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Right to Constitutional Remedies (Article 32)

 Article 32: Right to move the Supreme Court for the enforcement of fundamental
rights. It provides the right to individuals to approach the Supreme Court directly in
case of any violation of fundamental rights. This article is known as the "heart and
soul" of the Constitution as described by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.

Other Key Articles Related to Fundamental Rights

 Article 33: Empowers Parliament to restrict or abrogate the application of

fundamental rights to members of the armed forces, paramilitary forces, police forces,
intelligence agencies, and analogous forces.
 Article 34: Provides for the restriction of fundamental rights while martial law is in
force in any area.
 Article 35: Empowers Parliament to make laws to give effect to certain specified
fundamental rights.

These fundamental rights are designed to promote the ideal of social, economic, and political
justice, and to ensure the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the nation.

equality act

India does not have a single comprehensive "Equality Act" like some other countries.
However, the principles of equality are enshrined in the Constitution of India and various
other laws, policies, and regulations. The Constitution of India, through its Fundamental
Rights, specifically ensures equality to all its citizens. Here are the key provisions and related
laws that uphold the principle of equality in India:

Constitutional Provisions

Right to Equality (Articles 14-18)

 Article 14: Ensures equality before the law and equal protection of the laws within
the territory of India.
 Article 15: Prohibits discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex, or place
of birth.
 Article 16: Provides for equality of opportunity in matters of public employment and
prohibits discrimination in employment.
 Article 17: Abolishes "untouchability" and forbids its practice in any form.
 Article 18: Abolishes titles except for military and academic distinctions.

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