Lesson Plan in Mathematics 10 Final Sy 2021 2022

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Quarter 2, Week 1, Module 1

April 12, 2022
@ 8:30 – 9:30 AM

Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of

Polynomial function.
Performance Standards The learner is able to conduct systematically a mathematical
Investigation involving polynomial functions in different fields.
Most Essential Learning Illustrates Polynomial functions, M10AL-Iia-1
I- Objectives:
a. Define Polynomial function;
b. Illustrate polynomial functions;
c. Perform an activity on Polynomial functions
II- Subject Matter:
a. Topic Illustrating Polynomial Functions
b. References: Math 10 LM pages 106-108, LAS in Math 10, Q2 MELC 1, Week 1
c. Materials: Learning Activity Sheet, TV/Projector, IMS, SLM
d. Integration MAPEH, Science, TLE, Aral. Pan., ICT
III- Learning Tasks
a. Preliminaries
* Opening Prayer Multimedia
* Energizer Multimedia
* Setting of Classroom
Flash in the TV Screen the Rules, Posted Class rules on the board
* Checking of Attendance Attendance will be checked by the teacher
b. Introductory Recall on the given expressions which we considered a polynomial or not.
Activities Let us consider the 3 examples given below:
(This part introduces the lesson
content. Although at times
optional, it is usually included to
serve as a warm-up activity to
give the learners zest for the
incoming lesson and an idea
about what it is to follow. One
principle in learning is that
learning occurs when it is
conducted in a pleasurable and
comfortable atmosphere.

Which of the 3 examples given considered as polynomials? So only number

1, Why? The reasons are: a polynomial must NOT have the following:
a. Negative exponent
b. Variable in the denominator
c. Fractional exponent

Is there any problem with the lesson we had last time? Answer: None.
A dance video will be played and follow the dance steps to motivate the
class in the learning lesson. (MAPEH integration, Dance steps) (Apply
knowledge of content within and across curriculum teaching areas)
Guide Questions:
1. How do you feel the activity?
2. How is the dance steps/gestures related to Math?
3. Can you identify what particular topic in Math is the dance steps
c. Activity/Strategy: Pair Activity: Each pair will look into the SCRAMBLED LETTERS to
(This is an interactive activity to
elicit learner's prior learning
form a new word or group of words. Then, post on the board your
experiences. It serves as a output. (2 minutes only)
springboard for new learning
starts where the learners are. Pair 1: CFUNNIOT CCIUB
Carefully structured activities
such as individual or group
Answer: Cubic Function
reflective exercises, group
discussion, self o group Pair 2: OOOTROPCLS HHEALT
assessment, dyadi, or triadic
interactions, puzzles, simulations
Answer: Health Protocols
or role play, cybemetics
exercises, gallery walk and the Pair 3: CUIINTQ NIOCFUNT
like may be created. Clear
instructions should be considered
Answer: Quintic Function
in this part of the lesson.)
Answer: Polynomial Function


Answer: Degree of Polynomial


Answer: Leading Coefficient


Answer: Linear Function


Answer: Quadratic Function


Answer: Polynomial Equation

Group Activity: Math-arrange-r (Strategies I am using is Group Activity,

Group Discussion and Reporting) (3 MINUTES ONLY) ((Use effective verbal
and non-verbal classroom communication strategies to support
learner understanding, participation, engagement and achievement)
Set of words/phrase will be given to each group to be arranged. And
when arranged, must form definition of terms related to polynomials. Some
may not need definitions). Two or more representatives from the group will
explain their work.
G1Definition of Polynomial Functions, Definition of degree of a
G2 Definition of Leading coefficient, polynomial equation
G3 Definition of Linear Function, Quadratic function

G4 Definition of Cubic function, Quintic function

Health Protocols in covid-19 pandemic

5- Neat, complete, and clear explanation of output
4- Neat, complete, but not clear explanation of output
3- Neat, complete but without explanation of output
2- Neat only
1- Tried to have an output but ended without an output
d. Analysis: Guide Questions:
(Essential questions are included 1. How will you know if algebraic expressions given are polynomials or not?
to serve as a guide for the teacher
in clarifying key understandings
2. How do you determine the degree of the polynomial from the degree of
about the topic at hand. Critical term?
points are organized to structure 3. What do you think is the difference between a polynomial expression,
the discussion allowing the
learners to maximize interactions
polynomial equations and polynomial functions?
and sharing of ideas and 4. How to protect yourself & others?
opinions about expected issues.
Affected questions are included to
elicit the feelings of the learners
about the activity or the topic. The
last questions or points taken
should lead the learners to
understand the new concepts or
skills that are to be presented in
the next part of the lesson.
e. Abstraction Video lesson on illustrating polynomials will be played.
(This outlines the key concepts,
important skills that should be
enhanced, and the proper
A POLYNOMIAL function is a function of the form f(x)=anxn +an-
attitude that should be 1x + an-2xn-2+… + a1x +a0, n ≠ 0 and the exponents are all whole
emphasized. This is organized as numbers.
a lecturette that summarizes the
learning emphasized from the Where:
activity, analysis and now inputs an Leading Coefficient
in this part of the lesson.
a0 Constant
anxn Leading Term
n Degree of a polynomial

Polynomial Function – is in standard form if it is written in

descending order of exponents.
The degree of a polynomial in one variable is the highest
exponent of its variable.
Leading Coefficient – is the coefficient of the term with the
highest degree.
Polynomial function can be represented by a polynomial
The degree of a polynomial refers to the highest degree among the
degrees of the terms in the polynomial.
 Linear function polynomial function whose degree is 1
 Quadratic function – is a polynomial function whose degree is 2.
 Cubic Function – is a polynomial function whose degree is 3.
 Quartic function- is a polynomial function whose degree is 4.
 Quintic function – is a polynomial function whose degree is 5.
Any polynomial functions with degree higher than 5 are still called
polynomial functions.
There is no specific name for polynomial function with degree higher
than 5 are still called polynomial functions.
There is no specific name for polynomial function with degree higher
than 5.
Table1: Summary of common types of polynomial functions.
Degree Type Standard Form
0 Constant f(x) = a0
1 Linear f(x) = a 1x + a 0
2 Quadratic f(x) = a2x2 + a1x + a0
3 Cubic f(x) = a3x3 + a2x2 + a1x + a0
4 Quartic f(x) = a4x4 + a3x3 + a2x2 + a1x + a0
5 Quintic f(x) = a5x5 + a4x4 + a3x3 + a2x2 + a1x + a0

To give you clearer understanding of what a polynomial function is, let’s

study the following examples below;

Example 1: Write the function in a standard form. State it’s degree,

type and leading coefficient.
f(x) = -x2 + 5x3 +8
Standard form: f(x) = -5x3 + 8
Cubic function because it has a degree of 3
The leading coefficient is 5

Example 2: Write the function in standard form. State it’s degree,

type and leading coefficient.
f(x) = 4x2 + 3/5x6 + 2x
Standard form: f(x) = 3/5x6 + 4x2 + 2x
Polynomial function because it has a degree of 6
The leading coefficient is 3/5
Example 3: Write the function in standard form. State it’s degree
type and leading coefficient.
f(x) = x5 - √3x3 – x + 7
Standard form: f(x) = x5 - √3x3 – x + 7
Quintic function because it has a degree of 6
The leading coefficient is 1
How to Protect Yourself & Others (Establish safe and
secure learning environments to enhance learning through the
consistent implementation of policies, guidelines and procedures)
 Get Vaccinated and stay up to date on your COVID-19 vaccines
 Wear a mask
 Avoid poorly ventilated spaces and crowds
 Test to prevent spread to others
 Wash your hands often
 Cover coughs and sneezes
 Clean and disinfect
 Monitor your health daily
 Follow recommendations for quarantine
 Follow recommendations for isolation
 Take precautions when you travel
f. Application MATCH ME! Matched the pictures on the situations given as to the
(This part is structured to ensure examples of polynomials used in real life by using the QR code
the commitment of the learners to
do something to apply the new scanner. {Apply knowledge of content within and across
learning in their own curriculum teaching areas)
Examples of which polynomials can be applied in real life.

1. Engineers use polynomials to graph the curves of roller coasters.

Since polynomials are used to describe curves of various types,
people use them in the real world to graph curves. For example,
roller coaster designers may use polynomials to describe the curves
in their rides. (MAPEH integrations due to shapes and design of
roller coasters) (Apply knowledge of content within and across
curriculum teaching areas)

2. Polynomials can also be used to model different situations, like in the

stock market to see how prices will vary over time. Business people also
use polynomials the model markets, as in to see how raising the price of a
good will affcet its sales. In Economics, they are used to conduct cost
analysis. (used to interpret and forecast market trends) (Araling
Panlipunan integration on business sales and its prices) (Apply
knowledge of content within and across curriculum teaching areas)
ANNOTATION: This activity employs experiential learning methods
and believes that one is learning by doing and this learner-centered
teaching philosophy is progressivism.
. By the use of the QR code scanner match with the pictures, answer
will come out. So they can get what they want and this learning by

3. Polynomials are used in Physics to describe the trajectory of projectiles.

Projectile motion is a form of motion where an object moves in parabolic
path; the path the object follows is called its trajectory. (Missiles) (Science
integration due to the motion of missiles in science) (Apply
knowledge of content within and across curriculum teaching areas)

4. Science Careers. Physical and social scientists, including

archaeologists, astronomers, meteorologists, chemist ad physicists, need to
use polynomials in their jobs. Key scientific formulas, including the
gravity and equations, feature polynomial expressions. These algebraic
equations help scientists to measure relationships between characteristics
such as force, mass, and acceleration. Astronomers use polynomials to
help in finding new stars and planets and calculating their distance from
Earth, their temperature and other features, according to school-for
champions.com (Science integration on science application in finding
distance from Earth) (Apply knowledge of content within and across
curriculum teaching areas)

5. Shoppings (Aral.Pan integration on how to budget/save money)

(Apply knowledge of content within and across curriculum teaching
6. Buildings/Stores in our community (Aral.Pan., TLE , Science
integration) (Apply knowledge of content within and across
curriculum teaching areas)

IV- Assessment Complete the table below. The first two examples are done for you.
(For the teachers to:
a. Assess whether learning
Polynomial Polynomial Degree Type Leading Constant
objectives have been met for
a specified duration, Functions Function in Coefficient Term
b. Remediate on/or enrich with Standard
appropriate strategies as Form
needed, and or f(x)=5+x2+4x f(x)=x2+4x+5 2 Quadratic 1 5
c. Evaluate whether learning f(x)=2x2-x2+x f(x)=2x3-x2+x 3 Cubic 2 0
intentions and success 1.f(x)=3x-
criteria have been met.
2. f(x)=7-x
3. f(x)=x4-2x+6-x3

V- Assignment/
Review on how to perform operations on polynomials. Focus on how to get
the quotient of two polynomials using long division and synthetic division.
VI- Remarks
VII- Reflection

Prepared by:

Subject Teacher

Noted by:

School Head

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