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Imagine a robot that can play football, dance, hop, jump and pour you a drink! Meet Asimo,
the most advanced humanoid robot in the world. Asimo can walk on two legs and move by
itself using sensors inside its body. It can understand voice commands and human gestures; it
recognizes moving objects and can work out the distance and direction of those objects. It is
just over one meter tall and has a rechargeable battery.

Scientists at Honda, the Japanese company, started developing Asimo in the 1980s and
presented it to the world in 2000. The company created Asimo to help people in need with
tasks around the house. Since then, scientists and designers have upgraded Asimo's
technology, so it has more and more skills and abilities.

Asimo has become a worldwide celebrity and has demonstrated its skills at science fairs and
on TV shows all over the world! In 2005, Mickey Mouse welcomed Asimo at Disneyland. In
2011, it appeared on a TV quiz show in the UK, surprising everyone by dancing and pouring
the presenter a drink; in 2014, it played football with the former US president, Barack
Obama. It has even received royal welcomes in Dubai and the UK.

In 2018, Honda stopped producing the robot in its current form, but the company is
continuing to use Asimo's technology to help people who need it most. Watch this space!

1. When did Honda start developing Asimo?

a. A) 1990s
b. B) 1980s
c. C) 2000s
d. D) 1970s

2. What can Asimo do according to the text?

a. A) Only walk on two legs
b. B) Recognize voice commands
c. C) Dance but not hop or jump
d. D) Only work indoors

3. How tall is Asimo?

a. A) Just over one meter
b. B) Two meters
c. C) Half a meter
d. D) Three meters

4. What was Asimo primarily created to do?

a. A) Play football
b. B) Perform in TV quiz shows
c. C) Help with household tasks
d. D) Welcome celebrities

5. In which year did Asimo play football with Barack Obama?

a. A) 2011
b. B) 2000
c. C) 2014
d. D) 2005

6. Where did Asimo receive royal welcomes?

a. A) Japan and China
b. B) Dubai and the UK
c. C) USA and Canada
d. D) Australia and New Zealand

7. When did Honda stop producing Asimo in its current form?

a. A) 2018
b. B) 2000
c. C) 2011
d. D) 2005

8. What is Asimo powered by?

a. A) Gasoline
b. B) Electricity
c. C) Solar energy
d. D) Diesel

Start Small, Think Big

Garth stood outside his house, grinning from ear to ear. He was thrilled at the rainy,
windy October afternoon. This was perfect weather for testing his fabulous new
invention - his Bodybrella - for the very first time. He carefully placed the Bodybrella
over his head, fastened the head strap securely under his chin, and started walking
along the street. He was so excited about his new invention and could hardly wait to
try it out.

The Bodybrella was no ordinary umbrella. Ordinary umbrellas only kept the head dry.
Not the Bodybrella! Garth's design covered his head and half his body in a
magnificent transparent dome. It even left his hands free because the head strap kept it
in place. It was a work of genius! He strode down the street, happily noticing that his
invention worked wonderfully against the rain and the wind. He even passed a man
wrestling with an umbrella, a bag of shopping and a yapping dog on a lead. The man
stared open-mouthed as Garth calmly walked past him. He just knew the man was full
of admiration at this amazing new device that kept your whole body dry and left your
hands free.
Soon everyone would want to own one!

Then his heart sank. Striding towards him on the other side of the road were the
Barker Boys, three nasty neighbourhood brothers. Garth turned quickly to run back
home, but it was too late.

The three boys were soon standing around him, sneering with cruel delight. Todd, the
biggest one, grabbed his Bodybrella and roughly pulled it off him. 'What's THIS?' he
spat. 'It's a Bodybrella, Garth squeaked. 'It covers your whole body and..' But the boys
weren't listening. Instead, they were doubled over, howling with laughter. 'It looks
dumb! Do you think anyone would wear that stupid thing?' Todd sneered, 'You're just
a freak, Garth, living in a freak's dream world...' He tossed the Bodybrella over his
shoulder and the three boys ran off shrieking with laughter. The mocking jibes rang in
Garth's ears long after they were out of sight.

9. What was Garth's invention called?

a. A) Bodybrella
b. B) Umbrella+
c. C) RainMaster
d. D) AllWeather Shield

10. How did Garth feel after testing his invention for the first time?
a. A) Nervous
b. B) Excited
c. C) Disappointed
d. D) Confused

11. Who mocked Garth's invention?

a. A) His classmates
b. B) The Barker Boys
c. C) His teacher
d. D) His parents

12. What did the lady suggest to Garth after seeing his invention?
a. A) A gadget shopping spree
b. A competition for young inventors
c. A job offer at GadgetsU
d. A holiday to Disneyland

13. Where did Garth run after speaking with the lady?
a. To the park
b. To his friend's house
c. Back home
d. To GadgetsU
14. Garth __________ his invention "Bodybrella".
a. A) named
b. B) calling
c. C) called
d. D) calls

15. The Barker Boys __________ Garth's invention and made fun of him.
a. A) admired
b. B) praised
c. C) mocked
d. D) encouraged

16. The lady at GadgetsU suggested organizing a __________ for young inventors.
a. A) party
b. B) competition
c. C) meeting
d. D) celebration

17. Garth felt __________ after the lady praised his creative mind.
a. A) discouraged
b. B) excited
c. C) bored
d. D) tired

18. Garth __________ the idea of entering the competition at GadgetsU.

a. A) took
b. B) had
c. C) considered
d. D) thought

True/False Questions
1. Garth invented the Bodybrella to keep his hands free. (True/False)
2. The Barker Boys admired Garth's invention and congratulated him. (True/False)
3. The lady encouraged Garth to enter a competition for young inventors. (True/False)
4. Garth felt discouraged and gave up on inventing after the encounter with the Barker
Boys. (True/False)
5. GadgetsU is a place where Garth often goes to showcase his inventions. (True/False)

Match with the correct answer

A. Feeling very pleased and excited. 1. grinning

B. Walked with long steps showing confidence. 2. humiliated
C. Cruel comments or insults. 3. repugnant
D. Walking in a tired or fatigued manner. 4. thrilled
E. Feeling embarrassed and ashamed. 5. strode
F. Dirty or messy in appearance. 6. sneer
G. Smiling broadly. 7. jibes
H. Describing something disgusting or horrible. 8. limp
I. Unable to walk properly due to lack of strength. 9. grubby
J. Mocking or looking at someone in a contemptuous way 10. weary
### Pilihan Ganda:

1. B) 1980s
2. B) Recognize voice commands
3. A) Just over one meter
4. C) Help with household tasks
5. C) 2014
6. B) Dubai and the UK
7. A) 2018
8. B) Electricity

### Cerita "Start Small, Think Big":

9. A) Bodybrella
10. B) Excited
11. B) The Barker Boys
12. B) A competition for young inventors
13. C) Back home
14. C) called
15. C) mocked
16. B) competition
17. B) excited
18. C) considered

### Pernyataan True/False:

1. False
2. False
3. True
4. False
5. False

### Matching Questions

1. G - Smiling broadly.
2. A - Feeling very pleased and excited.
3. I - Unable to walk properly due to lack of strength.
4. B - Walked with long steps showing confidence.
5. E - Feeling embarrassed and ashamed.
6. J - Mocking or looking at someone in a contemptuous way.
7. C - Cruel comments or insults.
8. H - Describing something disgusting or horrible.
9. D - Walking in a tired or fatigued manner.
10. F - Dirty or messy in appearance.

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