the summer of Beautiful White Horse

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Ch- The Chapter of Beautiful White Horse

Questions and Answers

1. Describe the Garoghlanian family and their values.
Answer: The Garoghlanian family is an Armenian family known for their honesty and integrity. Despite
being poor, they uphold their values of honesty and never engage in theft or any dishonest activities. The
family is also known for its rich cultural heritage and pride in its traditions.
2. What was Aram’s reaction when Mourad showed him the white horse?
Answer: Aram was both shocked and thrilled when he saw Mourad with the beautiful white horse. His
first reaction was one of disbelief because he knew that neither Mourad nor their family could afford
such a horse. However, his excitement and love for horses quickly overcame his doubts, and he eagerly
wanted to ride it.
3. Why did Mourad steal the horse, and how did he justify his actions?
Answer: Mourad stole the horse because of his deep love for horses and his longing to ride one. He
justified his actions by convincing himself that he was not stealing the horse but only borrowing it
temporarily. Mourad believed that as long as they returned the horse before it was missed, it would not
be considered theft.
4. How did John Byro react when he saw his stolen horse with the boys?
Answer: John Byro was initially surprised and suspicious when he saw the horse with Aram and
Mourad. He recognized the horse immediately but did not accuse the boys of theft directly. Instead, he
made indirect remarks about the striking resemblance of the horse to his own, thereby giving the boys an
opportunity to come clean without a direct confrontation. His reaction showed his understanding and
kindness, reflecting his trust in the Garoghlanian family's reputation for honesty.
5. Explain how the story "The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse" highlights the theme of
moral integrity.
Answer: The story emphasizes moral integrity through the actions and values of the Garoghlanian
family. Despite their poverty, they maintain a strong sense of honesty and pride. Mourad's initial theft of
the horse is contrasted with his ultimate decision to return it, influenced by the values instilled in him by
his family. The gentle confrontation with John Byro and his implicit trust also underline the importance
of honesty and integrity. The story shows that true honor lies in upholding one's values, even in
challenging situations.
6. Discuss the role of Uncle Khosrove in the story and his influence on the characters.
Answer: Uncle Khosrove is portrayed as an eccentric and hot-tempered man with a dismissive attitude
towards problems, often saying, "It is no harm; pay no attention to it." His larger-than-life personality
and unique outlook on life influence the characters, particularly Mourad. Khosrove’s attitude indirectly
reinforces the Garoghlanian family’s resilience and their approach to dealing with life's challenges.
Though his philosophy is unconventional, it reflects a certain wisdom and a way of coping with
adversity that impacts Mourad and Aram's actions and decisions.
Additional Questions for Practice
1. How does the setting of the story contribute to its overall atmosphere?
2. What does the white horse symbolize in the story?
3. How does Aram’s perspective on the incident change from the beginning to the end of the
4. Analyze the relationship between Aram and Mourad. How does it evolve throughout the
5. Discuss the significance of the story’s title, "The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse."

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