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ASSIGNMENT (PS) EDM, Submit on 8 April 2024

Question-1 Define maximal and greatest element in a poset . Prove that

every greatest element is maximal. Is every maximal element greatest? Justify
with example.

Question-2 Let be a lattice ordered set and are binary operations

on defined as:
, .
Then prove the following statements:

(iii) ((x ∧ y) ∨ (x ∧ z)) ∧ ((x ∧ y) ∨ (y ∧ z)) = x ∧ y

Question-3 Let . Draw a Hasse diagram of the ordered set

where ,

Also, find out , , and .

Queation-4 Define a partially, lattice order relation on a set. Let and

, where denotes the power set of . Show that is a partially ordered set
under (inclusion) relation and draw its Hasse diagram.

Question-5 Define order isomorphism between partially order sets. Let

and let be set of positive even negative integers together with
natural relation respectively. Prove that the posets X and Y are ordered isomorphic.

Question-6 Define equivalence, partially and lattice order set. Also find the relation
between them.

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