TRT3701 Assignment Template_2024

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College of Economic Management Sciences

School of Operations and Public and Operations Management

Hospitality Administration

Assignment number: 00
Unique assignment number: 00000
Submission Date: 00/00/2024

Compiled by:

Your name Student number

Copyright Reserved
Department: Applied Management

University of South Africa



ASSIGNMENT 01............................................................................................................ 4


CONCLUSION................................................................................................................. 4



Instruction box:
Update the table of contents after you have completed the assignment (i.e. just before you convert it to pdf). This means that you
will have to delete the instruction box and then update the Table of Contents to reflect the correct page numbers of headings and
then convert it to pdf.

How do I do this?
1. Click on the field (i.e. text) that the text would automatically highlights itself in grey.

ASSIGNMENT 00………………………………………………………..1
REFERENCE LIST………………………………………………………2

2. Right click on the Table of Contents, and (3) click on Update Field, (4) Update Page Numbers Only.

The table will automatically update the Table of Content’s page numbers accordingly. For the purpose of your assignment, only the

main heading (not the sub-headings) are necessary to include in the table of contents. Please note that you have to make sure
that the list has been updated correctly. If there is a heading missing, that heading was not formatted according to a Heading style
and should therefore be fixed. Once this is fixed you should once again update the field and re-check it. This should be done for
the List of tables, figures and appendices (where applicable).

Delete this instruction box before submitting your assignment.

How do I do this?
1. Click on the cross with arrows at the left hand top corner of the instruction box (see below).

2. Then press “Backspace” on the keyboard. (Note: if you press “Delete” it would only delete the text and not the whole
instruction box’s border.)

Instruction box:
1. Before you start with the introduction refer to the Declaration you will have to sign at the end of this template. Read the
seriousness of the statements provided. You will have to comply with these statements to make sure that you sign the
declaration honestly; otherwise you will be guilty of plagiarism.
2. Any form of plagiarism will result in an automatic 0% for the assignment.
3. Partial marking will be applied to this assignment. This means that the lecturer is free to mark any amount of questions
ranging from one to all the questions. All the questions in this assignment are therefore equally important to complete. Make
sure to put enough effort into each question to refrain from a low semester mark and consequently a low final mark.
4. Write a short introduction which provides the reader with background to what will be discussed in this assignment.
Tip: To write this introduction requires you to make use of the information presented in the rest of the assignment. This can
therefore only be done once the questions are finalised.
Delete this instruction box before submitting your assignment.

Instruction box:
Make use of sub-headings for each question in Assignment 00. See example below (this is not the question in your current Tutorial
Letter 101):
e.g. Question in the Tutorial Letter 101:
3.1. Define the term Hospitality Administration.
A proposed heading for this question:
1.1 The definition of Hospitality Administration.
Do not repeat the questions - only provide your answers.
Delete this instruction box before submitting your assignment.

Instruction box:
Make use of this opportunity to reflect on the above assignment.

Why we feel reflection is important?

Costa and Kallick (2008) indicates that reflection has many facets. Reflecting on work enhances its meaning, reflecting on your
experiences might encourage insight and learning and hence foster growth (Costa & Kallick, 2008). This exercise is merely to
enhance your own learning experience. There is no right or wrong answer here. This is your personal reflection and should be a
reproduction of your own experiences related to the module.

Examples of aspects you could reflect on:

When you refer to this module and the assignments you had to do, have you had the opportunity to stumble across interesting
concepts explained in the study guide? Have you found yourself in a restaurant analysing the menu with the gained knowledge in
this module? Have you booked in at a guesthouse and identified the check-in procedure they are following? You might have
learned how to work with templates or came across referencing for the first time which was more difficult than you have anticipated.
Delete this instruction box before submitting your assignment.

Instruction box:
Write a conclusion which provides the reader with a short summary of what this assignment identified.
Delete this instruction box before submitting your assignment.

Instruction box:
Include a complete list of references here based on all the citations used in the assignment. Remember to use the Augmented
Harvard style of referencing (refer to Unisa’s Library “Guidelines for Referencing Source Material for Assignments, Articles,
Research Reports, Theses and Dissertations” which can be found at:

Make sure that when a resource is used in text that the citation also appears in the reference list and vice versa.

Make sure that the reference list is in alphabetical order.

Refrain from plagiarism (Please refer to the “Student policies and rules” for more information on plagiarism, Unisa’s rules for
students as well as the student disciplinary code:
Delete this instruction box before submitting your assignment.

Instruction box:
Sign the declaration below. Read the seriousness of the statements provided. You will have to comply with these to make sure that
you sign the declaration honestly; otherwise you will be guilty of plagiarism.
Delete this instruction box before submitting your assignment.

Module name: Hospitality Administration

Due date of assignment: 00/00/2024
Module code: TRT3701
Assignment number: 00
Unique Assignment number: 00000

I Declare that:
 I have read through the plagiarism policy of the University of South Africa.
 I am aware that, if found guilty of plagiarism, that I may be expelled from the university, or
maybe fined or imprisoned by a court of law.
 the work submitted is my own, or have the contrary by referencing correctly.
 I have acknowledged all the author(s) using the prescribed referencing method.
 I have not misrepresented the ideas of any author(s) in order to suite my purposes.

Student name: Student number:

Telephone number: E-mail address:

Date: 00 / 00 /2024

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