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Mata kuliah: Language Assessment
Dosen pengampu: Dian Ekawati, M.Pd

Disusun oleh:
Salma Salsabila (1192040106)
Thea Khoirunnisa’l Salafi (1192040121)
Zaki Abdul Aziz (1192040129)


A. Its Background (including the context where the research takes place)

This research examines between students and readers of L1 and also L2 in


B. Purpose of the study

The goal of implementing this reading strategy is to teach students
(generally for students and readers, especially for students and readers of
L2) how to be motivated to read quickly and accurately. The appropriate
prosody is used as the method. The purpose of this chapter is to raise
awareness of a comprehensive approach to assessment that includes
prosody. This is for this purpose.

● The chapter addresses

(1) The gap between current definition and assessment.
(2) Potential issues arising from a highly focused assessment of reading
fluency aspects of automation (for example, accuracy and speed), and
(3) a rating scale that can be used to assess reading pronounciation

C. Research Problem(s)
D. Methodology
E. Findings

The standard of reading fluency has involved, it includes speed, accuracy,

and prosody, however the assessment of it only based on accuracy and the
speed by using metric of WCPM. It allows the reader not to understand about
the context of the text, moreover they ignore any punctuations and other
syntactic restriction. With this phenomenon, using metric of WCPM become
irrelevant because the representation of reading fluency resulting poor
A related concern is that WCPM alone may not provide a complete picture
of reading fluency because it does not measure the reader's comprehension. It
also not accordance with the purpose of reading fluent that have to reflect
reading comprehension. These studies also cause concern about reading
fluency assessment results becoming "not fluency in the broad sense but rising
WCPM scores."
The WCPM data also may be too narrow to be employed in instructional
judgments or diagnostic performance profiling. The readers who are
struggling only in reading fast without heed the prosody and comprehension
still have a chance to achieve a good score. As a result, if it is left too long,
educators' and students' perceptions will transform. They will only believe that
reading is all about correctness and quickness. Because they want to get high
score from WCPM rather than reading comprehension content.

F. Conclusion and its implication to LA/ELT

The authors offer an examination that analyzes the three components of
reading fluency—reading accuracy, speed, and prosody—in the context of
reading comprehension as a type of problem solving after considering the
issues that arise.
In beginning, researchers and educators recommend that reading materials
be adapted to the curriculum or obtained from outside sources, in which case
they can be checked and adjusted to meet the demands and curriculum. Apart
from that, WCPM is utilized for accuracy and speed where students normally
read a specific text aloud for one minute, during which the amounts of words
read is precisely noted.
In grading the reading fluency, Pinnell make an oral reading fluency rating
scale (NAEP), that focuses on three important prosodic aspects of reading:
phrasing, syntactic structure, and expressiveness. After that, The
Multidimensional Fluency Scale was created by Zutell and Rasinski (1991)
can be used to score students' reading prosody on a four-point scale in four
categories: expression and volume, phrasing, fluency, and reading speed.
The concept of reading fluency becomes more obvious for both students
and teachers when the prosodic rubric is combined with WCPM. The findings
have important implications for L2 research, as well as future prospects for L2
reading fluency teaching and evaluation.
L2 researchers and educators are encouraged to utilize prosodic
components in their evaluations to support reading fluency in all of its forms,
which can lead effective teaching and minimize misunderstandings about
reading fluency. It's also necessary to formulate assessments that can help
shape and motivate education for L2 pupils. Assessment strategies that
support prosodic reading in conjunction with WCPM can help to sustain
central meaning components for reading while also providing extra
information into the development of L2 students' reading fluency.
Furthermore, using the prosody evaluation techniques such as the rubrics, may
lead to their refinement and modification to meet the specific needs of L2
reading fluency testing.

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