Cad in footwear

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Adjustment of style lines based upon the working patterns

• The method of generating style lines on the given mean form.
• View & redraw function
• Use of object browser
• Allowances
• CAD process

1. The method of generating style lines

The Style lines generation on last copy

To generate the style lines as well standard line on the last copy you, user is required to load the
last copy of the last on which style needs to be developed. On the given last copy, style of
Oxford design is explained. To maintain the proportion measurement has been followed, these
measurements are indicative only. As per style or design user needs to use his/her own
measurement to maintain the proportion of the design.
The standard shows all the measurements.

The last copy

First step is to enter the lasting allowance, for the same select the feather edge and go to NEW->
TIDE -> OFFSET option enter the lasting margin as per your requirement, the values of margin
may change as per material & construction. To add the lasting allowance enter the multiple
value(Variable value) in the offset distance windows with a SPACE on each value.

Lasting Allowance
To create the back curve of standard Duplicate the back curve of Last copy, reduce the duplicate
line up to the back height point.

Move the new reduced back curve line in the standard by -2mm as shown in
picture, to achieve go to Line->New->Tide->Offset enter the three vlaue (0
0 2), click inside the standard, the line will move form the back height point
in the standard.



To create counter line find the 20mm point form the back height point on the top line, find
95mm point on the feather edge line form the back point where feather edge line is connecting to
the back curve. To identify point use the option Tools->Measure-> Specify 2D distance Along
Line. Draw small reference line on the identified points. Draw a curve of the desired shape of
counter line.


To create vamp line find the 5mm point form the vamp point or joint girth point towards the In
step area. Second point on 15mm from the counter line on the feather edge. To identify point use
the option Tools->Measure-> Specify 2D distance Along Line. Draw small reference line on
the identified points.
Join both the points with a curve to achieve the desired shape of vamp line.

To create the style lines of toung, draw a straight line from vamp point to the opening area. Find
the 70mm point on the opening area with option Tools->Measure->Specify 2D distance Along
Line. Create a perpendicular line on 70mm point, with option select the line on which you want
to create perpendicular Line->New->Perpendicular->With Cursor.
Click on the 70mm point a perpendicular is achieved. This is an opening point of the style.

Center Line


Create a 10mm offset from the 70mm line or opening point to create the complete toung point.
Here we are adding 10mm from the opening point to create the tong. Now reduce the center line
up to the 80mm point.
Create offset line from the center line with two offset value 25mm and 30mm. 25mm at the
toung attachment area with vamp and 30mm at open area. The option to create the offset line is
right click on the center line New->Offset.

Reduce the toung line up to the 30mm. The basic shape of toung is achieved. The corner will be
round off at the stage of pattern extraction.
To create the Eyelet positions make the new offset of center line by 12mm. in the standard.

Identify the 10mm point from the vamp line and 12mm point toung edge line. Option to identify
the points is Tools->Measure->Specify 2D distance Along Line. Always read the command
line and follow the command line direction.
Reduce the 12mm offset line up to the identified point. To move line hold the each end of line
one by one and move up to the identified point. The line of eyelet is achieved. Eyelet stabs will
be applied on the pattern, while extracting the pattern of eyelet facing or quarter.

To create top line draws a curve line from back height point to vamp point. Starting from back
height point curve has to drop by 2mm below the top line of mean from in the quarter area. The
line move up to the opening area by leaving 2mm margin on the center line it will touch the
vamp point.

The above given measurements are only indicative. With given measurement the proportion of
the standard is maintained. It is not necessary for user to follow such measurement strictly only
care to be taken is to maintain the proportion of design for good esthetics.
To create the top cap line a point is identified on center line 25mm form the vamp point towards
the toe area. Command is Tools->Measure->Specify 2D distance along line. On the identified
point the perpendicular is created. Option is select the center line, Line Pull down menu->New-
>Perpendicular->with cursor, click on the identified point and anywhere on perpendicular
position; it will create a perpendicular line.

Add a node on the mid of the perpendicular line, to add a node on mid of perpendicular To do so
measure the full length of line divide the value by 2, that will be mid of line now go to option
Tools->Measure->Specify distance Along Line add the nod.
Next process is to create a new tide offset line with value of (0 0 5), this option will create the toe
cap curve. It is important to untie the new tide line to get the proper curve of toe cap. To unite
the tie line use option Line->Modify->Tied->Untie

The curve of toe cap is achieved, now you can delete the extra lines which has been used for
construction of styles lines, & not required further.

Final Upper Standard with styles lines of Oxford Design.

User can develop any design on the last copy, the style may change as per required, it can be
Derby, Slip-on, Court shoes etc. The process remains as defined above. By using the commands
explained above user can achieve the pre-defined style.
On completion of upper standard the piece extraction process starts. That is covered in LO -03.
The Margins or allowance are added on the piece during the extraction of pieces. Some Margins
are added before, that has been explained like lasting margin. If user wants to add margin on any
net line can add on standard.

Use Line New offset or Line New Tide Offset option of the application. Sometime due to
complexity of the style user needs to add the margins before extracting the patterns, for smooth
extraction of pattern.

View and Redraw

While working on the style user can zoom in zoom out the work by scorrling the mouse scorrling
wheel. As well can use the zoom function zoom cursor function.

To get the full view of complete style or work on the centre of screen use the function icon
Maximise or shortcut kye on keyboard F6.

To Refresh the screen the Option Icon is Redraw Last and styles under the Draw.
To view the all the extracted patterns on the screen use the Icon Redraw Packet.

To view the current active piece on the screen use Icon Redraw Piece.

To view current active piece along with style line use Icon Redraw Pieces and style Lines.
To view the extracted piece you have to turn on browser window. This Icon works as a toggle
switch, you can turn on and off the browser by clicking on the icon.
2. Application of features & design specification
Design specifications
A design specification provides explicit information about the requirements for a product and
how the product is to be put together. Its use is called for where a structure or product has to be
specially made to meet a unique need. For example, a design specification must include all
necessary drawings, dimensions, environmental factors, ergonomic factors, aesthetic factors,
cost, maintenance that will be needed, quality, safety, documentation and description.
Here design specification means is specification provided on upper standard, it must contains the
all necessary information to make it understandable to the prototype developer or at production

Example diagram of upper specification

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