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Types of Farming

Primitive Intensive Commercial Plantation

Subsistence Faming Subsistence Farming Farming Farming
Practised on small Labour-intensive Use of higher doses of Another type of
pieces of land with modern inputs commercial farming
primitive tools High doses of
biochemical and Use of HYV Seeds,
chemical fertilisers, Asingle crop
Farming depends irrigation used grown
in larger area
on monsoon insecticides and

Landholding sizes pesticides

Practice slash and reduced It's an interface of
Like rice is a
burn agrioulture with 'right of inheritance'
commercial crop in
agriculture and industry
Haryana and Punjab
Farmers take maximum but subsistence Cover large tracts of
Nature to replenish output from limited land
the fertility of soil crop inOdisha land, using capital
and intensive input with the
called 'Shifting help of migrant
Agriculture' and labourers
Jhumming in North
Eastern parts of India

Cropping Pattern

Rabi Kharif Zaid

Sown in winter from Oct. to Grown with onset of monsoons

Dec. harvested in summer from Grown in between rabi
and harvested in Sep-October and kharif
April to June

Important crops-wheat, barley, Important crops- paddy. Crops watermelon,

peas, gram, mustard maíze, jowar, bajra, tur, muskmelon, cucumber,
moong, cotton, groundnut vegetable and fodder crops.
Grown in Punjab, Haryana,
Himachal, J&K, U.P. Grown in Assam, West
Bengal, Coastal regions
Availabilíty of precipitation in winter
and success of Green In
Revolution Assam,W. Bengal three crops
of paddy-Aus, Aman, Boro
Major Crops

Rice Wheat
Millets Maize Pulses
(Coarse Grains)
important Grop used for India- the largest
Second largest cereal crop Jowar-Rainfed
Grop,grow in the
both food and producer
producer fodder and largest
moist areas
It's a rabi crop Consumner
It's a kharif crop
I's a kharif crop
Bajra -Grown Major source
Needs cool well on Sandy Soils
Temp 25°C, growing season Temp-21°c of protein
and Shallow Black
Rainfal - and bright Soil. Grown in to 27°C, grows
sunshine at the well in old
above 10Ocms
time of ripening
Rajasthan, U.P., alluvial soil
Maharashtra, leguminous
Grown in - North Gujarat and allhelp to
Use of modern restore
and North Grown in Ganga Haryana inputs- HYV
Eastern areas Satluj Plains and soil fertlity
seeds, fertilsers
and coastal Black soil region Ragi-Crops of and irrigation
and deltaic of Deccan dry region, grows, Grown in rotation
regions well on red, black, with other crops
Majar States
Major states are sandy and loamy
soil. Grown in - Karnataka,
Also grown in Punjab, UP, Bihar, Major pulses
Punjab, Haryana Haryana, U.P. Karnataka, Andhra arhar,
Bihar, Rajasthan Tamil Nadu,
and Western Pradesh and urad, moong,
andparts of Himachal Pradesh,
U.P. with the help Madhya masur, peas,
Madhya Pradesh Uttarakhand, Pradesh and gram
of canal irrigation Sikkim,
Major states
- Madhya
Pradesh, U.P.,
and Karnataka
Other Food

Sugarcane Oilseeds Tea
Tropical as well as Largest producer of
oilseeds in the world
Beverage crop
introduced by
India produces
4% of the world's India- largest
producer of fruits
subtropical crop British coffee production and vegetables
Grows in hot and Most of these are
Its Arabica variety
humid climate edible Grows well in
from Yemen Mangoes
Temp-21°C Main oilseeds
tropical and
sub-tropical Maharashtra,
Andhra Pradesh.
27°C groundnut,
climates Known in world U.Pand West
Rainfall between mustard, coconut, for its quality Bengal
75 to 100 cms sesamum, Needs deep
and fertile well
drained soils rich
Oranges Nagpur
and Cherrapunjee
Can be grown on cottonseeds, in humus and on the Baba
variety of soils sunflower etc. organic matter Budan
Bananas Kerala,
India second Groundnut is the Warm and
moist frost-free
largest producer major oilseed Major states and Tamil Nadu
produced climate Nilgiri in
Major source of Karnataka, Lichi and Guava
Sugar, gur and Major states Frequent showers Kerala and UP and Bihar
khandsari Andhra Pradesh, evenly distributed Tamil Nadu
Tamil Nadu,
Major states Karnataka, Requires Pineapple
UP, Maharashtra, Gujarat and abundant, Meghalaya
Karnataka, Maharashtra cheap and
Tamil Nadu, skilled Grapes -Andhra
Andhra Pradesh, labour Pradesh and
Bihar, Punjab, Maharashtra
Haryana Major States
Assam, Hills of Apples, peas, apricot
and walnut from J&K
and Himachal Pradesh
(W. Bengal),
Tamil Nadu
and Kerala Vegetables pea,
cauliflower, onion,
cabbage, tomato,
brinjal and potato
Non-Food Crops/
Flbre Crops

Rubber Cotton Silk

EquatorialCrops India home of
Silk worms fed on
cotton plant green leaves Known as golden fibre
tropical and of mulberry
areas Raw material for Grows well on well
cotton textile industry Rearing of silk worms is drained fertile
known as Sericulture soils in flood plain
above 25°C
Third largest producer
in the world High temperature at the
Rainfall time of growth
Morethan Grows well in drier parts
of black cotton soils of Used in making gunny
Rubber:anindustrial Deccan Plateau bags, mats, ropes,
rawmaterial yarn, carpets and
other artefacts
High temperature, light
Grown in -Kerala, rainfalland 210
Tamil Nadu, Karnataka. Due to high cost, losing
frost-free days and market to synthetic fibre
Andamarn, Garo Hills bright sunshine
of Meghalaya Grown in
Regions-Maharashtra, West-Bengal, Bihar,
Ranks fifth in rubber Gujarat, Andhra, Tamil Assam, Odisha
production Nadu, Punjab, Haryana and Meghalaya
and U.P

It's a kharif crop

Need of Technological Institutional Technological

Reforms Reforms
and Institutional Reforms

Green and White Revolution

Agriculture practised for Collectivisation,
consolidation of
thousands of years
landholdings, cooperation Provision for crop insurance
and abolition of
Sustained use of land Zamindari system Establishment of
hindered the pace of Grameen Banks
development of agriculture Land reforms, major focus
of five year plans Kissan Credit Card and
Personal Accident
Most of the farmers depend Insurance Scheme
manures Implementation of land
on monsoons and
reforms was lukewarm
Specialweather bulletins
Agriculture needs some
serious technical and
institutional reforms Minimum support price,
remunerative and
procurement prices
for important crops

Use of HYV seeds,

fertilisers, insecticides and
pesticides, harvesters,
threshers and tractors etc.

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