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MATTHEW XVI, 22—XVIL. 3 67 blessings and praises, so as to shew the greatness of his confession; but now in His rebuke He calls him Satan, to shew how much more great an evil it is that a man should be offended at suffering. Peter then rebuked Him, saying, If Thou diest, the promises about Thee are falsified, that the Jouniz. Christ abideth for ever ; moreover the revelation of the Father about Thee is falsified, that Thou livest, and art the Son of the fiving God ; the promises and blessings which Thou hast given me are also falsified. For Simon was not able to know, that He should die and be raised again; otherwise, he would not have opposed the promises of our Lord, which when He rose He would the more confirm’, This, that there be some standing here, who shall not taste of death, untit they see the Son of Man coming in His Kingdom, alludes to Simon and James and John, as after six days He took them up to Mount Tabor, and shewed them figuratively the things that were about to happen. But this of Matthew, who says after six days, but Luke, after eight days, are not contradictory of one another, but Matthew, on the one hand, left out the day in which it was said, and the day in which the revelation was made ; and he only put them that were in the middle according to the custom of the multitude; Luke, on the other hand, put both the day on which it was spoken and the day on which it was done; and this is according to the custom of physicians, who call guartan a fever that leaves only one inter- vening day and they call ¢ertian one that leaves two days to intervene; p. m= for on Sunday it was spoken, and on another Sunday the revelation was made. Our Lord used three methods on the mountain ; the transfiguration f. 39b of His whole body, both by the illumination of His face and by the snow- whiteness of His raiment, deeds that were never administered to any other man ; but He shewed these things about Himself; not that it was necessary, for how could it be when from the womb and from the beginning of the Angel’s voice God was united to the Word and the Light, and the invisible and ineffable glory? except for a sign that all the righteous also shall share in this light and glory; according to the promise of our Lord, that then Matt1s.4s shall the righteous shine forth as the sun, etc.; for Moses and Elia were seen, not bodily, but rather in a vision, according as the Holy Spirit shewed to the prophets the things that were hidden and far off, like that which was pictured before their eyes. For He did not raise Moses, and afterwards cause him to die, according to the fancy of Hannan of Hedhaiyabh and his colleagues ; nor even that of others, who say that Elia came himself in person, but instead of Moses his Angel. But it would be 1 In marg. That is to say, He rose!

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