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The role of social media in raising awareness about environmental, social, and

governance issues is becoming increasingly crucial in today's world. With the

widespread use of social media platforms such as Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and

Instagram, it has become easier to communicate and share information about critical

issues with a broad audience.

One of the most significant benefits of social media is that it can create public

awareness of environmental issues. By using these channels, individuals and

organizations can reach a large audience with information about environmental

problems such as pollution, climate change, deforestation, and other issues. Social

media platforms provide an excellent opportunity to share this information and raise

awareness about environmental problems that affect people's daily lives.

Social awareness encourages people to use eco-friendly practices and products, which

can significantly impact the environment. It is essential to create public awareness of

environmental issues because it can help individuals make informed decisions that can

benefit the environment. For example, if people are aware of the impact of plastic on the
environment, they may be more likely to use reusable bags and containers instead of

disposable ones.

Speeches about environmental awareness are also effective in raising public awareness

about environmental issues. Social media can be used to promote and share speeches

by environmental experts, activists, and policymakers. These speeches can inspire

people to take action and make a positive change in their communities.

Methods to create public awareness on environmental issues:

To create public awareness of the environment, social media can be used in various


 One of the most effective ways is to share videos and infographics that

provide information about environmental issues and their impact on the

planet. These visuals can be shared on various social media platforms to

reach a broader audience. It is essential to make the content engaging and

informative to capture the audience's attention.

 Another way to create public awareness of environmental issues is to

organize online events and campaigns. Social media platforms can be used

to promote these events and create a buzz around them. For example, an

organization can organize an online event to clean up a beach or a park and

encourage people to participate. This event can be promoted through social

media, and people can use hashtags to share their experiences and spread

awareness about the issue.

In conclusion, social media can be a powerful tool in raising awareness about

environmental, social, and governance issues. It can create public awareness of those

issues, encourage people to use eco-friendly practices, and inspire individuals to take

action and make a positive change in their communities.

Social Media has been grown rapidly as a type of online communication tool wherever users

make comments, shares, and put videos, photos and posts on social network at a remarkable

rate. Environmental issues are progressively getting to be concern of the worldwide.

Contribution of media generally and social media particularly in the raising environmental

awareness in the target group is important because of produce greater environmental influence

on growth of world population and standards for high lifestyle of our communities. The aim of

our project was conducted in the University of Suleiman at Media Department to investigate

the role of social media on environmental awareness of undergraduate students as an example

of students at higher education institutions. The result shows that mostly students uses social

media (Facebook) more than four times daily that uses at night on mobile device continuously

to get News and information as a number one as priority for them. The participants were used

the social media to get news and information as number one, increase their knowledge as

number two, raise awareness about science and education as number three, and finally

increase environmental awareness as number four. In addition, the majority of students were

intentioned sometimes to environmental awareness post; also the majority of them have tried

to care social media in order to get environmental awareness, and in part, they have tried to

post or publish the environmental awareness posts on social media as individual activity.

Furthermore, Facebook has number one, YouTube number two, Instagram number three, and

Twitter number four consecutively as level of priority of environmental interest to students.

The environmental sector has embraced social media rapidly and wholeheartedly. It is using the

medium to support environmental campaigns and to connect people locally and cross-

nationally on major environmental issues such as climate change. It also provides ordinary

people with the ability to track the quality of the air and water around them and then share this

data with others. In this post I discuss five essential ways social media has been used to support

the environment: 1) with the “crowd”; 2) by enabling the rise of independent activists; 3) by

creating campaign pressure points; 4) with the development of sensing hardware and personal

wearables; and 5) with the use of geotags and hashtags.

Our environment is a shared resource, one that has increasingly been threatened by the rapid

expansion of extractive activities to keep up with demands driven by consumerism and shaped

by industry. Generally speaking, technology has given us the ability to change some of our

behaviours and conduct “greener” business, but we’re still not keeping up with the pace of the

environmental changes happening because of our overuse of resources. Social media has

become an important tool for providing a space and means for the public to participate in

influencing or disallowing environmental decisions historically made by governments and

corporations that affect us all. It has created a way for people to connect local environmental

challenges and solutions to larger-scale narratives that will affect us as a global community.

Five important areas where social media is affecting the environment include:

1. The ability for organizations to use the”crowd,” highly connected through social media, to

support and spread environmental messages in a rapid, dynamic format. One of the tensions

present in receiving this type of support (known as “clicktivism”) is that it is difficult to ascertain

the long-term involvement and depth of engagement of people who are readily clicking on links

to support messages. This is a trend seen in every area of activism, and is not just particular to

the environmental sector.

2. Social media has propelled the rise of the independent activist. For instance, during the

Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, Gulf Coast residents used Facebook and Twitter as platforms to

share their personal stories and provide independent or alternative new sources and media

that was captured by their communities. Since people now look to their social media streams as

primary sources of news and information, this type of independent vocalization can be both
positive (encouraging alternative streams of information) and problematic when information

isn’t verified or trustworthy.

4. Social media can be used as a pressure pointto prompt and encourage support during specific

campaigns. For instance, Greenpeace targeted Shell Oil operations in the Arctic Circle, but used

media such as this YouTube video to indirectly influence Shell partners, including Lego.

Applying highly visible, public pressure to call for specific environmental changes has

increasingly become a tactic of the environmental movement.


Social media can connect with online networks have the potential to change the way that the

environmental sector and all stakeholders involved — public, corporate and government —

interact, share information and make decisions. Social media furthers the reach of the public,

allowing members to influence shifts in the environmental sector on every issue from moving

away from fossil fuel dependence to renewable energy or changing the dynamic of current

conversations on climate change. Another important trend is that social media has the

potential to influence the circular economy, a concept that goes beyond bio mimicry to identify

ways that both our physical and material assets and our economic ones can match the earth’s

cycles of use, reuse and rejuvenation.

Three Challenges

1. Environmental sensing networks will grow in the coming years, but the proliferation of new

platforms that don’t speak to one another is troublesome. A challenge users must face in
coming years will be making a cooperative effort to build strong communication channels to

create the most accessible data landscape possible.

2. The ease with which people can rapidly support environmental campaigns by clicking on links

or buttons can be powerful for information sharing, but also has the potential to lead to a

diffused environmental movement in which most supporters only participate through acts of

“clicktivism” that don’t necessarily translate to environmental transformation.

3. When collecting information from people, especially about personal environmental health, it

is important to make sure that the media platforms gathering the data have built-in feedback

loops so that people receive something in return for contributing data.

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