acid. Name
the product obtained, identify the type of reaction.
Mgls) + 2HC\dil.) MgCl, (aq) + H,)
The product formed is magnesium chloride and hydrogen gasRis a displacement reaction.

45. Describe an activity to observ what happens when quick lime is added to water taken in a
beaker. State two important observations and namethe type of reaction taking place.
Aim: To observe what happens when quicklimeis added to water taken in a beaker.
Materials Required:- Quicklime (alciumoxide))water, beaker.
beaker Slaked Iime
Quicklimne hydraxide)
(Calcium oxide)

Quickime reactswith water to fom slaked lime

releasing ea lot of heat
The beaker becomes hot. Its temperature rises.

1. Take 5 g of calcium oxide in a beaker.
2. Add water to it slowly.
3. Touch the beaker.
4. Note down the observations.
Observation: Calcium oxide reacts with water vigorously to form calcium hydroxide with the
evolution of heat.
Chemical Reaction:

CaO(s)+ H,O() Ca(OH),(aq) + Heat

Quicklime Water Slaked lime
Conclusion: The reaction between CaO (Calcium oxide) and H,O is a combination reaction. It is
an exothernmic process because heat is evolved.

46. What is the colour of ferrous sulphate crystals? How does this colour change after heating?
Answer. The colour of ferrous sulphate is pale green. The colour changes to reddish brown on
heating due to formation of iron (111) oxide
Give an example each for thermal decomposition and photochemical decomp0sition reactions.
Write relevant balanced chemical equations also.
Themal decomposition reaction:
CuCO) CuO)+ CO,g)
Copper carbonate Copper oxide
(Green) (Black)
Photochemical decomposition reaction:
2ARCl()Sung 2Ag(s) + Cl,(g)
47. Why does the colour of copper sulphate solution change when an iron nail is dipped in it?
Write two observations.
Answer. It is because displacement reaction takes
lron displaces copper from copper sulphate solution and forms pAle green coloured solution of
FeS04 and reddish brown copper metal gets deposited.
Fe(s)+CuSO4(aq) >FeSO(aq)+ Cu(s)
48. Translate the following statement into chemical equation and theh balance it Barium
chloride reacts with aluminium sulphate to givealuniniup chloride and a precipitate of
barium sulphate. State the two types in which thisreactjon can be classified.
Answer. 3BaClh(aq) + Al:(S0,)s(ag) >3Bas0.(s+2AICl(aq)
It can be classified as double displacement aswell aaprecipitation reaction.

49. Why are decomposition reactions called theopposite of combination reactions? Write
equationsfor these reactions.
Answer. In decomposition reaction,acompound is broken down into simpler compounds or
elements, e.g
CuCO,)baCuog CO,)
Combination reactionis a reaction in which two or more clements or compounds combine to form
a new compound, e.g
Ngg) +3H,g) 2NH,0)
Thus, decomposition and combination reactions are opposite to each other.

the following equation:

50. A Name the type of chemical reaction represented by
(i) CaO + H,O Ca(OH),
(i) 3BaCl, + Al,(S0,)s 3BaSO+ 2AICl,
beat Fe,0, + So, + SO,
(ii) 2FeS0,-
Answer. (i) Combination reaction

Double displacement reaction (Precipitation reaction)

i i ) Decomposition reaction.

have taken place

the reaction in which the following changes
51, Write the chemical equation of
with an example of Formation of precipitate
Change in colour (i) Change in temperature (ii)
>Cu(NO):(aq) + 2Ag
(i)Cu (s)+ 2AgNOs (aq)- will be deposited.
The solution will become blue in colour and shiny silver metal
(ii) NaOH + HCI- N a C l + H:O+ heat
will be evolved.
The temperature will increase because heat
-> Pbl: (s) + 2KNOJ (aq)
(ii) Pb(NO)» (aq) +2KI (aq)-
Yellow ppt
Yellow precipitate of Pbl2 will be formed.

that take place in the following:

reactions and chemical equations
52. State the type of chemical
in air.
Magnesium wire is burnt
through water.
(ii) Electric current is passed chloride gases'are mixed.
(iii) Ammonia and hydrogen
() 2Mg () + O ) 2MgO ()
(Reslpx reaction).
Combination reaction

(i) 2H,0 ()detrsi2H2 g) +O

Electrical decomposition reaction.

(iti) NH, e) + HCI (g)- NH CI (6)

Combination reaction.

Write the essential

condition for the following
reaction fo take place:
53. (a)
2AgBr->2Ag + Br2
Write one application of this reaction
(b) Complete the following chemical equation ofa cliemical
cat FeO+ t
2FeSO added to quick line Write
chemical equation.
(c) What happens when water is
Sunlight, 2Ag + BT2
(a) 2AgBr
This reaction is used in photography

(b) 2FeSO4- aaFeOg SO2+ SO

lot of heat is envolved.
(c) Slaked lime is formed with hissing sound and
are heated in a dry boiling
54. 2g of ferrous sulpháte crystals
(i) List any two observations.
reaction taking place.
ii) Name the type of chemical
'Write the chemical equation for the reaction.
and reddish brown solid is fomed.
(i) *Green colour of Fe SO4 disappears
*Smell of burning sulphur.
ii) Decomposition reaction

(ii) 2FeSo, () Fe,Og (6) + SOq ) + SOg g)

lead nitrate is heated simply. Write balanced
55. Which products will be obtained when
of chemical reaction that in the change.
equation for the reaction? State the type

will be liberated.
Answer. Lead monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and oxygen gas

2Pb(NO,), ()beat2PbO (G)

+ 4NO, g) +
Og g)
It is thermal decomposition reaction.
s What is meant by skeltal type chemical
cauation for electrolytic decomposition equation?
of Water,
What does it
represent? Using the
equation and a balanced chemical equatio, differentiate between skeltal chemical

Answer. The equations in which gascous are written in

and equation is not balanced, are called atomic form instead
skcltal type of molecular form
formed in atomic state and cquation is not cquation. They represent gascous elements
electrolysis, H +O (Skeltal
Hydrogen and oxygen written inequation)
atomic forms and
H,O H +O is also skeltal equation. equation is not balanced,
2H,0 2H, +O (Balanced chemical equation)
57. The following diagram displays a chemical reaction. Observe
following questions carefully and answer the

oapaSilver Chloride
(a) Identify the type of chemical reaction that
will take
colour of the salt change? plade and define it. How will the
Write the chemical
equation of the reaction that tkes place
(c) Mention one commercial use of
Answer. (a) Photochemical
this salt.
decomposition reactionghose reactions in which a compound breaks
down into simple substances in
presence of light are called photochemical
reaction. The colour of salt will change decomposition
fromwhite to'grey.
2AgCI) Sunlight 2Ag(s) +
(c) Silver chloride is used in
58. What is rancidity? Mention
auy two ways by which rancidity can be prevented.
Answer. The process in whjeh taste
andeamell of food gets spoiled is called rancidity. It happens
due to oxidation.
Prevention from raneidityn
) Antioxidants are added 1o fatty acids to prevent oxidation, e.g. chips are packed in presence of
nitrogen gas which prevents spoilage by oxidation.
(i)Food should be kept in airtight container in refrigerator.

59. Write balanced chemical equation for the reactions that take place during respiration.
Identify the type of combination reaction that takes place during this process and justify the
name. Give one more example of this type of reaction.
Answer. CoH1206 + 602 >6CO + 6H:0 + heat
It is an exothermic combination reaction because heat is evolved.
CO2 (g) + 21H20
CHa(g) +20:(g)-
Combustion of methane is another example of exothermic combination reaction

60. What is redox reaction? ldentify the substance oxidised and the substanee reduced in the
following reactions
(i)2PbO+ C 2Pb + CO

(1i)MnO+ 41HCI MnClh +2H;0 + Ch

h o s e reactions in which oxidation and reduction takes place simultaneously are called
redox reactions.
(1) PbO is getting reduced and Cis getting
(1i) MnOs is getting reduced and HCl is getting oxidisecd.
the type ol
the balanced chemical equations for the following reactions and identify
O Write
reaction in each case.
Thermite reaction, iron (Iu) oxide reacts with aluminium and gives molten iron and

aluminium oxide.
Fe,0,) + 2A1(6) heat
Al,O,)+ 2Fe() +

Iron (I) Aluminium Aluminium Molten iron

oxide oxide
It is a displacement reaction because Al is displacing Fe from Fe2O.
Molten iron is used' for repairing broken railway tracks.

62. A solution of potassium chloride when mixed with silver nitrate solution, an insoluble white
substance is formed. Write the chemical reaction involved and also mention the type of the

chemical reaction?
KClaq)+ AgNO (aq) AgCl() KNO,qj
Potassium Silver Silver chloride Potassim
chloride nitrate (White ppt.) nitrate is white
It is a double displacement reaction. It is also a
ppecipitation peaction as AgCI a



should an equation be balanced?
63. (a) Define a balanced chemical quation. Why following reaction:
(b) Write the balanced form phosphorus penta chloride.
) Phosphorus burns in presenge ofchlorine to
(ii) Burning of natural gas.
(ii) The process of respiration.
Answer. in the
number of atoms of different elements
(a) Balanced chemical equation has
can neither be created
reactants and products. Accórding to
law of conservation of mass, matter
nor be destroyed in a chemical reaction.
(b)i) Pa (s) + 10Cl ( g ) - ->4PClk (S)
>CO2 (g)+ 2H2O(1) + heat energy
(i)CH4 (g)+ 202 (g) >6CO2 (aq) + 12H:O () + energy
(iii) CcH120% (s) +60 (g) + 6H20-

64. (a) Explain two ways by which food industries prevent rancidity.
reaction in metal industry with three points.
(b) Discuss the importance of decomposition
(a) (1) Rancidity can be prevented by adding antioxidants to food containing fat and oil, e.g.

butylated hydroxy anisole is added to butter as antioxidant.

(i1) It can be prevented by packaging fat and oil containing foods in nitrogen gas.
(b) i) Molten NaCl is electrolytically decomposed to form sodium metal.
(11) Aluminium metal is obtained by electric decomposition of bauxite ore mixed with cryolite.
(ii) Carbonate ores are thermally decomposed to give metal oxide which on reduction give metal.
Ametal nitrate 'A' on
eas 18' and colourlesshenting
giVes yelloVIsh brown coloured metal oxide along with brown
gas C', Aqucous solution of "A"

forns a yellow precipitate of compound 'D', reaction on

with potassium iodide
hoth the reactions. Metal present in 'A' ldentity "A, B, C, D'. Also
is used in
alloy which is used for
identify the types of
Answer. Metal nitrate 'A' is
Pb(NOJ)2. soldering purposes.
2Pb(NO,),6) Heal 2PbO(s)
Lend nitrate Lead (II) oxide 4NO,8) +
(Yellowish brown) Nitrogen Oxygon
dioxide (Brown)
B (Colourless)
Pb(NO,),(aq)+ 2KI(aq) PbI,6)
A Potassium Lend iodide 2KNO (aq)
Potassiunm nitrate ..(ii)
(Yellow ppt)
A' is lead nitrate, 'B' is
nitrogen dioxide, 'C' is oxygen and 'D' is
lead iodide.
i) is decomposition reaction and (ii) is double
displacement reaction (Precipitation reaction)
66. (a) Write one
example for each of decomposion reaction carried out with
) Electricity (ii) Heat (iii)
Light help of
(b) Which of the following statements is
correct and why
silver nitrate and silver can
coppercan displace silver from
Answer. copper sulphate solution.
(a) () 2H,O electricity2H,g) + Og
(i) CaCOO hent
(tii) 2AgBr Sunlight2Ag + Br2
(6) Copper can
displace silver from AgNOg becausé copper is more reactive
than Ag
Cu +
AgNO, (aq) Cu(NOa (a+2Ag (6)


1. 2 PbO(s) + C (s) (2Pb) dÕ2 (g)
Which of the following statgments are correct for the above?
a) Lead is reduced. b) Carbon dioxide is oxidized.
c) Carbon is oxidized. d) Lead oxide is reduced.
i) (a)and (b) ii) (a) and (c) ii) (a), (b), and (c) d) all.

2. following chemical equations including

Balance the the physical states.

a) CoHI2O% C;H5OH + CO2

b) Fe + O Fe;O
c) NH + Cl2 NaH4+NH4CI
NaOH +H2
d) Na + H2O

the physical states of the substances for the following

3. Balance the chemical equation by including
reactions solutions react to give insoluble Barium
a) Barium chloride and sodium sulphate aqueous
sodium chloride.
sulphate and aqueous solution of acid to produce sodium chloride and water
b) Sodium hydroxide reacts with hydrochlorie
C L n C picces react with dilute hydrochlorie ncid to liberate hydrogen gas and Torms z


4. Which of the following is not a physical change?

(a) Boiling of water to give water vapour
(b) Melting of ice to give water
(c) Dissolution of salt in water
(d) Combustion of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)

5. The following reaction is an example of a

4NH(g) + 50:(g) 4NO(8) +
(i) displacement reaction
(ii) combination reaction
(iii) redox reaction
(iv) neutralisation reaction

(b) (ii) and (ii) (c) (i) and (iii) (d) (ii) and (iv)
(a) i) and (iv)

Which of the following statements

about the given reaction are correct?
3Fe(s) + 4H2O(g)Fe3O4(s) +4H2(g)
() Iron metal is getting oxidised
(ii) Water is getting
reduced g
(iii) Water is acting reducing agent

as oxidising agent
(iv) Water is acting
(d) (ii) and (iv)
(a) i), (ii) and (ii) (b) (iii) and (iv) i nand (iv)

7. Which of the following are

exothermic processes?
with quick lime
(i) Reaction of water
(ii)Dilution of an acid
(111) Evaporation of
Sublimation of camphor (crystals)
A (c) (i) and (iv) (d) (ii) and (iv)
(a) (i) and (i1)
mL of water were taken. A small
and C each containing 25
8. Three beakers labelled as A, B added to the beakers A, B
and C
CuSO4 and NaCl were
amount of NaOH, anhydróus of the solutions
an increase in the temperature
obsèrved that there was falls.
respectively. It was case of beaker C,
the temperature of the solution
contained in beakers A
and B, whereas in
Which one of the following
statement(s) is(are) correct?
exothermic process has
(i) In beakers A and B, endothermic has occurred.
(i1) In beakers A and B, occurred.
(iii) In beaker C exothermic process has occurred.
(iv) In beaker C endothermic process

(a) (i) only

(b) (ii) only
(c) (i) and (iv)
(d) (ii) and (iii)
added to the beaker containing
9. A dilute ferrous sulphate solution was gradually
colour of the solution fades and finally disappears.
permanganate solution. The light purple
Which of the following is the c o r e c t explanation for the observation?
(a) KMnO4 is an oxidising agent, it oxidises FeSO
(b) FeSO4 acts as an Oxidising agent and oxidises KMnO4
(c) The colour disappears due to dilution; no reaction is involved
(d) KMnOa is an unstable compound and
in presence of FeSOs to a colourless

10. Which among the following is(are) double displacement reaction(s)?

()Pb+CuClh PbCl, +Cu
(ii) Na:SO4 +BaCl BaSO4 + 2NaCl
(iii) C+0 CO
(iv)CH4+ 20 CO, +2H:0
(a) ) and (iv)
(6) (i) only
(c) ) and (i)
(d) (ii) and (iv)

11. Which among the following statement(s) is(are) true? Exposure of silver chloride to sunlight for a
long duration turns grey due to

the formation of silver by decomposition of silver chloride
(i) sublimation of silver chloride

(ii) decomposition of chlorine gas from silver chloride
iv) oxidation of silver chloride

(a) G) only
(b)G)and (ii)
(c) (i) and (ii)
(d) (iv) only
12. Solid calcium oxide reacts vigorously with water to form calcium hydroxide accompanied by
liberation of heat. This process is calledslakingfof lime. Calcium hydroxide dissolves in water to
form its solution called lime water Which among the following is (are) true about slaking of lime
and the solution formed?
i) It is an endothermicreactron
(i) It is an exothermc rèaction
will be more than seven
(ii) The pH of the réaultingsolution
will be less than seven
(iv) The pH of the resulungsolution
(a) (i) and (Gi)
(b) (i) and (ii)
(c) i) and (iv)
(d) (ii) and (iv)
and ammonium
ammonium sulphate forms barium sulphate
Barium chloride on reacting with
13. reaction involved?
represents the type of the
chloride. Which of the following correctly
(i) Displacement reaction
(i) Precipitation reaction
(ii) Combination reaction
(iv) Double displacement

(a) (i) only (b) (i) only

(d) (i) and (iv)
(c) (iv) only
14. Electrolysis of water is a decomposition reaction. The mole ratio of hydrogen and oxygen gases
liberated during electrolysis of water is
(a) 1:1
(b) 2:1
(c) 4:1
(d) 1:2

15. Which of the

following is(are) an endothermic process(es)?
) Dilution of sulphuric acid
(ii) Sublimation of dry ice
(iii) Condensation of water vapours
(iv) Evaporation of water

(a (i) a i (b) (ii) only

(c) (i) only (d) (ii) and (iv)

16. In the double displacement reaction between aqueous potassium iodide and aqueous lead nitrate, a
yelow precipitate of lead iodide is formed. While performing the activity if lead nitrate is not
available, which of the following can be used in place of lead nitrate?
(a) Lead sulphate (insol uble)
(b) Lead acetate
(C) Ammonium nitrate
(d) Potassium sulphate

17. Which of the following gases can be used for stopage offreshsample of an oil for a long time?
(a) Carbon dioxide or oxygen
(6) Nitrogen or oxygen
(c) Carbon dioxide or helium
(d) Helium or nitrogen

18. The following reaction is used for thc Prepemátioh of oxygen gas in the laboratory
Heat 2KCl (s) +
30, (g
Which of the following staternent6) is(are) correct about the reaction?
endothermic in nature
(a) It is a decompositionscactioh and
(b) It is a combination reactjon
release of heat
(c) It is a decomposition reaction and accompanied byexothermic in nature
reaction and
(d) It is a photochemical decomposition
19. Which of the following processes involve chemical

(a) Storing of oxygen gas under pressure in a gas cylinder

(b) Liquefaction of air
(c) Keeping petrol ina china dish in the open
(d) Heating copper wire in presence of air at high temperature
the correct states of the
20. In which of the following chemical equations, the abbreviations represent
reactants and products involved at reaction temperature?
(a) 2H2(1)+Oz(1)2H,0(g)
(c) 2H2(g) +Oz(g) 2H20(1)
(d) 2H2(g) +Oz(g)2H20(g)
21. Which of the following are combination reactions?
) 2KCIO,Heat 2KCI +30,
(1) MgO+ H,O
(il) 4Al+30,
(iv) Zn +FeSO, Fe ZnSO, +

(a) (i) and (ii)

(b) (ii) and (iv)
(c) (ii) and (iv)
(d) (ii) and (ii)
22. The removal of oxygen from a substance is
(a) oxidation (b) corrosion (c) reduction
(d) rancidity
23. In the context of redox
reactions, the removal of
hydrogen from a substance is known
(a) oxidation (b) dehydration (c) reduction
(d) dehydrogenation
24. The chemical reaction involved in the corrosion of iron metal
(a) oxidation as well as displacement (b) reduction as well as is jaat p
(c) oxidation as well as combination (d) reduction as well as combiation
25. Give thecharacteristic tests for the following gases
(a) CO (b) SO; (c) O2


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