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Conflicts management training program for execu3ve level


Program Overview

The training program is designed for executive level employees to empower with advanced
conflict resolution skills to navigate challenging workplace situations effectively, foster
positive relationships, and drive organizational success through harmonious team dynamics.

à 1 Step - Determining training needs

Assessing the training needs through a person analysis.

• Assess Individual Skills and Competencies: - Evaluate the conflict resolution skills,
communication abilities, emotional intelligence, and leadership qualities of the
participants Using tools like surveys, interviews, or assessments to gather data on
individual strengths and areas needing improvement.

• Consider Experience Levels: - Take into account the level of experience of the
participants in handling conflicts.Tailor the training content to meet the needs of both
novice managers and experienced leaders to ensure relevance and engagement.

• Understand Learning Styles: - Recognize that individuals have different learning

preferences and styles. - Design the training program to accommodate visual,
auditory, and kinesthetic learners to enhance comprehension and retention of conflict
management concepts

à 2 Step – Estblishing goals and objectives

By the end of this training session they will gain knowledge about ,

1. Understand the dynamics of workplace conflicts and their impact on individuals

and the organization.
2. Develop effective communication strategies to de-escalate conflicts and promote
constructive dialogue.
3. Master conflict resolution techniques, including negotiation, mediation, and
collaboration, to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes.
4. Enhance emotional intelligence competencies to manage emotions and build
empathy in conflict situations.
5. Apply learned skills through practical simulations and case studies to strengthen
conflict resolution capabilities.
à 3 Step – Choosing best training method
• Practical Application and Role-Playing: - Interactive role-playing exercises. - Real-
life case studies analysis. - Feedback and reflection session

Conflict management traning method;

• Simulations and Role-plays;

Conduct realistic simulations and role-plays that simulate high-pressure conflict situations
executives may encounter. This hands-on approach allows them to practice and refine their
conflict resolution techniques.

à Step 4 - Delivering the Training Program

• Day 1:
o Introduction: Define conflict and its impact on the workplace.
o Conflict Styles Assessment: Help executives identify their own style and
how it interacts with others.
o Active Listening Techniques: Foster understanding by practicing attentive
o De-escalation Strategies: Teach methods to manage emotions and
maintain a professional environment.
• Day 2:
o Conflict Resolution Steps: Guide executives through a structured process
for resolving disputes.
o Negotiation Strategies: Build win-win solutions by learning effective
negotiation tactics.
o Case Studies and Role Plays: Apply concepts to real-world scenarios;
participants role-play conflict situations.
o Action Planning: Develop individual plans to use learned skills in their
work environment.

à 5 Step - Motivating Employees to Learn During Training

• Relevance: Highlight the impact of conflict resolution on executive

effectiveness, team dynamics, and company success.
• Interactive Activities: Utilize engaging exercises, discussions, and role-playing
scenarios to keep participants active.
• Executive Buy-In: Secure commitment from senior leadership who can champion the
training's importance.
• Peer Learning: Encourage collaboration and knowledge sharing among executives.

à 6 Step : Ensuring Transfer of Training

• Post-Training Support: Offer ongoing coaching and mentorship opportunities to
address implementation challenges.
• Manager Engagement: Encourage managers to create a culture of open
communication where executives can apply conflict resolution skills.
• Practice Reinforcement: Facilitate regular team meetings where conflict situations
can be discussed and skills can be practiced.
• Action Planning Follow-Up: Schedule check-ins to ensure executives are
implementing action plans and utilizing learned skills.

à Step 07: Evaluation of Training Results

• Pre- and Post-Training Assessments: Administer conflict management knowledge

tests before and after training to gauge comprehension.
• Feedback Surveys: Ask participants for feedback on the training's effectiveness and
suggestions for improvement.
• Manager Observation: Managers report on observed changes in executives' conflict
resolution behaviors.
• Focus Groups: Conduct group discussions to explore the impact of training on
specific workplace conflicts.

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